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News Item9/18/09 2:07 PM
june  Find all comments by june
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“The Use of Relics -- The widespread use of relics consisting of a piece of bone, a fragment of a saint's body, or some article which a deceased saint touched during his life for the purpose of adoration, worship, or the impartation of blessings and miracles is simply fetishism and rank superstition borrowed from pagan practices. It has no support in the Scriptures. The attributing of supernatural power to such relics is simply another form of idolatry condemned by the Word of God.â€

A more comprehensive examination of Roman Catholics beliefs / traditions / practices, etc., can be found here:

May God incline those Roman Catholics who post here to “search the Scriptures†(Acts 17:11) to see whether the things affirmed here are true!

June, a sinner by birth, a Catholic by tradition, but by God's grace, made a Christian by virtue of the new birth through the work of the Holy Spirit to the praise & glory of God alone!
Eph. 2:8-9; John 3:3-8; 1 Pet. 1:18-25; James 1:17-18; Titus 3:3-7

News Item9/17/09 1:53 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Amen Dan, Jim, Protest, Chalkstone & Max . . .

I would add:
Why Christians / Protestants Must Perpetually Protest Against The Church Of Rome
A quote from Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a man mightily used by God wrote an article for the Sword and Trowel in January of 1873 called “The Religion of Rome.â€
In it he said:

“Essence of lies, and quintessence of blasphemy, as the religion of Rome is, it nevertheless fascinates a certain order of Protestants, of whom we fear it may be truly said that "they have received a strong delusion to believe a lie, that they may be damned." [Which you may know is a reference to 2 Thessalonians 2:11] Seeing that it is so, it becomes all who would preserve their fellow-immortals from destruction to be plain and earnest in their warnings. Not in a party-spirit, but for TRUTH's sake, our Protestantism must protest perpetually…

“(, emphasis added).

News Item9/13/09 3:26 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Ivan did!
“In October 2007, I wrote to Dr Paisley a letter outlining my concerns & fears. Here is part of that letter:
“The duties of the Office of First and Deputy First Minister were established long before you took up your office. Part of those duties includes the promoting of the rights & the funding
of the activities of sodomite organisations. This is what Martin McGuinness stated in the Bogside in Londonderry at the commencement of the sodomite celebration there in August past. That definition of your combined duties has never been challenged.
I accept as true your statement that since assuming your duties you have not actually ‘signed any cheques’ or authorised any payments to the coalition that represents the various sodomite organisations that are to benefit from the arrangement made by the Secretary of State. But nevertheless, it is an integral part of the functions of your office to fund & support sodomites. Sooner or later the commitment to pay over the £180,000 grant for the period April 07 to Sept 08 will have to be made by you.
If you do authorise that payment, no matter how it is arranged, it will tie you into a great and awful sin from which, as God is my witness, I would see you delivered.â€
(Entire Article:

News Item9/13/09 2:42 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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The appropriate response of the Christian to political events / realities in the light of Scripture as expounded by Ivan Foster.

Recommended Sermons:

Struggle for heart of Free Presbyterianism /
(Halting between two opinions
1 Kings 18:21)

Whither Free Presbyterianism? /
(Joshua 24:15)

God's alternative to government with murderers /
(Psalm 81:10-16)

News Item9/13/09 12:29 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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As Ivan Foster has pointed out in his Feb / 09 article entitled: 'The funding of sodomite organisations could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, says Peter Robinson'

"However, if a Christian finds himself in a position whereby he cannot act in accordance with the Word of God he must make sure that he does not then find himself acting contrary to the Word of God"

(Entire article can be read here:

Ivan Foster, recently retired Gospel Minister of Kilskeery Free Pres. Church, has carefully delineated in the plainest of terms and in the light of Scripture the appropriate Christian response to the situation Mr. Paisley was confronted with.

"We ought to obey God rather than men."
Acts 5:29b

Mr. Paisley made his choice. That does not alter the TRUTH. God's Word, not political realities or political expediency are to determine the Christian's course of action.

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
James 4:17

On this point, I'm sure John Newton would not take exception.

News Item9/8/09 7:04 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Some things never change wrote:
"June wrote:
However, if a Christian finds himself

You need to read my post more carefully.
These are the words of Ivan Foster, and I repeat his entire sentence once again for your benefit:

"However, if a Christian finds himself in a position whereby he cannot act in accordance with the Word of God he must make sure that he does not then find himself acting contrary to the Word of God"

Ivan Foster, Gospel Minister, has carefully delineated in the plainest of terms and in the light of Scripture the appropriate Christian response to the situation Mr. Paisley was confronted with.

"We ought to obey God rather than men."
Acts 5:29b

Mr. Paisley made his choice. That does not alter the TRUTH. God's Word, not political realities or political expediency are to determine the Christian's course of action.

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
James 4:17

On this point, I'm sure John Newton would not take exception.

News Item9/8/09 12:29 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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As Ivan Foster has also pointed out in his Feb / 09 article entitled: 'The funding of sodomite organisations could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, says Peter Robinson'
Entire article can be read here:

The following is a direct quote / excerpt from Ivan Foster's article:

“However, if a Christian finds himself in a position whereby he cannot act in accordance with the Word of God he must make sure that he does not then find himself acting contrary to the Word of God. The Word of God teaches that when parameters under which we act require us to act contrary to the will of God or support that which is contrary to the will of God, then we must, at whatever cost, withdraw from under such parameters.

When the First Ministers discovered that they would have to go along with the arrangement to fund sodomites through their Department, since they were hindered in doing what they would wish to do, namely cancel the funding, they were entirely wrong to continue in that office. They should have immediately resigned and acted according to the principle which moved the apostles as it is recorded in Acts 5:29. “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.â€

News Item9/8/09 11:23 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Read entire article, 'Advertising Humanism or Aiding Sodomy, which is worse?' (Jan/09) by Ivan Foster, former Pastor of Kilskeery Free Pres. Church here:


“It has been repeatedly denied that there is a link between the DUP and the funding of sodomites, especially during the time when Dr Ian Paisley was First Minister in the power sharing executive.


In a letter from the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, dated 24th November 2008, the following was stated:
'Freedom of Information Act 2000
I refer to your request for information about “any attempt by any Minister, civil servant or Special Adviser to frustrate these (CoSO) paymentsâ€. I am writing to confirm that OFMDFM has now completed its search for this information and have established that the Department does not hold information relevant to your request, as no attempts were made to frustrate these payments. I would like to apologise for the delay in providing you with this response.'


News Item8/29/09 12:57 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Yes Jim, neither can I recall EVER reading an article where high profile Catholic politicians, like Kennedy, Pelosi, etc. criticized / condemned the R.C.C. for the clergy sex abuse scandal that continues to this day.

Nor have they aggressively sought justice for the countless children / victims of sex abuse crimes committed by R.C clergy and those who covered it up.

As the old adage goes, "one hand washes the other".

News Item8/29/09 12:26 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Jim, Thanks for the quote from Gil Rugh!

Related News . . Boston Globe

Diocese appears to break pledge
Fights order to disclose sexual abuse records

"A Roman Catholic diocese in Connecticut has invoked the First Amendment’s separation of church and state in a request to the US Supreme Court to let it keep clergy sexual abuse documents under seal, a move that appeared to contradict the church’s recent pledges of openness.

On Thursday, two days after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg denied the Diocese of Bridgeport’s request to keep the documents under wraps despite a recent ruling by the Connecticut Supreme Court, the diocese said the dispute raises fundamental constitutional issues and asked the full US Supreme Court to review the case.

The dispute concerns 12,675 pages of documents from 23 lawsuits, settled out of court in 2001, that accused the diocese of negligently assigning six priests who allegedly committed sexual abuse.

Following the Ginsburg decision, the diocese specifically asked Justice Antonin Scalia to keep the documents under seal until the full high court decides on whether to take up the review."

News Item8/28/09 9:49 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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I was quoting the comment made by Pastor Ralph Ovadal below, which reads:

"But ministers of the gospel should never simultaneously be ministers of the civil state. To hold dual office is a conflict of interest, a mingling of God-given jurisdictions and a danger to the integrity, purity and independence of the church. Ministers must address the moral and religious issues of our day but they err grievously if they become politicians. In the words of the apostle, ministers of Jesus Christ are to "give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."

Acts 6:4: "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."

The Gospel Minister is "separated unto the Gospel" and his singular vocation is to "preach Christ" (1 Cor.1:17-18)
and his ministry is one of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:17-21) through the preaching of the cross, for it is the precious blood of Christ alone that can atone for the sins of man and bring him nigh unto God and at peace with God. (Eph. 2:13-17; Col. 1:19-20)

verse 15b: "as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the GOSPEL of PEACE, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
Rom. 10:14-15

Preachers are not to meddle in politics, as this represents a "conflict of interest".

News Item8/27/09 4:42 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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The sermons that I have cited preached by John Greer are blblically sound & were cited merely to reinforce what Ivan Foster has affirmed all along regarding Mr. Paisley in the matter of funding of sodomites and the unequal yoke his DUP party forged with SF/IRA.

I would strongly suggest that you listen to the sermons preached by John Greer and draw your own conclusions.
Pray for discernment.

I would also commend the sermons / articles at Ivan Foster's website, 'The Burning Bush'. I would particularly direct you to Mr. Foster's archived articles in 2007 & 2008.

The biblical doctrines of unequal yoke and guilt by association are carefully expounded by both Ivan Foster and John Greer.
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17

*Ralph Ovadal's comment bears repeating as well: "But ministers of the gospel should never simultaneously be ministers of the civil state. To hold dual office is a conflict of interest, a mingling of God-given jurisdictions and a danger to the integrity, purity and independence of the church."
*Full comment below

News Item8/27/09 1:04 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Neil, perhaps a comment I made earlier and repeat once again will more directly answer your question.

The sermons preached by John Greer from the specific passages of Scripture that I have cited are wholly inconsistent with the actions of a professing Christian, as Mr. Paisley is, namely the biblical principle of 'guilt by association'

Mr. Paisley has once again vainly attempted to disassociate and absolve himself of any wrongdoing in the matter of sodomite funding to which he as First Minister was party to, as Ivan Foster, now retired Gospel Minister of the Kilskeery Free Pres. Church has clearly shown in his commentary, 'The funding of sodomite organisations could have been stopped by
the OFMDFM, says Peter Robinson'

“Information supplied by the OFMDFM has since confirmed that monies were paid to the sodomites since the setting up of the present power-sharing Executive. Such payments,according to what Mr Robinson says, could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, therefore there is an inescapable responsibility lying upon the shoulders of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister for those payments.â€

News Item8/27/09 12:50 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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A Letter to the Editor of the Belfast Telegraph is replicated below for the benefit of the readers of this thread:

Paisley and gay funding

Friday, 21 August 2009

If the Rev Ian Paisley was so strongly against “gay funding†during his time as First Minister (Writeback, August 17), then he should have resigned in protest.

The fact that he did neither, means he promoted gay funding whether he likes it or not.

And it’s profoundly rich of Mr Paisley to accused ‘anyone’ of ‘mockery and scorn’ when he’s been doing precisely this for decades. He’s quick at judging others, but not himself.

William Burns

Good advice from Mr. Paisley "the public ought not to be conned by such distorted reports."

News Item8/27/09 12:12 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Neil, an earlier post I made will answer your question.

I was taught well by an FPC Gospel Minister, John Greer, that the Bible plainly teaches “guilt by associationâ€. Some of the sermons he preached in that regard are:

# ‘Cause of Christ under Attack’ (Christians . . walking in the counsel of the ungodly)
# 'God's Man in the Lions' Den' (man's law subordinate to GOD's law)
# ‘Sanctifying the Lord’ (No alliance with the wicked)
# 'The Church - Epistle of Christ' (God's people . . a holy people)
# 'Unmasking the False Gospel' (Guilt by Association)

Foster TOOK A STAND and in so doing, demonstrated that he was and is trusting in God. To trust in God means doing it His way.

A Gospel Minister is to uphold biblical principles at all times and is not to become entangled with the affairs of this world. This did Ivan Foster!

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.â€

See also Ivan Foster's article:
'The Cry of the Merchants'

News Item8/27/09 10:20 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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God's Word / Truth (John 17:17) teaches guilt by association:

Mr. Paisley has once again vainly attempted to disassociate and absolve himself of any wrongdoing in the matter of sodomite funding to which he as First Minister was party to, as Ivan Foster has clearly shown in his commentary, 'The funding of sodomite organisations could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, says Peter Robinson'

“Information supplied by the OFMDFM has since confirmed that monies were paid to the sodomites since the setting up of the present power-sharing Executive. Such payments, according to what Mr Robinson says, could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, therefore there is an inescapable responsibility lying upon the shoulders of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister for those payments.â€
Ivan Foster's article here:

News Item8/26/09 3:55 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Pastor Ralph Ovadal said:

"But ministers of the gospel should never simultaneously be ministers of the civil state. To hold dual office is a conflict of interest, a mingling of God-given jurisdictions and a danger to the integrity, purity and independence of the church. Ministers must address the moral and religious issues of our day but they err grievously if they become politicians. In the words of the apostle, ministers of Jesus Christ are to "give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." I would also take issue with Wharton's remark that "Foster should try trusting in God and not running away." To speak so of a battle-scarred soldier for Christ ruins credibility."

I'm sure Pastor Ovadal also knows Hebrew and Greek, but his comments were made in ENGLISH . . . in the plainest of language and are Scripturally sound!
Pastor Ovadal I understand!
Conversely Wharton, your comments are GREEK to me!

News Item8/26/09 1:33 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Dear Pastor Ovadal:

I just wanted to let you know that the comments you made in connection with this article are most welcome ones. The timing of the mounting of the article would suggest it is once again an election cycle.

I have noted that those who have rallied to the support of Paisley seem to be Scripturally deficient and / or have attempted to wrest the Scriptures, and the defense others have offered seems to be one borne solely out of emotions. The most notable contribution by way of comments is yours.
Some of those commenting here have sought to confuse the issue and I think the plainness of your speech brought clarity to what is being discussed and properly assesses and exposes the underlying problem. I believe too there is added weight and force given to the argument or rebuke when such a critique comes from a fellow Gospel Minister, like Ivan Foster and yourself who likewise are called and "separated unto the Gospel".

Paisley and his faithful followers in his political camp of the DUP just don't get it, or perhaps they do, and the two positions he has managed to occupy for so long heretofore unquestioned, have reaped him such rich dividends in the past, he continues to argue for it though Scripture plainly militates against it as you have shown.

News Item8/25/09 3:36 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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August, please read Ivan Foster's article / commentary once again. Note paragraphs 1 & 2 below. This is reality and is painfully true.

"In October 2007, I wrote to Dr Paisley a letter outlining my concerns & fears. . . . “The duties of the Office of First & Deputy First Minister were established long before you took up your office. Part of those duties includes the promoting of the rights & the funding of the activities of sodomite organisations.

I accept as true your statement that since assuming your duties you have not actually ‘signed any cheques’ or authorised any payments to the coalition that represents the various sodomite organisations that are to benefit from the arrangement made by the Secretary of State. But nevertheless,it is an integral part of the functions of your office to fund & support sodomites.

Information supplied by the OFMDFM has since confirmed that monies were paid to the sodomites since the setting up of the present power-sharing Executive.

Such payments,according to what Mr Robinson says,could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, therefore there is an inescapable responsibility lying upon the shoulders of the First Minister & Deputy First Minister for those payments"

Entire Article here:

News Item8/25/09 11:07 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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It must be understood that the comment I made below with respect to the ministry of John Greer was made in the context of the article/ editorial written by Mr. Paisley above.
The point being . . . the sermons preached by John Greer from the specific passages of Scripture that I have cited are wholly inconsistent with the actions of a professing Christian, as Mr. Paisley is, namely the biblical principle of 'guilt by association', man's law subordinate to God's law, etc.

Mr. Paisley has once again vainly attempted to disassociate and absolve himself of any wrongdoing in the matter of sodomite funding to which he as First Minister was party to, as Ivan Foster has clearly shown in his commentary, 'The funding of sodomite organisations could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, says Peter Robinson'

“Information supplied by the OFMDFM has since confirmed that monies were paid to the sodomites since the setting up of the present power-sharing Executive. Such payments, according to what Mr Robinson says, could have been stopped by the OFMDFM, therefore there is an inescapable responsibility lying upon the shoulders of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister for those payments.â€
Ivan Foster's article here:

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