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News Item11/13/2020 6:30 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Tim, I believe there's more than one 'accuser of the brethren'. Those who point their self righteous judgmental fingers at others are the accusers, just like Satan. There's a reason Jesus said to remove the LOG from your own eye before attempting to remove the spec from another's eye. When one is guilty of the SAME sin they accuse others of, what do they hope to accomplish? John UK, BMcCausland, and Watcher all display a spirit of haughtiness, above reproach, never wrong, always making excuses why they're right and everyone else is wrong. This is a blatant display of pride, and they do not see it...that is problematic. Referring to you as some hillbilly type of backwoods idiot is inexcusable. Stating Lurker is blind to the truth is inexcusable.
Instead of receiving any correction, the fangs come out and the veins in the neck pop out, 'let's get ready to rrrrrumble!!!'.
What a sad kind of religion that is.
Watcher started all this, "😂😆 Now there's a fairy tale if I ever heard one before. Did you put your hand over your heart when you wrote that? Amazing! You Americans are something else." So, 'Watcher's' educational background on America is the ONLY 'truth', and if you don't agree, then "So be it. Burn some sparklers while you're at it."....

News Item11/13/2020 6:15 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Add another notch to your self righteous belt Watcher, you love to ream others, the logs in your own eyes keep you from seeing how wicked you truly are. Only the Spirit of God can convict a sinner- no conviction, no confession. It's that simple. Sad you delight in belittling others, but that seems to be your hobby.
Yep, I am a sinner, not a 'superwoman'. Apparently your 'two cents' are the only ones that count right? You would argue with a sign post, especially if that sign post said you were wrong.
Until God lays you in the dust, you will never know true repentance and humility.It's telling how you and your buddies like to belittle others by claiming some do not know truth, or that they are yee haw fundy types, or that Americans are above correction and reproach- yet you and your buddies show no evidence you receive any correction. The question was asked, what are you trying to accomplish, other than playing the part of the Spirit in convicting according to what you deem as 'sin'. I believe sister MS summed it up nicely, "Look to Christ and stop being navel gazers and fruit inspectors, and pray for others instead of thinking that a critical spirit is your ‘ministry’, and you’ve been called to straighten out the SA posters." Who is the 'accuser of the brethren'?..

News Item11/13/2020 6:02 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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It appears there is somewhat of a tag team here, this 'team' is claiming how others, particularly 'Americans', are 'this and that'. We have one in particular chime in claiming Americans are above correction, yet HOW MANY TIMES has this SAME PERSON revealed their own haughtiness countless times here?!
It's a sad state when 'professing believers' attack and cause division.. and cannot see their OWN logs protruding extensively from their eyes.
Pride is obviously a sin EVERYONE is guilty of... this thread is a testimony to that. The DIFFERENCE is when it is *recognized* in the mind, then confessed to God. Conviction comes from the Spirit of God in the minds of the elect. IF it isn't recognized, it grows like a cancer, 'I thank you I am NOT LIKE 'others'....
The question has been presented, "What specifically do you disagree with Bro Lurker's example that lead you to think he is blind to the truth?" It has NOT been addressed. Why?
When you fail to see your shortcomings, your OWN pride filled ways, what is that comparable to in God's word? The prayers of the Pharisee reveal much.
ALL have sinned, regardless of geographical location. Being 'saved' does NOT mean you cease from sinning, that's overlooked by some who exalt 'self' over others. True humility is God given.....

News Item11/12/2020 6:40 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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It might be good to remember the elect of God are on a journey to a BETTER COUNTRY, we are **strangers and pilgrims here**. Why fight over a geographical location?

I remember watching a documentary concerning the U.S. Government and the nuclear bomb testings off the coast of the Marshall Islands in the 40's and 50's, how they lied to those Island people who were being used as guinea pigs to test the results of radiation. It was a stark reminder this world is NOT my home...let the world fight over worldly leaders, politics, etc. My King is on His throne, His is sovereign over ALL things, and He reigns for EVER.

True believers are united in Christ and His Gospel that reveals the righteousness of God. The world continues on its pace to destruction and judgment, who cares where you live?!?America, Australia, Great Britian, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, etc. are ALL ruled by an evil system, or have we forgotten 1 John 5:19?
The question is NOT where do you live, or how evil is your Government...the question is what Gospel do you adhere to? Who is your Jesus?.....

Sermon11/11/2020 11:53 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The Mark of the Beast
Bill Parker
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon brought such clarity to me concerning this 'mark'. I had wrong thinking concerning this, taking it literally and not seeing the spiritual implications of it all. Thank you Bill for this message, praise God for revealing truth to His people. Excellent message, highly recommended!

Sermon11/11/2020 10:50 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an EXCELLENT message Tim, the Lord be praised for His truth

News Item11/8/2020 11:48 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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It's sad that people put their trust in princes/kings/earthly leaders. There's NO hope in that, but those who are unregenerate cannot see this. God is on His throne, regardless of who He puts in the White House, He rules and reigns. The corruption of this recent election is a display of the wickedness of mankind. Both parties are guilty of corruption, both have stolen and bought votes in the past. Republicans are just as guilty as the Dems. This election steal is empowered by a mighty force of evil, a giant collaboration of global elitists who want to 'reset' the world and do things their way. Wealth and power breed corruption and oppression. We who are in Christ look past earthly dealings and focus our minds on Him, and that which is above. It's not sinful to vote, I voted for Trump too thinking God may have mercy and not bring about the inevitable- America is headed for drastic changes under this new regime. In the end, this has made me see even more clearly how this world is NOT my home, and I am forever grateful for that. This whole earth is one big 'hot mess', a sin bed of heartache, corruption, greed, etc.
The church is on the road to glory, the world is on the road to destruction.

News Item11/8/2020 11:30 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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-"The Scenario Under a Biden Administration--
Biden is another matter entirely. First of all, Biden is running for president in name only. He has never been that bright. He has accomplished little in his almost fifty years in public service. He is physically frail and clearly suffering acute cognitive decline.

If Joe Biden does win, he’ll be 78 years old when sworn in and 82 years old at the end of his first term. Both marks are the oldest in U.S. history for a president. Some individuals are still sharp in their late 70s. Biden is not one of them.

The result is that Biden will never be president de facto. With Trump out of the picture, Democrats wouldn’t need him anymore. Steps would be taken at some point to remove him from office on the grounds of mental incapacity under the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Nancy Pelosi recently proposed legislation to set up a commission to do just that as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution."

Biden is just a puppet, he will be removed once they finish stealing this election, his replacement will either be Harris or Pelosi, there's little difference in them. Anyone who thinks this is a 'good idea' lacks critical thinking skills. The person in charge will be empowered by the global elitists

News Item11/8/2020 11:21 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Biden being 'projected' as the winner doesn't mean anything. There is vast evidence of corruption in balloting, and in vote counting... -"State officials in Georgia participated in a Democratic operation to “fix†ballots three days AFTER the election was over!

Breitbart reported on this and that those participating in the fix were directed not to deal with Republican ballots. Were Republican ballots given to these Democratic volunteers by the Georgia election officials only to be thrown out? Or “fixed�This sinister and criminal effort to steal the election is not occurring only in Georgia."....

BTW Jim, the mainstream media and the liberal left views do not determine an election. This is FAR from over, each day more and more evidence is presented to expose the horrific corruption of YOUR political party. May God have mercy....

News Item11/7/2020 12:51 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Nice try Jim,but no one's fooled.. woman monitoring the ballot counting in Detroit has asserted that at least 130,000 ballots, all for Joe Biden, were brought to the center in three vehicles at 4 a.m.
In the testimonial, originally posted to Facebook Live, Connie Johnson says that people who were there counting ballots throughout the evening were ready to shut down when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferarri, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots. “As they started counting the ballots, he was astonished that every single ballot, literally 100 percent of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time,†she explained.

Eyewitnesses have called out this cheating,and the American people are not fooled by your party's lies Jim. It's sad to see a political party resort to cheating and corruption, but it fits in with their global reset that's forthcoming.

News Item11/7/2020 12:21 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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He didn't win Jim, the liberal globalists STOLE this election from the voters and Trump ""Ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans... tabulating software 'glitched'... We have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software."
MI GOP Chair reveals corrupt software flipped thousands of votes from Trump to Biden."

So Jim, you rant and rave about the sins of Trump, yet your own Democratic Party are guilty of lying, cheating, corruption- and you celebrate that? You have the audacity to claim others need Christ, and you don't? Politics won't save you.

When the dust has settled, God Almighty will put who He has ordained to be President of America. "You see, it matters not to God's people who's in a place of authority, like the White House, or such as matters to them â¤ï¸Who's on the throne of gloryâ¤ï¸." That's who determines everything. Gary Shepard

News Item11/5/2020 5:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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here's what you won't see on msm, Jim Lincoln and his ilk are thieves -
If they get by with this, and they more than likely will, democracy is dead and America falls into the hands of an evil global reset.

News Item11/4/2020 8:27 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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This election IS being stolen by the Dems, and the deep state globalists. I wonder, how is it possible that they had more votes than registered voters? This is the only way the Dems could beat Trump- to cheat. The problem is, if they get by with this then democracy is over in this country.
The Lord's will be done.

News Item11/3/2020 8:31 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Tim - Amen

News Item11/3/2020 6:30 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Jim, you come here DAILY and promote a political agenda, that of the Democratic party....So, mixing politics with God's word is okay for you? Jim, you pull God's word out of context to shore up your agenda, not realizing you are no better off than the Roman Catholic. The 'god' you worship is in vain, or he is the god of politics. You don't fool anyone, you certainly don't fool the living God who despises idolatry and vanity.
You spend all your time promoting politics, particularly the Democratic party, and you criticize the opposition constantly. That is your sole purpose in life, to push one political agenda over another. There's no room for Christ in your agenda, and rightly so. He is the true King over ALL mankind, He rules and reigns forever and ever....amen.

News Item11/2/2020 7:27 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Well the Democratic Governor of Illinois is not too bright when it comes to determining shutdowns -

News Item11/2/2020 6:41 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Jim wishes this Archbishop was a nutcase-
This is worth watching as well-

Even some Dems have had enough -

News Item11/1/2020 1:41 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Amen sister MS. I can see where James was being enticed by the one who loves to argue to prove who king of the hill is, he starts by saying "I am thinking about what you said, and regret I am unable to debate the subject because **I have never studied it particularly**." If that is the case, how is it he then launches his usual attack? So, as James gives his scriptural support, the divisive one proceeds to use his usual tactics, belittling, on those he targets, claiming James is 'embarrassed', then has the audacity to claim he can 'decipher' what James's interpretation is. It's best to ignore the self righteous Pharisees here, they seem to come in pairs and act as a tag team

"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." When one holds to a faulty foundation, a 'different' gospel, everything thereafter is like a house of cards.

News Item10/31/2020 6:04 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Well said James. This ties ALL the dead works based religion together under the umbrella of the 'great whore'...

Sermon10/29/2020 10:27 AM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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Gospel Repentance
Jason Boothe
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an excellent sermon on what repentance actually isâ¤ï¸
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