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News Item2/22/2020 3:17 PM
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As evangelize is important as Holy living is as well in being a doer & a hearer of His life changing truths, found within Scriptures & amen. For Nothing but the Blood of Christ is sufficient alone, to wash me clean & only by His Grace Alone. Is His Grace greater than my own stains of transgressions amen.

The real question is: How powerful is the Word of God? Can it change men from sinners into saints without an extension of an altar call? Will it convict & convert (as God promises), or will we need to add something that helps men ā€œsettle itā€? You will never be able to do without the invitation system until you are thoroughly convinced of the power of God's Word (Rom. 10:14; Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:23).

News Item2/22/2020 3:08 PM
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As I share in love & humility if it nā€™t been of His grace given, to me by sending people into my life, for some to plant seeds & others to water with the Word. As He brought the final increase into my life, through salvation being a Work of God Alone, in raising up the dead bones amen.

The biblical method of focusing on the gospel itself, without props, & allowing God to save whom He wills, when He wills, demands the hearing of the Word. And it demands trust that God will call His elect to Himself according to His own timetable. When the Word is preached, there will be varying responses (Acts 17:32-34). Just be faithful to preach the Wordā€¦and leave the results to God. He will save His elect according to His own timing.

News Item2/22/2020 3:02 PM
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Dr. Tim, I regularly do evangelize, as I get to evangelize, my own family, great need of being reconciled to Christ. I get a lot of foot traffic coming to my door step. I always carry good striking Gospel Tracts, on me & in my vechiles. I make tract bags, that have granola bars & some tracts in a plastic bag. To give out, too homeless people, I open air preach on college campuses, when I can & do Abortion Mills Preaching, when, I can, etc.

But their is no getting around the Methodology & means, in how Charles Finney, used the Altar Call. As that persuasion has influenced many churches with Semi-Pelagianism, that are bad affects of Charles Finney, Altar Calls methodologies. All the while in nā€™t trusting in the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit removing the Veil off! As the Word needs to be faithfully preached & taught, that His Sheep will come forth!

News Item2/22/2020 2:23 PM
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A fitting example of people like Jim, who are willing to justify Abortion & unwilling to answer the question, is the Fetus human life with in the womb, with their own set of DNA, etc!!

As Jim is a loyal & ever so faithful member of being insnared to his willful bondage of suppression. As He & others in the video, who oppose Biblical truths clearly taught from within scriptures. Are lovers of their own personal Pet Sins! As one will serve somebody, since their is no neutrality with Christ, either one is Born Again From Up Above Alone or Nā€™t amen!

News Item2/22/2020 11:55 AM
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Guarding against man centered gospel messages, of theology that lifts up mankind & his Fallen Will, into positions one will never hold too! But unless God plows up the soil & removes, the Spiritual Veil off.

Itā€™s ever so important to speak out against in a loving & respectful manner. In nā€™t being of truths taught from within Scriptures, as their is a stricter judgment & requirement. Held to one, who is teaching & preaching from the Holy Bible; Jas 3:1!

The Fear of God in perspective of Preaching; John Knox; I have never once feared the devil, but I tremble every time I enter the pulpit.

News Item2/22/2020 11:11 AM
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Dr. Tim; The reference was Specifically directed too the methods & origins, associated with the Altar Call. From a standpoint of time in how in the 1820ā€™s. The Altar Call came from the Bad heretical theology of Charles Finney. Who was a Pelagius supporter of doctrine & he taught the heretical doctrine of Sinless Perfect!

That was one of several issues, that Dr. Lloyd Jones, had issues with the Altar Call! Nā€™t in what you are saying is a different theological discussion of how the Sinner responds to hearing & teaching of the Word, effectualling affecting the fallen from within.

Biblical Phrase like Come unto me, & etc, that are clearly taught from within scriptures, obviously isnā€™t the issue.

The issues is trusting in the Triunity of the Spirt, working in the faithfulness of whomever is preaching & teaching of Christ, being the only sufficient means. Of being the only one raising up the spiritually dead, in the loins of the 1ST Adam! With a new spiritual heart of flesh, & guarding against in making one to be a false convert, because they asked Jesus into their heart.

News Item2/22/2020 8:35 AM
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Jim: Itā€™s wicked to take the life of little boys & girls in the womb! As the word origin of a Fetus meaning derived from Latin. A small child, = a small baby, = a precious human life, = From Conception!

Pro 17:15 He who justifies the wicked, & he who condemns the just, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.

News Item2/22/2020 8:02 AM
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The post is about Franklin but I find it very interesting, how things lead back to His late Father. Comments of the late, Dr. Lloyd Jones on Billy Graham, in holding hands with Liberals & Rome;

A interview from 1980, reflecting back to 1963 Pastor Jones, face to face talk with Billy Graham; Dr. / Pastor Lloyd Jones ā€œI am unhappy about organized campaigns & even more about the invitation system of calling people forward. Mark you, I consider Billy Graham an utterly honest, sincere, & genuine man. He, in fact, asked me in 1963 to be chairman of the first Congress on Evangelism, then projected for Rome, nā€™t Berlin. I said Iā€™d make a bargain: if he would stop the general sponsorship of his campaigns ā€“ stop having liberals & Roman Catholics on the platform & drop the invitation system (altar calls), I would whole-heartedly support him & chair the congress. We talked for three hours, but he didnā€™t accept these conditions.

News Item2/19/2020 11:28 AM
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Jim; You clearly have hate & bitterness in your heart, as what you post on here, is a reflection of your spiritual heart & your thought life, in how you process reality & truth!

Jim the homosexual who is in a unregenerate, will perish in their sin, as the heterosexual man will to, who is outside of Christ!

Itā€™s evident you are bound with hate in your heart for others, as you lack love & compassion, through truth & understanding!

2 Tim 2:22-26 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But avoid foolish & ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. & a servant of the Lord must nā€™t quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, & that they may come to their senses & escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

News Item2/19/2020 10:56 AM
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Family= Father And Mother I Love You!

PS 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.

A great reminder in who do we say that, Christ is & who are we saved from! Is a crucial sign in ones relationship with Christ as either a friend of Christ, a lover & pursuer of His heavenly truths. Or one is a self-deceived foe!

As no other Jesus outside of the Biblical Jesus, through His glorious Gospel. Of knowing Christ can & has to do for one, in which one is ever making themselves to be righteous & good, through their own best efforts of good intentions!

As His imputed righteousness is the only bridge that one can travel down on, as Christ as one mediator Alone amen!

News Item2/15/2020 1:48 PM
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May the Lord remove the veil off Pete eyes & open up the hardened soil of utter deception he is currently under & others too. Who are unregenerate outside of Christ Alone, in need of experiencing life changing repentance. In & through Christ Alone amen!

News Item2/14/2020 10:28 AM
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Jim; Itā€™s utterly amazing how your speech on here, never reflects, I would be still a objecti of Godā€™s wrath. If it werenā€™t of the mercies of the Lord. Being bestowed on my life, from Up Above Alone!

Another reminder of your spiritual bondage you are currently are inslaved into, as a enemy of the Cross!

J. C. Ryle; ā€œItā€™s nā€™t hard to deceive ministers, relatives & friends. But itā€™s impossible to deceive Christ."

The poor in spirit roll themselves in the dust in the sense of their unworthiness. 'I abhor myself in dust' (Job 42:6).

News Item2/13/2020 1:37 PM
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Jim how does health care take away your sin debt one has?

Spurgeon; Morality can keep you out of jail, only Christ can keep you out of Hell!; & amen!

News Item2/13/2020 10:32 AM
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Jim; Standing for life has nothing to do with the False provisions of what Rome, teaches in having another veiled gospel that = Gals 1:6-9!

As ones life is a reflection of being a image barrier; Gen 1:27!

Sadly, Jim; as itā€™s clear on here by your own doing of what you have allowed others to see & read. Reflections of how you think, process life & live out life, you clearly have issues against, innocent lives, with in the womb!

I have dealt with your kind at the Murder Mills, over the years. Who try to justify their sin, as they try to convince you, how good of a person they are!

All the while the only one who is truly Good, is Christ Alone amen!

Pro 20:9 Who can say, ā€œI have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sinā€?

News Item2/13/2020 10:05 AM
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Oā€™ Lord encourage Your people in Oklahoma & throughout the land & world. To stand for life, through lives changed by Christ Alone, in being a doer & a hearer of His Heavenly Truths. As truth needs to be openly shared in love, that if one who is outside of Christ Alone. Isnā€™t prepared for death, as they have a great need of experienceing reconciliation into their lives! Oā€™ Lord remove the veil off others, who have hardened spiritual hearts of Stone, who justify their own transgressions. As calling Abortion health care amen!

Pro 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

News Item2/12/2020 12:56 PM
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The hypocrisy that comes from Lincoln, you know Jim, never had any issues with this.

When the Racist Al Sharpton made repeated trips, to visit the Obamas in 2014! As he had 4:5 million dollars in unpaid taxes!

Socialist Liberals donā€™t care about Truth, as Truth is only relative to them. As their sinking ship of a Worldview, is liken to the Titanic!

As Jim, is so worried about Skin color, than worrying about truth & how does my Sin, anger a Just loving good God. Who willint turn a blinded eye, to His Justice & Holiness, as all hypocrites & liars will take account for surepressing in acts of unrighteousness amen!

News Item2/9/2020 12:55 AM
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Verses are so fitting to dealing with the false Jesus of Mormonism. May the Lord remove the veil off others who have been insnared with the false hope, of Families are forever, lie. That the Mormon Church uses, as a big hook line & sinker to draw people into, another Jesus amen!

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have nā€™t preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have nā€™t received, or another gospel which ye havenā€™t accepted, ye might well bear with him. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. & no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore itā€™s no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Cor 11:4,13-15

News Item2/5/2020 9:54 AM
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Pro 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death.ā€

Jhn 3:19-20 And this is the condemnation: that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

News Item2/3/2020 11:44 AM
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Being truly fed up, is only found in & through, Christ Alone! May Christ strengthen & encourage, His people to live & proclaim His Absolute Truths amen!; Jhn 14:6.

2 Cor 7:9-10 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorrowful, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For ye were made sorrowful in a godly manner, that ye might receive injury from us in nothing. For godly sorrow is not to be repented of, but worketh repentance unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

News Item1/30/2020 2:43 PM
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Jim; You calling one a bigot, in from your worldview of truth. Shows the close mindedness you have. Since truth in your world view is only subjective truth, to the means of truth is only relative truth. Is a clear reflection of the false world view you hold onto, so tightly, with a death grip; Hebrews 9:27! that canā€™t account for right & wrong in a world view of Relativism!
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