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News Item8/13/18 10:51 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
I have decided to write to every elected official in Washington and push for UGC (universal goatcare). Makes as much sense as the drivel Jiminy keeps throwing out.
He's the property of Trump. He can't hep it.

News Item8/12/18 8:11 PM
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Darren wrote:
Why is SermonAudio sympathize with Info Wars? there a free speech argument? Sure. Do I think fb and YouTube will fairly police content? I doubt it. But why does SermonAudio get involved. Stick with sermons.
What makes you think SermonAudio sympathizes with Alex Jones?

News Item8/11/18 11:11 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Seems like an appropriate place to announce.
My beautiful grand daughter was delivered at 9 am this morning and She is as beautiful as her mother. God has blessed both and I am so thankful to our most wonderful ever loving God for holding them in His hands through her delivery.
Praise God for the precious blessing God has bestowed on you and your family. Thanks for letting us know so we can share in your joy.

News Item8/10/18 10:04 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Trump is living rent free in Jim from Lincoln ā€˜s head 24/7

Trump owns Jim and he doesn't even know it. I suppose that's one reason Jesus said to love your enemies because hatred consumes.

News Item8/10/18 1:50 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, Lurker, the problem is the followers of trump. Of course there's other problems as well.
No, Jim. The problem is Trump controls your every thought and there isn't anything you can do about it. That is Trump Derangement Syndrome and you've been reeled in. I'd say that makes him pretty effective at whatever he sets his mind to do.

News Item8/10/18 12:59 PM
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News item: "New Survey Explores Why People Donā€™t Attend Church"

Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=]]]White Evangelicals Can't Quit Donald Trump[/URL] šŸ‘Ž
It's Trump's fault.

Trump derangement syndrome.

News Item8/7/18 7:54 PM
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Adriel wrote:
What on earth are these narrow and dictatorial institutions trying to do to our children today???
Place of 'Learning'.
Amen to that, brother.

Not learning but indoctrination.

I have a granddaughter who will be a senior this fall at the University of Iowa. But what this university is doing is going on across the nation's universities.... cranking out liberal minds who will one day run this country.

Trump's presidency, I fear, is just a brief respite of what's on the horizon. It would be a miracle if he got elected for another four years. The millennials are hell bent on taking this nation into full blown socialism. And they are empowered through social media. They would have nominated Bernie Sanders as the democratic candidate in 2016, a socialist, had it not been for crooked Hillary and the DNC.

Problem is, the stupid millennials want all the free stuff promised but don't realize that one day they will actually have to enter the workforce and pay the higher taxes socialism requires. They actually believe the "rich" will be fleeced to foot the bill for their freebees while they live free of charge in mommy's and daddy's basement till their mid thirties. College educated idiots.

News Item8/1/18 11:44 AM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
What is reality is your 30 plus year old son, cutting himself off from his family and shows up hopped up on anxiety medication and estrogen, dressed as a woman and saying this the new me, deal with it . And thatā€™s what happened in my family this summer. He divorced his wife, told his friends and told his family only when confronted on his divorce. The new protocol for transgender people is a 4 month hormonal transition and no family contact till everything but reassignment surgery has been planned. The reason is to not have anyone try and stop or intercede this hellish plan. Having said that, Iā€™m taking a break to learn to cope. And despite the efforts to make this a kumbi ya letā€™s get along , I cannot, Iā€™m grieving, Iā€™m horrified and my boy is gone and there not anyone in this family who can change his mind . I have prayed for his soul, but, understand, each one must give an account for their actions, Heaven is real, Hell is real and judgement is coming.
Oh my, brother! I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll be praying for you.

News Item8/1/18 8:53 AM
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John UK wrote:
Jaycobee, as an unregenerate sinner, you do not have any clue as to what question to ask as a first priority.
Here is the question you need to focus all your attention on, because if you get the answer to this one question wrong, you will spend all eternity separated from God and being punished for your sins.


Go all round the houses if you want, but this is the question you need to get the answer to, and you will find the answer in the Bible.
Once you have the answer, compare it with the answer any prospective church gives you. It makes the decision to go or not very easy.

On the mark, John.

It's the question I asked from the onset but was never taken seriously which told me in short order that Jacoybee has never received the new birth. Do I get any satisfaction from knowing that? Absolutely not. It pains me to witness one rush headlong into the abyss of eternal separation. But unless there is evidence God is working in the man's life there is nothing any mortal can do to open His eyes and prick his heart no mater how sincerely or eloquently we try. What appeared to begin with a sincere inquiry for biblical truth has turned out to be a full on defense of the doctrines of devils.

News Item7/31/18 11:15 PM
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MS wrote:
Bless you brothers Lurker and US for your stern reproofs of one who I have considered from the get go an RCC troll.
After todayā€™s posts from him, there is no doubt in my mind what his agenda is.
He is very well schooled in their doctrine of demons.
Blessings to you and yours too, sister.

I had an interesting experience here several years back that you may enjoy hearing about.

There was an atheist who called himself Pastor Mike who popped in every few weeks just to troll the regulars, to get a laugh. He rarely engaged. This went on for a few years and then he popped in once and commented that God was a monster for sending people to hell for not believing in Him since faith is a gift from God. He posited that God can't justly condemn people to hell while withholding the means to get to heaven.

Anyway, I took the bait and we entered into a serious and civil discussion (he knew the bible well, just didn't believe it) which went on for a couple days. In the end I convinced him from scripture that unrepentant sinners will be condemned because they broke God's righteous laws. He thanked me for the discussion, said he wouldn't soon forget it and has not been back since.

That I can handle but this RCC propaganda has no end.

News Item7/31/18 9:29 PM
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I've given you the benefit of the doubt for a long time that you're just checking out the RCC and weighing whether or not to convert. But I'm now joining ranks with several other regulars that you have been lying to us all along and are actually an RCC apologist, or at the least, headed in that direction. I grant I may be wrong but my perception, nor the perception of several other regulars here, isn't likely going to change so I'm going to be very blunt.

This is a Protestant site and you are not welcome here.

I'm going to ask you politely to cease posting and never come back. Of course this isn't my comment board but I'm pretty sure if Steven Lee, the site founder, or Bill Noonkesser the lead moderator, were made aware of what you've been doing, they'd block you in an instant.

I'm prepared to make them aware if you won't voluntarily leave. I'll also post their direct email addresses so any other regular poster can voice their concerns.

Let you conscience be your guide.

News Item7/30/18 10:50 PM
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John UK wrote:
Thanks brother, that explains it most clearly.
I had another look and J4J may be onto something.

Heb 9:15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called **might receive** the promise of eternal inheritance.

"Might receive" translated from the Greek word lambano. The subjunctive mood is the mood of possibility and potentiality. The action described may or may not occur depending upon circumstances.

J4J is right but he wants to make the text a proof of free will. But Jesus, speaking during the first covenant age, tells us the circumstances upon which eternal life is given:

Mark 10:30 There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, **and in the world [age] to come eternal life.**

Whoever penned the Hebrews letter knew few had met the conditions during the first covenant age to receive eternal life in the new covenant age. In fact I'd say the house of Cornelius, whose descent was not from Jacob, were the only ones. Hence, "might receive".

News Item7/30/18 2:34 PM
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John UK wrote:
Alas bro, there is no prize, just the pure satisfaction that you have accomplished the almost impossible task of winning a coveted John UK Post of the Month Award.
Okay..... it worked as I am overwhelmed to the point of being giddy.

Gotta go. Have a great day all.

News Item7/30/18 2:18 PM
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John UK wrote:
Lurker, with that post, you have won the Post of the Month Award!
Hey..... thanks. Where do I sign up?

News Item7/30/18 2:15 PM
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John UK wrote:
So "might receive" means "will assuredly receive".
Hey John,

I was about to post something on J4J's handling of "might receive" but deleted it. But for you, the phrase "might receive" is a verb, in the active voice, from the Greek word lambano. As an active voice verb it is an action that the subject performs. Here is an example:

Matt 8:17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself **took G2983** our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

"Took" in this text is the same Greek word lambano while "might" is a different word, hopos, a particle or adverb.

In either case, hopos or lambano doesn't give the sense of a possibility but, as you rightly assert, assuredly. J4J is just winging it as usual and it's a disgusting abuse of the Truth.

News Item7/30/18 12:59 PM
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One of my business interests in the past was carwashing. I had two locations for over 30 years with self serve as well as automatic bays.

Most I'm sure are familiar with the term Spot Free Rinse which is reverse osmosis filtered water. No spots because all spot producing minerals have been removed. Bottled water is produced by the same RO filtering process regardless of the fancy names they label it as.

In the carwashing industry it's called hungry water because it wants to equalize with whatever it comes in contact with. In that regard it's quite corrosive over time and can actually dissolve and re-suspend metal and minerals such as hard water scale.

In the body it actually has the ability to deplete necessary minerals as it seeks to normalize itself with its surroundings.

It is far healthier to use municipal water and filter it with a high quality carbon filter to remove chlorine and a few other harmful municipal additives as well as bad smells while leaving necessary minerals in the water.

News Item7/29/18 8:33 PM
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Jaycobee wrote:
I just finished listening to [URL=]]]Scott Hahn's Reasons to Believe[/URL]I would encourage everyone to read/hea
From the site:

"He [Scott Hahn] wrote in the first chapter of this 2007 book, "This book is a summons for Catholics to fulfill the duty that St. Peter spelled out. It's not enough for us just to FEEL hopeful, and then hope that our hope will be contagious. St. Peter [1 Pet 3:15] wants us to prepare a defensible account of our hope, showing that its foundations are ushakable, grounded as they are in ultimate reality... We're talking about theology... that branch of theology known as apologetics, the art of explaining and defending the faith." "

Let's see:

1 Peter 3:15 be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you...

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Seems simple enough to me. Probably why Paul wrote:

1 Cor 1:26ff not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise

News Item7/29/18 5:30 PM
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Jaycobee wrote:
Lumen Gentium 16 addresses this too. Salvation outside the church: CCC First, the Church is catholic because Christ is present in her. "Where there is Christ Jesus, there is the Catholic Church."307 In her subsists the fullness of Christ's body united with its head; this implies that she receives from him "the fullness of the means of salvation"308 which he has willed: correct and complete confession of faith, full sacramental life, and ordained ministry in apostolic succession. The Church was, in this fundamental sense, catholic on the day of Pentecost309 and will always be so until the day of the Parousia.824 United with Christ, the Church is sanctified by him; through him and with him she becomes sanctifying. "All the activities of the Church are directed, as toward their end, to the sanctification of men in Christ and the glorification of God."292 It is in the Church that "the fullness of the means of sa
Interesting. On the shroud thread you were insistent to stay on topic but here you're all too eager to jettison the inconvenient topic and quote RCC propaganda to defend the indefensible.

Jesus said "I am the way", not the church. What part of that don't you understand?

News Item7/29/18 2:27 PM
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Jaycobee wrote:
Thank you Christopher. I don't think it's fair to condemn the entire system based on these crimes. After all abuse occurrs in Protestant denominations.
You're right, Jaycobee.

The RCC's doctrine of justification condemns the entire institution. Atrocities such as these simply confirm what we already knew; that the RCC is filled with darkness which knows no bounds. There has never been any chastening for wrongdoing by God with subsequent repentance which makes the RCC b@st@rds and not sons.

News Item7/27/18 1:09 PM
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John UK wrote:
Lurker, I have some scriptures to discuss with you, if you are available later.
Joshua 24:2 KJV
(2)Ā  And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood [river] in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.
From this text, we can be certain that Abram's father was an idolater. We could also say that the wording means that Terah, Abram and his brother were all idolaters, "they" served other gods.
So Abram did more than just dwell in a land of idolaters, he was brought up in it from birth.
Hey John,

It's a great text in defense of your assertion so I'll concede you didn't make it without cause.

However, (you knew there would be a however) I'll not concede to your interpretation because "they" grammatically points back to "fathers" or forefathers and Terah is the only one named. To prove this up just delete "the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor" and read again. So we'll probably not agree but I'll respect your interpretation.

Btw, I can also see from your interpretation of this text why you believe Abram was converted when God called him out of Ur. Still don't agree but understand your reasoning.

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