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News Item3/3/19 10:55 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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All hype to get people worked up about nothing. More media manipulation.

News Item3/2/19 6:29 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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People don't need Costi's book. They need the bible and The Spirit. Goats follow prosperity preaching. Jesus said His sheep will follow His voice and will not follow a stranger. The Spirit will lead us into all truth. Bible says that in the last days people will heap up for themselves false teachers. Those folks are lost that is why they follow those people. They need to be saved. That os the problem. If you try to engage those people you will be talking to a brick wall. Give them the gospel and pray for them.

News Item2/26/19 3:05 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Repubs present a born alive bill (not a law to crimilize). Why not since a judge would "strike it down" and the Repubs would act like their hands are tied?. This is posturing for votes. Make the dems look like monsters cause they will oppose it. Repubs can say they are pro-life and point to this as proof. Stop sipping the prolife koolaid. Repubs are not spineless. They are pro-abortion. They want it regulated and Dems want it unregulated at least that is how they present themselves to the public. They are all phonies.

News Item2/25/19 11:42 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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21st century misogyny. Ladies are being abused by men. Men can put on a dress and compete in sports this taking our trophy when he couldn't cut it against other men. Now women can be drafted. I am against drafting our sons now they want our daughters. Sigh! Men abuse women. Women kill their unborn babies. The kids that survive the womb are abused emotionally and physically. Only the power of God through the gospel can change us as a nation. I can't wait for Christ to return and put an end to the sins of our world. To stop toiling under sanctification and be free from sin once and for all.

News Item2/18/19 12:42 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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This is great! All the brainwashing about the environment on the young people have spawned this and now the Democrats being the good hypocrites and liars they are don't want to back this. They never believed this foolishness, but foisted it on people through K-12 and college. They have created this monster and don't want to own it. People like AOC are exposing them. They either have to get on board or backtrack. They are back tracking and AOC's 15min of fame is going to tank. If she is a true disciple she is going to keep pushing this kind of stuff and the Dems won't take to kindly to that.

News Item2/15/19 6:42 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I ask Mr. Trump to show his support by not signing any legislation that gives a dime to PP. I ask him to call on the Atty Gen to investigate PP and do so in a very public way for all Americans to see. Tell the people what they have done and prosecute those to whom it is due. Publically call David Daleidin a hero and a real man. Real men seek to protect women and children and he has displayed a manliness sorely lacking in our society. He put his neck on the line and he is owed respect and vindication. He is a true American hero.

News Item2/9/19 9:59 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Frank wrote:
Well Allie, if you read your initial post to JohnUk, you should easily understand why I said what I said. If not, so be it.
I don’t consider discussing the feminist movement to be getting on a soapbox. I consider that movement to be evil and all you have done is prove my point.
You think I am a feminist. Okay. I don't care about the opinions of strangers regarding who or what I am. The only thing that is proven is that you have made a judgment about who I am based on my responses to your comments. I don't judge you. Why? Because I don't know you.

News Item2/8/19 4:35 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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John Yurich USA wrote:
You really are in dire need of psychological help from Jesus for making the slanderous statement that Trump is not against abortion. What is your problem anyway? You and every other Christian like you who didn't vote in the election last November is the reason why stupid Democrat woman from Arizona was elected instead of the Republican woman.
I just saw this today. How do you know whether or not I voted last Nov? How can you say I have a psychological problem when you don't know me? When you lack facts the only thing left to do is lob personal attacks. You can't challenge with facts what I wrote.

News Item2/8/19 6:57 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Whenever Ms. Cortez says crazy stuff (which is like all the time) I can't help but think that is is what you get when you elect a 29yr old bartender. People laugh at folks saying Christ is coming at such and such a day and time, but accept Ms. Cortez's religious mother earth view that global warming will destroy the earth in 12yrs. Now which is worse the dancing bartender legislating or Dems giving her positions on commitees? These are elderly, seasoned people elevating the dancing bartender. Next 13yr old gamers will be elected to office. Why not? By the way, hopefully someone will tell Ms. Sinema not to show up on the House floor looking unprofessional. Her swearing in outfit looked like something Madonna wore in the mid 80's. The freshman dems truly have been more like traveling carnie side show performers that respectable legislators. I expect a clown car to roll onto the House floor and see the freshmans get out while zany music is playing.

News Item2/8/19 6:30 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Penned, people didn't know about the vaccines because we trusted our doctors. Also, the internet was limited or not around where people can get the info we get today. I was told by a previous coworker several years back that birth control pills work by stopping implantation not fertilization. I was shocked and looked up info on the pill and couldn't believe what I was reading. I didn't know there was never a medical reason for abortion. Saving the life of mom was nonsense. I was still against it, but upset that a woman had to face such a situation. I was in a Sunday School class when I found out by the pastor that it was never medically necessary to abort. He was doing a worldview type of series where cultural issues were examined in light of scripture. I think you are being a bit rash in your assessment. People didn't know, but now we have more access to information and can act accordingly. Pray and keep praying for God to save souls. I am grateful to the pastor for those classes and the info a co-worker shared. They did so calmly w/out telling me how horrible evangelicals are. Btw, most Americans are nominal Christians and just as lost as any pagan. That explains a whole lot. One day every drop of blood will be given account for when He comes. Come quickly!

News Item1/27/19 4:01 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Dr. Tim wrote:
The voters of Minnesota and Michigan wanted to show how open-minded they are by electing these Muslims. Instead, they showed how empty-headed they are.
While I can't speak to the district Rep Omar is from I can tell you that Conyers was pressured out of the House which left his seat up in the 13th district. No one ran against Rep Tliab. Only a Green Party or something like that. No other Democrat or Republican. No other party. That is how she won. Bernie came and campaigned for the Muslim candidate for Michigan Gov and he did not make it in the primary. Gretchen Wilmer did. Other commie foreigners were running for Gov and Gretchen got it. Michigan has one area where there are a lot of Muslims and that is Dearborn. SE Michigan around Detroit is where the ethnic diversity is. The rest of the state especially up north is not like that. Michigan can't be viewed through the lens of Dearborn and the media.

News Item1/19/19 10:30 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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If Mr. Trump was for the unborn then why did he appoint Judge Kavanaugh and not Judge Amy Barret? Judge Gorsich? Why did he sign legislation to continue funding PP? He is spot on with the border, but abortion? Please! The day abortion goes away is the day that there is a national revival. Revival ain't happening without the Pastors preaching like a Spurgeon, Whitfield, Martin Lloyd Jones, etc. The SBC is too busy promoting SJ along with The "Gospel" Coalition. Conference after conference of the same ole speakers and musicians. I reckon little or nothing will be differnt in 2019 unless the local church becomes the priority and not para-churches, organizations, councils, and statements.

News Item1/2/19 7:14 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I see a couple of comments going back to Knox's emotionally charged comments against women after surviving the brutal reign of Queen "Bloody" Mary. Hitler, Pol Pot, Map, Stalin, Papacy, and others have been far worse. Men have carried out far more sustained atrocities against humanity and still do as they are in charge. Male officers stood outside a British hospital to keep people from helping a defenseless toddler given a death sentence simply for being sick. Ms.Talib and Ms. Omar have an agenda and that is to advance the dismantling of Israel for Islam. Ms. Cortez is just another goofy millennial out of touch with reality. Knox's statements made under duress should not be promoted. For those who haven't read it do so. Hard reading because of the old English. An abridged version may be available. See if what he wrote is a biblically accurate description of women. He was corrected by John Calvin and back tracked after Elizabeth ascended to the throne. And no I am not a Feminist cause I recognize Knox's writings as an emotional response to the efforts of Queen Mary to squash the Reformation. Queen Mary was a militant Catholic seeking to re-establish it as the religion of England. Remember she had a despot of a father who mistreated her mother and by default her.

News Item1/2/19 6:46 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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In the scriptures God's people were buried when they passed. I can't recall anyone being burned unless they were under judgement or practicing human sacrifice like Baal worship. The practice is pagan and not Christian. Like someone said it pointed to the fact of a future ressurection.

News Item12/7/18 9:18 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Church services were held in the US House building years ago. Thomas Jefferson thought the bihle should be taught in school from a moral perspective. Pope Francis addressed Congress in his priestly garb from a podium a few years ago and the atheists were quiet. Atheists say nothing about Islam in schools. The good people out to go and tell the atheists to go fly a kite and give them their money since it says "in God we trust." They aren't atheists, but anti-Christian. If you let them bully you then you deserve the tyranny.

News Item12/6/18 7:41 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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This is a schtick to take more of the people's wealth. They went to diesel to "save the planet" now They want to increase the tax. That is all the climate stuff is. A way to control people. China and India the world's largest polluters and as far as I can see no one harasses them. It's the rich people in the west that must suffer. Glad the people spoke up and their President backed off. They need to keep speaking up. I don't see Monsiuer Macron as a tough leader. He did marry his high school teacher who was romantically attracted to him and (and it was mutual) eventually left her husband for him. That is not a person who should be in authority.

News Item12/5/18 4:11 PM
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Connor7 wrote:
How many of you have watched the interview? How many of you have listened to pastor MacArthur stand on the authority of the scripture? I’m 30min in watching it, and all I see is a preacher standing on the authority of scripture.
And penny, you made some grave accusations and that demands credible documentation, and I’ll say it again, it demands documentation, you are making accusations against men in ministry and that is no joking matter. So can you provide us with documentation?
You can google what Penny has said. Info is available. What is true and not true I have no idea based on official documents I screened. I am neither a member or student at Pastor Mac's church and college. His church can investigate and decide what actions to take if any. I have a pastor at the church where I am a member in good standing. I don't need to spend a lot of time and effort figuring something out I can't nor care about.

News Item12/3/18 7:46 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Frank is on to something. Going after companies while our tax money goes to those people is the real problem. Call the white house and your congressman and ask them to stop funding them. Contact them regularly. If that happens I think there will be a change with the companies. If you want to boycott them you can't really cause they own multiple companies. You would have to be willing to forgo things and do alternative shopping and garden on a huge scale. I do both. I buy a lot second hand, go to small farms for beef, chicken, pork, eggs, and honey. I buy a lot of second hand clothing and other items. I get to meet some great people too. Food tastes way better and is cheaper than the grocery store. Keep praying for abortion to end. The good news is it will if not in this life then when our Lord returns. He will avenge every drop of preborn blood spilt and we shall be comforted and never have to live amongst that scourge any longer.

News Item11/24/18 11:08 AM
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Just uninstalled my Airbnb app.

News Item11/24/18 7:49 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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President needs prayer. This is an attempt to have a "gotcha" for him. If he uses force the lefties (commies) will paint him an animal and if he doesn't do anything or little his base will think he is a paper tiger and betrayed the country. We are told in scripture to pray for our leaders so that we can lead quiet and peacable lives. Those thousands marching to our borders to cross without doing it legally are not bringing peace to America. That is an act of aggression.
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