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News Item8/28/15 9:12 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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no He wasn't political, He is spiritual, He preached against the pharisees false RELIGIOUS SYSTEM, He never uprooted rulers, even King David a man after His own heart would not put to death saul a wicked King that God appointed ...
God Himself gave us the system we deserved, and it is a test unto the death of His martyrs...

money talks and bull plop walks so wheres the LIBEL SUIT Trewhella is bringing against this website and their false statements?

what emperors did the martyrs get put to death by means of bloody revolutions?
Trewhella is asking we start one here where we will see who's bloody body on the steps of congress?

He did not uproot, what ruler did He uproot? no He went to the cross

News Item8/28/15 8:03 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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I have listened to many Trewhella sermons ... there a few with Biblical doctrine and most of the rest just stirring up this anger movement to militia action ... dominionist type of trolling ...
where in the Bible is the the "doctrine" of the lesser magistrates?
I see the substitutionary doctrine, no one stepped forward to save John the Baptist or any of the apostles, we are told in the revelation of Jesus Christ that men will wax worse and worse and they will overcome the saints ... not a word about fighting the government save for the admonition that this is not our home ... they wanted Jesus as King ... he refused dominionism and took the cross ... they were sacrificing babies then... we don't ever see Jesus inter-positioning between them and their killers, we are to conform to the image of Jesus ... Jesus was not political, He is the Boss ... they are pushing this agenda on many fronts ...
Brave State Rep calls for Interposition in Tennessee

by extraction in essence you are even stating that God Himself is an evil tyrant and Jesus had to interposition Himself to save us ...

you can't explain away the Matthew Trewhella comments about murder and buying your kids an sks and 500 rounds ..

News Item8/28/15 7:41 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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Michael Hranek and really really real went off topic first promoting a dominionist Pastor, then when I exposed this Pastor's dark deeds the fight began ... lol
started by really really real with his saying I quoted that which I did not ... lol
never refuting the Matthew Trewhell comments ... saying I had bloody hands for quoting southern poverty law when in fact I did not ...
now he is sticking his fingers in his ears and saying nanananananananana ... lol

I have listened to many Trewhella sermons ... there a few with Biblical doctrine and most of the rest just stirring up this anger movement to militia action ... dominionist type of trolling ...
where in the Bible is the the "doctrine" of the lesser magistrates?
I see the substitutionary doctrine, no one stepped forward to save John the Baptist or any of the apostles, we are told in the revelation of Jesus Christ that men will wax worse and worse and they will overcome the saints ... not a word about fighting the government save for the admonition that this is not our home ... they wanted Jesus as King ... he refused dominionism and took the cross ... they were sacrificing babies then... we don't ever see Jesus interpositioning between them and their killers, we are to conform to the image of Jesus ...

News Item8/28/15 6:09 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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really really real wrote:
the fact that you did not source the smear says a lot about your agenda.
your source is
Really really real ... lol
that is not my source~!
I quoted from
Talk To Action
Dominionism and racists and Justice Sunday III

the straw-man argument that I actually quoted Southern Poverty Law falls flat on it's face ... lol
where is Trewhella's quote in any of the links you posted?
you can't argue or make up an original forum name better get back on them meds~!

this mashup was created with your types in mind ...

News Item8/28/15 5:36 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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I'll bet you were the one who called me a comrade a while back when I refuted your bloody militia nonsense earlier ... lol

use some imagination and Get a Real forum name ... lol

the facebook page cause they changed it so it's still on google search
The doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate

that ugly evil looking dog? or wolf is on it just like the video of the angry Trewhella holding a golf club like he was going to thump you good~! why isn't he in his office surrounded by many books? cause he don't have one in the convention center~! lol
looking up the Magdeburg Society cause their name is all over this junk ...
lol on your blood slander ...
you keep saying I quoted SPL when I quoted
Talk To Action, so you are the one making a straw-man argument ... lol

Hello Dave~! good day to you too~!
May God also Bless You and All of Yours~!
I am indeed still praying for you and everyone here, even the "Hutaree type" crazies

News Item8/28/15 12:55 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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the fact that you post with a derivation of my forum name is really telling ...
why not make up one of your own?
instead of "pretending" i'm back with this kind of rhetoric?
I understand the SPL center is a group working both sides of the fence ... they are the ones pointing out hate groups and they are making them... nowhere have you proved that the quotes I have re-posted are false ...

Don't refute SPL ... refute the original quotes, explain why this Tree-Hella says "This Christmas I want you to do the most loving thing and I want you to buy each of your children an SKS rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition." explain why his church is located in a convention center and not a permenent location? it smacks of store front operations, located at the Zoofari Conference Center, 9715 W. Bluemound Rd. in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, this is across the street from the Milwaukee Zoo~!! ... Tree-Hella ... climb a tree with your banana clips jungle taped?
lol Hutaree crazy ...

@penned and Michael
Michael Hranek wrote:
The Interposition of the Lesser Magistrates

an excellent topic and an answer to many issues, a fundamental concept of western civilization that has been forgotten.

well lookie here a whole facebook page dedicated to that "doctrine"

News Item8/28/15 11:01 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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i'm sorry to have to post but Trewhella is bad
* Rev. Matthew Trewhella --USTP National Committee, Wisconsin. A signer of Paul Hill's Defensive Action statement, Trewhella leads the anti-abortion group Missionaries to the Pre-Born. At the USTP Wisconsin state convention, he called for the formation of armed militias, such as the one he leads through his church. Newsweek reports that one member of the Missionaries who lived in Trewhella's basement for five months in 1990) kept a journal which included apparent plans for a guerrilla campaign of clinic
bombings and assassinations of doctors. What's more, a 100 page guerrilla army manual was sold by the USTP of Wisconsin

(One of the USTP's most notorious moments came in 1995, when a militia promoter named Matthew Trewhella appeared at its national convention. Trewhella, a notorious anti-choice activist, said: "This Christmas I want you to do the most loving thing and I want you to buy each of your children an SKS rifle and 500 rounds of ammunition." Trewhella also signed a declaration saying that murdering abortion providers is "justifiable homicide.")

[URL=]]]Dominionism and racists and Justice Sunday III[/URL]

News Item8/24/15 7:39 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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This is why I intend to stop coming here to comment, it's not doing any good, it's dwelling on the negative, creating more negativity in my already nightmarish life ...

I wont be around much any longer, I already spend days where I refuse to read the news and comments here ... nothing against you all, it's just that it used to feel like the right thing to do and now I can see how it's not helping anything ...
I still pray for you all, God Bless

News Item8/23/15 11:37 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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Jeremy i agree, not only is it distracting, I also find the vivid descriptions and pictures disheartening to the point of draining one emotionally, making one weak or weaker in faith and strength... there has been child sacrifice in history, the Bible never spends a lot of time on the gory details for a reason ...
Jesus did not go about on a tour of places of sacrifice and protest ...

part of torture is the showing the instruments of torture before they are used, this is done to create maximum terror ...
keep your eyes on the prize ... the Apostle Paul tells us to think of good things ...

I like comedy relief ...
this whole thing has me awake most nights and nightmares when I do sleep, I had to stop watching and dwelling on it ...

News Item8/23/15 4:34 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse, (co prophet of the end times, William Tapley a Catholic)

[URL=http://]]]Barack Obama's Amazing Prophetic Dream[/URL]

I can assure you that I have watched this to it's entirety and not only is it safe for work, it's safe for the lol's

News Item8/14/15 11:21 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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well this is awful, i actually watched the first video and its chock full of nudity in parts, I had listened to it while doing chores and never actually watched it, I don't watch things but mostly listen to them while I do other things, please forgive me this error, I can also tell you that I am still sleep deprived and function on autopilot for the most part, the other links are ok because they are not videos and I have read them, again I beg your forgiveness, please forgive this error

I am so impaired by sleep deprivation that I don't drive anymore ...

News Item8/14/15 7:30 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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but Jesus is the worlds greatest christian attraction ...

News Item8/13/15 12:36 PM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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I wanted to post these links to the Record Number of LGBT Characters on TV Shows post, but I don't know how to post again on top of my last comment and am not sure I'll be around to post these later ...

here are some links


Center For an Informed America
aka Dave's web, of interest, Laurel Canyon Stories, scroll down a bit for it

The Orange Papers
of interest is, The Funny Spirituality of Bill Wilson and A.A. its on the left column a few links down

Dave wrote this book
Programmed To Kill
Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 1 (Serial Killers)

News Item8/13/15 11:23 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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sometimes I get nostalgic for the old simpler times and try to watch something, and instantly regret it, I have seen witchcraft and voodoo advocated by Lassie, homosexuality advocated by Carol Brunette, and female histrionics and moral looseness advocated by many of old west programs ... for the most part it had been a learning experience to watch a few and I no longer feel the need to hide in the simpler times because there are no good old days really ...

News Item8/13/15 9:41 AM
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political correctness was designed to capture and subdue us...

The Effective Psychology of Political Correctness

A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics

in America there was freedom of thought and speech before this happened ...

News Item8/13/15 9:31 AM
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hollywood was always staffed by deviants ... it's just that now they coming out of the closet in a big way ...

I gave up TV about 5 years ago out of disgust and now when I go watch "oldies" online I can see the total wrong and new world order being pushed in it's early stages ...

News Item8/13/15 9:15 AM
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I used to work in the medical field as a C.N.A. and was thinking of going further as a nurse or doctor, yet all the nurses and doctors I have ever met professionally or by appointment for health concerns were "darkened" and calloused ... I got to see how they spoke of their patients and treated them ... watching this really confirmed my belief that medical people are now being trained for evil, or at best brainwashed by big pharmaceutical companies ... they get so jaded now ...

God Bless You Christopher, and have a great day~!

News Item8/13/15 7:40 AM
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ever since these came out I have been having nightmares of concentration camps and Dr.Mengele experiments ... some so vivid they stay with me for days ...

News Item8/12/15 12:54 PM
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TIL (Today I Learned) that there are actual people from New York lacking street smarts ...

News Item8/11/15 7:50 AM
Get Real | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Get Real
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I thought the newspapers and the TV news were the devil until I got a load of the propaganda online ... lol
Huffington Post comes to mind, Yahoo news, they don't even proofread for grammar and spelling and fact checking is way below the shoddy fact checking of print and TV news ...
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