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News Item11/14/11 7:47 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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A follower of gentle Jesus wrote:
I think you are a sickie.
"Think" whatever you want. Most of the rest of us will continue to follow the Bible on this and all other issues in life.

News Item11/14/11 5:28 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Rufus wrote:
"I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate."
-Ron Paul
Further evidence is found in his opposition to unjust wars, the killing of the unborn and balanced weights and measures.
Jim's animus against Republicans in general and Ron Paul in particular make it easy for him to overlook any real Christian characteristics in the current Republican field. He's right about Jimmy Carter though, not just for his being anti-Israel, but for saying and believing that Mormons are Christians.

News Item11/11/11 12:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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My parents became independent, tough, mature, self-starters, out of necessity; having grown up during the Great Depression, during which time they knew that few people were able or willing to give them anything, so they had to work for all they got themselves.

In contrast, I and 2 of my 3 siblings moved back home with our parents after college back in the 1980s, even though the economy was much better than now and we were fully able to live on our own and support ourselves.

Unlike our parents, we kids were provided with most everything we could ever need or want--which I think made us lazier and more expectant than my parents' generation, which in turn felt so bad about their own upbringing that they overcompensated their own kids by inadvertently spoiling them with their newly-acquired affluence.

I'm not a parent, but looking back at my own situation and that of my parents, I can clearly see that being a really good parent must be an incredible challenge. Especially in these present dark times.

News Item11/11/11 11:50 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I remember reading somewhere that certain native American Indian tribes would used fear and intimidation rather than actually physically striking their children to discipline them.

Then again, the rate at which our Western Society is deteriorating into subjective sentimentalism, even these Native Americans would probably even now be being called-out for mentally and psychologically "abusing" their kids.

News Item11/10/11 12:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
John, was that in a Christian context?
Many yrs. ago, the pastor bravely encouraged everyone to discuss his sermon after the service. We tried, but there was no interest. People preferred to discuss other subjects.
You're right, the refrain is often Schuller's ā€œGod loves you & has a wonderful plan for your lifeā€ rather than Edwards' ā€œGod hates you & has a terrible plan for your life.ā€
One instance involved a family member who I suspect was genuinely trying to condescend in a considerate way and relate to me on a "spiritual" level. The other instance involved a fellow college student who greeted me while I was relaxing/reading in the student union.

Neither person was a known believer although the first one was "raised Christian"--even as I was.

I have to admit that even in our reformed presby church I seldom discuss the sermon with fellow parishners after the service. My bad, for sure. Thankfully our elders set aside some time during evening service for us to break into small groups to discuss that morning's message. Kind of a helpful way of "forcing" us to do what we ought to on our own.

News Item11/10/11 12:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Why aren't people reading their Bibles?

Too convicting and too contrary to modern man's pursuit of "positive" self-esteem-building feedback. John 20:3

On more than one occasion, I was reading my Bible when someone approached me and asked what I was reading. One time I was in Proverbs and another time I was in Psalm 90. In each case the person's smile evaporated when I read to them the passage I was reading at the time. Then they said something like "oh wow, that's...interesting", and then went away.

Maybe they were expecting to hear something like "how much God LOVES them" and the rest of humankind, instead of how bad and fallen man's condition really is.

News Item11/9/11 4:20 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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For a couple of brief years in the early 2000s, when the first pocket PCs, equipped with a stylus and OCR software first appeared on the market; I actually thought cursive writing would make a comeback but, alas, the smartphone eventually pushed these out of the marketplace. Oh well.

News Item11/6/11 10:35 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
I bet most of you don't know Brown's theological commitment; hint: it wasn't Transcendentalism.
I thought he was Swedenborgian, but I could be getting him mixed up with John "Johnny Appleseed" Chapman. Another one of America's best known idealists.

I give up, Neil. Please tell us.

News Item11/4/11 11:40 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I still remember people complaining about the "designer jeans" of the late 1970s and early 80s, and how tight and "revealing" they were.

My friends and I used to joke that the jeans worn be some of the girls in our high school classes must have come in a spray-can.

I try not to look but it seems that these same jeans-in-a-spray-can are back in style among our young people.

Oh well.

News Item11/4/11 11:35 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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This article's title makes it sound like Obama mocked one of our long-time national logos, but I heard he was actually alleging that congress' priorities were mixed-up, and that they should be focusing more on "jobs" and "the economy" instead.

A few years back I read a chapter in a book by Dick Morris--wish I could remember the title--which listed the "meeting minutes" of the Pelosi congress for at least a month, showing that much of their activity involved voting on how and what to name various monuments, buildings, and planning social events, vacations, etc.

Perhaps the Boener congress does this too, but this story of the "In God We Trust" logo is the only one I've heard so far.

News Item11/3/11 7:43 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John UK wrote:
Was that the guy with the Chieftain?
"Chieftain", as in the full-size Winnebago RV?

I doubt if even that could take out a phone pole. A break-away light post maybe, but not a phone pole.

News Item11/3/11 12:38 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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CAS wrote:
And maybe it was a side effect of morphine or similar opiate.
And/or Job's perception of the natural breakdown of the mind and senses just prior to death. My sister, a doctor, told me that many of these final experiences are due this, and would explain the differences in experiences from individual to individual.

News Item11/2/11 12:15 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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My friends dad, a believer, said "Amen!..Amen!..Amen!" just before he died.

Makes one wonder just what it was they saw that made them react in such a similar way.

The other most common reaction I've seen is, if the person has sufficient strength, they try to get out of their deathbed as if they have an urgent need to go somewhere.

D'nesh Desousa recently wrote a book on this phenomenon, but I've yet to get around to reading it.

News Item10/27/11 11:45 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
"This widespread ecclesiastical disobedience threatens to tear apart the covenant which holds The United Methodist Church together. It is also a direct challenge to the clear teaching of Scripture. ..."
Interesting how "a direct challenge to the clear teaching of Scripture" is added as an "also."
Great catch.

Shows where their priorities are.

News Item10/26/11 12:15 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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No surprise here.

Atheists and evolutionists frequently overstate the effects of environment on the beings that live within it.

Dawkins is assuming Jesus (presumed by Dawkins himself to be a mere man--and/or highly evolved animal) would have adapted to today's apostate culture by becoming apostate Himself.

Problem here is that the Bible is full of examples of people whose faith persisted and even thrived during times of great apostasy (Lot in Sodom, 100 prophets and 10,000 believers in Ahab and Jezebel's Israel, etc.).

News Item10/22/11 3:32 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Considering that Arnold Schwarzenegger was once the darling of (Christian) Conservatives, she would be a step up, and at least she looks better as well.
Actually he was the only right-of-center candidate who had a chance of winning in such a left-leaning state, which made him somewhat of a "darling of conservatives" by default, I guess.

News Item10/22/11 3:21 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Actually, Clinton got elected and re-elected by a morally dumbed-down populace. Then again, poor Gary Hart didn't have a wife like Hillary to salvage his immoral reputation when it was exposed by media.

Jim is right about Limbaugh's endorsement being "the kiss of death". Modern America is so sensitive and PC that anyone as well-informed, honest, and outspoken as Rush Limbaugh is likely to be widely despised.

News Item10/21/11 12:47 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Trans-gender Barbie (or Ken) will probably be next, the rate we're going as a culture.

News Item10/19/11 12:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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We're having trouble finding enough money to fund the basics (read, write, math, etc.) without having to fund this new esoteric modern cultural perspective.

Since my arrival in the late 1970s, I've watched this once marvelous state gradually slip into the madness that it's known for today.

Gov. Brown's re-election was essentially California's death certificate.

As the saying goes: "put a fork in (us), we're DONE.

News Item10/14/11 12:32 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Obama says "None of Us Make It on Our Own' Without Government Help".

To paraphrase a certain very-popular talk radio host:

Conservative says: "If I can do it YOU can do it".

Liberal says: "I LOVE you! But you can't do it without my help."

Obama's statement above sounds a lot more like the latter than the former.

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