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News Item8/25/11 11:21 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John Yurich USA wrote:
How many Jobs does Jobs have at Apple Incorporated? That is a joke. Get it?
It would be a lot funnier if the subject of the joke wasn't so ill now.

Hope he becomes saved before he dies, which may or may not be soon now from the way things look and sound regarding him and his condition.

Still, you may have stumbled upon a creepy metaphor:

Employment (jobs) in our country is in about as bad shape as Jobs (the man) is now.

News Item8/22/11 12:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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TSA wrote:
"beat him with the rod"
could be interpreted in various ways. verse doesn't specify what type of "rod" (e.g., steel, PVC, etc.), nor does it limit the blunt trauma to a location on the body, nor is the amount of force limited, nor are the number of strikes limited.
seems to give broad license to bible-reading parents to "beat" their children.
perhaps a federal law needs to be established to protect children from their conservative evangelical parents.
There already are enough reasonable laws to protect kids from parents--and teachers.

I know this because I was paddled by my industrial arts teacher for misconduct back in 1975. My parents were notified and the Vice principal was present with me and the teacher while I was being paddled to insure against excess.

Having too many laws tends to stifle liberty and lower the overall quality of life for most people. We need to be careful about this and not let our good intentions get the best of us.

News Item8/16/11 11:25 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Scott McMahan wrote:
If the "education lottery" is any indication, gambling money doesn't live up to its promise of easy revenues. My state launched an "education lottery" with great fanfare, as the permanent answer to education funding problems. With the gambling money flowing in, taxes would be lower and schools would be better. Yet every year (especially in August), there's a drumbeat of news about how education funding is being cut and how there's not enough money to run the school systems. What happened to all that gambling revenue? Where is all the gambling money going?
Same thing happened in California back in the late 1970s. The slogan then was: "When you win (the jackpot), our SCHOOLS win too!". Well, our schools are now BROKE. Go figure.

News Item8/13/11 1:14 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'm actually glad the question was asked because it goes to the heart of the matter regarding sex roles in general.

Much as I like both Bachman and Palin I wish that they were men if for no other reason that it might keep many future women from being distracted by carreer goals and away from their primary duties of managing the home and raising the kids.

Only one of my 2 sisters ever got around to having a kid; and were it not for IVF, she wouldn't have been able to have that one because she waited several years after she finished school and established her career (in medicine) before settling down.

Is it any wonder that the birth rate in the Western world is imploding?

News Item8/10/11 4:04 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Bibliophile wrote:
"God is lisping to us."
-John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, I. xiii. 1.
That must be it.


News Item8/10/11 12:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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There are places in the Bible where it sounds like God is declaring the Universe to be geocentric (i.e. Ecclesiastes 1:5), but these can be explained as God describing heavenly events in a way to accommodate a person standing on the earth.

I think it was John Calvin who said that God often uses "baby-talk" in order to accommodate man's vastly inferior intellect, much the same way a loving parent condescends to his or her young and developing children.

News Item8/10/11 11:59 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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When I see articles like this I don't know who to be more angry with: Our over-reaching, intrusive government; or previous generations of my people who have allowed government to grow to the point where it feels that it can meddle in areas like this which are none its business.

News Item8/10/11 11:46 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Yet another interesting-looking article, until I encountered this line:

"Venema is a senior fellow at BioLogos Foundation, a Christian group that tries to reconcile faith and science."

That's all I needed to hear before realizing that reading the rest of this article would just be a waste of my time.

Science and faith don't need to be "reconciled". When properly understood, each reinforces the other--unless your particular world-view somehow won't allow you to do this.

News Item8/9/11 2:12 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Scott McMahan wrote:
And they're going to switch to the ... ? Still listening to the crickets chirping waiting for the answer. The euro isn't any better off than the dollar, and I don't know what else is available. As long as China needs dollars in its foreign reserve to manipulate its own currency on world markets, it will hardly dump its dollars and other holdings. And I'm not sure what this "new, stable and secured global reserve currency" is going to be, some sort of UN sponsored currency? The multinational euro-zone is having all sorts of problems trying to keep the EU together and its currency stable, so imagine that worldwide as nations that don't always get along like Russia, China, and Venezuela try to manage a global currency and keep it stable. I think I'd rather put my money in bitcoins than the new world currency.
I agree.

It's still way too early to write-off America and its dollar.

News Item8/9/11 2:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'm not surprised. One of our missionaries to Korea said that many over there eat dogs for the same reasons (stamina). Sufficiently devalue human life in any culture and they'll be consumed in the same way and for similar reasons.

My first thought was that these pills were going to be used to treat infertility but I guess China thinks that they already have too many people.

News Item8/8/11 12:06 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
since Iraq is so free now, I imagine it is a great tourist destination.
It might be if it weren't so close to the front lines of the so-called War on Terror. Then again, even usually-safe destinations, like Bali in 2005, where my wife and I visited, are not immune. It was eerie and sad (especially for the merchants) when we were there and saw how empty the shops, beaches, hotels, and restaurants were of tourists too afraid (understandably) to visit Bali so soon after that Island's recent (2005) terrorist attack.

Much as I like the idea of my libertarian friends who just want to "wall-off" the Middle-East and bring our boys (and girls) home, that idea is not practical so long as Iran (who verbally vowed to "wipe Israel off the map") and similar nations are hell-bent on developing nukes and rockets to carry them. I sure hope our people in the pentagon are going full-speed on some type of missile-defense, because we'll probably need one sooner than we think.

News Item8/7/11 10:25 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Thank you, Barry and family, for your service. I'm ashamed to admit I come from a family that has usually tried to avoid military/combat. My dad enlisted in the Air Force to avoid being a ground-pounder in Korea, but at least he ended up serving 20 years before retiring in 1971.

My instincts, based on everything I've heard, is that we started out fighting the Taliban/Al Queda because of 911; but now we're fighting (through surrogates) Iran. Similar thing happened in Korea, where we initially went in to kick the North Koreans out of South Korea, but then ended up fighting China, through their North Korean surrogates as well as directly with PRC forces themselves.

Unfortunately stuff like this happens in that most messy of endeavors known as 'war'.

News Item7/29/11 11:28 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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DeWayne wrote:
The party of "NO" can't get their acts together. They remind me of my two year (the terrible twos).discovering the word "no" and saying it every time they get a chance. Can somebody please remind them their foolishness is destroying the lives of real people. It's not a game Boehner! Fall in line with the adults and stop playing politics.
I, too wish that I could just snap my fingers and make the paralyzing disunity of this present republican party go away, but it's a lot more complicated than that. We need to control our spending or our country's ability to pay down it's debts and deficits will soon outstrip our ability to generate the wealth required to do so. Assuming we haven't already passed that point.

THAT'S why so many people are saying "no". They're not saying "no" for bad reasons but for very good reasons.

News Item7/19/11 11:46 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The Bible itself hasn't evolved, but God's overall word has in the sense that He didn't think that we, today, needed to have access to the Book of Enoch, Jasher, etc. as previous generations of saints did.

The Bible today contains everything we need to know about God, man, and salvation. Otherwise it would have more or fewer pages than it has today.

Anyone who wants to hear more from God than what's presently stated in the Bible is going to have to wait until the end of this present world.

News Item7/15/11 11:27 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John Yurich USA wrote:
The homosexual perverts are always stating that they were born that way. Now by them wanting to teach Johnny to be gay they are admitting that they were not born that way but chose to be homosexual perverts.
Good point.

News Item7/15/11 11:26 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Job lost EVERYTHING, including his kids.

What has Obama lost? Do he and his people fear the loss of his re-election and their political power that much?

This is just an incredibly foolish comment from an incredibly foolish woman.

News Item7/14/11 2:13 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The Master's Slave wrote:
They're already big loss.
That's what I thought when I first saw this headline.

News Item7/14/11 2:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
A woman in Michigan faces jail time for growing a nice garden in her front yard.
She should move to CA, where many are growing their own (medicinal) marajuana, but are not being prosecuted for it (yet).

News Item7/14/11 12:02 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Ron Paul made a good attempt to show how far our fiat currency has been removed from the assets it supposidly represents (including gold). Bernanke, sadly, is right in a way. He can't achive quantitative easing by creating more gold, but he can sure do it by printing more currency/money.

News Item7/11/11 1:54 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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"diggers unearth the Bible's bad guys?"

When I first read this headline I briefly thought this meant that they had found Manasseh's palace. Or Ahab's, but I guess this article's writers are not counting the Israelites themselves as "bad guys".

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