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News Item2/9/19 9:51 AM
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...more media propaganda.
An article which reads..." provided manna for those in attendance",has behind it,an agenda.
People who want the support of Christians are not ecumenical nor do they fund planned parenthood.
Pray that the Lord will truly open these "Christian advocates'" eyes and change their hearts to serve somebody other than themselves for primarily their benefit.

News Item2/8/19 11:40 AM
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Ephesians 5:11

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”

Psalms 11:5 - The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Why do Christians watch violent sports again? Violence isn't just limited to video games.

News Item2/8/19 11:20 AM
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I wouldn't agree with the "solution" but there is no doubt that the weather is way wacky now...much like birth pains increasing in intensity/frequency.
In the mid-west we have had spring for the last week (60F temps) which followed a polar vortex which was preceded by a few other days of springlike temperatures between 50s and 60s. It has been commonplace for quite a few years now that any kind of thunderstorm carries with it the potential for straight line winds/tornadoes.
Back in the day, when there was a thunderstorm, it was not common to also experience tornadoes. Now,disasters are almost par for the course.
Emissions problem or judgment or both...but definitely, an issue.

News Item2/7/19 10:22 AM
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Wasn't it Trump who was waving a rainbow flag while he was campaigning for the office to begin with? ...maybe this is why there is some confusion as to his stance

News Item2/7/19 10:16 AM
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...a slippery slope, Christopher, for a nation that has glamorized adultery,fornication,immorality,etc...for a very long all media and music and sports

We should have held to higher standards back yonder.

no surprise that we are where we are..except that it took this long with all things considered

News Item2/6/19 9:56 AM
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From their beginnings, Disney has paraded debauchery in front of everyone's faces in the guise of "wholesome,family" entertainment.
I would highly recommend Cooley's the magic kingdom or the Kingdom of God.
It's very humbling. easily one is led astray with the things which are in front of their faces.

News Item1/28/19 10:27 AM
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Does knowledge puffeth up as in one ridiculing another brother's name when one is in disagreement, Tim?
The names "Jim" and "Tim" are quite close...calling "Tim" "Timiny" wouldn't be very polite,would it?

News Item1/26/19 11:20 AM
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It's interesting how Scripture says that we are not to elevate images but,seemingly,where there is allowance for those in areas of persecution.
I missed that part in Scripture.
If these images of Jesus are so important,as presented in that it is a tragedy for their removal,then clearly it is abominable for them to be posted at all.
Just because one discerns sin doesn't mean that one is perfect.If one is guilt of the sin in which they are exposing then they are hypocritical.
You seem to be suggesting that we are not to expose error?
Love speaks truth. If these people are attached to fake images of Jesus, it may very well be that they don't have a relationship with Him in the first place...perhaps they are RC.
Persecution doesn't dismiss God's Commandments.
Not condoning fake Jesus pictures is not tantamount to insensitivity unless you care to be align with the "we do whatever we please bunch"....or are ecumenical.
We need to be in prayer for these people ,perhaps even for their salvation or discernment as well.

News Item1/25/19 1:54 PM
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For those who think that "Jesus" pictures are okay...would it be okay to portray Him as Buddha? ...maybe there is a closer resemblance to him than Cesare Borgia...

News Item1/25/19 1:21 PM
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1 Corinthians 14:5-6
but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.

6 Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?

"Amens" are consent to what was spoken.
I see speaking in tongues then as for others .
I still see no "praying in tongues" that is valid as edification for oneself as is commonly believed today.

News Item1/25/19 12:56 PM
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I said that Christ is not being honored by false representations/images of Him.
It doesn't matter who portrays or has these images. Wrong is wrong.
If one is depending on that which is false for comfort,they are not only wrong but in dire need of the truth.

News Item1/25/19 11:26 AM
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Around the time of the Presidential election,Pence was referred to as RC.
In a meeting around June 2017, he stated “Catholicism has made an indelible mark on the American spirit,” Mr. Pence said at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. “Your faith has moved mountains, and the Catholic Church and its millions of parishioners have been a force for good in our communities large and small throughout our land, throughout our history."

...seems he ,like Graham, speaks out of both sides of their mouth all the while wanting to remain "the darlings of the Christian community".
...maybe why we're constantly reminded of all the "good" for which they stand.

News Item1/25/19 10:30 AM
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Perhaps Scripture just isn't making you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Christians should seek out these things to see if they are so...our personal beliefs are useless.

News Item1/25/19 10:28 AM
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The pictures are unnecessary if they have his Spirit. No one was being critical...just standing for Scripture.
If they are at a loss without the pictures, they had nothing to begin with.

News Item1/25/19 9:18 AM
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I am just wondering how being familiar with a foreign language and praying in it qualifies as "praying in tongues". It's not a gift then as much as just picking up a language naturally.
John UK,.. last verse,again, is in reference to speaking in tongues and not praying..
There is no private prayer language that is "praying in tongues". Obviously, one cannot speak mysteries to God.
Edifying others was the opposed to "edifying" oneself.

News Item1/25/19 9:13 AM
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It's not that there is no brokenness,Unprofitable...I think that many of us are keenly aware and grateful for access to the Word so readily...the point against false images of Jesus is quite valid according to Scripture.
Sadly, if these people ,actually, are tied to these images, they are misguided.
Jesus,especially,fake Jesus,images is not to Whom his children are being conformed.

News Item1/24/19 4:56 PM
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He that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.

This "prayer" language doesn't look to be very good as it is put in the context of seeking others benefit as opposed to oneself.

...seems to confirm that there is no legitimate prayer language as in praying in tongues.

News Item1/24/19 2:43 PM
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14 For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
If Paul prayed in either language which he knew, he was not praying in tongues unknown himself. On Pentecost, the Apostles were speaking in tongues which were foreign languages but which they knew not themselves.
Correct me if I am wrong but weren't tongues for the benefit of unbelievers?
The contemporary concept of "praying in tongues" is not in Scripture whereby one babbles something which is unintelligible. Anyone observing such would see nothing but confusion.
For the Spirit makes groanings, unuttered when Christians pray.

News Item1/24/19 1:21 PM
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Lurker, how would that be applicable to one who is bi lingual? For they would understand either language in which they were praying?
Isn't the point in 1 Corinthians 14:14 that one does not pray in a language which they do not know and therefore makes "praying" in tongues of no effect?
The only time "pray in tongues" is in the KJV appears to void itself in practical application.
Gospel, not to confirm with signs. "Unknown"...simply means unknown foreign language.
The whole point of sign gifts were for confirmation of the message or messenger.
After Scripture was written, there is no need for such. We need only to share the
Those who will be or could possibly be duped in the end times look for signs.

News Item1/24/19 12:31 PM
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Douglas, Christians who would do without "christmas" hold that view because they know better. Communists who ban it, do so out of ignorance. Satan loves "christmas" too but discerning Christians wouldn't want to go to Hell.
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