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Should Christians Participate In Street Ministry and Open Air Preaching?
Created: 2/2/2005 | Last Vote: 12 years ago | Comment: 13 years ago
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  Absolutely, the Bible supports it strongly

  It is a good thing - but not for me

  I don't know

  I don't think that it is a good way of evangelism

  No it is the worst thing you could do

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Survey2/2/11 5:01 PM
Ole Friend  Find all comments by Ole Friend
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John UK

Talking to an IT man, John.

About IP address changes.

He suggested if you unplug your "BT Hub Broadband Router"
(Or whatever type of Broadband arial you have)
For 24 hours

BT automatically provides a new IP number to your Router when you restart.

This may return your access to SermonAudio!!!


Survey12/24/07 2:10 PM
Lurker | USA  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Hello Norman and Wayne B.

Seasons greetings to you both and to all God's beloved saints. May your yea be yea and your nay be nay and may our Lord bless His own with all spiritual blessings now and in the new year to come.

Survey12/15/07 4:29 AM
Street Preacher | Oregon  Find all comments by Street Preacher
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Hello Brother Norm and Brother Lurker...

I have been working a second job this month so I have had very little time to log on and leave a message.

I hope and pray that the Lord Jesus Christ is blessing you both and your families. May you both be filled with the joy and the hope that our Sovereign Lord and Saviour gives us through His substitutionary work on the cross. Praise the Lord Jesus for His finished work.

Brother Norm I wanted to give you links to a couple of places that I get tracts from for the streets. One reprints old gospel tracts by Spurgeon and Pink and many others and you can order up to $25.00 a month free I believe.

Also here is a link to a great Canadian resource which sends thousands of tracts out for free.

I hope and pray that these links will be a blessing to you and others on this site...

Christ is ALL and ALL!

In the Service of our Sovereign King…

In Christ...Brother Wayne...

Jude 1:2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

Survey12/14/07 12:18 AM
Lurker | USA  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Norman Smith wrote:
Dear brethren,
a lot has happend in 24 hours !
Praise the Lord, brother!

I am so thankful when many brethren will come together in Christ's love to lift up and comfort a dear brother who is in need. It is in those moments of personal weakness and doubt that God is strongest and He is not without means to accomplish His purpose. All things work together for good to them that love God.

Please keep in touch, Norman. You have many friends here on Sermon Audio who care for you deeply. Don't let this thread go dormant for another six months.

God's blessings to you and Naomi.

Survey12/11/07 8:22 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

Survey12/10/07 3:04 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Praise be,brother Street Preacher !
Thankyou for those lovely thoughts.

The world thinks little,or nothing of Christ...but to those that love Him,He is precious !

If the quote from McDuff is the same as James McDuff,then his books are lovely..the woman at the (Sychars)well being one of the best i have ever read.Superb thoughts for gospel witnessing !

Have a great day.

Survey12/10/07 2:32 AM
Street Preacher | Oregon  Find all comments by Street Preacher
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Glory be to God Brother Norman.

Your post's have been a testament to a God who hears prayers and praise be to God that he keeps us and holds us in the palm of His hand.
The engraved in His hands comment you made brought to memory a comment from another web site.

(John MacDuff, "The Immutability of Christ" 1874)
"Behold! I have engraved you on the palms of My hands!" Isaiah 49:16
"Behold," says Immutable One, "I have engraved you on the palms of My hands." Not on the mountains,
colossal as they are, for they shall depart; on no page of nature's vast volume, for the last fires shall scorch them; not on blazing sun, for he shall grow dim with age; not on glorious heavens, for they shall be folded together as a scroll.

But on . . .
The hand which made the worlds,
The hand which was transfixed on Calvary,
The hand of might and love;
I have engraved you there! No corroding power can efface the writing, or obliterate your name!
You are Mine now, and Mine forever!

"Behold! I have engraved you on the palms of My hands!" Isaiah 49:16

All Glory to our great God Brother Norman!

Christ is ALL in ALL!

Brother Wayne

Phm 1:7 For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.

Survey12/9/07 9:49 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I don't know if you have ever heard speak, or seen in person, A. E. Wilder-Smith. He is gone to be with the Lord now, but his works are simply amazing and powerful.

I would encourage you to listen to his sermons and think of the enormous obstacles he faced speaking around Europe. I would start by ordering this:

It will be shipped from Chorley, England. You will be uplifted by those brothers in Christ who fight the good fight.

If you have time, today, you might enjoy listening to this sermon (or watching the video) here:

Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Creation/Evolution?) 1/5 Trials, Tribulation, Pain, Confusion, Providence, Disease, War, Purpose.

This man will be a great encouragement to you as he is to everyone who hears him speak!

Survey12/9/07 9:33 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Thankyou Michael,Sarah and Stephanie.

Really appreciate the friendship and fellowship.

Colossians 1:23

It is amazing,going on Lurkers post,that the sermon i listened to, which the Lord blessed me with, had Jonah as part of it !

Bless the Lord Jesus,the author and finisher of my faith.

May the Lord bless you Michael,and thanks again for being such an encouragement.

I am really sorry,modrator Alpha,that my comments have got away from what the thread is about.

Walt !
just seen your comment...many,many thanks for that,it meant a lot.

May you know God,s blessing (in your buisness especially as you travel around the world ),in your own Christian walk.

The Lord giveth,and the Lord taketh away,Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I have read a book recently called war and grace, and read of Christians willingly laying down their lives for people,saved or not,and have asked myself,am i willing to lay down my own life,for the sake of others,saved or not ? As Christ laid down His life for me,i say,yes,by grace,i would. Very sobering though.

Survey12/9/07 9:02 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Dear Norman,

Although we have struggled to find unity in our doctrine, worship and government, I would equally like to share my thoughts with you.

I've known you through SA for a long time and I am delighted to say by God's free grace that I firmly believed you are fully justified. Yet we see many who, whether Roman Catholic, Angelican, Mormon, JW or otherwise, engage in street ministries, but perhaps have not fully been justified in Christ.

I recall our discussions in the past where you firmly believed it was Christ who called you, and poured out His mighty Amazing Grace upon you that was sufficient to bring you to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Your belief in Christ was because of the Holy Spirit given to you freely by the Father, who places Christ firmly between Himself and the Holy Spirit within you, as your precious Mediator. What a perfect Holy Trinity of purity and holiness that is at work in our lives!

As Paul lovingly wrote to Timothy:

"According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry" (1Tim.1:11-12)

Don't grow weary of your sanctification and mortification!

Survey12/9/07 7:50 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Norman Smith wrote:
Dear brethren,
a lot has happend in 24 hours !
Brother Norman
Praise God! Praise God!
Thank you so much for posting back to us. You have been and I trust will still be used by our Lord Jesus Christ as such an encouragement to me and others too. In this family we certainly know of difficult times of life Sarah is up and I've already shared with her and I can hardly wait until Stephanie get's up to tell her of your post.

We love you Brother Norman.

I believe I for one will do my best to remember your words of not setting too high a goal for ourselves and for others. That is a very good word.

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!
For you, for God's grace to you, for the privilege we've all had together in remembering your name before the throne of the Living God and the joy you bring to our lives as we by His grace seek to serve Him who has all our names graven in the palms of His hands.

Amen! and Amen!

Survey12/9/07 4:38 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Dear brethren,
a lot has happend in 24 hours !

Every comment has been received as from the Lord,from Wayne,Lurker,Mike,Michael and Yamil.

The Lord has led me to just the right sermon,*Let not your heart be troubled,*and youtube is now switched off,and so is ebay....Satan has accused,...but God forgives.

I have set too high a goal for myself and(disgracefully) for other Christians,which I could NOT achieve,...and so left my first love.

Praise God, by His mercy and grace,this Lords day,i am back on the road to recovery,that narrow way that leads to life...back on track to run the race with patience.

God could have said in eternity past..whats the point in Norman Smith being born (and born again) ?..he is just going to mess up,(and mess up i did), but He gave me life anyway,and by His grace,i shall serve Him the best i can,for the rest of my days.

I thank the Lord for you all,my dear,dear brethren.

Oh how we need to heed to think we are immune from falling from spiritual things. Keep vigilent dear brethren and sisters !
My name is graven on the palms of His hands.Hallelujah

Jude 21

Thankyou again so much dear brethren.

Survey12/8/07 11:05 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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If they reject the gospel message, they will perish anyway. So how is it good news to them.

1Co 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

Why preach the gospel to the whole world. So that those who will be cast into Hell will be held accountable, because they heard the word and rejected it. They will be made consciously aware at the final judgment of their rejection and the reason why they are being cast into Hell.

Survey12/8/07 11:02 PM
Moderator Alpha  Protected NameFind all comments by Moderator Alpha
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JD wrote:
Calvinism says most men are created for the day of destruction without any hope of ever being saved and I am only asking how the gospel is good news to every creature who is created for that purpose.
Survey question: "Should Christians Participate In Street Ministry and Open Air Preaching?"

This thread has been revived for those who have an interest in the topic. I would like to see it remain on topic. Please take your comments to an appropriate thread.

Thank you.

Survey12/8/07 5:01 PM
Stree Preacher | Oregon  Find all comments by Stree Preacher
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Greeting's Brother Norman in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To you who are sanctified by God and preserved in Jesus Christ and called.
Brother you are in our thoughts and our prayers. Know that you have brethren here who love you and will be here for you all the time.
We are to bear one another's burdens Gal. 6:2 so never feel like it is a burden to talk to a brother.
I think as Brother Lurker and Brother Michael and Mike has mentioned that it is a good thing that you concerned because one who is not saved would not be concerned at all Brother.
There is an amazing video by Brother Mahan or the audio I want to recommend to you it is called free from sin. Here is the link

This sermon lets us know that even as Christians we sin but oh we have a great advocate in heaven our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rest in our Saviour Brother, as Brother Lurker said turn off YouTube, E-bay and the Radio and seek the Lord's face. Jonah is a great example along with many other's of God's faithfulness to His people.

I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will give you back your first love for Him Brother and that He will use you mightily for His glory.

In Christ Wayne

Christ is ALL in ALL

Survey12/8/07 12:55 PM
Lurker | USA  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. (Jonah 1:1-3)

Dear troubled brother Norman,

Thank you for opening your heart a bit and I trust no one will cast a stone at you for doing so but will show compassion for a hurting brother.

Reading your post brought Jonah to mind. That you know you are presently hiding yourself from the face of God is a certain indication that you are a son and as a son you are being chastened (Heb 12:3-8) for falling away from your first love. As long as you seek to hide from God you will not have peace of heart and I am sure you know this.

With brotherly love I encourage you to turn off YouTube, turn off EBay, seek God's face in solitary fervent prayer and petition Him to reveal His perfect will to you and your reasonable service to Him. Speak to your pastor or church elder and according to James 5:16 get it all out that you may be healed.

You and Naomi are in my prayers.

Survey12/8/07 12:38 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Hello Norman,

Just a thought here- a true tare amongst the wheat would not worry whether he is a tare, would he?

Survey12/8/07 11:15 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Filtered for SAfriendlyPosting  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Meditate on this:

I John 1:4 wrote:
4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
I am afraid that you have not faith in the love of God towards you.

Survey12/8/07 11:14 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Norman Smith wrote:
I am not worthy of such brotherly love.
Brother Norman
None of us are, especially not even to untie Jesus's sandals, but I have to think it is a pleasure to the saints to tell you we love you so much and will take it as a great honor to remember you because you are our brother indeed before our Father in prayer. I had just read your post and as soon as my wife and Stephanie are home I will get them to be in prayer with me for you.

Please remember God has alread commended His own love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. If he loved you that much when you were yet a sinner how much more now that you are His son? And by the way when He adopted us into His family to belong to Him forever He certainly already foreknew all the trial, troubles, success and failures that we would go through ...and still chose us anyway.

Survey12/8/07 9:32 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw.Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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My dear Wayne,Lurker and Terry,
bless you and thankyou for your lovely,lovely posts.

I am not worthy of such brotherly love.

I am afraid that my soul is not in a healthy state...i am not reading my Bible as i should,or praying on my knees likewise,..i am listening to worldly pop songs on youtube i used to enjoy in an unsaved state,spending time and money on ebay, but hating it, oh i am of all men most miserable.

..i am just about hiding my feelings from my family and my church members. They wouldnt understand.

I am SOOOO worried that i am just a tare amongst the wheat...

At this moment in time,i cannot see me ever holding up a placard again.

I am really worried about seeking the Lords face in case i am not one of the elect and just a false professor, and He will turn His face from me.

I have opened my heart a bit...and if there are those reading this who would be angry with me,or laughing at me for being in such a state,i quite understand.

This is real for sure.I am so miserable dear brethren and sisters.
My joy has gone,but i dont know why...well,i guess i do know,i suppose.

Jude 21,a verse i have encouraged others with,i have failed to do myself, what a miserable hypocrite i am.

Sorry,brethren,you all have your own trials ,please forgive me.

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