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News Item5/22/2020 12:17 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Seems like the Islamic version of the movie "The Hunt."

News Item5/22/2020 7:42 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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It's not the new normal to defy God; but to defy God and Science. Gasp! Biological science seems more definitive than psychological science (seems more opinionated). "Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't." Why not agree with Paul and confess "I am what I am by the grace of God (1Cor 15:10) and not what I think I am on a particular time of day. Hungary is allowing its citizenry to be confused about their sexual identity if they choose, but without denying the facts concerning their birth to be changed. If they did they would join in the conspiracy to perpetuate a lie.

News Item5/22/2020 7:23 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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We forgot our math. God wants us to multiply. Satan wants us to divide.

News Item5/16/2020 3:20 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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This is where Obama gets his head wound from the Republicans which some Democratic president or congress will heal. Then he becomes the first and last president of the world via the U.N. through popular vote and amazement.

News Item5/16/2020 7:19 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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There are so many ironies in this article. A show called "The Price is Right" donates money on behalf of a man who is called a "queen" to an organization whose primary purpose is to kill unborn babies. This man can only sire babies but never nourish them. What a drag!?

News Item5/15/2020 7:02 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Quid pro quo. One creates the demand and the other kills the product. The irony is that in Scripture Adam and Eve showed modesty.

News Item5/14/2020 8:47 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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It would be great if one read the entire chapter but here is an excerpt: Jer 29:7-9 SOMB (7) Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be exiled, and intercede with me on its behalf since there will be peace for you if it is at peace.’ (8) For Yahuwah of the heavenly armed forces, Mighty One of Israel, says this, ’Do not let your prophets who are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams that you yourselves are having. (9) For they are prophesying deceitfully to you in my name. I did not send them out, declares Yahuwah.’

And:Jer 25:9 SOMB see, I am about to send out a command to gather all the ethnic people of the north, declares Yahuwah, with Nebuchadnezzar my servant, king of Babylon, and bring them against this land and its inhabitants, and against all the ethno-linguistic nations around you. For I will set them apart for destruction. I will turn them into a horror, an object for whistling, and an unending desolation.

God also calls Nebuchadnezzar "My servant" in Jer 27:6 and 43:10. This proud king had a young prophet advising and praying for him. The last words of this king was humble praise to the "King of Heaven" (Dan 4:37).

Aren't we also exiles here in the World in the nation of America? Let's be a Daniel.

News Item5/12/2020 8:26 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Every death is tragic no matter the cause. But when those of the liberal congress and the liberal governors get their liberal media to make every story concerning Covid-19 a tragedy and dramatic then the public response is dire fear. This causes a dramatic and over-response by the government whose politicians are looking to avoid negative publicity in an election year. This results in overspending and another witch hunt hearing by the Democrats in the House to get the media to disseminate their lies and spin to feed and poison the minds of the people. Makes you wonder if the Media has become that talking image of the beast in Revelation 13:15 --- Rev 13:15 SOMB It was permitted to give breath to the beast’s image so that the image would even speak and cause all who refused to worship the image of the beast to be killed.

News Item5/8/2020 9:43 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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"Want to know the fix? Reclaim parenthood. Don’t check out on your kids."

What a great suggestion. Parents are responsible for the education of their own children, not schools. Parents are stewards and will stand and give an account on how they raised their children. Kindergarten (a garden of kids) reminds me of the Garden of Eden. The man God put in charge to "keep" it failed, his wife was deceived, and they both lost their innocence. The same is happening today to our children.

News Item5/6/2020 7:05 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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"And the band played on:" It's a shame that many of us have become numb to the weekly slaughter of the saints (our brothers and sisters in Christ) in Nigeria. As also many are quiet concerning the slaughter of the innocent preborn. "Eph 6:18 BSB  Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints." Many of us are ignorant that prayer is an important part of spiritual warfare. And the LORD is well aware of those who pray and those who are silent during a spiritual crisis: "Luk 18:7-8 BSB  Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help?  (8)  I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?†And Ezekiel 9 is a warning to all of us who remain silent in the midst of abominations and atrocities. Let us pray that saints in Nigeria, China, Iran, Pakistan, and in every countries be delivered from oppress regimes that use the government to persecute the saints and suppress the Gospel of Jesus Christ (including America).

News Item5/3/2020 9:35 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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HalleluJaHWeH!!! If only the adults had an ounce of the courage the young maiden has in her pinkie finger then all of this abominable nonsense would be put in its proper place. Those of us who have problems using the judicial system (one of the God-given tools of government) which the Apostle Paul used as a way of fulfilling what His Lord told him that he would use to "stand before governors and kings" (Mark 13:9, Acts 25:10-12, Acts 27:23-25).

News Item5/2/2020 3:46 PM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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They deserve a Pulitzer Prize. The judge deserves to censored and removed from office.

News Item5/1/2020 8:06 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Thank you Jesus!

News Item4/29/2020 7:25 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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I pray that the regrets leading to help with reversals are true and growing. Many young women can't see the moral and mental trap that abortions will shackle them with for the rest of their eternal existence.

News Item4/29/2020 7:17 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Google LLC (owner of YouTube) need more rivals to bring this corporate monster under control. It will be humbled when their revenue becomes more modest and its consumers and subscribers start complaining more. Else I can see them become a major player in the Three Beasts propaganda machine.

News Item4/24/2020 8:37 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Jim, I think what people are saying is that the "right" position of an issue will always be opposite of the position which you take. Its up to you to prove them wrong.

In this case, there are a growing majority of countries that are blaming China for, not just how the outbreak started, but also how the attempted to cover up the outbreak and delayed publicizing it with the help of the WHO. And now there is clear evidence that they purposely cornered the market on Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gowns, gloves, etc.). The most glaring evidence for me (and anyone with half a brain) is to look at China's "official" count for the numbers of coronavirus cases, deaths, and new cases and know that a country with nearly 1.4 billion people should have exponentially more cases and deaths that they are reporting. And for the Democrats to believe China over what our scientists are saying shows me that they are on China's "dime" as moles and Manchurian candidates.

News Item4/24/2020 8:23 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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No doubt, death from strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes did not take a vacation. The death count of the coronavirus has been amended to include "probable" cause of death of those who have died before being officially diagnosed as having the virus. Thus, if someone passes away at home from a stroke or heart attack and their autopsy reveal that they had the virus' antibody within them it will be recorded as coronavirus as the "probable" cause of death. The "rationale" is that it is possible that the virus put an additional burden on their underlying medical condition that caused them to die.

Okay..., but I think some of the Democratic governors are taking advantage of this "probable" cause of death to increase their coronavirus' official numbers. I am trying to find confirmation if some governors are pumping up the coronavirus death toll to help give the investigating Congressional House committee ammunition to give Trump a black eye in how his administration is handling control of the pandemic. I am hearing anecdotally that even if someone dies in a traffic accident and evidence is shown in their autopsy that they have or had the virus that their death will be classified as "probable" and included with the official number of coronavirus deaths.

News Item4/23/2020 11:07 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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The liberals are trying to keep Justice Ginsberg held together with duct tape and chewing gum but sooner rather than later she will have to keep her appointment with death. Justice Thomas is as about as real as one can get about the precedent of legal abortion in which Mrs. McCorvey (alias Jane Roe) made it plain and clear that she was lying. Of course the law should be reviewed with a decision based on 47 years of fact and science. And of course, liberals know that fact and science will clearly without a doubt that the unborn are fully human and deserve the same equal and unalienable rights and protections as those who are born.

News Item4/22/2020 6:41 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Yeah, the brainwashing child abusing liberals want our kids back in public schools soon before we turn them back to their moral senses. ---Mal 4:6 BSB  And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.â€

News Item4/21/2020 7:25 AM
Carl in Asheville | North Carolina  Find all comments by Carl in Asheville
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Some groups may not be Christian but many are. But that is totally beside the point and a smokescreen. We know that the adversaries of righteousness would use the pandemic as a cloak to persecute the saints. We already know that groups like Al-Shabaab, Al-Mourabitoun, Boko Haram, and many others don't need the cover of a pandemic to murder, they do their dirt in broad daylight.

Here in America liberal government officials are using the pandemic to suppress religious and first amendment freedoms in addition to advancing their liberal agenda. Rep. James Clyburn has already rallied his liberal forces to treat the pandemic as a "tremendous political opportunity to achieve Democratic spending goals." Most liberal governors has labelled Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills necessary to remain open while they fine and ticket saints for attending worship in their cars.

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