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News Item8/16/14 2:53 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Jesus says in John 15:19-21 (KJV): "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me."

News Item8/16/14 2:44 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Jesus says in John 16:1-3 (KJV): "These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me."

News Item8/16/14 2:21 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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John UK wrote:
That reminded me of when I also suffered severe depression, Dolores. At that time, my only prayer was, "Jesus." I could say no more than that. But the Lord understood.
In my opinion, a depressive does not need to be given books to read, sermons to listen to, exhortations and all the rest, they need the support of fellow Christians, those who will stick by them during the hard times. They need to be surrounded by joy, so that they know there is a possibility of getting back to some semblance of a sensible life.
Of course it is hard work, but when it is undertaken out of love given by the Holy Ghost, it can be a ministry with real fruit. The Spirit is sometimes called the Paraclete - "one called alongside to help", and when we realise that we can play a part in that with HIM, it is no problem getting alongside someone who needs help and support.
Breathtakingly lovely words John UK, I praise God for your God-breathed inspiration! The grace of The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit!

News Item8/16/14 2:09 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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To my sister in Christ Dorcas,

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, thank you so much! I looked up the Scripture that evening and cherished your input very deeply β€” indeed, we suffer and God comforts us in our suffering β€” we extend this comfort to those who are in anguish β€” to lift them out of the ash-heap just as God has done for us. I cherished your comment yet was having problems accessing SermonAudio that evening after a failed post.

As a small child, I used to watch Mork & Mindy on my parent's old black and white television. I lived on a small farm and was an only child. I was quite lonely and my closest friends were chickens β€” whom we occasionally ate for dinner. I adored the lovable funny alien, Mork, and would run around the house making his hand salute while saying, "nanoo nanoo." In my childlike innocence, I knew no difference between Mork and Robin Williams and my little heart loved him.

At 14, I watched a video of Robin Williams doing stand-up β€” it was so rude and so shockingly perverse that my little child-heart filled with love shattered β€” and I didn't look at him the same again.

Think of all the children's movies Robin Williams has been in, and all the little child-hearts which are now broken.

News Item8/15/14 6:46 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Chris Frost wrote:
Jessica, if if makes you feel any better, I've never heard of you
But I think I understand what you mean. When people only see the mask you are paid to wear, they think that's who you really are, without considering that you are just a regular person, just like them.
No it doesn't actually, I wasn't expecting you to have heard of me, that is why I put the link to the article which has my photo as the cover photo.

I don't know that I should have even shared, as I can't stand it when people try to joke with me after learning I have been in stand-up. If you had read about my involvement with Stand Up For Mental Health, you would have learned that I have been bullied in school and in my early life through jokes which have been my expense. Reading your comment just brings about those emotions, since have made me the subject of your joke!

I don't know how famous people deal with the pressure, it just sounds like a nightmare! I wish I could have been there to have talked Robin Williams out of committing suicide β€” this grieves me to the core of my soul...

News Item8/15/14 4:58 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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The article reads: "Interestingly, rehab seemed to be one place where Williams was able to control his almost manic free-associating that characterized his comedy and had him always in character."

In my experience being a stand-up comedian, when people find out what you do they expect you to be funny for them. "Tell me a joke," or "say something funny," are lines which comedians often hear. I have felt like some people have treated me like a circus monkey, that I should just perform on demand for them.

If what this article says is true, then Robin Williams may have spent much of his life "staying in character," and if I understand may have been a stumbling-block to break-through in his recovery programs.

The fame I have experienced in my life is small potatoes compared to Robin Williams, but I still feel like I can relate β€” as being in the spotlight is a lot of pressure. Many people have problems with public speaking, now imagine millions of people knowing who you are and all having an opinion of you?

My being interviewed by USA Today, and having my photo on the cover of the print version was a huge stress!

[URL=]]]Cost of not caring: Stigma set in stone - USA Today [/URL]

News Item8/15/14 3:41 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Dolores wrote:
Jessica, what an inspiration you are, bringing out things which give us insight into our own behaviour that could be a root to some of my problems. You are right, I am senitive to remarks and have been told I am too emotional and I'm working on that and actually being on here has been a great help to me, even when I don't like what's said. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you are an inspiration to those of us who struggle with our own battles, each one different from the other. Will, put you on my prayer list.We all need each other's prayers especially in these times. To Don L, I agree and I have a son that is bipolar and I understand your pain in dealing with that. He was saved at an early age and baptized but got into drugs and left home with a friend that was on meth and cocain. Haven't heard from him in several yrs. Just have to keep praying and trusting God.
Delores, it is very heartbreaking to learn of your son, oh, the sadness and grief this is to a mother' heart!

I didn't say you were too sensitive to remarks, but was rather acknowledging the pain a person can go through when sharing something vulnerable β€” people can say things which are hurtful and ignorant.

In my experience, you are refreshingly honest!

News Item8/15/14 3:23 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Reminds me of Jesus' day when the woman was caught in the act of adultery. The focus was on the woman though it took two persons to commit the act of adultery. It is not indicated how many young fathers are cohabiting, instead of making commitments to marry the mother of their children. Without a father, there are no children. Fathers are an important part of the child's upbringing, and children should have their needs provided for as well as their overall well-being where at all possible. I understand that not all fathers are always able to provide for their children in a jobless economy, but those who have the means to support their children should do so.

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

~ 1 Timothy 5:8

"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

~ Ephesians 6:4

"Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged."

~ Colossians 3:21

News Item8/15/14 1:11 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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ASW wrote:
No where in Scripture will you find the word
"accept Jesus"
Totally arminian terminology .
John 1:12
The key word is RECEIVED not ACCEPT!!
"And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country." β€” Luke 4:24

News Item8/13/14 7:15 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Dolores wrote:
The pain of mental illness, often not understood by those not affected, can be unbearable [...] Those affected can have feelings of hopelessness and emptiness that many others can't empathize with, he says. "Severe major depression can be just profound", he says. Some commit suicide not so much to end their lives as to get rid of the pain. Even with treatment, the feelings can persis[t], [...] Robin Williams suicide opens up to the public this issue of depression and what it can lead to. For those of us who have to take medicine for it are scoffed at by [...] Christians can be the cruelest, like Job's friends, maybe God wanted this story known to teach important lessons about judging someone's painful experiences that you don't have a clue about.
Thank you Delores, I know from experience in sharing your story: that you are one on hand opening the dialogue around mental illness and potentially reducing stigma. On-the-other-hand, you are making yourself vulnerable to judging attitudes which may contribute to triggering the symptoms of your illness.

I shared with USA Today earlier this year β€” my photo was on the cover of the print version. My diagnosis is: "organic schizophrenia due to childhood head-injuries."

News Item8/13/14 1:06 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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I believe there is a probability the devil attacks sexuality and distorts it, because of the functionality of reproduction (each producing after its own kind) which proves that we, the earth, and all which dwells therein was/is made by intelligent design.

News Item8/12/14 2:06 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Robin Williams, was "raised in the Episcopal Church (while his mother practiced Christian Science)." Christian Science has many (which are in my view) dangerous teachings, therefore there is a probability that these teachings which are contrary to sound doctrine may lead to depression and mental illness.

Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), in her book Science and Health (The teachings of the Christian Science movement) rejects the confession of sin in prayer. Citing her belief that it would only cause a person to repeat an offense and therefore is an evil practice -- for example says Eddy: "If prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better merely by praying, prayer is an evil." On-the-other-hand, God's Word encourages the sinner to confess and forsake their sin. The confession of sin before God, is a step in forsaking our sin. The Psalmist writes: "Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins." In The New Testament we read: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

If Robin Williams was exposed to both these and other great spiritual/psychological errors, there is a probability that this may have had an impact on his emotional well-being.

News Item8/12/14 1:34 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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pennned wrote:
Jessica, praise the Lord you were given Christian charity. Thank you for encouraging me with your beautiful story.
Thank you Penned, you are an answer to prayer! Glory to God The Father, and Christ Jesus our Saviour, the one who gave us life abundantly and forgave us our sin !

News Item8/12/14 3:16 AM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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John for JESUS wrote:
I hope if Gungor takes Ham up on his offer to come see the museum that Ham won't really give him the star treatment and pay for his room and board while granting him total access to the staff. It would only be fair if Ham does that for everybody.
I was initially thinking the same thing, then I remembered the prodigal son and how his father had his servants bring the best robe to clothe his son; a ring to put on his finger; sandals for his feet; and had veal served at a party for him with music and dancing. If Mr. Gungor is willing to open his heart to the whole truth, maybe we should be happy that he gets 'the prodigal son returns' treatment?

News Item8/11/14 6:29 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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When a woman is pregnant she is often vulnerable emotionally, especially if she has people in her life trying to convince her that abortion is the right option for her. Consequently, many women have been coerced by parents, boyfriends, husbands, doctors and social workers into having abortions. When I was 15 I went to doctor after doctor before I found one that didn't try to convince me to have an abortion.

I don't see this issue as a matter of judging, but a matter of protecting vulnerable girls/women from wolves in sheep's clothing β€” I believe Christians should be taking in pregnant girls to help them, giving to Christian pregnancy centres, giving non-perishable food items including baby food to their local food banks, and that Churches where at all possible should gather baby clothes and items for mothers in need.

When I was 15, a Christian pregnancy crisis centre helped me with counseling and a local church gave me a beautiful cradle to put my baby in when he was a newborn.

News Item8/10/14 9:47 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Dorcas wrote:
Jessica..when I read your posts and especially the last comment concerning the
video...I was brought to tears and also anger at this horrific crime that is called a "woman's choice".
Psalm 82:3-4
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
Sister Dorcas, I share your tears!

News Item8/10/14 4:08 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Christopher000 wrote:
Jessica Dawson from Canada writes:
"Peter denied Christ three times."
Thanks for the quote, Jessica. For.some reason, this has never come to mind when considering this topic. Deny Christ, even under extreme duress, and go to hell is the opinion of many. This makes me think about it a little more. I guess we can only pray that we would stand strong should we ever find ourselves in similar situations.
I was thinking about your thoughtful response to my post and I remembered another Scripture which pertains to the issue. The Apostle Paul shares with King Agrippa how he was forcing believers in Christ to blaspheme before he experienced Christ on the road to Damascus.

"And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme;"

'β€œIndeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities."

~ Acts 26:9-11 NKJV

News Item8/10/14 3:42 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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Publicly declaring that sin is sin is not unrighteous/judging: "β€œCry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins." β€” Isaiah 58:1 NKJV

I have heard testimonies from women who have had abortions, both person to person, and at Gospel meetings. The women shared the spiritual, emotional, and psychological pain at having had an abortions/s.

Many women keep track of how old their child would be, and of the milestones associated with these ages. Many women mourn for decades at the loss of their unborn child, and have expressed that they are waiting for the day they can meet with their unborn with Jesus.

A former nurse told me she watched a video of an abortion from inside the womb, and the infant was screaming as he/she was being killed. It is my hope and prayer that God's people will be a voice for those whose screams are silenced.

News Item8/10/14 12:43 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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This makes me so upset it's hard to breathe β€” when I was a pregnant teen I went to doctor after doctor before I found one that didn't try to convince me to have an abortion β€” ladies, don't let anyone deceive you, God has a plan for your children: "The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call." Acts 2:39

Praise God! Praise God for my son!

News Item8/9/14 10:30 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  Find all comments by Jessica Dawson
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I am encouraged to learn that Canadians are banding together against the genocide in Iraq!

[URL=]]]Hundreds protest persecution of Christians by ISIS in Iraq [/URL]

"He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the needy he will save. He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, and their blood will be precious in his sight;"

~ Psalm 72:13-14 NASB

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