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News Item10/17/09 12:24 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Correct, WayneM! How about Matthew 4:4? If we don't have "EVERY WORD" of God, what do we have - a portion, a little bit, some, most?!? Maybe these other brethren think I'm strange. Well, maybe so. But, I believe God meant what He said when He promised to preserve His very WORDS. God is NOT limited.

News Item10/17/09 11:49 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Brethren, here is some interesting information that I would like to share with you.

Dr. Frank Logsdon was the co-founder of the NASB. He since has renounced any connection to it. Here is what he has said:

"I must under God renounce every attachment to the NASB. I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the Lord...We laid the groundwork;I wrote the format;I helped interview some of the translators;I sat with the translator;I wrote the preface...I'm in trouble;I can't refute these arguments;It's wrong,terribly wrong...The deletions are absolutely frightening...there are so many...Are we so naive that we do not suspect SATANIC deception in all of this?"

Dr. Logsdon removed himself fully from the NASB. He was later asked how correct he thought the King James Bible was. He replied, "100% correct".

Friends, Satan knows he can't destroy God's Word. As a clever tactician he tries something else. He uses the same trick he used on Eve - he changes it. "Yea, hath God said?"

The modern versions of the Bible will come and go. They will, over time, lose their popularity and be replaced by others that will make the publishers even greater financial gain. However, the KING JAMES BIBLE - blessed by God and mightily used by God over the generations - REMAINS!

News Item10/16/09 10:55 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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So, Michael, just where is God's pure and perfect Word that He has preserved as He said He would? You know, the one He honors ABOVE His own name. Where is the Bible that contains "EVERY WORD" of God that our Lord told Satan about? Either we have it or we have been lied to. Of course, it could be that God was unable to really preserve His Word. Sound too harsh. Not really. I expect God did exactly what He said He would do. The King James Bible is the pure and perfect Word of God. Evidently, the any-version-except-the-KJB fellows can't say that about their Bibles.

As for salvation, look at the many examples of it in the Bible. It doesn't take a lengthly sermon to make someone understand that they are a sinner in need of a Saviour. I have used thousands of gospel tracts for that purpose. 10 words can be enough to present the gospel to a seeking heart. "You are a sinner. Jesus Christ is Saviour. Trust Christ." Spurgeon was saved when he took the simple advice to look unto Jesus.

News Item10/16/09 9:27 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I have returned to find that my challenge concerning "copies" of Scripture has been avoided. I'm disappointed.

As I said, our Lord never had an original copy of any portion of the Old Testament. All that He had were copies. The originals had been gone many hundreds of years. Yet, He considered the copies to be just as pure and perfect as the originals.

Here is what I believe on the subject:

1. God said that He honors His Word even above His own name.

2. He said that He would preserve His Word.

3. Our Lord said that we should live by "every word" of God (Matt. 4:4).

If these things are not true then the Bible is no better than any other book written and preserved by mere man. I believe they ARE true. I don't think God is limited. God did not give us a "might be" Bible when it comes to perfection and preservation. I believe that the King James Bible is the pure and perfect Word of God in the English language. God has abundantly blessed it throughout the generations with mighty worldwide revivals and spiritual awakenings. PRAISE GOD!!!

News Item10/16/09 2:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Well, it appears I've wasted my time. I thank God that He has given me His pure and perfect Word in the English language. Too bad ya'll can't say that. Have a good day. I have to return to work.

News Item10/16/09 2:44 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Robert, do you understand that what our Lord Jesus read from in the synagogue (Luke 4) was a copy? Do you understand that all the apostles had were copies? I think God meant what He said about PRESERVING His very Word, that which He honors above His own name.

News Item10/16/09 2:15 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You probably mean well, Robert, but you're STILL missing the point. Let me put it to you like this. Are you familiar with the word "context"? Until you are you will never understand what I mean or what the KJB translators were careful to do.

By the way, do you own a copy of the pure and perfect Word of God in the English language? Just curious.

News Item10/16/09 1:47 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You are missing the point, Robert. The modern versions of the Bible are confusing because they take words out of proper context. Doing so could (and often does) make a verse have a dual meaning. This, of course, makes God's Word appear to contradict itself. The translators of the KJB, however, were very careful to avoid that. For example, they understood that the Bible says elsewhere that all believers are sons of God.

While I'm at it, let me add this. I've noticed that those brethren (I do consider them brethren, even though I'm a bit stern at times.) who are so much against those of us who use ONLY the King James Bible have something in common. They don't have a copy of the Bible that they consider the pure and perfect Word of God in the English language. We do. God is not limited! He promised to preserve His Word and desires us to live by "EVERY word" (Matt. 4:4) in it. We can't LIVE by EVERY word unless we HAVE every word. We believe this and rest upon it.

News Item10/16/09 11:49 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Robert, the verse you quoted is a perfect example. God did NOT give His "one and only" Son. That is a modern perversion of John 3:16. The Bible says that all saved people are sons of God. Christ, however, is the "only begotten" Son (KJB). The modern versions are so dangerous because they use words at random. Many times this even abuses Bible doctrine. The King James Bible translators were VERY CAREFUL to keep all of the words in the text in their proper context. By doing this it prevented the confusion found in the modern versions. This was one of the things I discovered after a lengthly, careful comparison of the texts of the modern versions and the King James Bible.

News Item10/15/09 10:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You mean like the publicity stunt our Lord pulled when He (gasp!) drove the people out of the temple and went (according to those present, I'm sure) a little wild, Pastor? Fifty years ago this would not have even been so unusual. Now, of course, every little thing must have a touchy-feely, sugar-coated appearance to it for fear of offending someone. WHERE HAVE ALL THE ELIJAHS GONE??? It all goes back to CONVICTION. The majority of Christians in America don't have any. No wonder our society is in such a corrupt condition.

News Item10/15/09 9:53 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You took the words out of my mouth, Kenny. I'm sure Paul was considered a wild fanatic by those offended by his boldness. God give us MORE like him!

News Item10/15/09 8:57 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Say what you will, agree with him or not, here's a preacher that at least has the courage to stand for the convictions he has. How unlike most of the others who either have no convictions or are forever trying to be popular with everyone.

As for the King James Bible, I also believe it is God's pure and perfect Word in the English language (Matt. 4:4). I once used the NIV, NASB, etc. I believed everything the Bible publishers said about their own particular "copyrighted" products. However, after seriously comparing the texts of the modern versions with the KJB I disposed of the modern versions. Here are two excellent websites that are full of good articles: and

News Item10/11/09 9:44 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Mr. Obama is ungodly. VERY ungodly. There's a reason for this. He has most probably never come under the preaching of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Remember, he spent 20 years in a church led by a false preacher/teacher (a real lunatic, by the way). I'd like him to come under the influence of some good man of God who would present the Bible to him without compromise. Remember that Paul was once Saul.

News Item10/11/09 9:29 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I'm always extremely suspicious of any preacher who puts ANYTHING above the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Hinn does not put the emphasis where our Lord and the apostles put it - preaching the gospel to every creature. Of course, signs and wonders, thrills and chills will always attract more of a crowd than sermons on the blood or the cross.

News Item10/10/09 4:07 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Of course, this completely erases any meaning to the Nobel Peace Prize. It appears that the darling of the liberals/socialists will receive any and all prizes, awards, trophies, etc. without effort.

News Item10/10/09 3:57 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Since atheists consider prayer meaningless it should not bother them. Their reasoning is, as usual, ridiculous.

News Item10/9/09 2:17 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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URGENT! Contact your Senators about this before they vote on it. I've already contacted mine. Tell them to vote AGAINST this defense bill since it contains hidden "hate crimes" legislation. A simple call or email will do.

News Item10/8/09 9:26 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Let's have a contest. Every person who wants to leave Islam gets a free pass. Go ahead and leave. No tricks. No gimmicks. You will NOT be killed for leaving. There is NO reason to fear.

Unfortunately, this will never happen. These poor people are bound by the knowledge that leaving Islam usually means certain death. The same goes for forced conversions to Islam. Don't wish to convert? BANG!!! Yes, the Muslim population is growing. Now you know why.

I understand that many people may disagree with me. Most of what they know has nothing to do with the realities that take place around the world.

News Item10/4/09 11:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Yes, Truth, the Bible is always the final authority. However, everyone needs to be well read on the subject they are discussing. I don't think that's a sin. Actually, Proverbs says it's a sin not to. Solomon had a vast God-given knowledge of many things that were not necessarily spiritual in nature. Be careful not to follow those ungodly people who hate America's history of God and the Bible.

News Item10/4/09 10:37 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Some good reading is recommended and highly necessary to make logical comments.

"TRUTH" needs to read some OLD books (that have not been ruined by politically correct nonsense) on American history. Pay careful attention to the spiritual side of American society when you do. It was totally different generations ago. Today this country is spiritually and morally bankrupt.

"EQUALITY" needs to read the Bible. God's Word is plain and clear (O.T. & N.T.) on the matter of homosexuality. It is sin and a holy God will NOT tolerate it. Equality, if you are not saved it is my desire that you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. He can and will deliver from any form of sin. This includes homosexuality.

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