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News Item4/14/15 11:39 PM
hugh | scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by hugh
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"Joe the protestant" you are quite right brother.
In addition this is just another lost misguided sole, whose soulis in mortal danger.
Come soon Lord Jesus.......
Every time i say, or, i type that i feel guilty. Knowing what the conséquences are for the world when He returns..... But i am weary , and despair at the condition of man, but surely worse is yet to come.

News Item4/14/15 11:22 PM
hugh | scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by hugh
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Because they are INTOLERANT dude....
I am à wee bit concerned at the attention given to homosexuals .
They need our Prayers , they are no différent to other Hell bound sinners sadly.
We live in a world in desperate need of prayer, but prayer warriors are few.

Sermon3/22/15 11:15 PM
hugh | scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by hugh
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“ simply wonderful! ”
I run out of superlatives Brother Jeff when describing how i have been blessed by your preaching Thank you person of the Holy Spirit, in Christ.

News Item3/22/15 1:27 AM
hugh | scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by hugh
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Scientists being alarmist? Surely not!!!!!
Will those deluded souls never get it. !
God is in control, the world is not going to meet its end until He decides.

News Item2/25/15 6:09 AM
hugh | scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by hugh
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This is the very saddest of news...
This news should Drive us to our knees, should break our hearts, We should spend every available moment pleading with God to spare our brethren any distress. Likewise, We should spend equal amount of time pleading for the souls of those poor misguided members of Isis.

BUT, I wonder if We are too comfortable, Too safe, In our insulated western society to truly identify with the suffering of our middle east brothers and
sisters In Christ.!!

In truth, i pose the above chiefly to myself. .....
Father Forgive My at times indifference to what is going on In the World. Re-ignite my passion for the löst, burden me with a desire to pray for my brethren whom are suffering and whom are persecuted....


News Item1/2/15 10:26 PM
hugh | scotland  Find all comments by hugh
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Personally, i dont believe à Word of this propoganda.
I wld sooner trust the Word of Mr Putin than that of Mr Obama. Particularly since both the US and EU administrations stoked up and supported the uprising in the first place.
And does anyone seriously think that the US wld sit back and let anyone have a say or have influence over its militry or defence bases?. As was the case in the crimea

News Item11/17/14 6:26 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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Why is this included @ SermonAudio?

What possible connection is there to Christianity, and how is this horrific story in the least way edifying?

All things are to be done unto edifying. This gruesome and sordid story is not.

Come on, team, you can do better!

Thank you.

Sermon6/2/14 6:55 PM
Hugh | Spartanburg, SC  Find all comments by Hugh
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“ Great Sermon! ”
You are so right on! The people are perishing for lack of preaching; Entertainment, entertainment, but no warnings. No one to sound an alarm. Keep it up, you are one of a very few that says it as it should be said.

News Item4/24/13 3:37 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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Watchman wrote:
confession of faith!
FYI The references are from a book called the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. The "Truth" has always been true, Whether I post it or the Reformers post it. Does the Baptist church reject the Baptist Confession?

"Children were included in the covenant of grace in the Old Testament, through the sacrament of circumcision, and in the New Covenant (called the "better covenant"), God has not changed in his good intentions toward our children (Ac. 2:38, 35) and circumcision has been replaced with baptism (Col. 2:11). Therefore, our children must be brought into the covenant of grace and united to Christ through baptism as the people of God in former times were brought into the covenant through circumcision." (M.S.Horton)

"There is an unbroken record in church history of the practice of infant baptism. Although tradition is of a secondary value, it is especially important here for this reason: We know for a fact that the earliest Christians after the death of the apostles were practicing infant baptism, with the command of those who were trained by the apostles themselves. Where was the debate, assuming these immediate successors to the disciples were departing from the apostolic practice?" (M.S.Horton)

News Item4/24/13 3:12 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
1. One that states a person (infant or otherwise) was baptized without believing.
2. The Scripture that says baptism replaced circumcision
WCF 28:
1. "Baptism is a sacrament of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ,a not only for the solemn admission of the party baptized into the visible Church,b but also to be unto him a sign and seal of the covenant of grace,c of his ingrafting into Christ,d of regeneration,e of remission of sins,f and of his giving up unto God, through Jesus Christ, to walk in newness of life:g which sacrament is, by Christ’s own appointment, to be continued in his Church until the end of the world.h
a. Mat 28:19. • b. 1 Cor 12:13. • c. Rom 4:11 with Col 2:11-12. • d. Rom 6:5; Gal 3:27. • e. Titus 3:5. • f. Mark 1:4. • g. Rom 6:3-4. • h. Mat 28:19-20.

4. Not only those that do actually profess faith in and obedience unto Christ,a but also the infants of one or both believing parents are to be baptized.b
a. Mark 16:15-16; Acts 8:37-38. • b. Gen 17:7, 9 with Gal 3:9, 14 and Col 2:11-12 and Acts 2:38-39 and Rom 4:11-12; Mat 28:19; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15; 1 Cor 7:14."

Now don't forget to add to this the historic truth that the Baptist interpretation wasn't invented until 1521ff.

News Item4/24/13 11:30 AM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK wrote:
1. Acts 8:35-38 KJV
2. And so patronising, just like all Presbys I've encountered in the past
1. John I said doctrine - "doctrine" look the word up.

1b. Perhaps you are thinking about v37 "And Philip said, IF thou BELIEVEST with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD."
Now even you cannot assume that to be a quote "doctrine" John - surely??
All Philip is doing is doing is satisfying himself that the eunuch has grasped the sense of it all, and continuing in conversation with him.

BTW if you contend that this whole section is "doctrinal" - Do you also require all converts to be "eunuch" too??

2. And of course John after a statement like that we are to assume you are NOT patronising.

Mike wrote:
1. It's for you to show paedobaptism from Scripture
2. You guess which
1. God said, "10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. v12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised"
The only part of this changed by Christ is circumcision. Age has not been rescinded!!

2. God's choice.

News Item4/23/13 4:04 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK wrote:
1. Acts 8:35-39 KJV

2. I always thought Jacob and Esau were OT characters, one elect, the other not. And seeing as they were twins, and had Isaac for father

1. Which part of this do you consider to be doctrine on so called believers baptism?

2. Is that the sum total of your doctrine on Covenant?


Mike wrote:
If somewhere in those verses you see the command to baptize babies, please share. Otherwise again it is you are doing the adding.
The Bible is ONE book written by God.
NOT a bunch of differing authors vying for religious control over the church.

The laws precepts statutes and doctrines are God's. The whole counsel of God IS the Bible. What Deuteronomy, Proverbs and Revelation are referring to on "add" or "take away" words/themes etc is to the entire law, precepts, statutes and doctrines of God.

Otherwise Mike TELL us which books and chapters you want to change - perhaps because you know better than God???

Perhaps you'd like to change the doctrine on depth of water for baptism - or perhaps the doctrine to precondition or qualify baptism to be authorized by a sinners decision?
OOps you've already done those haven't you.

News Item4/23/13 1:00 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
EXACTLY!!!! Which is why the padedobaptist is adding to the Scripture when he says the household included infants. Thank you for making my point.
Boy you Baptists twist and turn like the snake, don't you.

We don't have to use the household age theory even though it does come down on our side anyway.

We use God's Covenant its basic rules and the age God ordained in the OT. In other words we take the written facts from the Bible to obey God in baptism.

There is nothing in Scripture to support Baptist theory of discrimination against the Babies of Covenanted parents. Nor is there any doctrine or precept in Scripture to support the Baptist theory of subjects must be able to make a verbal confession.


John UK wrote:
"Jacob I have loved and Esau have I hated" covenant.
If thats all you know of God's Covenant John, then I am heartily sorry for your ignorance. You Baptists don't use the Old Testament in your doctrine do you?


Mike wrote:
you are adding to Scripture
Apparently I stand in good company.
Moses said so too. Eg: Deut 4:2, 12:32, and Agur at Proverbs 30:5,6.
Its only the Baptists who reject the OT.

News Item4/23/13 12:00 PM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
All the verse that talk about household salvation and baptisms only had
adults and teenagers in them.
Ooohh Look!!!

The Bible never refers to or provides the age of all in the households.

Why then do the Baptists require deception and lies to convince us of their baptism age discrimination policy???

Adding to Scripture to make it work???

Rev 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"

At least the Covenantal paedobaptist is entirely Scriptural in baptism.


John UK wrote:
Sure, if the babies show evidence of putting their trust in Christ and are truly repentant
Can't trust God to honour the Covenant eh John?

News Item4/23/13 10:09 AM
Hugh  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK wrote:
If a whole household comes to believe, and become saints, then of course they should all be baptised.
Including the babies.


theWayPA wrote:
one of the areas where I see the inconsistency of covenantal, paedobaptist theology. Per Genesis 17, any male"
It is never "inconsistent" to obey God. He wrote the Old Testament and as Jesus states we are not to change one jot or tittle of it.

But the Baptists have decided to change or dismiss the Word of God even when Jesus and the NT writers did not. Now that is inconsistent.

News Item2/26/11 10:59 PM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Indeed, brother.
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