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News Item6/29/14 10:37 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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This article reads as if though these denominations just recently went apostate, when that has been the case with them for decades. Embracement, acceptance or tolerance of sodomy is merely an indication that something went wrong with them long ago on a foundational level.
Fuller Theological Seminary now countenances life-long, same-sex marriages as a Christian "alternative." You can easily trace that back to when they officially changed they're standard on biblical inerrancy to an unbiblical one, thereby undermining the authority of Scripture. From there on in, it was downhill for Fuller.

News Item6/3/14 12:07 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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The Lord bless Ian Brown and James McConnell. It's good to see the protest still remaining in a remnant of Protestants.

Islam, Roman Catholicism and the ecumenical movement are of the devil.

News Item5/10/14 1:28 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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As one of my favorite preachers would say, "Let's be clear here." I am not saying that a Christian is not obliged to obey the Law once he has believed the Gospel and become saved. One is justified by faith alone, WITHOUT the deeds of the law. Law keeping does not JUSTIFY a man.
Rom_3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Rom_3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Rom_3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Heart rendered obedience of the moral Law of God is a RESULT of believing the Gospel,(Jn. 14:15, Rom. 3:31) it is NOT the Gospel. The Law is not the Gospel and the Gospel is not the Law. They are distinct from one another though they flow out of the same Bible. And though there is a working relationship between the two, they are not one and the same. To blur the distiction between the two puts one on some pretty dangerous ground. The Bible teaches that the Law is "a schoolmaster," leading us to be justified in Christ, where we will no longer be under a "schoolmaster,"(Gal. 3:24-25)NOT that it will SUSTAIN our justification.
That's right, God's Word IS holy.

News Item5/8/14 11:03 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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News Item5/7/14 2:23 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Shane wrote:
FG... can you clarify what you mean when you say integrating law and gospel is a damnable heresy? Thank you
Integrating law and gospel makes them one and the same thing. The implication is salvation by faith plus works. Damnable heresy.

News Item5/4/14 4:02 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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John Frame integrates Law and Gospel A soul damning heresy if believed and lived. See point #6. Yea yea I know. He's not perfect.

News Item4/28/14 7:31 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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According to some missionaries sent by our particular circle of churches, the Chinese house churchers believe churches such as this one to be compromisers and will have no fellowship with it or any church, evangelical or otherwise, that belongs to the apostate "three self patriotic" official Chinese national church. Oh that we would have this kind of robust devotion to Christ and His words in our local evangelical churches here in the US. But it seems like China is undergoing a generational downgrade when it comes to communism while the underground church grows more potent and the exact opposite is happening here. China is most certainly headed toward Christianity, but not the way this article says.

News Item4/5/14 1:56 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Does anybody take a stand for truth and righteousness anymore??

News Item3/23/14 9:36 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Some of the recent goings on in Christian celebrity circles, like this incident and whatever incidents that may have taken place surrounding Sovereign Grace Ministries and CJ Mahaney and so forth, only goes to prove a certain principle. And that is that Christians need to stop putting other Christians on pedestals. No matter how "godly" or "humble" they appear or how many "blessings" we've recieved from their material, they are not to be exalted beyond measure, either openly or within our own hearts and they are to be subject to the same Berean scrutiny that even the Apostls Paul himself was subject to. In fact Paul had a proper perspective on "celebrities"
Gal 2:6 But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:
This is a healthy approach regarding "Christian celebrities" because after all, the best of men are men at best.

News Item3/4/14 12:10 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Can someone explain to me what purpose Warren serves in the body of Christ?

News Item1/5/14 5:59 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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1517 wrote:
John for Jesus,
I can empathize with you. I was in the Navy for a number of years and still cannot understand the idea that we all are equal but have different standards. If this does not point out a significant readiness issue, I don't know what will.
The only equality the military is interested in is equality of outcome. That's socialistic in nature and stadards have to be manipulated to achieve that end. This talk of equality is nothing more than that. Talk.

News Item12/30/13 7:22 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Someone suggested listening to a defense of CS Lewis. I went ahead and took that advice. I found the defense weak and insulting to the inteligence of the average human being, to say nothing of the discerning Christian. Put the theology of a CS Lewis in the lap of CH Spurgeon or Jonathan Edwards and you would not have heard them say that he "says a lot of wrong things," but he would have been dismissed as a heretic. We have mastered the art of the understatement nowadays and understatement is no defense. By the way, if you're that anxious to consume C.S. Lewis and your local"Christian bookstore has run out of his material, you will most likely find iy at your local occult book store. They like him too.

News Item12/23/13 6:45 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Deanna wrote:
And the majority of these "mega churches" preach the prosperity Gospel and not the true Word of God. If my memory serves correctly it was Joel Osteen that told Larry King that he didn't know if Muslims were going to hell. I'm not sure that Joel knows the living God, seems he's created his own God in his mind... Idolatry. People want their ears tickled, not the truth and Joel gives them what they want to hear.
So does Tim Keller, who told Martin Bashir that he didn't know what happens to people who die without Christ, and that homosexuality was not a sin that sends you to hell. These departures from the faith to tickle the ears of men are no longer isolated to the Joel Osteens and the Tony Campolos but they are beginning to flourish in so-called "conservative churches" also.

News Item11/21/13 7:32 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Perhaps God is working to draw him toward Christ, but it doesn't seem he's there yet. While no one starts out with full maturity, we must start out with CHRIST. If anyone believes we can have the peace of God without Christ they are woefully decieved. I pray this man will know thw peace of God in Christ.

News Item10/20/13 3:50 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I believe this pretty well states the Free Presbyterian position on the charismatic movement.

News Item10/1/13 12:58 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I already buy and eat Barilla pasta and the only thing that would tempt me to boycott it would be if he apologizes for his so called "anti gay" sentiments.

News Item9/29/13 4:17 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Looks like this little euphemism this pastor uses can be more accurately applied to his own church.

2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

Sermon9/22/13 3:38 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Billy Graham: America, Repent!
Kevin Swanson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Billy Graham has has a plank comprised of decades of [selling out the gospel type] compromise to pull out of his eye before he can be taken seriously when he calls any nation to repentance.

News Item8/26/13 8:25 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Oh well,there goes the Marine Corps too. Was wondering how long it would be before they started to jettison their standards.

News Item7/26/13 12:09 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Food for prayer tonight.
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