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News Item12/14/2020 5:24 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Aaron Reich wrote:
While Jewish communities worldwide are celebrating Hanukkah, the small community in China must do so in secret as Beijing works to crack down on foreign influences and unapproved religions in the country, the UK daily The Telegraph reported.
excerpt from, "Chinese Jews celebrate Hanukkah in secret amid gov't crackdowns - report"

News Item12/14/2020 2:50 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"What is easy believism?"

For the example from the above:

'"Faith alone” does not mean that some believers follow Christ in a life of discipleship, while others do not. The concept of the “carnal Christian,” as a separate category of non-spiritual believer, is completely unscriptural....'

This is nonsense of course, and so is the idea that a person doesn't need to repent, which you accepted at one time anyway I hope you got over that Lbug!

Dr. Rugh wrote:
Godly sorrow will always bear the fruit of repentance. This sorrow over sin goes beyond mere regret over sin and the resulting consequences. The repentance godly sorrow produces results in a real and actual change of life, ceasing from sin, and turning from sin. Repentance from sin is in effect a change in thinking about sin and that change in thinking results in a change in conduct. The repentance from sin included in initial saving faith then continues ongoing as the believer lives in pursuit of holiness and spiritual growth.
summary for "Godly Sorrow Leads to Repentance"

News Item12/14/2020 1:16 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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News Item12/14/2020 10:10 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I haven't seen any change in Christmas messages and I looked at two on the Internet on Sunday. the media may have changed but the messages didn't âť—đź‘Ť They both emphasized: (The Roman Road)

Romans 3:10
As it is written, "There is none righteous, not even one."
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 5:12
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:9
That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
Romans 10:13
For "Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved."--- (NASB)

News Item12/14/2020 9:51 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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AG Barr to be fired because he didn't act like Comey? Perhaps Barr didn't want to be accused of unfairly influencing an election?
Kevin Liptak and Jamie Gangel wrote:
President Donald Trump raised the prospect of firing Attorney General William Barr in a meeting on Friday, but it's unclear whether he'll choose to dismiss Barr before the end of his term next month.
A person familiar with the matter told CNN that Trump was furious in the meeting with advisers at the White House that Barr had worked to keep the federal investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes from becoming public before the November election....
CNN reported earlier this week that federal authorities are now actively investigating the business dealings of Hunter Biden in foreign countries, mainly China. His father, President-elect Joe Biden, is not implicated.

Activity in the investigation had gone covert in recent months due to Department of Justice guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, a person with knowledge of the probe told CNN.

excerpt from, "Trump raised firing Barr in White House meeting on Friday"

Timothy, apparently the Navajos help add to the number of people who turn the election to Bidenâť—đź‘Ť

News Item12/13/2020 3:09 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I am quite pleased that the UK approved it first. Since now there's a debate in this country did the Trump administration twist people arms that have this thing approved by Friday.

"As coronavirus vaccine begins to roll out, FDA seeks to reassure the public on safety"

News Item12/13/2020 2:57 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Milton wrote:
If it does happen it’s people like you mr Jim Lincoln that helped cause it to happen. It’s frauds like you who talk about God and the Bible but are godless as a can of tomato soup
I never supported Trump, so in that aspect I could never be a fraud as a Christian. -- from Trump's own admission:

Gabrielle Bruney wrote:
...When Trump attempted to build a casino in Australia, that nation's authorities blocked his efforts on the grounds of his "mafia connections."


Trump hasn't denied knowing organized crime figures. During a 2013 appearance on David Letterman's late night show, he admitted to having met mobsters "on occasion."

"They happen to be very nice people," he said. "You just don't want to owe them money."

excerpt from,"Netflix's Fear City Hints at Trump's Mob Connections. The Real Story Goes Even Deeper."

Trump didn't deny his mob connections, as pointed out at the end of the article.

News Item12/13/2020 1:37 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John Lee wrote:
There is only one life which leaves no regrets.
True John Lee

I seriously doubt that JK Rawlings is a Christian, but the Christian Post did deliver her comments in a very tasteful way, and the article is worth reading.

News Item12/13/2020 1:28 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Edl Schamiloglu wrote:
A mystery ailment that has afflicted US embassy staff and CIA officers off and on over the last four years in Cuba, China, Russia and other countries appears to have been caused by high-power microwaves, according to a report released by the National Academies.

A committee of 19 experts in medicine and other fields concluded that directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy is the "most plausible mechanism" to explain the illness, dubbed Havana syndrome....

excerpt from, "Scientists suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here's how the weapons work"

Instead of discouraging people from joining the CIA I saw a CIA member, or perhaps former one, on a PBS NewsHour say that these sorts of instances should actually encourage people to become CIA members rather than discourage them to stop the enemies of the United States

Could also be the Chinese who are doing it

News Item12/13/2020 7:55 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John Lee wrote:
If persecution in the states causes the word of faith, health and prosperity hawkers to crawl back under their rock, it will have served a useful purpose.
History Channel Editors wrote:
The government believed this arrangement would be temporary, lasting just long enough for Rome to gain control; instead, the Mafia clans expanded their criminal activities and further entrenched themselves in Sicilian politics and the economy. The Mafia became adept at political corruption and intimidated people to vote for certain candidates, who were in turn beholden to the Mafia. Even the Catholic Church was involved with Mafia clans during this period, according to Raab, who notes that the church relied on Mafiosi to monitor its massive property holdings in Sicily and keep tenant farmers in line....
excerpt from, "Origins of the Mafia"

Church is in this country will be prosecuted more, if they are looked upon as willing henchmen for corruption âť—đź‘Ž

News Item12/13/2020 7:41 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Sarah Zhang wrote:
These parents come to Fält-Hansen because they are faced with a choice—one made possible by technology that peers at the DNA of unborn children. Down syndrome is frequently called the “canary in the coal mine” for selective reproduction. It was one of the first genetic conditions to be routinely screened for in utero, and it remains the most morally troubling because it is among the least severe. It is very much compatible with life—even a long, happy life....

'I Am a Man With Down Syndrome and My Life Is Worth Living'

excerpt from, "The Last Children of Down Syndrome"

The above article is how Denmark has tried to handle Down Syndrome even non-religious country such as Denmark have a problem in handling this.

News Item12/13/2020 7:18 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout is slated for 2021. What experts say we can learn from the UK experience"

Emily Olson wrote:
Fred Spry will tell you that his barber shop is more than just a barber shop....

"Black men have trust issues with the vaccine," Mr Spry says. "They say they're not going to take it."

But his customers do trust their barber....

Key points:

• The US has seen nearly 300,000 deaths and more than 50 million job losses from COVID-19
• Black Americans are dying from COVID-19 at double the rate of their white counterparts
• Studies show just a quarter of black Americans are committed to taking the COVID vaccine

Public health officials worry that the anti-vaccination movement, which already made inroads with the anti-lockdown protesters, may now be targeting communities of colour.

Dr Fauci said it was "of great concern" to him....

excerpt from, "Why the Americans who need the coronavirus vaccine most are so suspicious of it."

News Item12/12/2020 6:15 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Adriel, the article that I quoted from just pointed at you win some and lose some. Except for Australia they did such a good job of keeping the covid-19 virus contained, they don't have to be in such a big rush rushing out any vaccine Unlike, the UK and American governments' sloppy handling of the pandemic, Australia and New Zealand are enviable position that they have some breathing room for rolling out vaccines. they're will certainly be doing it though next year.âť—đź‘Ť

News Item12/12/2020 6:08 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Jim, I was amused and somewhat surprised to see you add your official title to your latest post. Attaboy, Jiminy.
Why, Timothy, I would suggest you look at that article again, they did the favor of translating it into English for you.

"Der Verlierer des Jahres," ❗👍

News Item12/12/2020 6:00 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John Lee wrote:
What price victory?
Probably more covid-19 and flu cases for that matter.

News Item12/12/2020 1:39 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The article is excellent, but the advertisements in it and especially at the end of it --aren'tâť—đź‘Ž

Abraham Cooper and Johnny more wrote:
Though it has the muscle to finish off the terrorist insurgency in the northeastern part of the country, the Nigerian government has failed to show the political will to do so. Unsurprisingly it now faces a second front with radicalized Fulani tribesmen in the Middle Belt who are increasingly appropriating the terrorist tactics of Boko Haram and ISIS in West Africa as they pillage and burn Christian communities by the hundreds—killing thousands along the way.

It's time for Nigeria's government to start calling terrorism by its name, whether perpetrated by Boko Haram, ISIS or the small subgroup of radicalized Fulani tribesmen—the tribe of President Muhammadu Buhari himself....

excerpt from, "Nigeria Deserves the U.S.'s Tough Love on Religious Freedom | Opinion"

News Item12/12/2020 1:30 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Der Verlierer des Jahres,"

News Item12/12/2020 10:05 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mike, there are several reasons why the 2020 election is not like the one in Bush versus Goreâť—đź‘Ž

For an overview see:

"FACT CHECK: What's Happening In This Election Is Not Like Florida In 2000"

Nick Bauwmann wrote:
Gore contested the 2000 election to the extent allowed by the law. He accepted the Supreme Court’s decision, even though he didn’t like it, because it was the law — and it was what he thought was right for the country. Trump is vowing to do exactly the opposite of what Gore did: He’s saying he won’t accept a result that he doesn’t like.

Politico’s Ben White summed it all up in a tweet:
Ben White
Florida had to do a recount. Gore let it go forward. SCOTUS stopped it. When they did Gore conceded like a gentleman and a patriot.
10:15 PM · Oct 19, 2016

excerpt from, " No, Donald Trump Isn’t Doing What Al Gore Did In 2000"

This is the election between Trump and Hillary Clinton âť—đź‘Ž

Chris GP, we are suffering from a pandemic worse than anybody else in the world. So, strong measures are called for. Biden is not anti-capitalist. We need a president Who thinks ofother people at least a little bit!

News Item12/12/2020 2:45 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Woodruff and Brooks wrote:
Judy Woodruff:
This is a case, gotten a lot of attention — or the suit, I should say — because there were 17 states, many states' attorneys general signed on, two-thirds of the Republican members of the House.

But now the Supreme Court has thrown it out, with dissent, we should say, by Justices Alito and Thomas.

But, David, what does this say about the state of our politics right now with regard to this election result?

David Brooks:
It was just an outrageous suit from the beginning, one of the desperate ploys Trump has tried. The shameful thing, of course, is that 126 House Republicans signed onto it and a bunch of attorney generals. It's a party that has just lost any touch with democracy.

Somebody said on Twitter today, Trumpianity is a very strange religion. And, fortunately, unlike the legislative branch on the Republican side, the judicial branch has stayed true and faithful to the obvious meaning of the Constitution.

excerpt from,"Shields and Brooks on Republicans’ latest election challenge"

Mark Shields had some interesting things to say but it wasn't pertinent for this excerpt on the Texas lawsuit brought before The Supreme Court

News Item12/12/2020 2:07 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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