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News Item12/13/09 10:03 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Jim, I'll bet the leading evangelical MacArthur refers to that just about made him "fall off his chair" who said: “I think it’s so wonderful that we can now see Catholics as Christians because that means millions and millions of people are Christians.” is CHUCK COLSON!
Chuck Colson + Evangelicals & Catholics Together Document + Manhattan Declaration Document + the Jesuits . . this man has connected the dots!

'Swarms of Locusts – The Jesuit Attack on the Faith'
by: Michael Bunker
Online book - copyrighted

To access this book, do a Google search of 'Swarms of Locusts'

Swarms of Locusts: The Jesuit Attack on the Faith - Google Books Result
by Michael Bunker, Tony J. Woodall - 2002 - Religion - 320 pages
This is what makes Swarms of Locusts such a necessary book.

Section on Chuck Colson and his Jesuit connections – Pages 107-110

“It is no surprise, that in Chuck Colson's book, “The Body”, he proposes that Protestants cease all attacks on Catholicism and the Pope and unite with Papal Rome to fight the common enemy of “immorality” and “secular humanism” in the culture. This is nothing more than an abandonment of the Doctrines of Grace and the Reformation!”
". . try the spirits whether they are of God:. ."

News Item12/11/09 10:03 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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I commend this in-depth article to you for its relevance to the Manhattan Declaration and to point out the moral and spiritual bankruptcy of the R.C.C., rendering them wholly unfit and unqualifed to make any moral statement. Well-researched & fully annotated!

'At the Root of Clerical Sexual Abuse Are Celibacy, Power, Silence and Dehumanization Caused by Cultural Inbreeding' by Vinnie Nauheimer, a R.C.

"Starving, gassing, burning, hacking, bombing and mutilating on a large scale are all well documented crimes against humanity. In each case humanity reflects on how inhuman man can be to his fellow man, decries and tries to destroy the offending dictators or regimes and puts up a memorial in the hope it doesn’t happen again. . . There is however, one very notable exception. That exception is the rape, sodomization and molestation of children by the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. There is ample documentation showing this carnage has been carried out unabated for centuries!

So let it be known that history tells us that the sexual abuse of children is a longstanding part of the culture of the clergy in the Roman Catholic Church.”

News Item12/11/09 9:13 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Our loyalty . . our fidelity . . our obedience is to be given to Christ & His Doctrine. Evangelical leaders who have acknowledged those of the false “church” of Rome, the “Mother of Harlots” (Rev. 17:5), as fellow "Christians" have betrayed the Gospel of free & sovereign grace, and to them we owe no allegiance! We are at all times to “try the spirits” (1 Jo. 4:1) & are obliged to turn aside from those who have abandoned the Cause of Christ to advance “another gospel.” (Gal. 1:6-8)

Charles Spurgeon's solemn warning applies today:

"Dignitaries of the papal confederacy are just now very prominent in benevolent movements, and we may be sure that they have ends to serve other than those which strike the public eye. A priest lives only for his church; he may profess to have other objects, but this is a mere blind. Our ancient enemies have small belief in our common sense if they imagine that we shall ever be able to trust them, after having so often beheld the depths of Jesuitical cunning and duplicity. The sooner we let certain Archbishops and Cardinals know that we are aware of their designs, and will in nothing co-operate with them, the better for us and our country. "No peace with Rome" is the motto of reason as well as of religion."

***Rome's strategy: 'Divide & Conquer'

News Item12/10/09 10:54 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Postscript to my most recent comment:
To access the data base of Bishops who have enabled priests to continue their abuse through a policy of relocating them to other dioceses, type the following into the Google or Inquisitor search engine:

Catholic bishops and sex abuse - Database of Diocese & Bishops Involved (Warning: LONG LIST!)

I add this note as I have found that the link I provided in my prior comment (
does not take you to the specific article to which I have referred in my post.

As I have pointed out, those bishops / archbishops whom I have identified in my prior comment, who have signed the Manhattan Declaration also appear on this list of paedophile enablers.

This list was compiled in 2002 by the Dallas Morning News, but I can assure you, more up-to-date information can be found at the ABUSE TRACKER website that will corroborate their findings.

The moral bankruptcy of these men revealed in their complicity to cover up the criminal activity of their subordinates render them unfit and unqualified to make any public statement denouncing the moral / social ills of our nation . . an inconvenient fact the evangelical co-signers of the M.D. were willing to overlook!

News Item12/9/09 9:24 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Some inconvenient facts / considerations the evangelical signers of the Manhattan Declaration overlooked in their R.C. contemporaries who they refer to as fellow “Christians”

Some of the prominent R.C. Leaders who signed the Manhattan Declaration, the intent of which was to address moral / social issues in our nation can also be found on a database compiled by the Dallas Morning News in 2002 of those who protected, covered up & relocated known clergy sex abusers to other parishes and/or dioceses where they could continue their pattern of abusing children.
This infor. can be accessed here:


Information regarding Timothy Dolan, Archbishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of New York, NY, who also signed the M.D. Can be accessed here:

These men do not have the combined MORAL AUTHORITY to address the moral / social issues of the day!

News Item12/7/09 8:41 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Chuck Colson + Evangelicals & Catholics Together Document + Manhattan Declaration Document + the Jesuits . . this man has connected the dots!

Online book - copyrighted
'Swarms of Locusts – The Jesuit Attack on the Faith'
by: Michael Bunker

Section on Chuck Colson and his Jesuit connections – Pages 107-110

“It is no surprise, that in Chuck Colson's book, “The Body”, he proposes that Protestants cease all attacks on Catholicism and the Pope and unite with Papal Rome to fight the common enemy of “immorality” and “secular humanism” in the culture. This is nothing more than an abandonment of the Doctrines of Grace and the Reformation!”

Chuck Colson seems content to turn a blind eye to the rampant immorality in view in the R.C.C.'s clergy sex abuse scandal!
Now Read: Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction /

News Item12/7/09 3:42 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Chuck Colson is the main evangelical involved in crafting the Manhattan Declaration

Maybe he's really a Jesuit

Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction /

Excerpt from the Oath:

"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope."

News Item12/7/09 11:28 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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This is but one news item amongst many documented at the website 'Abuse Tracker', where the pandemic nature of the sexual and physical abuse of children perpetrated by and covered up by Roman Catholic clergy in the Roman Catholic "church" of corruption is chronicled and exposed revealing the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of the 'MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.' (Rev. 17:5)

The magnitude and widespread scope of this plague cannot be overstated.

May there be in these days many in bondage to Rome, upon whom God will have mercy, who will hear that voice from heaven saying,

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
(Rev. 18:4)

News Item12/7/09 9:36 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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P.S. . . Re: my most recent comment: the last sentence should read:

May God grant to each of these misguided "Christian leaders the grace and humility to heed the stern and loving rebuke of Pastor Ovadal to publicly repudiate this document.
Charles Spurgeon's solemn warning applies today:

"Dignitaries of the papal confederacy are just now very prominent in benevolent movements, and we may be sure that they have ends to serve other than those which strike the public eye. A priest lives only for his church; he may profess to have other objects, but this is a mere blind. Our ancient enemies have small belief in our common sense if they imagine that we shall ever be able to trust them, after having so often beheld the depths of Jesuitical cunning and duplicity. The sooner we let certain Archbishops and Cardinals know that we are aware of their designs, and will in nothing co-operate with them, the better for us and our country. "No peace with Rome" is the motto of reason as well as of religion."

***Rome's strategy: 'Divide & Conquer'

News Item12/6/09 9:55 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Alan H wrote:
“Sounds like the Manhattan Declaration was written by Pope John Paul.”
You are so right Alan. I just now listened to the sermon entitled 'Manhattan Declaration: Manifesto of Treason' by Pastor Ovadal. It was time well-spent!

The language of Rome is always characterized by confusion, deception and ambiguity & this sinister document bears all those marks & betrays its author as none other than the pope of Rome. You can be sure the devil is in the detail.

Pastor Ovadal's remark: “It is just sheer folly to provoke the LORD by yoking with idolaters and making alliances with darkness in hopes of being delivered from the prince of darkenss.” says it all.
The Cause of Rome is antithetical & antagonistic to, and at variance with the Cause of Christ. There cannot be any agreement forged with those who flaunt & promote idolatry. The thoughtful & careful analysis Pastor Ovadal gives in exposing the Manhattan Document as yet another Romish-driven ecumenical initiative & the plainness of speech with which he rebukes those evangelical signatories of this diabolical document is a wake up call to the professing church of Jesus Christ.

May God grant to each of these misguided Christian leaders who have publicly endorsed the M.D. the grace to publicly repudi

News Item12/6/09 10:15 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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John - UK said:
"Also you have our loving Father chastising us when we sin - this too is accountability. God holds us responsible for sins committed, and does not pass over them, but rebukes, chastises, reproves, corrects us."

Amen John . . and of this I can personally testify, "for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth."
(Heb. 12:6)

"The LORD hath chastened ME sore: but He hath not given me over unto death."
(Psalms 118:18)

"But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the WORLD." (1 Cor. 11:32)

In my case, with that sore chastening, the Lord in answer to prayer, was pleased to "restore unto ME the joy of my salvation". (Psalms 51:12)

"Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men." (Psalms 107:8)

News Item12/4/09 12:49 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Mike - N.Y.
More thoughts . . on Rom. 13
I don't think Calvin meant we are to obey civil authorities in all things, but only in those things lawful in the sight of God, and where the law of man comes into conflict with the law of God, we are to obey God, and suffer the consequences. In that respect we are said to suffer for well doing. (1 Pet. 3:17)

As far as evil rulers go, are they not too in the end accountable to God, rather than us? God will at last judge the quick and the dead! Vengeance is of the Lord!

That does not mean that we as Christians countenance evil, evil men, or evil rulers, but we are called to be "lights in the world"
in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation (Phil. 2:15) having ourselves escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (II Pet. 1:4) Isn't it our concern as Christians then to walk even as He walked, of whom it was said, He was in the world, but not of the world. Jesus did not overturn government (s) but overturned the moneychangers who made His Father's house an house of merchandise. Is not that the example we are to follow?
"And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." (1 John 5:19)

News Item12/3/09 12:28 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Final thoughts on Rom. 13 . .

Mike-NY . . John-UK. . . thanks for your thoughts
I willingly confess I do not understand all the thoughts and ways of God, but I believe the comment made by 'the beginning' brings even greater light to Roman 13, and I am content to leave it there.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Cor 13:12)

"LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters or in things too high for me." (Psalm 131:1)

We walk by faith . .

In Christian fellowship,

June - Ohio

P.S. One thing I do KNOW that my God is sovereign, all wise and all knowing!

"But the LORD is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silent before him." (Hab. 2:20)

News Item12/2/09 10:10 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Mike-New York, John-UK, Befar . . I thought you would find the comments of this fellow on Romans 13 of interest.

Romans 13 /Jonathan Rowe on Mar 29th 2008
Entire article can be accessed here:

As one scholar noted Calvinism clearly was the spiritual side of Divine Right of Kings. Arminianism, a much more democratic form of Christianity, gave rise to the democratic or republican spirit of America’s Founding. As George Willis Cooke wrote in 1902:

The doctrine of degrees, as taught by the Calvinists, was the spiritual side of the assertion of the divine right of kings. On the other hand, when the people claim the right to rule, they modify their theology into Arminianism. From an age of the absolute rule of the king comes the doctrine of human depravity; and with the establishment of democracy appears the doctrine of man’s moral capacity.

The traditional understanding of Romans 13 is that God ordains the higher powers. The people are accountable to their rulers and the rulers to God, not the people. And many of those higher powers will be, for whatever reason, not “Godly” or “good” rulers but pagan tyrants, as was the leader Paul told believers to submit to in Romans 13 — Nero of the pagan Roman Empire

News Item12/2/09 11:06 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Mike - New York

Perhaps Jer. 29 gives addit'l light on Roman 13. God used Babylon to exact punishment on Judah for their sins, and some were killed. Those that remained alive were taken into captivity and commanded to submit to their yoke . . their authority. God used Babylon to judge Judah as the prophet Hab. makes clear. Daniel was included in the captivity. He provides us with the Christian testimony we are called to bear in such situations. He submitted to the laws of the land insofar as they did not infringe on the law of God which commanded him to worship only his God. (Dan. 6)

Christians live in the midst of crooked and perverse generation (Phil 2:15)& are called to walk even as Christ walked. We are pilgrims, strangers, sojourners in the land and here we have no continuing city. (Heb. 13:14)
Our citizenship is in Heaven where Christ is, who himself said when He was taken by evil men who would crucify Him:
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered unto the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36

". . . because as he is, so are we in this world." 1 John 4:17b

God's ways not our ways . . God's thoughts not our thoughts. Is. 55:8-9

News Item12/1/09 12:36 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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John - UK

Perhaps you might be persuaded to share your thoughts on Romans 13 and in the light of points Mike - N.Y. has raised in his most recent comment below? ?

News Item12/1/09 10:21 AM
June  Find all comments by June
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Mike – New York . . .

I have found this site to be a very instructive resource in my personal study of God's Word.

Wholesome Publishing / Link:

It's very user friendly;
Simply select: 'Classic Commentaries'

Then select the book & chapter of the Bible

This will take you to a page of commentators, (I believe the default is Matthew Henry), but you can select other commentators, I.e, Gill, Geneva, Johnson as well to see what they have to say about the verse (s) in Scripture you're looking at.

You can read the entire commentary Matthew Henry provides on Rom. 13 there, as I have only posted a small excerpt in my comment below.

Jer. 3:15
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."

I believe Matthew Henry and these other commentators are included amongst those to whom God refers in Jer. 3:15!

In Christian love,

June - Ohio

News Item12/1/09 9:32 AM
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Call for expulsion of papal nuncio / Nov 30, 2009

CHURCH OF IRELAND: A CHURCH of Ireland clergyman has called for the expulsion from Ireland of the papal nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanzato, over the Vatican’s failure to co-operate with the Dublin commission.
Canon Stephen Neill, son of the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin the Most Rev John Neill, also called for there to be criminal investigations into all church and State officials named in the commission report.

Canon Neill, who is rector in Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary, and who uncovered US president Barack Obama’s Irish roots, said: “We should expel the papal nuncio who, along with his colleagues in the Vatican, including the pope and his predecessors, has demonstrated absolute contempt for the legal authorities of this State.”
In his blog paddyanglican, he continued: “They have actively frustrated and subverted the criminal investigation of clerical child abuse through non-co-operation and non-disclosure . . .
“If any other nation’s representatives had facilitated this, we would have no qualms about sending them packing. Our actions now will demonstrate whether this State has truly broken free from the shackles of the Vatican.

News Item11/30/09 9:38 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Mike - New York . . P.S.

Prov. 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

Commentary by Matthew Henry (1662-1714) on Rom. 13:3

"Do that which is good (v. 3), This is the intention of magistracy, and therefore we must, for conscience' sake, be subject to it, as a constitution designed for the public good, to which all private interests must give way. But pity it is that ever this gracious intention should be perverted, and that those who bear the sword, while they countenance and connive at sin, should be a terror to those who do well. But so it is, when the vilest men are exalted (Ps. 12:1, 8); and yet even then the blessing and benefit of a common protection, and a face of government and order, are such that it is our duty in that case rather to submit to persecution for well-doing, and to take it patiently, than by any irregular and disorderly practices to attempt a redress. Never did sovereign prince pervert the ends of government as Nero did, and yet to him Paul appealed, and under him had the protection of the law and the inferior magistrates more than once. Better a bad government than none at all."

See also 1 Pet. 3:17

News Item11/30/09 9:06 PM
June  Find all comments by June
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Postscript to my last comment:

And who does our Lord tell us is the father of lies?

John 8:44:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

This is the spirit at work in Roman Catholicism!

God's Word to professing Christians on lying:

Colossians 3:9-10
"Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:"

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