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News Item9/18/18 5:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must also pray for those traditional Catholics who are in “Latin Mass” parishes inside the Catholic Church, (that are disfavoured by the mainly liberal Vatican 2 bishops), and those in SSPX and other traditionalist Tridentine Latin Mass groups outside the officialCatholic Church), who have been offended by the goings on of Pope Francis.

These folks also need the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be truly born again.

News Item9/18/18 3:28 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I don’t think the Quiet Christian meant a reformation of the Catholic Church inside the Catholic Church, but another reformation out of the Catholic Church.

Most of the early Protestant Reformers were actually Catholic priests or training for the Catholic priesthood, and in some cases initially did not wish to leave their church, but very soon came to the realisation that they had no choice, if they were to be biblical and truly Christ centred they had no option but to leave the Catholic Church and all that it stood for and oppose it, which is what they did.

It is indeed my prayer that in many countries, Roman Catholics will become so fed up with the paedophile scandals, the corruption, the doctrinal turnabouts by pope Francis, that they will start investigating the Bible as the Holy Spirit draws them, they will have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, be born again and will become strongly evangelical and Protestant. It is indeed a time for evangelical Protestant Christians to preach the Gospel to Catholics like never before.

News Item9/18/18 2:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must not forget that this woman, who is in a forbidden position not open to women, has a very illustrious predecessor as bishop of Gloucester who would have been absolutely horrified by all this, and would have denounced her very strongly.

John Hooper was the bishop of Gloucester in the reign of the Protestant boy king Edward VI, and was one of the famous Reformation era Protestant Anglican bishops, along with Archbishop Cranmer, and Bishops Ridley, Latimer and Ferrar.

He was rigorous in inspecting the parishes, requiring the gospel to be preached, the Scriptures read in English and applied, and that Catholic practices be stopped, and all clergy under him had to behave in a biblical fashion and worship was to be Christ centred and Bible centred.

When the fanatical Catholic Queen Mary I ascended to the throne in 1553, bishop Hooper, along with the above mentioned bishops, several evangelical Protestant clergy, and a large number of ordinary lay persons, was arrested, tried for “heresy”, deprived of his office, and in Bishop Hooper’s case, he was actually burned at the stake outside his own cathedral.

I wonder if this woman has any idea of her predecessor’s life and witness, and his stand for Biblical principles and the preaching of the Gospel. I guess not.

News Item9/16/18 2:35 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, this young lady, has followed firmly in her mother’s footsteps, and is an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood, and the other murderers of baby children in the womb.

I seem to recall in the Bible that Queen Jezebel, the Syro-Phoenician wife of king Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel, had an equally wicked daughter named Athaliah, who was married off in a dynastic marriage treaty to the southern king of Judah, and ended up influencing her husband and sons to gross idolatry and worship of Baal, before she finally murdered all her own grandchildren, and usurped the rule of Judah for 6 years, until the High Priest and his godly wife, who had hidden away the sole survivor of this massacre, were able to produce the boy king, and defeat and execute Athaliah, and set her surviving grandson Joash up as the rightful king of Judah.

I fear that Chelsea Clinton is a case of “like mother, like daughter”.

News Item9/14/18 10:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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providing support for homeschooling parents, or even a bit of both, so that choice outside the state (public) school system is maximised.

News Item9/14/18 10:44 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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In the USA, now that secular humanism has been made illegally the compulsory state religion, contrary to the US Constitution by various activist rogue federal and other judges since the 1960’s, with a special unwritten exemption for Islam, all sensible Christian parents should take their children out of the USA state (public) school system with immediate effect, and either home school them, or if possible, find a suitable totally privately financed truly Christian private school for their children.

Truly evangelical churches could easily help out in this by either providing the private Christian schools, and banding together to help parents who can not otherwise afford to send their children there, or providing good support for homeschooled my parents

News Item9/13/18 12:49 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I understand that Yale was founded by evangelical Congregationals in its original form as early as 1701, because they were horrified that Harvard, originally founded by Puritans in the mid-17th century, had gone liberal and yielded over to Unitarianism!!

In fact tragically, all these major “Ivy League” universities had been found and built as solid evangelical institutions and even theological colleges for Puritan and Gospel preachers, and as centres of Biblical Christian education.

How far they have fallen, as they are now centres for spreading the false “gospel” of atheistic secular humanism and evolution, and allied to this from the 1960’s in addition the demands of the sexual revolution and the LGBTQ and feminist movements, but with the Islamic extremists represented as well.

News Item9/13/18 12:40 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Rather puts us to shame. Here in Britain, and also in USA, there is beginning to be some very minor persecution, street preachers being arrested, Christians being sacked at work for saying “politically incorrect” things, and people being denied their degree because they have biblical views on marriage or homosexuality, but this is small and minor up to the harassment that these Chinese Christians have to endure.

The Communists never learn. The previous Maoist purge in the “Cultural Revolution” in the 1960’s and 1970’s didn’t destroy the church, 70 years of Soviet Communism, and some 40 years of hardline atheistic Stalinist Communism in Albania did not destroy the church, and over 70 years of the Kim Family’s dynastic Communist terror dictatorship in North Korea will not destroy the church.

If Xi Jinping thinks he will be any more successful in destroying the church, he is greatly mistaken.

Yet here in the West, churches that call themselves evangelical are buckling to the pressures of political correctness, LGBTQ activism, and fear of offending Islam. Those churches will wither and die but the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ will never die! Hallelujah!

News Item9/10/18 6:29 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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1). This regrettable lady is not qualified to be a minister just being a lady, as the NT scriptures clearly lay out that this office is exclusively for men.

2). God will never tell any person to do that which is contrary to His law and His Word.

3). This woman did not wish to have a Biblical marriage, as she did not wish to have children (no doubt because she wished to pursue the unbiblical profession for a lady to be a church minister). She also compromised her husband as she made a unilateral decision not to have children, that presumably he just went along with.

4). Artificial birth control is totally unbiblical, as Onan in the OT found out, and countless scriptures look on barrenness and lack of children as a disaster.

5). Finally true Christians do not make alliances with enemies of the Gospel and arrant murderers such as Planned Parenthood, or oppose those who believe that life is from conception to natural death.

News Item9/7/18 5:14 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Apart from an ultra rare visit to a church account on Facebook as an outside visitor, I never visit or have any accounts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anything else. I think even more respectable professional type sites like LinkedIn are also somewhat suspect.

These things are best avoided as far as possible. Interestingly, like the Hollywood star that Christopher from Rhode Island mentioned, who banned her children from using these accounts, the very secular French Government has actually totally banned mobile phones, tablets, etc altogether from state elementary schools and restricted their use in high schools (lycees).

News Item9/6/18 2:18 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Typo:- should read “ from the bread and food basket of Southern Africa to the basket case of Southern Africa”, that is the whole region that makes up the Southern African countries including South Africa itself.

News Item9/6/18 2:14 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes there were many wrong things in the old white dominated apartheid system.

However, these are not remedied by a policy of violent revenge and theft destroying what is often the only productive economy of the countryside. This is the only answer that Marxism Communism has to offer, and it transformed Zimbabwe from the basket of Southern Africa to the bread and food basket case of Southern Africa, and now it threatens to do the same for South Africa itself.

Far far better it is to build up strong nuclear family units for black people in South Africa, to increase and improve cheap vocational and skills education in excellent schools, agricultural and horticultural colleges, and work cooperatively with white farmers to bring in skilled black supervisors and agricultural specialists, who can later on buy into joint ownership, or even to transition these farms over time into cooperatives based on the existing workers buying into shares of ownership in the farms.

Otherwise South Africa will quickly share the fate of Zimbabwe, Venezuela and many socialistic Marxist Communistic countries in the world and descend into total anarchy.

News Item9/5/18 11:09 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, John you are right. I have heard the Anglican Evensong services on BBC Radio 3, (basically the cultural and classical music national radio station), some time ago.

At least one thing, the Evensong services are usually filled with spoken and sing scriptures, including as you said, the famous Pdalms sung with distinctive Anglican chant, and the more traditional Book of Common Prayer.

News Item9/5/18 4:09 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Well, if a Bible reading from a modern translation (no doubt) from a Catholic mass can cause offence, a Protestant Church, particularly an evangelical one doesn’t stand a chance.

Belgium as the hq country of the EU, has espoused all the vices of its nominally Protestant neighbour, the Netherlands, with “gay marriage”, abortion, (the then king refused to sign the law and had to technically abdicate for one day, so that it could be passed), and then euthanasia, including for children.

Is it any wonder they do not like the Word of God being read? Here in Britain, there are no religious services on either BBC TV or on the commercial ITV, except at Christmas, Easter and special national occasions, though there is Songs of Praise on Sunday evenings on BBC 1 tv, and BBC Radio 4 has a morning service on Sundays, with a daily service shunted on to the rarely used Long Wave branch of BBC Radio 4.

News Item9/3/18 9:23 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is very tragic. These sort of films should not be shown in any place of worship, and this is obviously the attempt of a liberal cathedral church to “ get people on seats” by entertainment, not that this film (The Wicker Man) is at all

In a somewhat backslidden period some years ago, I actually saw this film on the television.

It concerns a fairly obviously Christian policeman who visits a remote Scottish island to investigate a mysterious disappearance.

He is shocked to the core, to find out that the whole island is given over to organised paganism, led by the local “laird” or squire.

The church is closed down, the small public elementary or primary school is brainwashing the children with pagan beliefs and practices, (sounds like a typical US public school!!). He protests vigorously, the islanders sabotage his plane, and he is finally offered up for sacrifice in a burning wicker man.

This is absolutely disgraceful, and the cathedral authorities in Derby (not Leeds) should be completely shamed. This is indeed the apostasy of the last days.

News Item9/2/18 3:06 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It reminds me of the account I heard from a Pentecostal pastor many many years ago, who hired a community hall for his tiny church.

He even led the Lord’s Supper Commmunion services in this hall.

To his horror, he found out that a “spiritist” Church was also hiring the hall at a different time, so he and his congregation prayed.

After that the spiritist meetings declined and the leader of the spiritist group reported that they could not get any success in their meetings, and this was from the date of the Communion service that the pastor and his congregation prayed.

The spiritists abandoned meeting in the community centre, and no doubt transferred elsewhere.

News Item8/31/18 1:01 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must pray for our pastors like never before.

Churches should indeed have a plurality of elders to which not only is the pastor accountable, but they can rally round to support him in times of difficulty.

These elders should include one or two men who are able to preach during pastoral holidays (and yes, the pastor should be encouraged to take occasional holidays, and that’s with his wife and family as well), and the other elders should be very helpful and supportive and all should be men of prayer.

I was blessed the other Sunday when the pastor was away and an elder preached with great authority, and also led the singing of the hymns with a beautiful voice!!

Also pastors should have good friendships with other pastors of good strong biblical churches, who can swap pulpits on occasions and thereby encourage each other’s congregations.

Finally, pastors should not be expected to speak at too many conferences away from the church, should generally be accompanied by their wives when they go, and should have a cast iron day off each week when they are not to be disturbed!!

News Item8/30/18 4:01 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Sorry as a Britisher to chip in, but I fear that Jim Lincoln is so eager to get rid of President Trump, which of course the organised Left are feverishly seeking to do by fair means or foul, he seems to forget that at the next Presidential election, and even sooner at the Senate and Congress elections coming up in November, the Democrat candidates, or at least most of them, are hard line Socialists of the Senator Bernie Sanders type, and will make even the terrible Hilary Clinton look tame!!

How will he face a USA where transgenderism, LGBT and Islam are protected and even enforced by law, without any protection for Christians, where unlimited Islamic immigration is the rule, abortion and euthanasia on demand is the norm, homeschoolers and genuine evangelical Christian schools and colleges are closed down, and Bible studies are routinely banned under strange “zoning” laws. Does he really want this??

News Item8/29/18 11:00 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Wayfarer Pilgrim, things were not as bad as that here in Britain.

I was in secondary (high) school in 1968, and had been in the school chapel choir, (though state financed, my school was an Anglican foundation, which is still possible in Britain today), and we sang in hospitals, and shopping malls.

Until about 10 years ago, there were carol singers and carols over the music in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and public places.

This all seemed to disappear, and pretty well all shopping malls only play secular “Santa Claus” and “jingle bells” type music now, and carol services are usually completely banned.

Unlike USA, it is not totally illegal to have a carol service or even a manger in a town hall square, but it is increasingly being discouraged, or strict conditions or time limits imposed, and throughout the year open air preachers are being harrassed by over active police and any heckling results in the arrest of the preacher, not the heckler, though most prosecutions are still actually being thrown out by the court.

News Item8/29/18 9:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The main reason why the “good Catholic people of Ireland” are shunning even this maverick revolutionary Pope is obvious.

They were fed up with the paedophile scandals, with corrupt priests and even bishops, and revelations from past times that have come to light about the infamous “Magdalena” laundries run by cruel and harsh nuns for unwed mothers, religious maternity homes also for unwed mothers where babies mysteriously died and were secretively buried, (though renounced now, there was an official RCC belief until the 1960’s, that unbaptised babies who died did not go to heaven, but a kind of outside place, not quite hell, that was called limbo).

This is also why many Irish got disenchanted with the RCC and voted eventually both for “gay marriage” and abortion.

Even a liberal and radical Pope like Francis will not reverse that, in fact, he really is encouraging it, even if he partly denies it.

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