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Should a church service be age segregated or age inclusive?
Created: 2/3/2007 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   Segregated by age or grade untill an adult.
  5% | 27 votes

 •   Segregated untill Jr High (13 years old).
  5% | 28 votes

 •   The whole church family together.
  52% | 275 votes

 •   Together, but with a nursery for babies.
  36% | 189 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 9 votes


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Survey11/11/08 4:01 PM
tabletalk  Find all comments by tabletalk
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St Jeremiah wrote:
I know I was disruptive...
You haven't changed a bit Jerry.

Survey11/11/08 3:53 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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My being a part of the service as a child put me under the preaching of God's word. I know I was Dad took me outside and taught me with the hand to the seat that my misbehavior was going to stop immediately.
However...babies do need to kept in the nursery so that their crying does not distrupt the service.

Survey6/21/07 12:12 AM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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"How can you theorize that the whole epistles of I Cor and II Cor were not addressed and written to and for the Corinthian Gentiles, instructing them in the Christian doctrine?"

I could not theorize that because the epistles were written to gentile Christians and it was to instruct them.

As I have pointed out already, 1 and 2 Co were the 5th and 6th new testament epistles written.
James - AD 45
Galatians - AD 49
1 & 2 Thessalonians - AD 51
1 Co - AD 55
2 Co AD 56

It was a primitive church that needed instruction unto Godliness.

It is the reason, I believe, that women were praying and prophecying in 1 Co 11 and because they were without apostolic instruction, it was not condemned. It was condemned in chapter 14 and because it was written, it is forever the instruction for the church and women.
I could be wrong about this but I am dealing with the light I have.
The written word is the authority of God above visions of God and all other things.

2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word (More sure than the vision on the mount)of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

More on your question later!

Survey6/20/07 8:29 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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I advise a coser reading of I Co 12.

How can you theorize that the whole epistles of I Cor and II Cor were not addressed and written to and for the Corinthian Gentiles, instructing them in the Christian doctrine?

Survey6/20/07 2:46 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Your right. God's word shall stand. All of it, not merely the part that is convenient.

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
"Obeying the Bible regarding the Great Commission, witnessing, letting one's light shine, standing against the works of darkness is not "feminism."

Your right, but bossing men around in the home and in the church is. Silly women.

"Jesus told the believers, including the women, to wait and seek power from the Holy Ghost -- for witnessing and service to God. You can snear about this all you want, but you are snearing at Jesus, his words, the example of the early church."

There is no need to keep waiting. The Holy Spirit already came, silly woman.
"Comparing your WOMI postings with Abigail's speaks for itself as to who is serving in God's power and who is not."

I must've missed it. Is her eyes rolling in the back of her head and her body shaking franctically?

No thanks.
"A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing."

Lots of clamoring around here, would you not say?

Survey6/20/07 1:47 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Peanut Gallery

To God be the glory. Thank you for your post!!!

The words of the Lord shall stand forever.

"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isa 55:11)

Survey6/20/07 4:38 AM
TULIP1 | Just South of Memphis TN  Contact via emailFind all comments by TULIP1
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Abigail and Richard Barber,
Good to hear from a couple of God's remnant. I thought of "Faithful and Hopeful" from "The Pilgrims Progress" when I read your posts. God Bless you both.

Survey6/20/07 4:04 AM
Peanut Gallery  Find all comments by Peanut Gallery
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"Anymore pentecostal feminism?"

Anymore Antinomian misogyny, Mr. Nuke 'Em All?

Obeying the Bible regarding the Great Commission, witnessing, letting one's light shine, standing against the works of darkness is not "feminism." Neither is posting on Sermon Audio, and if you believe it's unbiblical for women to contend for the faith on SA, take your case to Sermon Audio and convince them they are promoting feminism when they allow women to post.

Abigail's postings are sane, sober and biblical, instead of the mindless immature insults and crowing and strutting that you produce.

As to being "pentecostal," which you seem to think is somehow quite wicked, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is scriptural. Jesus told the believers, including the women, to wait and seek power from the Holy Ghost -- for witnessing and service to God. You can snear about this all you want, but you are snearing at Jesus, his words, the example of the early church.

It's Dispensationalism, not Pentecostalism, which is unbiblical.

Comparing your WOMI postings with Abigail's speaks for itself as to who is serving in God's power and who is not.

Survey6/20/07 1:05 AM
YooHoo | Somewhere  Find all comments by YooHoo
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The great God of heaven and earth sees everything that is posted on this forum. He knows every heart, and he hears every sarcastic remark. The division in the churches is the product of Satan. He was a liar from the beginning and he fills the hearts of humanity with lies if they yield to him.

Survey6/19/07 11:13 PM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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"You word your sentences vaguely, and also you contradict yourself. One example is on 6/6/07 you stated that Paul offered no advice for miraculous healing of Gentiles and did not heal them."

If I personally never told the truth in my life it would not effect the truths of Scripture. They would not change and the plain, albeit denied, instructions to you would still stand. Your professed love for God would be no excuse for your failure because we are told, "if you love me, keep my commandments". So therefore, we cannot make this about me, we must make it about you since you are taking a position in condradiction to plain, unambigious commands. Pentecostalism is part of the problem and is part of the last days doctrines of demons, IMO.
Having said that I in no way mean you are deliberately promoting demonic doctrines. I think you are sincere, but nevertheless you in your strong delusion are promoting them.

Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad"

Paul says this is "the present evil age", Ga 1:4, and I say there is much deception.

I advise another closer reading of 1 Co 12.

Survey6/19/07 5:23 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Anymore pentecostal feminism?

Survey6/19/07 5:20 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Bible Harmony

Praise God for your post! Superior!!!

Survey6/19/07 5:02 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Can you send someone over to Las Vegas to help us with healing some people over hear. We can really use there help here.

Or is all the talk simply wishful thinking.

Survey6/19/07 2:21 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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"A question for you; Where would we find our instruction in the Scriptures that would address the concerns you mentioned below in an authorative manner? There are some clear commands that are given and you have told us they can be ignored because of the corrupt condition of our culture. Why, in your opinion, would God have arbitrary standards for His word and be upset about the violation of some but not of others? In your word, can the worship of Santa Claus be acceptable if certain conditions exist?"

No! "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Ex 20:3).

You have stated that we do not agree on anything, and I agree with you on that. You are a dispensationalist and teach duel conflicting doctrines for the Jews and the Gentiles. You word your sentences vaguely, and also you contradict yourself. One example is on 6/6/07 you stated that Paul offered no advice for miraculous healing of Gentiles and did not heal them. But the gifts of the Spirit were taught and practiced by the Gentiles according to I Cor and the gift of healing is one of the gifts.

There are many clear commands that you ignore becuase your theology has discarded them either because they have been abolished, or they are not for the Gentiles.

Survey6/19/07 9:11 AM
Bible Harmony  Find all comments by Bible Harmony
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JD, is it not true that you only consider the Pauline epistles (excluding Hebrews of course, which you say is "for the Jews) to be for Christians? The first 20 chapters of Acts are "another dispensation, not for Christians," and Revelation also for the Jews, not Christians? And of course, the Old Testament can be ignored, except to read for curiosity to see how it applies to the Jews only?

That leaves only a few pages left for the second-class spiritual creatures known as "Christians," and if you remove all the pages that refer to "men," you could also interpret that to mean, if you were a mysogynist, that God only wrote a few paltry pages of the Bible to Christian women.

By wresting the scriptures, you might even convince a few younger people that God wrote the KJB only to men. Those under 40 might be unaware that the feminists waged a campaign in the '60s and '70s to do away with a sex-neutral "he" or "him" to include both men and women. They would think today's PC rule to always say "he or she," "him or her," "his or hers" was always the case.

How slyly you wrest the scriptures, thereby nullifying 95 percent of them to Christian men and 99.9 percent to Christian women.

Survey6/19/07 8:03 AM
JD  Find all comments by JD
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A question for you; Where would we find our instruction in the Scriptures that would address the concerns you mentioned below in an authoritative manner? There are some clear commands that are given and you have told us they can be ignored because of the corrupt condition of our culture. Why, in your opinion, would God have arbitray standards for his word and be upset about the violation of some, but not the others?
In your world, can the worship of Santa Claus be acceptable if certain conditions exist? I would think the instructions you have decided to ignore is much more clear than the ones dealing with Santa Claus.
Could your group be considered a part of the problem?

Survey6/19/07 7:08 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Tulip 1
Richard Barber

Amen to everything you said.

Children want entertainment. Parents do not want the responsibility of their children.

Puppet shows and foolishness go on in church today, and children do not know the seriousness of God and His holy word.

Children love cartoon characters and Santa Claus more than the love Jesus Christ. They are taught idolatry.

The Bible states that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, but parents ignore this, and lie to their children about the omnipresent, omniscient Santa Clause year after year.

Satan has a world of so-called Christians deceived.

Pray for revival! The churches are in a lost condition.

Survey6/19/07 5:58 AM
TULIP1 | Just South of Memphis TN  Contact via emailFind all comments by TULIP1
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1Co 12:7-27.
For the body is not one member but many,V14.
Our church (reformed) has gone down the liberal road of nurseries, youth groups, Sunday School, etc., and we have just about perished. Young people, what are left, not many, sit away from parents and have no interest in being soldiers of God's Host. The young despise the older members and the older members are prevented from getting to know the younger. So the children grow up and leave. It is pitiful to behold and the Session/Pastor just don't get it.

Survey5/12/07 12:19 AM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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There are times when some arrangements might be needed for little children without families or for families that need help in getting their children in order, but generally I like it when all ages are present in services. Jesus had no problem with children aroung when he preached. Children hear grown men pray and maybe weep in a regular church service. They get to sing great classic hymns (depending on what church they go to). They get to hear sound doctrine preached out of the Bible, I will never forget sitting next to my Dad in church. The pastor's words flew over the top of my head for the most part, but all things considered -- the singing, the praying, the preaching, having to sit still, etc... -- it was being in church with my dad and mom that I remember fondly, not the stuff for little kids.

Survey3/4/07 10:39 AM
Gimel  Find all comments by Gimel
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Lev. 26:3-14.

"Throughout Leviticus the voice of mercy sounds. For what is mercy, but a remedy for woe? At Sinai's base grace sweetly smiles. For what is grace, but safety for the lost? Before this mount the Gospel clearly speaks.

For what is the Gospel, but God's scheme to save, while justice remains just, and truth continues true, and holiness appears more pure, and honor bends not from its highest throne? These truths here gleam in a long train of types.

He, who would probe redemption's depths, will often seek this hallowed ground. He, who would drink true wisdom's cup, will often search this book with prayer."(H.Law)(Lev 26)

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