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News Item5/16/16 8:44 AM
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News Item5/16/16 8:44 AM
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News Item5/16/16 8:43 AM
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News Item5/16/16 8:42 AM
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News Item5/16/16 8:42 AM
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News Item5/15/16 5:53 PM
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@I Love Jesus
NOT Mormon!!! Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Roman Catholics all believe that they can earn their salvation through good works. So, even though they claim to be Christians, they are not because they do not believe that only Jesus can take away our sins! I agree with Geff, and this may also be helpful:
As I said before, there are many here who will be happy to help you along! We all have different backgrounds and different ways we may be able to help!

News Item5/15/16 5:29 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@I Love Jesus
God changed peoples names multiple times in the Bible, so that is quite appropriate! I asked about the Bible because it would be very good for you to have someone to help you find a good church in your area.

News Item5/15/16 5:14 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... There are three things one must do to become a Christian. First, know that you have sinned against God and that you cannot save yourself. Second, believe that Jesus is God and that he took the punishment you had coming. Third, pray and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins against Him and ask Him to come into your heart and make it new. Is the person you borrowed a Bible from a Christian? I don't know where you're reading in the Bible, but John and Romans are a great place to start!
I would also HIGHLY recomend listening to Paul Washer, particularly this:
Hope this helps!

News Item5/15/16 5:13 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@I Love Flowers
I'm SO happy that you want to know Jesus! (And very sorry to hear about your family.) Here are some verses that help explain how to become a Christian:
"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;"~ Acts 3:19
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"~ John 1:12
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."~ Romans 10:9 ...

News Item5/14/16 7:48 PM
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@I Love Flowers
You're very welcome! If you ever have any questions there are plenty of us who would be happy to answer them.

@Christopher000 and JohnUK
Thank you!

News Item5/14/16 10:37 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Jesus took my sin and payed for it with His blood, dying on that Cross, and then rising from the dead 3 days later. Only His blood can take away or pay for my sins, making any attempt to work our way to Heaven useless. Jesus saves Christians by drawing them to Him, crediting His blood to their account, and changing their Hearts and Desires. Christians still sin, but we can no longer enjoy it. It's like your Favourite Ice Cream suddenly tasting like Cat Food and Kale suddenly tasting like Cake! What we loved to do we abhor and what we would have hated to do we enjoy! We avoid sin because we want to please God- not to save ourselves. So, when God's word says that something is sin, and we know that sin sends people to hell apart from God's grace, would it be loving to encourage people to do that sin? Wouldn't that be like encouraging people to eat poisoned food? No True Christian hates sinners- we're sinners ourselves! We just can't bear to watch people eat poison without saying something. I'll be praying for you ... Have a Great Day!

News Item5/14/16 10:37 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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@I Love Flowers
You misunderstand what is meant when Christians say that Leviticus "no longer applies". We mean that the keeping of God's law (in other words "good works") is not enough to Save us from our sins. God says that ALL have sinned and come short of His standard. He tells us in His Word what sin is and is not. For example, I have told lies. God's Word says that is a sin. My lie was rebellion against a Holy God who cannot lie and who says that no liar will inherit eternal life. No future acts of goodness can atone for what I did- just like a Murderer can't expect to get off Scot-Free because he helped a little old lady across the street and gave everything he owned to the poor. So, to recap, things look pretty bleak for me- I've rebelled against God and must face the consequences. But God decides to intervene! Not by just saying "That's okay, you couldn't help it" but by taking the punishment I had coming! Jesus came to earth as God in the flesh. He never sinned, yet was put to death as a criminal. On the Cross, God poured all that I would have to face as my punishment on Christ. ...

News Item5/13/16 9:11 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... The Worldwide Church is under Christ and much of the Worldwide Church suffers from the things you mentioned. "Becoming Greedy for America" cannot fix GMOs and Hormone Therapy. An unsaved person can understand that GMO food is problematic. But unless they understand that they are Stewards of God's Creation- not Imperial Lords of the Evolutionary Tree- then they will not grasp why it is wrong. You can know that 1+1=2. But unless you recognize that it is so because God built Mathematics, Consistency, and Logic into the Universe, you can write hundreds of pages trying to prove it. (Like Bertrand Russell did in Principia Mathematica!). Trump may very well understand that some of these things are problems- but without a Fear or Reverence of the Lord his solutions will be just as flawed as the things we want remedied. You cannot break God's Laws- God's Laws (sooner or later) break you.

News Item5/13/16 9:10 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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All that you outlined IS a problem- but it's all WAY downstream from the major problem in the Church: an abandonment of the Gospel. If the Church has the Gospel right, then they will use God's Word as the objective standard for ALL of Life- starting with the Family and encompassing such things as Agriculture and Medicine. If every Church did a dozen sermons on each of the individual issues you raised, it would be of absolutely no lasting value. It would simply be slapping a Band-Aid on a Bullet Hole. These things cannot be truly understood apart from from Christ's Sovereignty and Lordship- neither of which are promoted by Nationalism. National Chest Thumping does not generally lead to National Humility and Repentance. ...

News Item5/13/16 9:24 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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... Nationalism is wrong because it has no compass of "right" and "wrong" outside of it's own interests. If massacreing others is in our "interests" than it becomes "right". This is just one example of why I oppose voting for the "lesser of two evils". Over time, it warps both the individual and the nation's perception of what is acceptable and good. It exposes God's people to endorsing things out of fear that they would never dream of supporting at any other time. Every Church will have a local flavor and must decry local sins- but endorse Nationalism? - Never.

News Item5/13/16 9:23 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Penny wrote: "the church needs to choose between nationalism and globalism."
The Church must vigorously oppose both. The Church's loyalty is to Christ Alone- She is not bound to any earthly nation, government, or plan for world domination. For the Church there is no King but King Jesus. To have any other loyalty is both extremely dangerous and blasphemous.

\ nash-nə- li-zəm, na-shə-nə- li-zəm\
1 : loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a
sense of national consciousness exalting one nation
above all others and placing primary emphasis on
promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to
those of other nations or supranational groups
2 : a nationalist movement or government"...

News Item5/12/16 11:54 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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"Hi TMC, what do you mean by postponing?"
Hello! Probably a poor choice of word on my part. I mean that if we are right with God then we will be ready both if He does come in our lifetimes or if He does not. I was trying to convey what would appear to US as a postponement of OUR expectations- not that He was going to come at x time and then decided to come at y time instead. Hope this helps!

News Item5/12/16 7:01 AM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Interesting to have so many end times views represented on here! If you walk in to the average Christian Bookstore, you'ld think that 90%+ of Christians are Pre-Trib! Personally, I don't know what's going to happen- one group may be right or all may be wrong. People get so caught up in wanting to know (or speculate on) every itsy detail- and then beat the brethren over the head if they don't agree! Quite refreshing to see that's not happening here! At the end of the day, if we're in Christ and doing what He has called us to do, then I think we're ready for either Rapture, Tribulation, or a postponing of His Coming.
"He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come."~ Luke 19:12-13
Blessings to all!

News Item5/11/16 6:15 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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You're very welcome! Perennial food sources are my favorite!

Thanks for the link! I'll have to check them out!

News Item5/11/16 5:40 PM
TMC | Midwest  Find all comments by TMC
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Not sure you could plant it IN your house- but it's meant for tiny yards! Only gets 24" in diameter so if you've got a 2'x4' yard you can plant two so they will cross-pollinate and produce apples! You may be able to grow them in a large pot- the people who run the website I posted could probably say better than I.
I saw them in person at a Menards store- but I don't know if they're in your area or not!
Strawberries grow well in containers- so that's yet another possibility, if the Apples won't work!
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