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News Item11/2/19 6:02 PM
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Jim; This is your Worldview here, Just like Burger King, I will have it my way!; You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."- Friedrich Nietzsche

Moral outrage is absurd if you reject objective truth."
John Hendryx

If you derive your idea of "right" & "wrong" from the fact that "everybody is doing it", then your are basing your thoughts, actions & life on the ever-changing, arbitrary, subjective bent of society. But ideas that are arbitrary only have as much authority as someone decides to give them. If someone doesn’t embrace that view of morality as authoritative, what standard can the others appeal to in order to tell them they are wrong? They have no basis but their own self-declared authority. Instead ground your own thoughts and actions in light of God's Word alone." John Hendryx

News Item11/2/19 5:20 PM
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Jim; Your quote here; Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?) and this article would probably even go further and say it's not only futile but wrong.

Jim; If truth & morality are only relative, & subjected to subjective meanings only.

Then in your fallen worldview, you can’t live consistently in that foolish way; Pro 14:12!;

As you force, your intolerant ways on here, & promote the murder of a Small Baby in the Womb, through the god of Humanism, self, is King!

Truth, morality, Sin, ones Worldview, reasoning, etc, all are Objective! Defined by Christ & His Word, n’t many other ways to God, as Jesus isn’t just a good moral teacher.

So your point you made clearly reflects, how desperately & sadly lost you are!

Col 2:8-9 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy & vain deceit, following the tradition of men according to the rudiments of the world, & n’t in accordance with Christ. For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

News Item11/2/19 4:45 PM
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Jim; Stop surepresing Gods Word, with your own unrighteousness; As God, through His Word has clearly defined murdering a small Baby, in the womb, is wicked & He Hates it! ; Pro 6:16-18! Fetus in Latin = Small Child!

Jim; Rome take on excommunication & salvation only being through Her & Her Sacraments, clearly goes against Jesus, Jhn 14:6!

As even those who have done acts of murder, can be forgiven IF, They have truly have tasted & reflect, the saving Gift of Godly brokenness in & through Christ Alone; 2 Cor 7:8-9, 1 Jhn 1:9, Acts 26:10, 7:28!

So you might want to stop being so close minded & up the Bible & read it for own self, who knows, God might bring You to Your knees & allow you to see & taste Your dier need of Him & n’t the other way around amen!

News Item11/2/19 3:56 PM
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Jhn Newton; The whole system of my politics is summed up in this one verse, "The Lord reigns! Let the nations tremble!" PS 99:1

The times look awfully dark indeed; & as the clouds grow thicker — the stupidity of the nation seems proportionally to increase. If the Lord hadn’t a remnant here, I would have very formidable apprehensions. But He loves His redeemed children; some are sighing & mourning before Him, & I am sure He hears their sighs, & sees their tears. I trust there is mercy in store for us at the bottom; but I expect a shaking time before things get into a right channel — before we are humbled, & are taught to give Him the glory.

The state of the nation, the state of the churches — both are deplorable! Those who should be praying — are disputing & fighting among themselves! Alas! how many professors are more concerned for the mistakes of government — than for their own sins!"

"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns!" Rev 19:6

News Item11/2/19 3:31 PM
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Regardless of who is the White House, their is no King but Christ Alone! Hallelujah a wonderful reason to proclaim His truths that Christ didn’t come for the Righteous but He came for sinners, to come too the saving truths. Of His saving gifts of Godly repentance in & through Christ Alone amen!

Jim; How many times have you been married? How are you prepared for eternity? As I agree Paula White, needs the Jesus of the Bible & n’t the Jesus of Prosperity Gospel!!

Jhn Newton; When people are right with God, they are apt to be hard on themselves & easy on other people. But when they aren’t right with God, they are easy on themselves & hard on others.

News Item11/1/19 4:15 PM
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So Jim; Is the mother guilty of murder if she has a Butcher at the Murder Mill, take away life, of a baby, that has its own set of DNA, that is separate from the mother?

Rev 21:8 But as for the cowards, & unbelieving, & the abominable, & murderers, & whoremongers, & sorcerers, & idolaters, & all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

News Item11/1/19 2:50 AM
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John Calvins motto declares: My heart, promptly &!sincerely in the service of my King.
Only in Christ can the Christian truly live as a willing servant of our Lord, a faithful soldier of our Commander & an obedient child of our Father.

PS 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him!

Pro 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom & instruction.

Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, & holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord,

News Item11/1/19 2:25 AM
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I guess the Reformation wasn’t part of Church History, that didn’t rightfully exalted, Jesus as being their is no King but Christ Alone. Just as equally their is no justification in any other than through what only Christ can & has to do for one Alone, amen!!

O’ I guess that isn’t very important, as if you get that wrong, you are squarely looking down the barrel of Gals 1:6-9!!!

Anonymous Baptist; It’s okay to read commentaries or listen to sermons, in how God used His people, durning the time of the Reformation, through the Reformers. To proclaim His glory word & to declare, too one, that they aren’t prepared to die outside of Christ Alone, being their only mediator alone amen!

News Item11/1/19 2:02 AM
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A worthwhile watch, as the only everlasting solution to ones harden spiritual heart of stone, that one has. While they are in active rebellion against their creator, is through Godly brokenness leading to Godly, life changing saving repentance. In & through Christ Alone amen!!

News Item10/23/19 12:18 PM
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Dr:Tim; May the Lord speak truth & eternal life, to the young man, even despite of the dim circumstances, you just shared. As their is none, like our GOD. As their is no King but Christ Alone amen!

PS 135:5-6 For I know that the Lord is great, & that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He in heaven & on earth, in the seas & in all deep places.

News Item10/23/19 11:28 AM
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Thank you for answering the question about Salvation of those of the Reformed Camp, JFJ; But as you beat on the Drum of Free Will, in what you are saying, by Free Will. You are going in the direction of Rome; In Semi- Pelagianism!

The Gospel & the Sovereignty of God is affected when we go in directions that scriptures isn’t leading us. So JFJ, going in the direction of Rome, isn’t good, important aspect of why the Reformers, willing to die for their God Given faith in knowing that truth was being twisted into filling the Mold of what Rome, says & interprets, how one is reconciled to God, through Mary!

Just like Erasmus did in his
unaided logic, JFJ, you have build a whole theology on Free Will, that makes one have to deny lot of scriptures to fit that theology into ones life, in which leads back to Rome!

News Item10/22/19 10:54 PM
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Dr. Tim; May the Lord grace & compassion be seasoned in your speech, as you share, with this ill man, that one is only prepared to die, when they have experience for their own selves. That their is only eternal peace to be found in & through Christ Alone amen!

Isa 55:6-7 Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

News Item10/22/19 10:49 PM
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JFJ; When one see & understands what a wrecth they are apart from Christ, as ones Will is a Fallen one. Bound into Bondage of being spiritually dead in trespasses & Sin. As the Word tells us that. N’t that one is just merely sick, but the Bible, teaches, DOA= Dead On Arrival! As one Fallen Will is bound to bondage that one is in, a Slave to Sin. As Jesus says our Fallen Will is in Bondage to Sin as a Slave!; Jhn 8:34-35.

The next V-36 says the Son sets one Free & indeed. Just like I shared & others too; Jhn 1:12-13. As the glorious beauty of the Sovereignty of God, didn’t make Salvation just a potential act for one. But as Jesus teaches through out the Book of Jhn in several chapters, He actually accomplished in saving one, His people, His Sheep. As Christ didn’t die to be a Potential Savior for one!

As the only reason why one is a new creature in Christ, isn’t because of ones Free Will-AKA- Fallen Will! One who has tasted the sweet saving nectar from Christ bringing the saving Gift of Reconciliation too them & n’t the other way around!

All Things of God Alone, points back to Salvation being of the Lord alone, beauty of Sovereignty, as none are deserving of it ever; 2 Cor 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ & hath given to

News Item10/22/19 10:07 PM
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JFJ; As I have been & try to be loving & respectful towards, through Grace & Compassion. John Calvin had nothing to do with Calvinism, as the only TULIPS, he knew about were the ones in garden at home. As he never ever even had nothing to do with The Name Calvinism, in the first place!

You still haven’t answered the question are Christians who are blood out by the precious blood of Christ. Who are seeking to be like their Savior to live & walk after in pursuing personal holiness in their own, as Jesus clearly teaches one to do so! Are Reformed Christians, in the house hold of saving Faith? I have asked you several times & you willn’t answer my question!

News Item10/21/19 8:24 PM
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Amen Lurker; JFJ their is no Err on Jhn 1:12-13, your issues aren’t with me, your issues fall into what the text is clearly telling one, those who believe in Jhn 1:12-13, is crystal clear, because enable them to do so, as the spiritual dead are unable to change themselves.
As scriptures teaches a outward calling & a inward calling, that aren’t in war with one another either.

V12, who gives the power to one become a child of Child. As the Bible teaches we are children of wrath, apart from Christ Alone! Can’t please God in the flesh of the 1 ST Adam, one is in Hostility against Christ; Rom 8:5-9! Repeating picture how Doctrines affect other Doctrines!

V-13; It’s clear who is seeking who, Jesus isn’t knocking on my spiritual heart door to let Him. Dead men don’t seek, & I don’t need to ask Jesus into my heart, when that is a huge problem I face specifically; Jer 17:9. I need a new spiritual heart of Flesh; Ezk 36:24-26

Jhn 1:12-13 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

News Item10/21/19 3:07 PM
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JFJ; Thanks for the Morning lol; Your view on Salvation, grace, Atonement, election, Depravity of Man, are Semi-Pelagianism views. I have a memory like a steel trapp, so I remember your conversation on other threads on the SA Fourm, you have had, with other Reformed Christians.
Unless you think Reformed Christians aren’t of the Faith?

I amn’t Brainwashed Just highly grateful that the Bible clearly tells me, & reassures me, that Christ isn’t just merely a potential Savior for one, that Christ first loved me first, that He didn’t see me through the Corredor of time, in seeing me, choosing Him.

You have issues with the Sovereignty of God, Eph 1:4-13.

Would it be unjust of God if He didn’t save anyone?

News Item10/20/19 10:35 PM
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JFJ; I have nothing personal against you but you can keep or Semi- Pelagianism theology, that takes offense to the glorious sovereign Doctrine of God’s sovereignty!

Spurgeon; It always seems inexplicable to me that those who claim free will so very boldly for man should n’t also allow some free will to God. Why shouldn’t Jesus Christ have the right to choose his own bride?

Would God be unfair if He didn’t save anyone?

Spurgeon; Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven!

Your Semi- Pelagianism; Freewillism is the doctrine that says, “God loves you, Christ died for you, & the Holy Spirit is calling you; but it will all be in vain unless you choose to be saved.” Freewillism makes the determining factor in salvation to be the will of man. It makes the work of the Triune God & the grace of God to be impotent without the consent of man’s “freewill.” Freewill religion is in direct opposition to the gospel of the free grace of God. The Bible declares that salvation isn’t accomplished, determined by, or dependent upon the will of man, but by the will of God (John 1:12-13!

News Item10/20/19 6:14 PM
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Accordingly to your reason Jhn for J; How unloving & ever so how rude of God, to force Lydia, to listen!

Acts 16:14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God, heard us; & the Lord opened her heart to give heed unto the things which were spoken by Paul.

Those who say that the fallen deadness of the fallen spiritual condition we have apart from Christ, doesn't play into affect with Lazarus, are either, embracing Pelagianism or Sem- Pelagianism.

As the only reason why Lazarus came forth; Jhn 11:44, wasn't his free will!

Jhn 5:28 Don’t marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice

Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved

News Item10/20/19 5:44 PM
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John for J; Your holding onto Either of Pelagianism, or Semi- Pelagianism is clearly being painted with broad strokes, as your theology on the fall of man carries over into other areas.

As their is clearly taught from scriptures; There are two types of "calls" from God. There's the outward call of God & the inward call of God. & the Fall of mankind has a great affect on these, two separate callings, in how they affect one. At the end of the day from from your, Semi & Pelagianism embracing, it leaves one, with Christ just being a potential savior for one, contray to many scriptures, saying He saves His, elect, His Sheep, His people, in whomever that is. As the E don’t have a Big E on their heads for the Elect!

Can we resist God?" Yes, we all, in our state of depravity,
can & do resist God

News Item10/20/19 1:23 PM
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Cut off posting of mine; How the spiritual condition of Lazarus does apply in Jhn 11 & Lazarus stinking in the tomb, as everyone of us born into this life, through the 1 ST, Adam. Wasn’t born in a state of neutrality, towards Christ, unless one wants to play the game of twister with scripture & embrace bad theology of Pelagianism, & Semi Pelagianism. As I hear Jhn for J; Loud & clear in what he is saying with Free Willy; That is liken to Benjamin Franklin's famous adage, "God helps those who help themselves."

1 Cor 2:13-14 And we impart this in words n’t taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person doesn’t accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, &he isn’t able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

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