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News Item11/23/2020 8:14 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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CNN is bought and paid for by the liberal global elite. No one in their right mind gets their 'news' from that Socialist/Marxist site. Of course, George Soros has a vested interest in Time Warner, who owns CNN, "Soros bought into Time Warner (TWX) in Q4 2016 and has increased his holdings periodically since then. Over Q3 2017, he added about 70% more to his stake." from
That's important to note because Soros is on a quest to destroy America, through politics and mainstream media -

News Item11/23/2020 7:06 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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'In July of this year, Natural News reported how California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China as part of a "massive face mask money laundering scheme." Back in April, even the mainstream media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car company in China to supposedly purchase “N-95 masks” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them. Keep in mind that this half a billion dollars was just the first of two installments amounting to a full billion dollars being sent China to supposedly purchase face masks for Californians – face masks that never actually arrived, by the way."

News Item11/23/2020 5:04 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Great points James. This video features Rep. Tom McClintock as he makes valid points concerning this chaotic mess. Thank goodness some people still use their critical thinking skills-

The reason Newson, Pelosi, Pritzker and many others do NOT adhere to their own tyranny is because they KNOW this 'virus' is not as deadly as they've hyped it up to be. Yes, there is a virus that does affect the elderly with already compromised immune systems, and those that are obese, and others with compromised health issues as well. Not having a good immune system seems very relevant. In any case, do take time to listen to Rep. McClintock, he is spot on.

News Item11/22/2020 4:41 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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No surprise to see ecumenism promoted here, the Wesley's adhered to the free will gospel, which is another gospel of a different kind. Whatever 'spirit' moved, you can be assured it was not of God.
'Consistent with Spurgeon's rejection of 1 John 2:3-5, Spurgeon taught that a person can be caught in the "bondage" of the false religion of Catholicism and still be one of Christ's sheep-"What Protestant can refuse to love the holy Bernard? Was there ever a more consecrated servant of God or a dearer lover of Christ than he? Yet he was most sorrowfully in bondage to the superstitions of his age and of the Romish Church. (Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 29, p. 192, March 25, 1883) How is it one can claim to believe in the Gospel of grace, then turn around and say someone who believes in a pseudo jesus is a 'servant of God' and 'lover of Jesus'? Spurgeon merely gave lip service, he 'honored God with his mouth, but, his heart was far from Him'- "while I detest many of the doctrines which he preached, yet for the man himself I have a reverence second to no Wesleyan; and if there were wanted two apostles to be added to the number of the twelve, I do not believe that there could be found two men more fit to be so added than George Whitfield and John Wesley"- CHS, the ecumenist.....

News Item11/22/2020 4:29 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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It's ironic how Jim L. claims Trump dislikes blacks. I watched this documentary on the Tuskegee red tailed angels, an all black group of pilots from WW II. One of the gentlemen from this squadron spoke how racism was so prevalent, especially in the Southern DEMOCRATIC PARTY- go to the
9:21 mark -
So, racism against blacks isn't limited to Republicans, Democrats were equally racist and heavily involved with the KKK not so very long ago, 'former West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, who once led a Ku Klux Klan chapter and worked as a recruiter in the 1940s. He served as a senator for 51 years until his death in 2010 and was the Senate majority leader in the 1970s and '80s.' from

This is why you cannot exalt one evil over another, ALL of politics is godless. They all desire to drink in more power and wealth, at the expense of those who look to them for 'leadership'.

News Item11/22/2020 11:55 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."- 'law' and 'works' are NOT one in the same. The 'law' refers to the Mosaic law, which is no longer in effect, 'the letter kills', 'For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.' The law can only do one thing, point you to your failure and keeping it perfectly, which is required. Justice follows as a result. The 'works' a true believer does are of God {Eph. 2:10}, wrought by Him and only acceptable in Christ, those who completely trust in what HE has done and not Christ plus your Billy Graham decision, your works, your attempts at earning merit. This is why some persistently argue with everyone, they do not see the finished work of Christ as enough. They add to that perfect work by insisting you must do something {fleshly}, you must 'give to the poor'. That isn't to say you should not help the less fortunate, particularly orphans and widows. BUT, *your God-given 'works' are not acceptable apart from trusting in Christ ALONE*, which many do NOT do. Deception is never detectable to the natural mind. In order to 'repent of dead works' {Heb. 6:1}, you must first acknowledge you were deceived by those very 'dead works'. Only God the Spirit can open the mind to this deception.

News Item11/21/2020 11:26 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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James -

News Item11/21/2020 8:28 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The way the global elitists stole this election and brainwashed the masses was by using the exact same tactic Hitler used. This German soldier from WW 2 verifies how Hitler used deception and lies, just like today, "We were so conditioned politically. Hitler controlled the newspapers, he controlled the radio, and Goebel's the propaganda minister, he controlled everything else". Sound familiar? This soldier's testimony is eye opening and very similar to what's going on in America today. Our enemy is our own Government, coupled with the wealthy elitists who seek to bring about their 'new world order', only they call it 'global reset'. They used deceit and trickery to steal this election from the American people, now they can further advance their marxist/socialist/communist agenda of 'global reset'. The worst is yet to come for those who think their leaders are the answer. The techniques of insane madmen will NOT be successful.
Jim L., if you think this election was 'fair', it only shows how corrupt your own depraved heart is. You salivate over the evil Dems, but they can't save your soul. You'll soon cry out for the rocks to fall on you and hide you from the wrath of the Lamb....

News Item11/20/2020 9:10 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Here's the hypocrisy of Jim Lincoln and his Democratic party -

So, Newsom attends a party, where there's NO social distancing, NO mask wearing. These tyrants break the very rules they make, because they KNOW it is not about a virus. When will people wake up?

They then 'apologize' when caught, or like Pelosi and the hair salon episode, merely blame others. This Democratic party is a joke, and the Republicans are silent. There's no point in placing your hopes in politics, they're all of the same stripe.

News Item11/20/2020 8:54 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The lockdowns are driven by $$$, and LOTS of them. The big corporations are making out like fat cats, while the small businesses are folding. SO, it's NOT about a 'virus', or a 'pandemic', it's about driving the small businesses to distinction and fattening the wallets of the already wealthy elitists - - ' Amazon is doing great — profit is up 100%, Walmart: profit up 80%, Target: profit up 80%, Lowe’s: profit up 74%, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Google: stock at record high.Small businesses: 21% closed; revenue for rest down 30%. They’re gonna go extinct in the lockdown without help. Wealth increase in the pandemic for founder/CEOs of Amazon: $91 billion, Walmart: $38B, Google: $37B, Microsoft: $33B, Facebook: $28B, Nike: $8B, Apple: $8B. Small businesses: collectively lost over $200 billion. We’re witnessing a record wealth transfer'.

So we see this was never about a virus, it was merely the tool used to make the wealthy elite 'wealthier'.

News Item11/20/2020 8:39 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Jim Lincoln...EVERY DAY you come here "FORCING" your Democratic liberal agenda on others, exalting Biden as though he is the 'answer' to America's problems. Your 'god' is worthless, politics is the reason we are in such a chaotic mess, the core problem being sin- wealthy elitists who seek to control the world and oppress the masses, using fear of a 'virus' that has a 99% recovery rate. You are on board with the global reset, your comments here daily prove that. This reset is using fear to bring the masses into compliance. They are using their money and power to steal this election and do away with Trump, the problem with that is this, from here on out the people will have no say in who their 'leaders' are. Not that they ever had much anyway. Biden is not the answer, he is their puppet. They will remove him shortly after his inauguration and Harris will be the new globalist puppet. She will destroy what's left of this train wreck nation, with much power and wealth backing her.
As you parrot your agenda and links here continually, know this Jim Lincoln - you have way bigger problems than being concerned over this cold and flu season now hyped up to be the 'rona'. You face eternal damnation because of unbelief. Mixing a wee bit of 'religion' with your politics won't save you.

Sermon11/19/2020 1:52 PM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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The Greatest Delusion
Gary Shepard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message. We see great delusion everywhere, professing religious folks saying you have to repent of your sins, you have to obey the law, you have to do x y and z. These religious zealots do not know grace, or the true Christ. They like to label God's elect with false accusations like feminist, or antinomian. They are fools. They call Christ's elect antinomian because they can't discern the difference between law and gospel. They compromise and embrace errors, like God loves all, Christ died for all, etc. As Gary said, that's a delusion. They embrace false teachers like Billy Graham, they are clueless to the mystery of iniquity. Their religion points them to self,you better be morally upright, you better be prim and proper. They know nothing of imputed rightepusness. They then point out the sins of others, blinded to their own wicked blackened hearts, deceived by their pseudo jesus, which is none other than Satan. These zealots are deluded, and this is the will of God. praise God for His saving, electing grace and imputed righteousness❤️✝️

News Item11/15/2020 12:30 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Colin, Please consider taking a few minutes to read this article, it is excellent -

News Item11/14/2020 10:45 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Colin, I second sister MS's recommendation of Scott Price, I have talked with him personally, read his writings, listened to his preaching, it is Christ centered Gospel of grace preaching. The Gospel is 'good news', it points the sinner to Christ, not to self, not to feelings, emotions, shortcomings, etc. The Gospel reveals the righteousness of God- Romans 1:17. This righteousness comes through the finished work of Christ alone, it reveals He has completed the work necessary to save His people, thus satisfying the Father's demand of law and justice. This is how God can justify the guilty, because of Christ's work. Smoking cigarettes will NOT keep you from heaven, unbelief will. Being saved isn't based on your performance, it's based on the obedience of Another. Remember what Paul said in Romans 7 concerning doing what he doesn't want to do and not doing as he should, and that *no good thing dwells in him*- let that sink in.
He cried out 'oh wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death? Christ Jesus! Please consider contacting Scott Price at

Sermon11/14/2020 4:11 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message exposing 'mystery Babylon'. I am excited to listen to your sermon series on Revelation, it has been very edifying. I love this truth from this sermon, ""It's the spirit of's false religion that says that salvation is conditioned in some way, to some degree, at some stage, on the works or the wills of men and women .. rather than on Christ of the things we have to be careful of, and it's promoted throughout the bible for believers to beware of, is false Christianity. That's part of Babylon too! That's part of her deception." This is RAMPANT in today's 'Christianity'. SO many people adding works to their religion, excluding the finished work of Christ as NOT satisfactory. What Christ did isn't good enough for them, they have to strive to be holier, obey the law that they don't realize says 'For as many as are of works of the Law are under a curse, for it has been written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue all things having been written in the book of the Law, to do them.' Gal. 3. They add their decision, their free will, their universal views that God loves all, wants to save all, but can't unless all make that choice. They add infant baptism, and on and on it goes. The way is NARROW, FEW find it, By GRACE I see why....

News Item11/14/2020 1:37 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Obeying the GOSPEL is what it takes. Did Christ pay it all or didn't He? IF He did, and HE DID, then why look to 'self', which is still sinful? Why expect improvement when one is still in the flesh? As stated, we strive against our flesh by HIS power, gratitude is the motive, NOT assurance/evidence/meritorial proof. What is it to obey the Gospel? It is to trust in HIS work, not His plus yours. The mind is so conditioned to look to self, only God can grant 'repentance from dead works' that 'leads to a knowledge of truth'. What truth? That Christ has 'finished' the work, that HE ALONE is the propitiation/satisfaction for the sins of the elect, that He has 'put away sin' by HIS obedience unto death, even the death of the cross.Phil. 2:8. Salvation is by GRACE, never grace plus what you do. Evidence of salvation is that you keep looking to Christ, keep trusting in His work for the redemption of your soul. As long as you are in this earthly body, you are STILL a sinner, and in your flesh dwells NO GOOD THING- Romans 7:18. It all starts with believing the Gospel that has power to save, within this Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed- Romans 1:16,17. THIS is the righteousness you MUST have, it is imputed, and doesn't include your works....
May God give ears to hear.

News Item11/14/2020 1:18 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Here's the link to the World Economic Forum -
This 'virus' is merely a 'tool' in their hands to create fear and dependency on a corrupt evil form of global leadership. The elect bear in mind this world isn't our home, we are on a journey to a better country.

News Item11/14/2020 1:05 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Here is the 'theme' of the dead religion that permeates the globe, "You neither believe in the irresistible grace of God, nor do you have it in your heart, or you would **behave** somewhat differently ." MOST equate 'salvation' with behavior, conditions, a 'check list' of dos and don'ts. Salvation is manifest by what YOU do, how YOU behave, act, walk, talk, etc. Herein lies one of many errors of the legalist/lordshipper, conditionalist,Calvinist,Reformed, etc. They always, always look 'inward' for assurance and evidence.
The elect look to Christ, never to 'self'. We KNOW we are STILL sinners, we 'confess' our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Yes, **we strive against the flesh, but NOT as a means of proving salvation or earning merit, for God ONLY sees the finished work of Christ**. It is a deep gratitude for our Savior that motivates us, and even that is from Him, the revelation of Christ in the heart is the difference between that which is false- the great harlot of all religion- and the true, living Jehovah God. The great harlot always points the sinner to 'self', to performance based meritorial actions to prove one is 'truly saved'. But, the true saint is like the tax collector, 'Lord, be merciful to me...a sinner'...

News Item11/14/2020 11:32 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Just another stark reminder this world is evil, mankind is evil. Politics is evil- BOTH parties. The Righteous Judge of ALL the earth is coming again, and He WILL judge righteously.
"Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man, who cannot save." Psalm 146:3
“Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” Acts 17:31

News Item11/14/2020 9:12 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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An observation, "L-bug
Refrain your rant please, it is far from edifying. Please abstain from mentioning my name in your posts. This is greatly appreciated.
Thanks" So, when BM posts her accusations about Americans, it's truth, BUT, when SHE is on the other end, it's a rant. That seems to prove my point It would seem the very thing others accuse Americans of, they themselves are filled with. Only God given eyes can see their own sin. Pharisees always point to 'others'.

Holding to the 'law' won't save you, believing your decision won't save you, works won't save any of you, ever. So, as you 'foreigners' rant and rave about how sinful Americans are, and never ever reflect what lies in your own heart, know the end, the Lord of glory is the Judge of all mankind, not Brits, Canadians, or any other nationality. The Lord sees what lies in your hearts,unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. The ONLY righteousness that's acceptable is the finished work of Christ alone, not Christ plus your 'law keeping', or Christ plus your 'B. Graham religion', or Christ plus your free will,baptism,progressive sanctification, covenant keeping, etc. It's Christ alone, nothing added. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

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