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News Item11/7/18 9:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically New Age is a terrible deception. It is basically an idolatrous worship of the “god” within, basically of self. It is a religion of works, and of experience.

Unfortunately, many “evangelicals” in the Charismatic and Emerging Church movements. because of their increasing Biblical illiteracy, and a total absence of solid doctrinal preaching from the pulpit, are developing their own versions of the New Age.

Certain very large, and many equally smaller churches, are driven by experience, esoteric practices, mystical music and atmosphere, and strange rituals, peppered with a few isolated Bible verses taken out of context, and strange “prophecies” and “revelations” from self appointed modern “prophets” and “apostles”.

News Item11/7/18 9:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Obviously, the somewhat questionable evangelical advisers (from the “prosperity theology” camp), were unfortunately absent when President Trump made this most unfortunate nomination for what I understand to be the most liberal and activist of all the US Federal Appeals Courts, that of the 9th District, which covers the “People’s Republic” of California, and the equally liberal West Coast states.

Unfortunately, some of the liberal “Republicans” in the USA have been as dangerous as the liberal “Conservatives” that rule us here in Britain.

While expressing some relief that the Senate has been spared a leftist takeover, (though I am not too sure that one should trust some of the liberal “Republican” Senators that are there), now that the House of Representatives has gone over to the leftists and globalists, one can expect at least two years of obstruction and difficulty for President Trump.

In the end, the Christians must not trust in their President, except to pray for him, or any of their Federal and State legislators, and State Governors, city mayors and others, but only in the Lord, and to preach the gospel like never before.

News Item11/7/18 4:00 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, Youth in Asia, I think you have a point. Drinking alcohol, modes of dress, and so on are no doubt important issues, but they pale into insignificance, when one sees news items about persecuted Christians.

I really pray that God will bless the river fishing boat fellowship Bible study in North Korea armed with their new Bibles!! Here, they are able to do what the Apostle Peter and his brother, the Apostle Andrew, did on both fronts, catch literal fish and maybe in a very secretive way, catch human “fish” too. I also pray for the other group, that picked up the old Bibles from the hotel janitor!!

I am also praying for Aasia Bibi, who was acquitted of blasphemy against the Islamic prophet in Pakistan, by the Pakistan Supreme Court, but unfortunately the cowardly government there has caved in to pressure from the hardline lawless Islamists, that they would stop rioting if she was kept in prison, placed on a list of people not allowed to leave the country, and the Supreme Court was made to “review” its decision. That is called government by the mob.

News Item11/6/18 2:09 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is not just pro-life groups and charities that are being banned by University and College Student Unions.

Christian Unions and other evangelical groups are also in the spotlight for banning at Freshers Fairs, and even for holding their meetings in University or College premises, or having a book table outside the Refectory etc.

Of course the abortionist groups, the leftist groups, and naturally the Islamic Society never have any problems, and the liberal denominational associations like Anglican Chaplaincy or Meth Soc (Methodist Society), who compromise with everything, will never be challenged.

Thankfully, in Britain, we do have the Christian Institute in Newcastle, and another smaller legal group in London, that will contest these cases in the courts, and they have had some success. I think there was even a case in the famous Oxford University where the authorities and Student Union tried to ban the Christian Union and thankfully it was not successful.

News Item11/6/18 1:52 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No, Mr Lincoln, I guess if Justice Kavanaugh had been an activist leftist judge, and had undergone the same accusations, you would have supported him.

What happened to Justice Kavanaugh was nothing short of a brutal plot to make sure that he was not confirmed because the abortionists and Planned Parenthood did not want an anti-abortion judge on the Supreme Court. The attack on him was planned, coordinated and directed at every stage by the leftists and pro-abortionists.

The case against him has collapsed, and it was based on what we would call in my country, slander, lies and perjury. Slander is a civil offence against the law, but perjury is actually a criminal offence. Lies is a spiritual offence and a breach of the 10 Commandments .

These false accusers who are now admitting they lied, should be prosecuted, and those who aided them in their slander should be sued for millions.

Mr Lincoln, have you no compassion for this man, and most particularly for his wife and his daughters? Don’t compare him with that dreadful woman, Hilary Clinton. That is disgraceful.

News Item11/4/18 6:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, I recall that the previously liberal head of ACLU in Georgia, a black woman and a very conscientious mother of daughters, resigned in protest from her headship of that organisation when a trans “male to female” barged into a bathroom (in Britain we just call them public toilets!), in front of her and her daughters, and insisted against her protests on using the facility and no doubt exposing himself in front of them.

In olden days, such a person would have been promptly arrested for gross indecency, or possibly if it was felt by the relevant authorities that he was mentally unhinged, he would have been collected by the people in white coats, armed with a stretcher and a strait jacket to put on him!!!

Now, it seems the politically correct politicians, have joined the queue of those who should be destined to “a visit to the funny farm”, or maybe more likely to the local jail, as one of these two places is where these perverse politicians should definitely go and stay for a long time without any further delay!!!

News Item11/4/18 4:50 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I may be British, but I would encourage my US brothers and sisters to get out and vote, otherwise these radical committed zealous enemies of the Gospel and of Christians will definitely get in and do their worst. Think carefully, and vote carefully.

News Item11/4/18 4:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I am very sorry for the regrettable typo of God’s Name. My fingers do not do well on the tiny keyboard that comes up on a mobile phone.

What I said about God’s gift st conception, and his determination for us in the womb, is vitally important, and I trust that my mistake in typing will not detract from that.

News Item11/4/18 4:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Just like Jack Phillips the Christian baker who is being persecuted by the State of Colorado, even when the US Supreme Court rules against them, so it seems this Hope shelter for women in Anchorage Alaska is being deliberately persecuted by the city council there.

These wicked perverse politicians in these 2 states will not be satisfied until their vendetta against these godly people succeeds, and they have closed them down permanently, with a warning to any other Christians or Christian groups that might seem to defy their wicked agenda.

We must indeed pray for our brothers and sisters in these places and for the people they help that the wicked schemes of the enemy will be defeated.

News Item11/4/18 4:35 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No, Mr Lincoln, the sex is not given by God at birth or “assigned” at birth. It is given by God at conception. Conception is the vital element; birth is what happens 9 months later.

We must be careful in our terminology, otherwise the abortion advocates and the transgender activists can pick on us, and we can end up unwittingly supporting their narrative.

Don’t forget that John the Baptist and Jeremiah the prophet, and indeed the Psalmist in Psalm 139 vv 13 and 14, were set apart from their conception when they were in their mother’s womb.

It is most important to be careful in these matters. The whole abortion and transgender movements are a regrettable and terrible rebellion against the very will of Cod, and his determination for each of us, at conception, and we must never forget that we are a person, not from birth alone, but from the very moment of conception.

News Item10/30/18 3:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Interesting, where is the ACLU and the Freedom from Religion Foundation and their expensive well heeled lawyers?

Isn’t this a case they should be interested in? Is not Islam a religion? Should it be taught in the US public schools?

After all if a teacher reads out the Bible, nay, if he or she even has it on the desk, or if a Christian Christmas carol is sung, or a football coach prays with the school team, that is a violation of the “separation of church and state”!!!

Yet, when it comes to Islam these secularist atheistic organisations and their expensive lawyers are nowhere to be found, and the same activist federal judges that are opposed to any manifestation of Christianity in the public schools, suddenly feel it necessary to support and rule in favour of Islamic religious education and indoctrination in state schools and institutions!! Very odd, very hypocritical and very inconsistent!!!

News Item10/28/18 6:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Sadly, only this morning I heard a live service on the BBC Radio, from a presumably evangelical church, which featured the usual CCM, and a recorded sermon from the very young sounding pastor (he was in the USA, presumably at a conference, hence the recording).

Unfortunately, it was a social gospel type sermon, from the Sermon on the Mount, very sincere and very naive, but missing out the Gospel.

It is a shame that professed evangelicals forget quickly that we must be saved and born again first, and the cross and repentance must be preached, good works following afterwards. The idealistic young “evangelicals” are being fooled and deceived by the social gospel and by left wing “social justice” approaches. The Word of God must not be manipulated and the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ must be preached, and only that.

News Item10/28/18 2:55 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Gospel preaching church, and stand against such wickedness.

News Item10/28/18 2:54 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No doubt these “pastors”, including many female pastors, are from the usual suspects. That is liberal mainstream Protestant churches, that deny the Bible, such as Episcopalians, United Church of Christ, so called Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Presbyterian Church USA, United Methodist Church, liberal Baptists and so on, with the Unitarian Universalists, Quakers, probably some nondenominational liberal LGBT affirming church, and possibly a Liberal or what the US calls Reform Jewish Rabbi thrown in, and maybe one or two liberal lay Catholics as well.

In the Old Testament, we see repeated references to disobedient Israelite kings and people, together with false prophets and compromising priests and Levites behaving syncretistically, going through a corrupted form of worship to the true God of Israel, while also worshipping or at least tolerating worship of the very same demonically inspired false gods that encouraged child sacrifice and ritual prostitution in their worship and this brought judgement from God.

The same will happen here. We can only pray that the mainly elderly congregants of these dying churches will wake up, be truly converted of the Holy Spirit and get out of these apostate assemblies, and join a true Bible believing, Christ affirming and Gospel pr

News Item10/26/18 12:38 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Basically, Sojourners and all other such “evangelical” social justice organisations, are exactly the same as similar organisations in liberal Bible denying Protestant mainline churches, and basically that means the true Gospel will not be preached, interfaith and ecumenism will be the order of the day, and it all leads to the eventual one world religion of the Antichrist.

True evangelical born again Christians should not and must not be taken in by this globalist one world agenda, but must get back to the Bible, and preach the true unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and that alone!!

Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for the glory of God alone according to the Scriptures alone and absolutely nothing else.

News Item10/26/18 5:01 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Both the British Government (both the “liberal” Conservatives, and all the left wing Opposition parties, - Labour, Liberal Democrat, Greens, Scottish and Welsh Nationalists), are determined, sooner or later to force abortion and gay marriage on Northern Ireland, externally, if they can’t get the devolved Northern Ireland Assembly to do it internally.

The EU loyal Republic of Ireland with its homosexual PM, Leo Varadker, are also determined on this, as are their allies in Northern Ireland, Sinn Fein, and the more moderate leftist SDLP. These are the parties that wish Northern Ireland to unite with the Republic.

Only the evangelical leaning Democratic Unionists, by and large are opposed to this.

The EU of course, supports this agenda. The EU is pushing a policy in the Brexit negotiations to promote a “backstop” to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, which would see NI effectively stay in the EU in all but name when the rest of Britain goes out. This could eventually manoeuvre NI into the Republic, and then abortion and gay marriage alongside EU rule and the euro would be passed.

News Item10/26/18 4:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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In Auschwitz and in other concentration camps of the Nazi period, the crematoria of murdered Jews were working day and night pouring out their horrendous polluting smoke into the local environment. The locals did nothing, and the trains daily delivered new victims for this wickedness.

Now these current priests and priestesses of Baal, Astarte, Chemosh and Molech, are actually doing the same in Baltimore, and the state of Maryland, as they offer up the sacrifices of murdered babies from the womb, for their commercial profit and supposedly to generate energy for their local community.

Have we learnt nothing from history, and from the barbarity of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis? The sin is so great, and God will call these idolaters and murderers to account. May the Lord forgive us!! The true born again Christians of Baltimore and Maryland should rise up and say, “No, absolutely not. We will not have this”!!!

News Item10/23/18 12:22 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is tragic that there are indeed many churches in Africa, as in many other places, that claim to be Christian, but are anything but.

This “Cherubim and Seraphim” church, sounds suspiciously like a syncretistic group, combining a type of Pentecostal Christianity, with some semi-pagan animistic or even spiritist African practices.

I recall one day, in the East Midlands city where I lived for some years,a whole group of what at first I thought were African Catholic priests and nuns dressed in bright white habits, coming out of the railway station one Saturday.

They all went in their large group to the city central square where they proceeded to distribute leaflets and talk to people. I soon realised they were not Catholic priests and nuns, but members of one of these strange African groups who have a large church in London.

From the leaflets they handed out, which apart from quotes taken out of context were not Biblical, I gathered their head, back in Nigeria was a self styled “prophet” and no doubt “Apostle” who commanded a vegan lifestyle, and lots of “divine revelations”, etc!! We have to indeed pray for these folk, for liberation from deception and for their true conversion to Christ.

News Item10/19/18 3:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Typo - ejections should read elections. Sorry.

News Item10/19/18 3:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Michael Moore is an ultra-left wing filmmaker who not only detests President Trump, I seem to recall he was virulently opposed to President George W Bush, and the war in Iraq.

He is a champion of left wing causes, and no doubt was very pro-President Obama, pro- Hilary Clinton, and will must definitely support whoever the Democrats put up as the future Presidential candidate, for the 2020 Presidential ejections.

Though a rebel against traditional Catholicism, he will most certainly favour Pope Francis and his liberal agenda.

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