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News Item5/11/16 2:16 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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It's great stuff! We discovered it from necessity after we tried to can whole peaches and the skins absolutely refused to come off! We tried every tip and trick we could find, but no luck. So... we found the Peach Butter recipe in the Ball Blue Book and have made it for years! If you'd like to try it, here's how we make it:
1. Wash and pit peaches, soak in water with "Fruit Fresh" (citric acid).
2. Blanch in boiling water for 15-25 minutes (about 18 peaches/batch)
3. Run Peaches through Food Mill. (Using Pumpkin screen and Grape spiral). Run through 3-4 times.
4. Add spices: 1 teaspoon of each- Ground Ginger, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon.
5. Add 4 cups of sugar per 2 quarts of sauce.
6. Simmer and cook down till thick. May take hours (lots of hours!) to thicken. Stir to prevent sticking.
7. Water bath can in Pint Jars with 1/4" Headspace for 10 minutes!
Enjoy! How is Greek Coffee different from Normal Coffee? Is it the beans or the preparation?

News Item5/11/16 2:15 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Sounds like you could use one of those "Urban Apple" trees I saw at the hardware store this spring! They look like apple poles and come in multiple varieties! Hope you have a Blessed Day!

News Item5/11/16 9:19 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@John UK
Yes, indeed! Another factor, over here at least, is the hyper "spiritual" movements- where people think that "God's Word" means whatever they think God "revealed" to them, even if it contradicts the Bible. Usually seems to start with the statement "Well, MY God would never..." or "God wants ME to be happy, so...". In short, Humanism. With the Osteen-esqe idea that Christianity = your best life now, how will these folks withstand any persecution?
How comforting though, that "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."~ John 10:27-29

News Item5/11/16 7:29 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@John UK
Hope you have a wonderful day! Not to disagree with your assessment of the times- but your country did burn Christians at the stake once upon a time, yet apparently that was not the end. IMO, things are very bad- but I feel rather ashamed complaining when I read either Foxe's Book of Martyrs or current reports from other parts of the world. I think the west in general has a very small idea of both persecution and tribulation- expecting that if life gets a tad uncomfortable, then it must be the end times and the rapture should be coming in short order. It's almost as if western persecution is the only persecution that "counts" in how they determine the end times. That said, quite distressing to see the state our countries are in.

News Item5/10/16 9:44 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Thank you for the prayers- they are much needed and appreiciated! Would love to grow an Olive tree and make our own olive oil- but, sadly, that's not possible in my area.
We did have a Peach tree for years, but the extreame winter a few years back damaged it severly and it never recovered. We're going to chop it down this Summer as it is now completely dead. We still have jars of Peach Butter from it though! Planted Cantalopes and Watermelons the other day as well! Hopefully they do well, but we've not had much luck in the past. Hope your cold continues to get better- wishing you plenty of rest and warm cups of soothing tea!

News Item5/10/16 9:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@Mike and Geff
Personally, I was wondering how much Beck had to pay all those Indiana Voters so his evil scheme would work!

News Item5/9/16 11:46 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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You're Welcome! I learned a lot as well- I was familiar with the Southern cases from researching my Ancestry, but the other places where a surprise to me!

News Item5/9/16 11:45 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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..."And that all Americans have the right to decent healthcare without paying thousands of dollars for it?"
No. Firstly- It is quite Un-Constitutional and against the principles my country was founded on. Secondly- (and more importantly) Rights come from God, not the Government and He has not given the State authority over either Healthcare or Education. God ordained 3 forms of human government- Family, Church, and State. They each have their own spheres of jurisdiction. The State is to uphold the God-given rights of the Citizens and to Defend the Country. Healthcare belongs to the Family first and if the Family cannot afford it, then the Church should step in as it did for the 1,900 years before Progressive Big Government took over. The result since then has been vastly increased costs, and a system where Un-Elected Non-Doctors meddle with, and thus change, how Medicine is practised- normally for the worse.
"I think your government wants a nation uneducated,uninformed,uncared for,malnourished and stuck on the internet."
Isn't that a very good reason NOT to put our Government in charge of those things?

News Item5/9/16 11:45 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Hello! Got the Garden mostly planted last night- why pay over a dollar for 1 Pepper when you can pay much less for a whole plant?! What kind of Fruit trees do you have? We've got Apples, Cherries, and various Berry Bushes and we want to get Peaches and Pears!
Just want to answer the questions you asked last night:
"Do you not think that education is a gift?"
Yes it is! But it is not the State's to give. (More on that in a second) My parents gave me and my siblings a good education- homeschooling us themselves and purchasing our curriculum out of their own pocket on one income while also paying the mandatory taxes to cover other children's public education. We simply cut costs other places, (Hence, for example, planting a garden!) Now they even offer Free Online Curriculums you can use! ...

News Item5/9/16 11:44 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Excellent post! Fallen Human Nature is always THE problem- I'm just saying that Government overreach is A problem!

News Item5/8/16 5:44 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Would like to discuss this further, but at the moment I've got Veggies to plant! I'll try to respond tomorrow- Sound good? Take care of that Cold- I'm still trying to get the remnents of mine out of my lungs so I can definatly sympathize! God Bless and have a nice evening all!

News Item5/8/16 5:34 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Unfortunatly, Sanger was but one Eugenicist among many. That the State feels the need to run blood tests and physical exams before giving it's "permission" for people to marry is, in my opinion, straight up Eugenics. Furthermore, the Marriage License was used as a tool to enforce "Anti-miscegenation" laws that were part of Jim Crow segregation. Those laws hung around until 1967 in the South.

News Item5/8/16 1:31 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Gun purchases require at a minimum a background check and more in some states- shampooing not so much! Still, there's been a great shift from running away from Govenment meddling to running to the Nanny State.

News Item5/8/16 11:57 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Greetings! Just for your consideration, Who does the Bible say is responsible for Healthcare and Education? Did the Good Samaritan hand the beaten man off to the Government? Did Jesus say the Government should have reimbursed him? Did God have the Israelites set up Schools to teach their Children? Or did He command the Parents to teach them? Do we see ANY example of state education or healthcare anywhere in Scripture?
As others have noted, all Government money comes out of our pockets, thus people who don't need or want a Degree pay extra so everyone else can get one. Curiosity, Self- Discipline, and Flexability are all you need nowadays to teach yourself almost anything! God Bless and Hope your Cold is getting better!

News Item5/8/16 9:39 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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LOL! Talk about Mind Melding Mayhem! Do Lizard people have access to "The Borg"?

I don't buy it for a second- your far too sane to be moonlighting as Tony! (Also, Your post was WAY too short!)

News Item5/8/16 8:56 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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How did businesses run for the first 100+ years of this country when we had no "licences"? It's a fundamentally statist idea. The Government proposes licencing to "protect" the citizenry- but for some reason it usually ends up being only about revenue. The FDA and the amount of questionable drugs they allow is one example. Their crack down on alternative non-copyrightable things is another. Case in point: Stevia. The Marriage "Licence" as we know it was mainly inspired by racist segregation and eugenics ideas in the south. "Licence" means "permission" and many of the "licences" in my neck of the woods are designed only for revenue with no evaluations to "protect" anyone. Generally speaking, the free market does a much better job than the Government when it comes to protecting consumers. For example: the Government allows all the ingredients found in cosmetics. The private and independent Environmental Working Group notifies consumers as to what studies have been done on the ingredients and what possible harm they can cause- no thanks to the Government who collected the fees for our "protection".

News Item5/7/16 7:47 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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No problem! I didn't happen to see yours before I posted or I probably would have held off instead of coming across as a parrot! We've been in an area with no Internet, TV, or even reliable Radio for the past week and didn't know that Cruz was out until yesterday.

News Item5/7/16 7:23 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Case in point:
I wrote up that post over the last 30 min. while making Dinner. I went to post, noticed a spelling error, stopped to fix it, finally posted and presto!: Geff posted much the same thing just before I did!

News Item5/7/16 7:18 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Not magic... just Providence! I've given up trying to figure out why we're constantly posting at the same time or why I'll finish writing a post just to find that Geff, JayJay, or BibleSays has posted almost the exact same thing. It's a tad creepy at times, but I promise that neither I nor John 8:32 nor 2Tim know or are collaborating with Geff, JayJay or BibleSays.

Agree! We hope in God- not in mortal men!

You may wish to look into the Constitution Party. They don't have Ballot Access in every state- but their platform is solid on the important stuff and a first glance at their candidate looks good as well. Hope you have a Blessed Day!

News Item5/7/16 12:08 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Trump makes evangelicals uncomfortable because he brings up the 28 pages (the evangelical-bush alliance with Saudi-Wahhabism) and his insistence for decades that these were faux wores to be avoided."
I, for one, certainly don't feel uncomfortable about him because of that! I revile him for his base, course, loose, filthy lifestyle for which he feels no need to repent. I abhor him for his lack of Fear before the Almighty and for his enormous ego. I fear what my country will look like under him because of his seeming mental instability. I feel uncomfortable about him because he says one thing one day, the opposite the next, and his followers believe both and cheer louder. To be clear, I do not wish him any ill, and I pray that the Lord will see fit to save him. Until that day comes I cannot and will not support or vote for him.
P.S. Objective descriptions of someone do not qualify as "name calling". For example, the word for a person who lies is "Liar". The words for a person who commits adultery and fornication are "Adulterer" and "Fornicator".
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