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Blog8/7/08 10:38 PM
Jason | Earth  Find all comments by Jason
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My heart’s desire is to be of man of God, completely yielded to Him in all my ways; my mind will never be sufficiently renewed and washed until I am completely conformed to the image of Christ, just as the Church we see in this world ( and I include all churches) is not without stain, wrinkle or blemish. If anyone’s life is dissected and probed, there will be evidence of not being “sufficiently renewed.” However, our Lord also sees us in our positional standing before Him, as individuals and the Body, through His righteousness that He has given us.

My heart and mind is fully known by God, and He will bring about the needed changes in my life (Ps 139). My limited life experiences have made it very clear to me that I am a poor judge of other’s motives, hearts, and minds (1 Sam 16:7). I am open to His leading and desire to press on in my Christian life. “ Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (Phil. 1:12)

Blog8/7/08 10:36 PM
Jason | Earth  Find all comments by Jason
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“This is evidence of a mind that has not been sufficiently renewed, and a conscience that has not been washed and revived by the Word of God (Ephs. 5:26).”

I know that as a Christian, my sanctification is a LIFE-LONG process. Philippians 1:6 makes it very clear that the Lord will continue the work HE BEGAN in me until I either die and go to be with Him or meet Him in the air. I also know that I must keep on being filled with the Spirit (Eph5:18), it is not just a onetime event or a plateau we may reach and never again need His filling. 1 John 1:9 tells me that I need to confess my sins and He will purify me from ALL unrighteous; the sins I need to confess are those that the Holy Spirit convicts me of, not simply what others will point out. Real change comes from the work of God within the heart. I have already changed some of my views on music, by the grace of God. And by His grace, He will continue to change me from the inside out, and the desires of my heart will become His (Ps. 37:4). For some of us, that change takes longer than others; but He loves all His children the same.

Blog8/1/08 2:29 AM
Jason  Find all comments by Jason
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What's the difference between Harry Potter, vs Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Narnia? Shouldn't LOTR and CN be classified as something like HP. After, all CN and LOTR do have witchcraft.

Sermon7/31/08 9:19 AM
Jason | North Carolina  Find all comments by Jason
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“ Outstanding!!! ”
Brother I have heard read and even preached several sermons on the falsehoods of the faith healing movement and I have never before heard one that quite so well destroys their position as yours does. God Bless you Brother for taking the stand you have keep preaching the Word of God!

Blog7/30/08 9:30 PM
Jason | The Planet Earth.  Find all comments by Jason
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I've seen Saw 1. And that was enough for me, and reading from detailed reviews of 2, 3, 4. It is not something I want to continue to watch. Seeing limbs and body parts get ripped off in horrible ways, gore and blood squirting everywhere... Violence in movies in one thing, but there is a limit to where they can go "to far" with violence, were it becomes just sickening to watch. That is what Saw is known for.

I don't like giving my location to people, or even my city. Unless, of course, I know them personally.

Blog7/29/08 8:46 PM
Jason | Space  Find all comments by Jason
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So, before you bash a movie telling everyone how wrong it is, I’d recommend you watching the movie for yourself. Don’t judge a book by its cover until you’ve read it for yourself. Unless, of course, you’ve seen the movie. Which based on your huge negative review, I doubt you have. Maybe you have though.

Blog7/29/08 8:45 PM
Jason | The galaxy  Find all comments by Jason
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We see the detrimental changes one character undergoes as he chooses to seek revenge on those he feels have wronged him. The Dark Knight is not what I would consider a movie to shun from watching. It is dark movie, yes, there is violence, but not necessarily in the way you are insinuating and exaggerating…especially having pluggedinonline comparing it to the saw series…that a little extreme… The movie is dark in that it shows the truly evil nature of the villains and how a person can become corrupted by continually making bad decisions. But Batman is ultimately the hero of the movie and he chooses to make huge personal sacrifices for the people of Gotham.

I wouldn't consider any of that a horribly objectionable "evil" or anti-Christian film. You make it sound as if the movie should be shunned. I agree that the Lord's name should not be taken in vain. I'm sure most Christians have boundaries for the movies they will watch. However, all Christians have different limits that we set, that differ from individual to individual. Where to draw the line is important and involves a great deal of discernment on our parts. Also people will not always agree on where the line should be drawn.

Blog7/29/08 8:43 PM
Jason | Some place in the Galaxy.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason
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I would first like to say that the quoted pluggedinonline review is not accurate. Pluggedinonline at times over-exaggerates on how they describe e things. Comparing them to the Saw series is completely ridiculous.

I take it basically, that essentially, you are saying that The Dark Knight is an evil film and Christians shouldn't be watching it. But I do object to your labeling of The Dark Knight as a movie with a "violent and dark or maybe even a (evil) message”, and should be avoided at all costs. The movie actually has several positive messages throughout this fantastic film. Batman goes so far as to willing sacrifice everything he holds dear (his reputation, his chance at a relationship with the woman he loves, etc.) to protect the people of Gotham. The people of Gotham also demonstrate and strongly show a heightened sense of morality when they are tested with a kill or be killed "experiment" set up by The Joker. Lt. Gordon continues to set a good and positive example for the citizens of Gotham as a trustworthy and honorable police officer. And eventually turns into Commissioner Gordon.

News Item5/10/08 10:47 AM
jason | fl  Find all comments by jason
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jhawk44 - My wife and I have 6 children and we get looks as though we have 14 heads each, not to mention the stupid comments we get and thats for only 6 kids. I don't see this as a way to treat them as celebrities but more so to put them in the media as a mockery. This is just one way that the world treats us christians, they mock us and down grade living the word of God. This family lives the word of God and it shows for their quiver is full! They will be blessed of their obedience and their persecution.

News Item8/20/07 6:51 PM
Jason | Jax Fl  Find all comments by Jason
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You said it right - "WOE TO AMERICA."

News Item8/3/07 7:54 PM
Jason | Jax Fl  Find all comments by Jason
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It absolutely amazes me that some here would even dare to say that they are Christians, what we read is selfishness, mockery, and what even seemed to be a post of harlotry (Tawana).
Pastor? CBC said it best, "Imposter". Goes to show that even a site in which we hope to be a predominant "Christian" site, even here there are tares among the wheat. Sad.
Pro Gun, I stand with you on the home schooling. I too home school all of my children.
Abigail, I couldn't agree with you more, most people now adays are in this saddened state of mind.

News Item8/3/07 1:20 PM
Jason | Jax Fl  Find all comments by Jason
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We praise the Lord for this families obedience to the word of God, Gen 1:28 His first command for us to "fill the earth being fruitful and multiplying it."
As my wife and I are expecting our sixth child now we hope that God will multipy our family in such and amazing way as He has with these beloved people.

News Item7/30/07 6:11 AM
Jason | Jax Fl  Find all comments by Jason
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This has been a terrible situation for these last 22 beloved Christians. It is my hope and trust that we all have been and will continue to pray for these brothers and sisters.

Sermon5/19/07 1:12 PM
Jason  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason
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Choosing to Love
Dr. Greg Mazak
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi, this message is great and true which we ought to live by....I konw I'll be thinking past being in love when i get married. Thank you very much for this....God bless, for his word and you sharing it..

Sermon5/16/07 1:43 AM
Jason  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason
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Facing Your Fears
Mark Chanski
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi, this sermon by Mark was great. Anyone who wants to live in Joy and who wants to have a good start, listen to this message and truly, willingly live by it and have it in your heart and it will be well with you through Christ, Amen for this..

News Item3/3/07 9:51 PM
Jason | Texas  Find all comments by Jason
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I know that Catholicism, Mormonism etc. is wrong and not to be joined hand in hand but I also know that Jesus ate with sinners. Paul said to be all things to all men. Alot of you jokers on here probably blame your fruitlessness on "persecution". Turn around, who is following you? By your witch hunting and time spent criticizing, I would imagine not very many. It is a Christian requirement to "bear much fruit". You must persuade men, that implies human ingenuity and diligence directed by the spirit. Many like to simply criticize and declare their righteousness when billions are separated from Christ. The gift of reconciliation is ours. Go, press in, "make" disciples are commandments that we have been given and we stand there and polish our boots. Get out there and get criticized!!!!!! You know everything, let's see your stuff!

Sermon1/29/07 8:32 PM
Jason | Colorado  Find all comments by Jason
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“ Essential Listening ”
Pastor Kit continues to hit the nail on the head regarding the importance of rightly understanding "Sacred Space". Since sacred space is a creational reality and the Dwelling Place of God is really "the realm in which God is present in relation to His creation", then we should expect that Shalom (and the principle of Shabbat) would characterize His creation. Shalom is absolute, perfect Peace; a peace that speaks of wholeness and total harmony. Shalom connotes integrity-every (created) thing "being" true to its inherent nature and its essential function. Pastor Kit says this: "Viewed comprehensively, shalom is the condition in which every created thing finds itself in perfect conformity to itself and its created function. In turn, this full and faultless self-conformity expresses itself in inter-creational harmony: When a given thing is perfectly conformed to its own created nature and function, it equally exists in perfect harmony with everything else." Amen! And what was "lost" in the (typological) Garden, God has promised to restore! The OT prophesies (in its fullness) of the One to come in whom creation will be restored-Christ the Lord! In Christ is the restoration of all things. And "in Christ" God dwells with His people. In Christ is our Shalom and our perpetual Shabbat!

Product12/12/06 5:24 PM
Jason | Colorado  Find all comments by Jason
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Speak Lord
“ Great Book! ”
Just finished the book--fantastic. This is a very clear book and an easy read. Very good general introduction to Biblical Theology and its importance in the hermeneutical endeavor. A truly biblical interpretation is the one that the Bible itself reveals as it interprets itself, and this book provides the theoretical (biblical) foundation and practical application necessary to understand the Bible on its own terms. If we want to know what God says, we need to know how to listen to the Bible; and we only listen to the Bible when we know how it is speaking. This book is a profound gift to the Church--read it . . . and then "listen" to the Bible speak of the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
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