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Survey7/8/07 3:54 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Donnie, you are mixing two separate topics. Singing of the Psalms and music style are not the same thing. Are you saying that if someone sings a Psalm with heavy metal rock, it's okay, but if they sing a hymn with just an organ it's not? Where do you find that in scripture? Also, do you think that David sang any other songs that are not in the Psalms? Was he wrong for singing them or should we try to find them to add to the Bible?

Survey7/8/07 3:46 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Potter, scripture also tells us that God put His Spirit on people to be musicians in the Temple. Yet God never saw fit to put the music they played in the Bible. This was BEFORE the Psalms. Did God allow them to use their gift to worship Him without giving them the exact music to play? The Bible also tells us that there were singers in the Temple. What did they sing? The psalms weren't written yet. My guess, he allowed them to write songs according to therir knowledge of who God is and according to what written revelation they had.

Survey7/8/07 3:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Potter's, does that mean that when we preach we should only read the words of the Bible since any other words the preacher says are from his own mind and not inspired? Your argument is fallible because there are other songs recorded in the scriptures which are not in the Psalms. Do we sing those or not? And God goes against what you say because when we sing the new song in Heaven it isn't from the book of Psalms. Sometimes we need to examine our arguments before we present them because they aren't consistent with scripture or common sense!

Survey7/8/07 3:18 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Not Dirt, first of all, the question that was posted is not a condemnation of women. It is an honest question with honest possible answers. The fact that some men have chosen to abuse the question is the problem. SA had nothing to do with it and it is not a condemning question.
Second, Roger was making a comparison between his mother's time and now. He did not disparage his wife in any way.
Finally, just like now, you are using an alias. I can only tell that you are a woman because of your defensiveness on this issue. I'm sure if I called you Legion it was because of the way you presented yourself in a discussion. It definitely was not because you are a woman. If you knew me, you could ask anyone who knows me and they would tell you that I treat my wife, and two daughters, with the utmost respect and dignity.
You sound like a very bitter and angry person. I am praying that you will find your worth as a person in Jesus Christ and not in what some misguided men (Yamil) have to say on this site.

Survey7/8/07 2:26 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Women are not dirt, you are treating men exactly the same way you do not want to be treated! You accuse Roger, whom you don't even know, in a way that is not warranted or necessary. It sounds like you have an axe to grind. Please, get off your high horse and show the same respect you demand. Your problem was more with Yamil than anyone else, and now you are treating all men LIKE DIRT!!

Survey7/7/07 1:43 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Soory, Michael Somehow I posted on the wrong thread I'll try again. Hello, Michael!! How are you, brother? Hope these beautiful days find you and yours doing well! I don't really have anything much to add to your discussion here because, personally, I have grown weary of the Calvinism/Arminianism debate. I see on another thread that Dispensationalism and whatever are being debated. On another thread politics and non-politics. This morning I was reading the Voice of the Martyrs magazine and thinking, "What is my primary focus?" The thought came to my mind, if I had one hour with Pres. Bush, what would I do with it? Unfortunately, I know many would talk about abortion or illegal immigrants or prayer in school. My thoughts turned to Paul before the Roman leaders and the fact that he preached Christ!! No Calvinism or Dispensationalism, BUT CHRIST!! Oh that we would have such a heart for the souls of people! We need to continue to pray for revival AT ANY COST!!!

Survey7/7/07 1:07 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hello, Michael!! How are you, brother? Hope these beautiful days find you and yours doing well! I don't really have anything much to add to your discussion here because, personally, I have grown weary of the Calvinism/Arminianism debate. I see on another thread that Dispensationalism and whatever are being debated. On another thread politics and non-politics. This morning I was reading the Voice of the Martyrs magazine and thinking, "What is my primary focus?" The thought came to my mind, if I had one hour with Pres. Bush, what would I do with it? Unfortunately, I know many would talk about abortion or illegal immigrants or prayer in school. My thoughts turned to Paul before the Roman leaders and the fact that he preached Christ!! No Calvinism or Dispensationalism, BUT CHRIST!! Oh that we would have such a heart for the souls of people! We need to continue to pray for revival AT ANY COST!!!

Survey7/7/07 1:00 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Crofton, what do you do with the NT admonition to use "Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord"? Please don't tell me that these are three forms of Psalms because the word Psalms is used in the admonition. God could have made the point very clear hear by writing, "Psalms, Psalms, and Psalms...".

News Item7/4/07 8:51 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Truthlover, the burden of proof is on you to prove that the USA is mentioned in prophecy. You said it is there, now prove it! You act tough, saying that you're hardcore. Put your money where your mouth is and prove it. Substance!!! Islam is going to be a major force in the end times and tribulation period. We can't beat these muslim terrorists now with our great military might against their home made bombs, what makes you think it will be any easier when they take over Iraq and have their own country?
"It has been fun posting and talking with you guys but truly neither of you has any integrity or depth. So enjoy yourselves." That's a cop-out to keep from dealing with the issues. I hope YOU have more integrity and depth than that.

News Item7/4/07 8:22 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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"Now for you preacher boy I never said or even mentioned that christian american dream."
Your words-"Fortunately we as a country won't go down in flames".
I asked you to prove it from scripture, you have yet to do it.
You are just like KK, a lot of fluff, but not much substance. I take it you didn't give much credence to what I believe the beast to be or were you so bothered by my wanting substance that you couldn't see through your fluff? Substance, I say, substance!!!

News Item7/4/07 6:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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"You would be set free if you read Islam Peace or Beast by Simon Altaf."
John 8:32-"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Maybe, Truthlover, you need to read more of the Word of God and less of the words of men. No mortal book will set you free.
In regard to the beast of Revelation, I believe that it will be the ecumenical church headed by the most political entity, the RCC AND the most violent religion, Islam. Why? RCC-politics; Islam-violence (beheading of tribulation saints). Of course, most of today's religions (including much that goes by the name of "christian" will fall into this group as well).
"This is not going to happen of course." What happened to your dream of a christianized America? Did the nightmare of God's judgment surrounding you make you realize that it was only a pipedream? We must pray for REVIVAL in God's house if we hope to see any change in America!!

News Item7/2/07 10:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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KK, you are so quick to rebuke people for not agreeing with you in the "christianization" of America. I have a rebuke for you! The answer is not to get Bible reading back into schools, it's to get it back into our homes and churches! We don't need to strive for prayer in school, we need to get it back into our churches and families! The answer is not to legislate morality in the public square, it is to get holiness back into the lives of God's people! The problem is that it's easier to fight for Bible reading in school than it is to practice it personally! It's much simpler to petition for prayer in school than it is to get into our prayer closets to seek God's face! It's feels so good to make everyone else obey the Bible than it is to practice personal holiness and church discipline for blatant sin! God said in His Word, "If My people will humble themselves and pray". It starts with us! "And seek My face and turn from their wicked ways". We need to be the ones turning from sin and obeying God's Word! "THEN", and not until then! "will I hear from Heaven and heal their land". I want to see the US restored to its past glory, but it will only happen through God's people getting right with Him. Not through the schoolhouse or the White House! The question is:WILL WE?

News Item7/2/07 6:36 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Truthlover, you accuse me of debasing you and then you return the favor. I guess it's that childish game, "he called me a name first". My problem with you was that I responded graciously to you as I disagreed with what you had to say. You responded with sarcasm and fluff. You told me to "pray for depth" when I used scripture and you used emotion. Who needs depth? My "name-calling" consisted of suggesting that maybe you should change your username. Nothing vindictive or mean sppirited, just a suggestion. I stated my love for this country and my gratitude for living in it, but I see life realistically, you don't. The final act of childishness was your over-reaction to the posting of KKK instead of KK. Then you come on here and write, " rarely go to church anymore because of the low quality of mind found in most christians in my area as well apparently in NY also." Why, because I disagree with you? You are the one spouting the dominion theology garbage that sounds so good but is not biblical. Use your brain to read scripture and see that the good old USA isn't even mentioned in end time prophecy! Why? Because God is going to judge our sin! My prayer is that you will see the truth if the Bible and prepare for what is coming to the USA: JUDGMENT, not BLESSING!!!

News Item7/1/07 5:30 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Convenient way to extricate yourself from a losing argument! Good bye! If you check my previous post, I said KK. Just a thought, maybe a typo?

News Item7/1/07 5:16 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Truthlover, maybe you aren't as sincere as I thought. Are we able to practice our faith in peace and security?(HINT:ACLU). Second, my point about persecution is backed up by scripture, yours by emotion. Third, I love this country aand am thankful to live here, but I am also realistic. Fourth, my comments about ranting were to KKK, not you. Maybe you should change your name to eartickler because you obviously don't love the truth as much as you do the red, white, and blue!!

News Item7/1/07 4:40 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Truthlover, I appreciate your sincerity, but some of your comments just aren't correct. "This great country was built and prepared by God so that we christians can have a place to live and practice our faith in peace." Where do you get this from? God used persecution in the first century church to spread the gospel. Peter tells us that suffering for righteousness sake is a good thing. The worse thing that God could do is "give" christians a country free from persecution and trouble. His own word says that these are the tools that He uses to grow us. It worked for the early church and it is true today. KK mentions the many who died that we might have freedom. I am thankful for that, but what about the many who have died that the TRUE gospel of a kingdom not of this world might be proclaimed? There sacrifice is far greater and for a greater cause, the cause of Jesus Christ, not a man made government. "if this country went down in flames where would we go?" How about to the same place evry believer should go, the cross of Christ!! We shouldn't be dependent on a government protecting our rights. We, like the persecuted church, should look to our Father in Heaven for our strength, not a man made government. KK, scripture and substance, not ranting, please!

News Item6/30/07 5:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thank you, Dwayne. I used to be one of those christian "patriots" who wrapped my King James Bible in the American flag and shouted, "America is a christian nation, let's take it back for Jesus Christ!". I have come to realize through study of the scriptures that no country is "christian". Founded on christian principles, maybe. A "christian" nation-no. People are christians. Not countries, not music, not tv, not anything else, only people. To say that a nation is a "christian" nation sets us up against the very plain teaching of our Savior that His kingdom is not of this world. Do I wish America would go back to the days of following biblical principles? Of course! Who wouldn't? But Jesus said things would get worse before His return, not better. I will be an active citizen of this country. I will vote, I will contact my political leaders, I will speak out on the issues of the day. I will not attempt to make America a christian nation because I am looking for that city whose Maker and Builder is God, my true homeland!

News Item6/30/07 1:03 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, don't expect kind words from KKK now. You will be branded an "idiot" and part of the problem because you don't believe in "christianizing" the world! I believe it would be called "dominion theology", otherwise known as HERESY!

News Item6/25/07 10:23 PM
Cbcpreacher  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, typical response, blame the victims. How is a child who looks up to this "holy" man (the priest) supposed to respond when they know that if they don't obey they could lose their salvation. The fact that you would defend these perverts shows just how duped you are

News Item6/23/07 12:42 PM
Cbcpreacher  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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KK, something MORE does need to be said! You gave the same BLaThER to this article that you gave to my post. How about SUBSTANCE!!! You can rant all day long, it gives you NO credibility. I gave you substance, you give me name-calling. How about some answers!
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