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What is your stance on alchohol?
Created: 8/15/2005 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Its OK with moderation
  59% | 611 votes

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Survey4/4/10 12:05 AM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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Who created alcohol? Did not Christ drink wine? Was He not called a wine bibber and a glutten? God has given us all things to enjoy but it was man that has currupted and misused the gifts of God.

Survey9/3/08 11:08 PM
roger | Northeast  Find all comments by roger
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The article by Fredrick regarding alcohol use among Christians was right on. Awesome! Why has there been no response in these rooms to such an excellent article?? Very confusing!!

Survey9/2/08 9:40 PM
Fredrick | eastern US  Find all comments by Fredrick
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I don't even think this should be a question. I'm a recovering alcoholic and know that whenever anyone drinks alcohol, it is for the effect [ no matter what people say ]. Christians should stay far away from alcohol, as far as possible. Who knows that if they continue drinking, they could very well become addicted. Who's to tell that they won't. Alcohol is a drug. On and on the proof goes that a Christian should NEVER touch alcohol!

Survey9/1/08 8:43 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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What is my stance on alchohol?

First tell me what "alchohol" is, and then I'll let you know .....
But as far as alcohol is concerned, after a few drinks, I have NO stance at all!

(that's a joke, son!)

Survey9/1/08 8:10 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Yet it is written, "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." - Prov. 31:6-7

Something to think about if one is in great pain & no anesthetics or painkillers are available, which was often the case over a century ago.

Survey9/1/08 7:54 PM
clean by the word | idaho  Find all comments by clean by the word
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I personally do not believe alcohol is good for any thing..God says to be filled with the spirit..Ask ourselves Why should we imbibe at all.I belive the answer will be..because we want to.

Survey11/23/05 12:27 PM
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ron says "it must be God telling you you need to get rid of that alcohol."

or it could be you with too high an opinion of youself and your theological banter and finese! Ever consider that ron? Maybe you are wrong and refuse to acknowledge your error that you are forcing on others your non-essential doctrine of abstinence and adding it unto salvation then defending it with all your might???? could it be maybe you have bought the presupposition of your upbringing and theological teaching of pet doctrines similiar to certain areas of religion??? maybe you should consider it for certainly better men than you and me have trodded this subject in times past! Maybe you can look at some of the Great Pillars of the Faith and their testimony on the subject and come to the conclusion that some had your view and mostly, beyond the 20th century, it was widely accepted that moderation was the command and be not drunk or decieved by the spirits? Do a little study and you will find men you admire have a different stance on this issue than yours!

Survey11/23/05 12:23 PM
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[removed by editor]

Survey11/23/05 12:21 PM
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Ron said "I revealed by God's Holy Word that the view that the Christian is allowed to drink alcohol is false,"

no you didn't you attempted to show that abstinence is commanded in scripture and you failed miserably! You cannot prove abstinence is commanded, you would have a good case for being drunken Because the Word of God specifically commands us to be sober and not drunk!

Survey11/23/05 12:20 PM
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I will post this again.

No, I am not accusing Jesus of deceiving. Read that passage in John 2. The people were well drunk when Jesus made the wine. Well drunk does not mean intoxicating in that passage. I will prove it. When one gets drunk, the taste buds are not the same.

The governor said the 'best wine' was saved for last. He was not expecting alcoholic wine, nor could they have been intoxicated as many try to say. If he were intoxicated, his senses would have been dulled and he would not have been able to distinguish that it was the 'best wine'. The wine that was drunk at the wedding feast before the miracle could not have been intoxicating. If the wine had been intoxicating, and they had 'well drunk' and Jesus had made more, He would have contributed to drunkenness which God's Word tells us it is a sin. The drunkard will not enter heaven. Gal 5:19 - 21.

Survey11/23/05 12:19 PM
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The Word has been spoken in truth and honesty. No personal attacks. If you feel it is a personal attack, it must be God telling you you need to get rid of that alcohol.

Survey11/23/05 12:17 PM
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which is it Ron? did you or did you not call people names? now you seem to be saying you did cause Jesus did and that makes it ok? Yet just a few posts ago you said you never called anybody names??? That seems to be hypocritical testimony to me, not to be name calling or anythin, but it doesn't make for a good testimony to speak such contradictions Rom!

"And, oh yes, Jesus called people hateful, he called them hypocrites, he called them many things in revealing their sin."

Survey11/23/05 12:17 PM
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Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

Survey11/23/05 12:16 PM
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Your testimony is like clouds without rain, a whirlwind from below, with no force behind it. You want to make a difference? Preach the Word honestly and uncompromisingly and let the chips fall where they may, lay off of the personal attacks and let loose the caged lion to defend itself. .......

Survey11/23/05 12:15 PM
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I revealed by God's Holy Word that the view that the Christian is allowed to drink alcohol is false, and that means that I am calling people names?

If that is calling names, then you may as well say it is God calling the names, not me. For I have spoken through His Word.

And, oh yes, Jesus called people hateful, he called them hypocrites, he called them many things in revealing their sin.

Survey11/23/05 12:10 PM
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you don't think calling somebody unsaved because they have a different view of such a minor doctrine as this concerning salvation is not calling names? UNSAVED isn't a name? Calling somebody hateful is not calling somebody names? You really are out there Ron!

You have made accusation after accusation concerning my salvation, the salvation of others all based on their different view of the supposed command of abstinence which is not biblical! The command is be not drunk with wine. You can't make blanket statements like "if you believe it is ok to have a glass of wine a day, you are not saved because the Holy Spirit convicts and chastises those who are saved so since you aren't being convicted and chastised, you must be lost" what a bunch of nonsense!

Survey11/23/05 12:10 PM
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In the words of Jesus when He spoke to Paul on the Damascus road, 'I am Jesus whom thou persecutest; It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.'

Survey11/23/05 12:08 PM
ron the joke  
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[removed by editor]

Survey11/23/05 12:08 PM
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there you go with your attacks again. Nowhere did I call anyone names. I never have called anyone names in any of these threads.

Survey11/23/05 12:07 PM
sleepy | 7 dwarfs  
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You seem to be suggesting that all Jews back then drank only fruit juice. Thus this Cana wedding was celebrated with food and grape juice. Is that your position?

According to some expert opinions on fermentation. The grapes begin to ferment almost immediately after picking. At what point is this a sin to consume?

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