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News Item5/30/09 3:52 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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GG, the TRUTH is:

The origin of the Clergy. Sex abuse scandal can be traced to the flawed theology of the R.C.C., and is one that is systemic in nature. An article written by Richard Bennett, former R.C. Priest of 22 years, entitled “…better to marry than to burn….” sets this forth.
by contrasting the abnormal life of nuns, priests, monks, who reside in so-called religious communities, i.e. convents & monasteries, with that of the normal Christian life in the bond of marriage.

The vow of celibacy imposed by Rome on these men & women which leads to repressed . . pent up sexual frustration invariably produces every kind of vile sexual perversion . . . homosexuality, pedophilia, “unnatural affection” (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:26-27) as we have seen by the ongoing R.C. Clergy sex abuse scandal across the globe & is shown to be the very “doctrine of devils” (1 Tim.4:1-3 ) God's Word declares it to be.
The Lord makes no such demands on His followers, but rather in His infinite wisdom has ordained & instituted marriage between a man and woman (Gen. 2:18-25)and it is in those confines alone that normal sexual desires are to be expressed!

News Item5/30/09 1:41 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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That anyone armed with the facts of this case would attempt to cast the clergy as victims is offensive and seek to dismiss the REAL victims, who carry with them the scars of their physical,sexual and emotional abuse, to mere cold statistics is insulting and obnoxious to most participating in this forum.

To convey the breadth and scope of the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse scandal it must be defined in financial terms, the only language ROME knows! Never biblically sound. .now financially unsound!

Source:Independent,I.e. - Dublin, Ireland
[URL=]]]Church Has Paid Billions to Victims . . World[/URL]

What poetic justice it would be indeed if collective pending settlements awarded to the countless victims of R.C. Clergy sex abuse around the world would break the Vatican Bank!

In the meanwhile, cases continue to emerge, lawsuits continue to be filed, settlements continue to mount and anger, at least amongst some of the more sensitive members of this false church festers.
[URL=]]]Angry Laity Won't Pay for Religious Who PREYED[/URL]
Catholics are not Christians

News Item5/29/09 1:37 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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A religion shrouded in DARKNESS & SECRECY, that puts the interests of their “church” and their assets above those of victims of clergy sex abuse, who has demonstrated a consistent pattern of collusion and cover up by aiding and abetting criminals according to courtroom transcripts, (a matter of public record in these cases), is not the spirit of TRUTH that reigns in the Church of Jesus Christ, but is shown to be rather the very antithesis of it!

Bishops, archbishops, & cardinals who have transferred abusive priests from one diocese to another and have effectively covered these matters up, received their instructions from the pope as revealed in this document:
Crimen Sollicitationis or "Crime of Solicitation," also quoted as Instructio de modo procedendi in causis sollicitationis or "Instruction on the manner of proceeding in cases of solicitation," of March 16, 1962 which can be viewed here: [URL=]]][/URL]
John 3:20-21
“For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”

News Item5/28/09 9:44 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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"An agency will filter all radio ads to make sure they are in keeping with the HIGH MORAL STANDARDS of the Catholic Church, according to the official Vatican spokesman."

The bar couldn't get any lower, as we have seen in the latest revelation of unspeakable clergy abuse in the Roman Catholic Church that has come to light in Ireland in recent days.

Essentially that means no one is excluded, so long as you who have money to spend on advertising!

Which begs the question? What business would want their good name and reputation associated with those who molest children with impunity?

News Item5/25/09 11:37 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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[URL=]]]'The Root Causes for the Catholic Scandals'[/URL]
By Richard Bennett
"It is necessary to see the whole crisis in the light of the Sovereignty of God . . .
God controls all things, this means that evil is also under the control of God. He has, in His good judgment, decreed that the evil of Apostasy would have full dominion right through history for His own purposes. Apostasy and its evil fruits are included among God’s eternal decrees, made known to us in His Word of truth in the Scriptures. (II Thess.2:3-12; 1 John 2:18; Rev. 17:18)
In our own day however, it appears that Christ Jesus is beginning His end time’s judgment, upon the Apostate Vatican Church. There has come upon that Church an “evil …which you will not know how to charm away.” (Is. 47:11) A wound has come upon the Church of Rome that she just does not have the charisma to override. So therefore, “the Lord reigneth; let the people tremble!” (Ps. 99:1)
The Lord God rules the world by His providence, governs true believers by His grace, and administers and judges Apostate systems in His righteousness, even unto repentance.
The true nature of the crisis in the Catholic Church is HOMOSEXUALITY,"
1 Tim. 4:1-3

News Item5/24/09 5:07 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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The websites below will direct you to reliable and credible sources, i.e., reputable newspapers and publications which continue to cover the ongoing Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse scandal across the globe. The articles offer compelling evidence supported by transcripts from actual court records,as well as from internal church documents, i.e., here:
[URL= ]]][/URL]
and press releases. Some of these websites are maintained by Roman Catholics. The facts speak for themselves.
[URL=]]]Abuse Tracker[/URL]
[URL=]]]Int'nl. Traffic in Catholic Priests that Abuse[/URL]
[URL=]]]SNAP Survivor's Network for those Abused by Priest[/URL]
Scroll down for some of the more prominent media outlets that have reported on this crisis here:[URL=]]][/URL]
These are reputable news outlets!
This is not about “hatred or revenge.” This is “real proof”. May God grant you the courage & grace to confront the TRUTH!

News Item5/23/09 2:21 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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Jim said "It's how the Romish Church behaves worldwide, June,"

Yes Jim, but because of the Internet, they can no longer hide!

Encouraging news for VICTIMS of Roman Catholic clergy abuse:
Source; Reuters / March 4, 2009
[URL=]]]Clergy Sex Abuse Victim Can Sue Pope[/URL]

"church decisions come from Vatican, so it's crucial that the Vatican be held responsible for on-going cover ups of clergy sex crimes. "They say the ruling sends a clear signal that anyone who enables American kids to be molested will face legal consequences. It will help prevent future child assaults and coverups of those assaults.

It also signals that the Vatican is not above the law."

The case involves Fr.Andrew Ronan, who is accused of molesting kids in his native Ireland. He was then sent to Chicago, where he allegedly abused three boys, and finally transferred to an Oregon Catholic school, where he reportedly assaulted the victim in this case.
Ronan is now deceased.
Those who have committed these crimes, and covered them up, should be named, shamed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Those who have played will have to pay. That would effectively put an end to the Great Whore!

News Item5/23/09 11:58 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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The Vatican's official Policy on how to handle matters of clerical sex abuse is self-indicting. The so-called “secret document” entitled "Crimen Sollicitatiois" (link: (The Crime of Solicitation) PUBLISHED in 1962 was exposed by the BBC on their Panorama series, called "Sex Crimes and the Vatican" on 2006-SEP-30,at which time, the text of the document was examined.
Two notable quotes from the program:

Father Tom Doyle, a (former)Vatican lawyer:

"What you have here is an explicit written policy to cover up cases of child sexual abuse by the clergy and to punish those who would call attention to these crimes by the churchmen. ... When abusive priests are discovered, the response has been not to investigate and prosecute but to move them from one place to another. . . This is happening all over the world."
Doyle was fired, allegedly because of his criticism of the church's handling of child abuse claims.

Patrick Wall, a former Benedictine Monk who once administered Crimen Sollicitationis in the Minnesota diocese,said:

"I found out I wasn't working for a holy institution, but an institution that was wholly concentrated on protecting itself."

A former Catholic converted to Christ."But by the grace of God, I am what I am:" (1 Cor. 15:10a)

News Item5/22/09 2:16 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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The R.C. Church's systematic pattern of cover up and abuse of power employed to this day and designed to protect their own self-interests makes Watergate look like child's play, and let's not forget . . those who are driving this wicked agenda occupy the highest positions in their hierarchy.

[URL=]]]Secret Vatican Document 'Crimen Sollicitatiois'[/URL]
and [URL=]]]International Traffic Catholic Priests Who Abuse[/URL]

Parents are generally appalled if a convicted sex offender moves into their neighborhood. Yet many of these same folk seem to have no qualms or misgivings about placing their children in real and present danger by enrolling them in a Catholic school, where the practice of abuse of children is widespread and the policy of transferring sex offending priests where they can continue to abuse again with impunity is fully documented.

Saved by His grace from the sin of idolatry . . . indeed all of my sins . . to His praise & glory!

News Item5/22/09 12:04 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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Another horrifying revelation of scandal & unchecked deviant and sadistic behaviour, of physical and sexual abuse chronicled in the R.C. “church” which expose & betray the true spirit at work in this most diabiolical of all institutions on the face of the earth. This latest disclosure is just the tip of the iceberg for the abuse is ongoing and of a pandemic nature. This can be verified here: [URL=]]]'ABUSE TRACKER'[/URL]

For anyone to place a child in any of the numberless Catholic institutions where this abuse is also taking place can only be construed as reckless endangerment.

Only those who have been "blinded to the TRUTH" will remain! May God be pleased to open the eyes of many of these poor and deluded souls who have embraced the LIE and are in bondage to the false gospel of ROME, who by their cunning craft and “doctrines of devils” (1 Tim.4:1-3) have deceived many, & made merchandise of their souls! (See Rev.17&18)

May it please God to save many ensnared by this false gospel, by the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ,(Rom.1:16)that they too be counted amongst the people of God.

“Come out of her, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her plagues." (Rev.18:4)

A former R.C. saved by grace (Eph. 2:1-8)

News Item5/19/09 11:08 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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Thus saith the Lord . . .

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:20-21

News Item5/18/09 2:09 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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May said . .
"Sorry to test your patience, but perhaps the exercise was good?"

How perceptive or should I say how discerning of you to sense that this was so! In this you have spoken the "truth in love". (Eph. 4:15)

I do hope I'm growing in grace, for it is my continual prayer, and I do hope as well that more of the "fruit of the Holy Ghost" is seen in me, and in this that my Father would be glorified (Matt. 5:16), for I am after all "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works" that I should walk in them. (Eph.2:10)

By the way, is your name really May? Are you from the US?

F.Y.I., I generally post at SermonAudio on Sundays.

In Christian fellowship,


News Item5/18/09 11:45 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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So glad John Gill was able to explain what I sought to convey in my original post. I really enjoyed our little exchange, and perhaps we may converse again on another thread.

I have come to understand in my own pilgrimage that the fear of the Lord and of His judgments is not inconsistent with the believer's trust in Him. Last nite as I meditated on the subject further, the Lord directed me to this verse in His precious Word which I would share with you now as a stunning example of just that:

Hebrews 11:7
"By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith."

The prophet Habakkuk also expresses his fear in Hab.3, upon hearing the answer to His prayer as recorded in Hab. 1 & 2 of the prophecy of God's coming judgment upon Judah at the hands of the Chaldeans & the Babylonian captivity that would follow.

Hab. 3:2a:
"O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid."

See also Ps. 31:19 and Psalm 115:9-13, though I could cite many more passages in Scripture.

May, I continue to be "taught of God" as I trust you are as well!

In Christian fellowship,

News Item5/17/09 9:11 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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I believe God's Word in Psalm 119:120 conveys more precisely what I meant when I said:
“We should all be trembling at the prospect of more of God's “shock and awe” in judgment of our nation for these things”

“My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments.” Psalm 119:120

John Gill's commentary on this verse:
Verse 120.

"My flesh trembleth for fear of thee,.... Not for fear of the wrath of God coming down upon himself, nor for fear of eternal damnation; but for fear of what was coming upon the wicked, for their sins and transgressions. The word {n} used signifies such a dread and horror, which seizes a man to such a degree, that it makes the hair of his flesh to stand up; as Jarchi and Kimchi observe; see Psalm 119:53 Job 4:14;

and I am afraid of thy judgments; not of their coming down upon him, but upon the wicked; the thought of which is more awful to good men than to the wicked themselves; and especially when under any darkness, doubts, and fears; lest, being conscious to themselves of their own weakness, they should be left to join with the wicked in their sins, and so be partakers of their plagues."

News Item5/17/09 5:23 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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May . . perhaps I should have said:

We should not be SURPRISED if more of God's “shock and awe” is visited upon our nation in judgment for these things, and indeed, perhaps there is that sense of foreboding in our land, as hundreds of New Yorkers staged an emergency drill this morning at ground zero in anticipation of a future terror attack.

I do most heartily agree that we who by God's grace, have put our trust in the Lord will not be ashamed, though believers may yet be amongst those who die in these coming judgments, as I'm sure many did, in the 911 attack on our nation. I am certain though that those who caught a sight of the Twin Towers inferno behind them on that day, did tremble and were fearful, including believers, as they ran for their lives. It was in this sense that I was speaking.

That being said,
I too can testify to that peace that God is pleased to send into the soul in the day of trouble . .

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee" Is.26:3

News Item5/17/09 3:47 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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Jall, I would most certainly agree that indeed when God gives up a nation to this sin, it must be construed as a judgment in and of itself.

However, I'm equally persuaded that the judgment God visited upon nations in former times for these sins, as recorded in Lev. 18 most surely will follow:

Verse 22:
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Verse 25:
"And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants."

Verses 27-28:
"For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;

That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you."

News Item5/17/09 3:13 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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God overrules. Remember “Katrina”
[URL=http://]]]Katrina Example of God's Shock & Awe[/URL]
“ . . . . the annual Southern Decadence festival was scheduled to take place in New Orleans just days after Hurricane Katrina struck . . . The celebration annually fills the city "with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the public streets and bars" and has been increasing dramatically with every passing year.

Am I saying that God sent Hurricane Katrina specifically because of this one single event that celebrates sin and perversion? Of course not.
God is a longsuffering God and selects and appoints the day and hour when blessings are withheld and wrath inflicted, and because nations cannot be dealt with in the afterlife, they must be dealt with in the here and now.”

We should all be trembling at the prospect of more of God's “shock and awe” in judgment of our nation for these things, and indeed, perhaps there is that sense of foreboding in our land, as hundreds of New Yorkers staged an emergency drill this morning at ground zero in anticipation of a future terror attack. Read more here:
[URL=]]]Terror Drill at Ground Zero[/URL]

News Item5/17/09 10:32 AM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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God's people . . a separated people:

1 Chronicles16:29-35

“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.

Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.

Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the LORD, because he cometh to judge the earth.

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise.”
II Cor.6:17-18
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

News Item5/10/09 5:20 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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To: Lance Eccles:

I would commend to your reading an article written by Richard Bennett, former Roman Catholic priest, entitled [URL=]]]'Identifying the Early Church'[/URL]
in which he carefully shows out of Scripture that the
“early church” . . the apostolic era church, which is representative of the true church of Christ does not in any way resemble the Roman Catholic church.


“The stark reality of the facts of history of the true church permeated with the Gospel of God’s grace in doctrine and practice utterly voids the papal assertion of an historical continuity between the early believers and the papal church via their dogma of apostolic succession. Rather the Roman Catholic Church is the proven schismatic from the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

May the Lord be pleased to add you to His Church!

"And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." (Acts 2:47)

In Christian love,

June, a former Catholic,
converted to Christ, by His grace!

Sermon5/10/09 4:32 PM
June | USA  Find all comments by June
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Well to find Rest
Pastor Michael Pickett
“ A Christ-exalting sermon ”
Pastor Pickett: Thank you again for “preaching Christ” in all his fulness and expounding the precious gospel truths found in this lovely text. Such precious and glorious truths! Christ, our Redeemer Kinsman, as typified by Boaz. Ruth finding grace in the sight of Boaz, as do all who by grace come to know the Lord and find grace in His sight. The spirit of Ruth which compelled her to leave all, that she might be found amongst the people of God pointing to the Spirit of Christ that indwells true believers & inclines us to forsake all for Christ. Ruth, in her marriage to Boaz, typifying the bride of Christ, to whom all the saints are wed spiritually. I praise God that the God of Ruth is my God too! Once again you have ministered to my soul by speaking out of the "good treasure of your heart." (Matt.12:35a)
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