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News Item11/26/18 11:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Maybe this young man was foolhardy, and I pray that the Indian authorities will be able to land on the island for long enough to recover his body.

However, Christianity in Korea, basically started the same way. Though the Catholics had sent missionaries some centuries before, there was no real gospel witness to Korea, until a missionary went in the 19th century armed with a box of Bibles. As he landed on the shore with his Bibles, he was immediately attacked and killed and his Bibles scattered in the sea. However local fishermen caught pages of his Bibles in their nets, and stuck the waterlogged pages on their walls as a decoration. Soon those who could read the Korean script were convicted by the words they read, and when future missionaries turned up and explained these words from the Bible, the fishermen were converted.

What is now the terrible dictatorship of North Korea was actually the centre of Christianity in Korea, and before this, Korea was invaded by and a province of Japan for many years, and Christianity was persecuted savagely by them as well.

Now South Korea has many huge churches, and prayerful Christians, North Korea has many Christians in prison camps, but it all goes back to the foolhardy missionary killed on the beach and his floating Bibles!!

News Item11/26/18 11:32 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Russia under Vladimir Putin, a nominally Russian Orthodox country but with a large Muslim minority and hungry for power, oil, warm water ports and a resurgence of the old Soviet Empire, Iran under its real ruler Ayatollah Khamenei and the mullahs, (President Rouhani is only a puppet in their hands), the main Shiite Muslim power, the leading power in Iraq, Syria (in conjunction with Russia), Lebanon through its surrogate terrorist movement Hizbollah, Yemen through the Houthi rebels, also supporting Hamas, the Palestinian rebels in Gaza, and Turkey, the Sunni Muslim power under the dictator Erdogan, who wishes to resurrect the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate, along with an eventual reestablished Libya and Sudan, are definitely lining up to form that Ezekiel alliance that will invade Israel, but be defeated supernaturally by God.

The EU leaning Western nation of Ukraine, I don’t think has much chance of getting the Crimea or its rebel Russian ethnic Eastern provinces back, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are increasingly being left behind, and beginning to tacitly and secretively undertake limited contacts with Israel previously unthinkable, as they are very worried about this Russia - Iran -Turkey alliance in their region.

News Item11/26/18 10:26 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Here we have two contrasts. The first is much more common. A famous church on London with a renowned evangelical preacher and Bible teacher in the 1960’s and early 1970’s, under his successor began to embrace new worship, new Bible, and watered down, though still evangelical teaching. Today this famous chapel is now a full blown charismatic, social gospel type church with a veneer of thin semi-biblical teaching.

Very rarely, it does occasionally go the other way. An equally famous church, pastored by a tremendous Reformed preacher, in the late 19th century, had declined by the 1960’s and 1970’s, had joined the ecumenical denomination the famous pastor had left, and though fairly conservative in worship was dying on its feet. They called a young but very committed Evangelical to the pastorate, who followed his famous predecessor out of the denominational Union, and now that church is packed to the gills every Sunday, proclaiming biblical truth without compromise, and evangelising thousands of children in its many Sunday schools.

News Item11/26/18 10:09 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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A great disaster befell France in the late 17th century.

The previous king, Henry IV, a hundred years earlier, had been a nominal Reformed Protestant, but had converted to Roman Catholicism when he inherited the throne. However, he never forgot the Protestants, and issued the Edict of Nantes, to tolerate and give them freedom of worship.

This was continued under his son, Louis XIII, somewhat reluctantly, but his grandson, Louis XIV, a dissolute King and an avowed Roman Catholic determined to revoke this Edict which he did. The Reformed Protestants or Huguenots, the most productive people in the French economy, were harassed, brutalised, persecuted, and finally forcibly expelled from France.

This was an absolute disaster, and the monarchy began a terrible decline until the secular communistic revolutionaries who were atheistic dethroned and executed Louis XVI, his wife, (“let the people eat cake”,), Marie Antoinette, and his young son, the Crown Prince or Dauphin.

France has never recovered from this violent Revolution, and unlike Britain, there was no Methodist revival to ameliorate it. Though the French Revolutionaries were eventually defeated, this secular militant spirit has continued in France ever since.

News Item11/24/18 7:18 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I think that the South Korean President Moon is rather like our immediately pre-2nd World War Prime Minister here in Britain, the infamous appeaser Neville Chamberlain, who trusted Hitler’s false promises at Munich and waved his piece of paper, “peace in our time”., having just betrayed Czechoslovakia to the Nazi invaders.

Thankfully, when Hitler betrayed Chamberlain, and went on to invade Poland, we had a good strong Prime Minister in waiting, Winston Churchill, who replaced the disgraced Neville Chamberlain, and who had a policy of total opposition to the Nazi regime, and went on to win the war and defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany, even at one point when we were on our own in Europe.

Perhaps the South Koreans need to search out and find such a man, for their next President, as Kim Jong Un of North Korea, like Hitler, is not a
man to be trusted, and appeasement will not work with a man like this.

News Item11/24/18 4:44 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Thanks, Plain Old Tim. It always seems strange to me that good solid strong evangelicals and find fundamentalists who hold to the inerrancy of the Bible and believe in a literal creation (young earth, 6 literal days), the worldwide flood of Noah, the miracles in the OT and NT, the uniqueness of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, His sinless life, His death on the cross and His resurrection 3 days later, and so forth, seem to have a complete blind spot on eschatology, and particularly Israel, and start allegorising scriptures, and oddly, these good solid evangelicals are actually continuing the doctrines and beliefs of both the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches that they condemn!!! Very strange.

News Item11/24/18 4:56 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Finally, do you really support the establishment of another sharia Islamic state. Remember there is for them only a one state solution, which will kill and expel the Jews, and persecute the Christians. The Muslims demand nothing less than the extirpation of the Jewish state of Israel, and a single Arab Muslim state, with the Islamic flags fluttering on the Temple Mount in “Al Quds”, as they will call Jerusalem.

With leading evangelical Christians increasingly actually attacking Israel and championing “Palestine”, the Muslims will indeed be laughing all the way to the bank!!

News Item11/24/18 4:51 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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BDW - You are quite right in saying that non-Messianic Judaism has nothing to offer, and that Jews who are involved in that need to come out of that, and come to a real personal saving knowledge of Yeshua Ha’Maschiach, the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and as their Messiah.

However, BDW, to go from there to denying any biblical promises of the literal land of Israel to the literal Jews is very different.

I would like to remind you that 1). There are an increasing number Messianic Jews that do know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

2). There is no such thing as a national Palestine, nor ever was, or a mythical Arab Palestinian people.

3). Judea and Samaria are the heartland of Israel, not a mythical “West Bank”.

4). God has promised in His Word that He will restore the literal land to the literal people, and in the Old Testament, Israel, Zion, Judah and Jerusalem means literally, Israel, Zion, Judah and Jerusalem, not some allegorical meaning, like the church. Sadly many Protestant Evangelicals are continuing the error of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church.

5). If God breaks His promises to Israel and the Jewish people, what makes us in the Church think He will be faithful and keep Hus promises to us.
Finally, do you really sup

News Item11/23/18 3:27 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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chapter by chapter, verse by verse. There is also a necessity to preach clear strong evangelistic sermons from Biblical passages aimed at unbelievers, though there should be evangelistic applications in the main teaching as well.

News Item11/23/18 3:25 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is very sad that churches are careless in this matter. In places like Canada, certain states in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, here in Britain, and in many countries in Continental Europe persecution on this LGBT / Transgender issue is really beginning in earnest.

1). Churches must start declining official charity status or receiving any government money or tax exemption, because it will come with strings attached.

2). They must ascertain the spiritual and moral state of potential members when they apply for membership, and all members must agree to the statement of faith and doctrine of the church.

3). All office holders of the church, not only pastors, elders deacons, and evangelists, but also Sunday school teachers, youth workers, women’s group leaders, even ushers and anyone else involved in an official ministry of the church must be thoroughly examined and approved before they take office, and held accountable.

4). Church discipline must be applied lovingly, firmly, rigorously and there should be clear biblical counselling and restoration available when people get right with the Lord and repent.

5). The Bible must be taught thoroughly in the preaching and teaching of the church, preferably by means of consecutive, expository teaching, book by book, chapt

News Item11/20/18 2:46 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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There is in certain rare cases a good case for an “online church”.

Some people are shut in, they are confined by a medical condition to bed, or have to stay housebound.

Some people have no private transport, they live in a remote area, and there is no public transport available, and the nearest truly evangelical church is miles away.

Other people have been converted while in prison, a mental hospital, or in the armed forces, and there is no truly evangelical provision available for them.

Worse, in some ways than these possibilities, is where there is absolutely no truly evangelical church in a whole area, and the only churches available are either apostate, liberal or very seriously compromised.

Otherwise, there is no substitute whatever for a real flesh and blood literal church. In rare cases like the lady in the “virtual baptism”, surely the church should come to her and the local pastor visit her to conduct a household baptism.

News Item11/20/18 1:55 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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body. What wickedness!!

News Item11/20/18 1:55 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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As I commented in the other related news item today in SA News, we are in a very mad world at present. The Bible assures us that there would be lawlessness in the last days. Our Lord Himself said it.

This whole transgender thing is basically the rebellion of an unregenerate man or woman saying like the clay to the potter (as described in the prophecy of Jeremiah), “I don’t like the way you made me, so I am going to change it,” as if they possibly could.

God had a perfect plan for us as the man or the woman He wanted us to be. Those who go down the transgender route end up with frustration, depression, illness both physical and mental, sterility of course, and in many cases tragically suicide or early death. The whole thing is a demonic deception.

It is even worse when it is perpetrated by parents, teachers, social workers, doctors or other professionals on young children, and I believe it classes as child abuse, as much as anything sexual, emotional or physical. The latter three would end up, hopefully with the perpetrator/s in gaol where he /she / they belong, but tragically the perpetrator of transgender child abuse is hailed as a hero, and lauded publicly by authorities and the ever present liberal media, while the poor child suffers the ravages in his or her mind and

News Item11/20/18 6:44 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I didn’t realise that the first comment I made, about the autistic children being given “transgender” treatment was already in SA News today. I actually saw this in another Christian newsletter.

It shows what is happening, and we have a “liberal” Conservative Government!!

News Item11/20/18 6:03 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Quiet Christian, SA is only reporting on the madness that is going on in this evil world.

A couple of thoughts that occur to me. Why aren’t the feminists up in arms about this? Biological men invading their space, their women’s refuges, women’s prisons, their daughters being forced to shower and change in the presence of biological boys and men, biological men competing in girls athletic competitions.

The Guardian, and its Sunday counterpart, the Observer, is the leading liberal newspaper in Britain.

An anonymous education whistleblower has complained that in schools, autistic children are being told they “are trapped in the wrong body”, and automatically given puberty blockers, sometimes even over their parents heads. In one school alone apparently 13 children are receiving “gender reassignment” treatment!!

A Scottish biological male prisoner on a life sentence for a very unpleasant murder, serving in a woman’s prison, is being taken to a private hospital in Brighton under guard, to have sex change operations, paid for on the NHS, taxpayers’ money. We are truly in the last days.

News Item11/18/18 10:18 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dear Mike from NC, You have asked a good question. I am not saying that all secular films, music, etc is all bad without exception. However, most of it puts forward a certain world view that is totally opposed to a Biblical world view, and in most cases it is very doubtful that it would be profitable to listen to, watch or read it.

In Philippians 4:8, it tells us, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

This is an excellent rule which should govern all our watching, listening,reading, etc., and may indeed keep us out of trouble.

This world now seems to be obsessed with immorality and the occult, and it is admittedly very difficult at times to avoid these things, but we need to, and we also need to be fully aware of and use the spiritual warfare and armour given to us in Ephesians 6. We must also pray for pastors that they will preach the truth without compromise and that we will grow in our knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the Lord Jesus Christ.

News Item11/18/18 4:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Tragically, many of the “evangelical” churches in the USA and other Western countries are no longer preaching the true Gospel , or teaching the full counsel of God from the Bible. They are now into worldly entertainment and seeker sensitive methods.

Also things like Harry Potter, films, tv, the Internet, rock music and popular entertainment are leading people on to the occult and New Age.

A whole generation brought up on secular humanism and evolution has to believe in something, and if they do not hear the real authentic Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, they will grasp at anything, no matter how strange, and even evil it may be.

News Item11/18/18 3:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is a good demonstration of “sanctified lying” or “takiyya” which is quite permissible for Muslims to use to deceive unbelievers.

In the case of these two ladies, it obviously had the desired effect and got them elected!

News Item11/18/18 3:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It sounds as if Bulgaria, though now an EU member, is going back to its Communist past.

Apparently, the state approved Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and the Turkish Muslim minority will not be subject to the same laws.

We must indeed pray for the loc believers there.

News Item11/18/18 3:12 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The Republic of Nepal is as rigorously anti-Christian as the Hindu Kingdom that it replaced some years ago after the tragic events that occurred with the murder of the former Royal Family, by the then Crown Prince, and the forced abdication of the last king, his uncle.

Indian Hindu Nationalists of the BNP Government from the neighbouring state of India, having persecuted the Christians there, have decided to export their revolution to Nepal.

We must indeed pray for the Christians there, I believe that David Cloud, who has many sermons on SA is a missionary there, and we need to pray for him, and the churches that he is sssociated with.

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