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Survey6/13/07 4:18 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Where do you go now?

Survey6/13/07 4:14 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Dominic Pennuchetti (sp.?)
Bethel Baptist church. I think it is in Kensington, or Fish Town as they call it.

News Item6/13/07 4:11 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Abigail said:

and loss of "demonstration of holiness" has been the downfall of the churches since the beginning.

Can you explain the "demonstration" of holiness?

Survey6/13/07 4:08 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I think this is what you do when you read these posts.

9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Notice you will be saved in childbearing - but saved from what?

Verse 14...Deception! That is why you should LEARN in SILENCE.

Survey6/13/07 3:58 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Abigail - can you show me in the Bible where God gave women the spirit of teaching?

And don't bring up Deborah.

News Item6/13/07 3:55 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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thank you, and you brought something up that has made me think.

Are those that hold to covenant theology more correctly Covenant Dispensationalists?

Maybe they are irritated because Dispensationalists show mainly 7 divisions, and they have only 2.

Just a thought!?

Survey6/13/07 3:35 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Hey uh TUPLIP, you forgot Hymns and spiritual songs given in Collosians in your God ordered music constraints.

And since so many Calinists like to throw out the popery accusation, I think I will through out the Campbellite accusation on you. And since Campbell left (or was kicked out) his Presbryterian church, he did seem to want to take his No Instruments doctrine with him. I wonder why?

News Item6/13/07 3:18 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I think the worms are getting out of the can now

We are going to disagree on OT circumcision and NT baptism.
Question though - was it possible for an Hebrew to be circumcised and yet unsaved?
Would Judas have been circumcised?

And no - Baptists are not all the same...not hardly!

I do enjoy good logical debate, which I count this as.

Survey6/13/07 3:12 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Seaton - I agree - AGAIN!

Survey6/13/07 12:19 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Need I say more?

News Item6/13/07 12:17 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Wow seaton, we meet all over the place

True Baptists are not a denomination. The real deffinition of a denomination is a religious organization that has a hierarchial order, like Catholisism, and other offshoots of them. There are Baptists that are denominations, like the SBC, and such, because they answer to a non-local extra-church authority - namely their board. I know that SBC misionaties are told where to go, and you missions money all goes to the SBC and they disperse it, which I firmly believe is unbiblical and non-local.

Now - if you think baptism merits grace for that baby, then you do have a works religion. Biblical baptism ALWAYS preceeded repentace, regardless of age.

Why would God (you say) baptize a baby, and where is that found in scripture?

Survey6/13/07 12:08 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him *BEFORE* the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having *PREDESTINATED* us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,"
Yes, we were choosen IN CHRIST, not out of Christ. You forgot the two words IN HIM. Those who are in Christ are predestinated to be adopted by Jesus Christ, thus making us "joint heirs" with Jesus Christ.

Predestination IS sactification. Go predetermined that those who come to him through Jesus Christ WILL BE conformed to his image.

And then you have listed two verses out of context. Romans 8 and galations 5 are written to BELIEVERS! Paul struggles with sin, and then came to the realization that with his MIND he serves Christ, which explains Romans the renewing of your mind. And we still battle the flesh, and our old nature still fights against the Spirit of God. These verses have nothing to do with salvation, but are ultimately saying that he served and obeyed Christ of his own volition and will.
I beseach you therefor brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

News Item6/13/07 11:06 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Good Chris - you're right! But the SBC has for a long time tried to be relevant. That is why you had men like Lester Roloff, J. Frank Norris, John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, and the like leave the SBC. When they wouldn't stop preaching against sin, those "brothers" rejected them. And now we have people like R.C. Sprouls' son make comments saying how he can see that the fundamentalists were right for seperating. Wow, that was from a Presbryterian.

Here we go again with that "papist" word.

Don't forget the Anabaptist who are still around, and hardshell Baptist, and American, Missionary, Northern, Free Will, ect., ect., ect.

Remember - Baptist were not martyred for being "rebaptizers", but they were martyred for not shutting-up about it. No government has really ever cared what you believe, just so you don't preach about it and sin ( Herod wanted to hear John Baptist, but he did not want to be told about his sin).

Survey6/13/07 10:53 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I guess I didn't quite get what you meant by

Some of you are too smart by half.

But, concerning your point, you did say "Therefore salvation is the gift of God and it is the gospel of God."

It all starts with grace, for if there were no grace, there would be no salvation. It falls in line with the Psalms when it says
The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich. Please note the word "IT" in this verse refering to the word BLESSING - singular. I is the fact that God blessses (grace) that makes rich, everything else is just a byproduct. We as materialistic humanists like to place the emphasis on the "things" God gives instead of He who is giving. This is the same with salvation.

It's also like when you give someone you love a gift. What is really the gift - your love, or the gift that flows out of your love? We do this with God also. Our affection is placed on the gift instead of on the one who gave the gift. God is a God of order, and he places everything in the right order, including salvation, which can only begin with grace, the gift.

Anyway, what did you think of the comment the pastor made about replacing the word GRACE with The Word of God?

Survey6/13/07 9:00 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Seaton - If I am wrong, then please diagram the verse correctly and show me...I don't mind that. What does get irritating is when people just automatically throw out words like popery, and the like. If I could remind you, the church has hated Rome long before the reformers ever figured it out. I reject your comments completely because they have no hard facts attached to them, and it is called propaganda when you deliver name calling instead of evidence for your position. Sho me by that verse I am wrong, and I will concede.

Survey6/13/07 8:55 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Concerning closed comunion, I know many IFB churches practice it, including my own. I am not totaly settled on the matter, and I agree with JD - it's not a matter to break fellowship over.
In the simplest terms, some pastors say the ordinance was given to the local church, and it all depends on your view of the church. If you believe it is local and visible, then it is for the members of that local body only (your bodily organs don't go to someone elses body to be fed), and if you are a member of another church, you have somewhere to take it. And some of these points are good, but it comes down to the authority and autonomy of each church - there is liberty there.

Survey6/13/07 8:47 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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JD - I almost always agree with you, but there is something here in simple english that we can't nullify. If you believe your KJB is accurate (and I believe it is) in everything, including grammer, then there is a reason God chose the words he did. That verse is explained correctly. Also, if you go down a couple of verses, Paul once again states this in his Perenthesis, "by grace are ye saved". What I am showing by all of this is that Faith is not the gift, like so many Calvinists want to say. We are all given enough of the measure of faith to believe the drawing of the Holy Spirit and repent. God doesn't give faith, he gives grace, which simply is the Word of God.

JD - I heard this a while back, and was told it would take a while (or years) to make sense. A great IFB pastor in Philedelphia said that ALMOST every time you see the word Grace in the Bible you can substitute that word with "the Word of God." This is going to get many riled on this site, but as a year or so has gone by, I am begining to see what he meant. No comment necessary, just something to wrap your brain around and think about.

we are saved BY grace THROUGH faith.

Survey6/13/07 7:22 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Mike - If I remember correctly, we usually agree on things, so let me clarify. Many people run to God for one thing - they're afraid of Hell. Which isn't all bad, but hell is just a byproduct of the real problem - SIN! And until the Holy Spirit convicts a person of sin, there is no salvation. Now, about Salvation being the gift: you need to diagram Ephesians 2:8-9. The phrase "through faith" is in a prepositional phrase, meaning it isn't the subject. And then we have the word "it" (it is the gift of God...), which is refering to the subject, and "faith" can not be the subject, because it is in the prepositional phrase, therefore, "it" is refering to "grace". Grace is the gift, salvation is the byproduct of grace, because salvation can not come until God has bestowed is grace upon us through the drawing of the Holy Spirit unto repentance.

Survey6/13/07 12:03 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"The substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen..."

Survey6/12/07 10:24 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Thank you...

It listens to the “It is finished!” of the Sin-bearer, and says, “Amen.”

by Horatius Bonar

This is truely beautiful, and better than I could ever state it.

For by grace are ye saved through FAITH, and that not of yourselves, it (grace) is the gift of God, not of work lest any man should boast.

Grace is the Gift, salvation is the byproduct.
Never make a goal out of a byproduct, for you will miss the product, viz. the grace of God!

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