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429 total votes have been cast on this survey | 116 user comments  ( edit survey )

What is your opinion on the Westboro Baptist church group?
Created: 1/7/2007 | Last Vote: 4 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Right on doing the work of God
  6% | 27 votes

 •   Not really sure, makes me wonder
  6% | 24 votes

 •   Ignore them
  11% | 46 votes

 •   They are false
  53% | 226 votes

 •   Who are you talking about???
  19% | 82 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  6% | 24 votes


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Survey2/27/09 5:02 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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Amen Dawie !

i thank God for Fred and his family and pray for their work. I never miss a sermon, fred is extremely knowlegable about scripture and brave and took on civil rights cases back in the 60's when no one in his jim crow town would touch them. I take comfort from the fact that i understand his preaching it gladdens my heart i and count it as one of the evidences of my election and calling. It is a measure of the lateness of the hour that our gracious God has sent fred and his family to the world. If you dont like the phelps and dont understand them then you are probably rather worldly and have some doctrinal issues or are simply not one of the elect

Survey2/11/08 7:41 PM
curious | usa  Find all comments by curious
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Gee I bet we know who thought this question up to ask on Sermonaudio!!!

Survey12/28/07 9:10 PM
Reformanda | U.S.A.  Protected NameFind all comments by Reformanda
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"ONLY Phelps has honesty/guts to tell people that to their faces in the streets - "God hates you, ergo you're a fag etc, the evidence of his eternal decree concerning you". They are Puritans.[/QUOTE]Yep...sure sounds like the preaching of Christ and the Apostles, doesn't it? Where do you ever read of such a "message" being preached to sinners: "God hates you.....and you will be in Hell because God did not decree your salvation...."? The gospel is not "Repent...if you are elect, and long as your salvation has been decreed..." What utter garbage! Yes, believers are saved because God elected them to eternal life. Sinners are damned because of their sin. Salvation is undeserved; damnation is always deserved. But, then how does our Aussie friend know that he himself is really saved? What does he base his assurance upon? I would not like to be thinking I was sure of heaven because I agreed with the ungodly methods and atitudes of a moron like Phelps.

Survey12/28/07 8:04 PM
myob  Contact via emailFind all comments by myob
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

Survey10/11/07 10:23 PM
Fellow Saint  Find all comments by Fellow Saint
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Too "law-minded" instead of "Gospel-minded," trying to persuade repentance with the law with too little of the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith.

Survey10/11/07 9:59 PM
Gayle Pospeschil | Massachusetts USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gayle Pospeschil
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A congregation of Satan.

Survey5/13/07 5:04 AM
William P Wilson | East Anglia Oulton Broad  Contact via emailFind all comments by William P Wilson
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The Westborough Baptist Church is a fasle teaching of God holly word.It clearly state in Gods word that we are to love are emmy and pray for thoses who hate Gods law. In John 3:16 it say For God so Loved the World That he Give his only Begotton Son that who so ever Believth in Him shall not Persh but have ever last life. That why the Pastor and his Church protest at Army Services and make their signs say God hate Fags that is not true at all.What that church need to do is go back to the true word of God and live a christian life and reach out to the unsaved.I saw the programme in TV and i was so saded for the church and Pastor called Pheilps.Read Pastor Pheilps John 3:16. Godbless from William p Wilson UK.

Survey4/1/07 4:51 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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dawie from RSA

"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."

"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things."

Are you really certain you want to live and die by the kind of attitude and preaching you are talking about?

Survey4/1/07 4:08 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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"not even Limited Atonement."

Maybe some Calvinists are letting God's word speak plainly about Christ's atoning sacrifice which is "not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world." And in my opinion, if people are totally depraved(which I concur), it takes more than a limited atonement to deal with their sins and give eternal life. If the new life in Christ is eternal, what's the use of a limited atonemnet. If life is unlimited, why is the atonement limited?

As for Westboro, I voted ignore them, but I'll add they are borderline cult. Sure, homosexuality is sin, but Westboro's methods and obsessions with the sin are unfounded among the Apostles.

Survey4/1/07 3:57 PM
ozmliad | wisconsin  Find all comments by ozmliad
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they are as rabid dogs, and cause many to curse the name of God, people say ... "there you go, another crazy christian group, see christianity is evil, and breeds hatred"

Survey3/10/07 8:03 AM
dawie | RSA  Find all comments by dawie
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You are all about Fred Phelps. They’re ONLY church preaching CORRECTLY, namely TULIP from the T, not from the I! ALL phony Calvinists today are too scared to preach Total Depravity, ie everyone, except the elect, is going to hell, God eternally hates them, like Esau. That’s the truth - ONLY Phelps has honesty/guts to tell people that to their faces in the streets - "God hates you, ergo you're a fag etc, the evidence of his eternal decree concerning you". That's a very powerful Biblical message, that convicted me out of the salvation-delusion that I'd been fed by false "reformed" humanist uncalled prophets!

All phony “Calvinist” preachers today are 2 or at most 3 point, only preaching the easy stuff, from Irresistable Grace upwards – not even Limited Atonement. Phelps is full 5 point , starting from T (and proves it brilliantly). It’s RUBBISH preaching the I, when people don't believe the T! But then useless 2/3 point "preachers" shout "hyper"!

WBC taught me, convicted me, after 35 years of “Reformed” churchianity, I was yet an unsaved, self-righteous, hell-bound, blinded sinner! Thank you! They are Puritans.

Survey2/7/07 4:16 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Until now I had regarded the Westborough Phelps as quite straight-down-the-line Christians who just have a particular thing about homos. That is quite genuine Christians but strumming a single string ukulele.

But my eyes were opened by watching one of their TV interviews on youtube. The Phelps girls wore pants (even the female TV presenter wore womens clothes) and complained about a immoral TV show that they had watched. The TV presenter said the obvious thing "don't watch such a show if you feel you will be offended".

So the Phelps girls quoted back a grossly out of context scripture claiming that they were not defiled by what entered into them - in other words they believe they can watch any ungodly and immoral rubbish on TV without being defiled!!

They went on to defend the use of little children in their protests - children so young they should not have even heard the words homo or f-g yet.

I came to realise that they are just another bunch of worldly nominal Christians; just a bit wackier than most with a weird homo fixation.

Survey2/6/07 5:05 PM
Discerned Believer  Find all comments by Discerned Believer
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KK: "Godly men should confront them and if they will not HEAR --- you have done your best."

I am sure it has been tried and what probably ends up happening is that they come picket your church and call you insulting names like sodomite lovers.

Survey2/6/07 4:16 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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"that their evil deeds Might Be REVROVED"

Should have been --- that their evil deeds Might Be **REPROVED**

Oops !!!


Westborough Baptist church group does not want to HEAR that what they are doing is WRONG !?!

Godly men should confront them and if they will not HEAR --- you have done your best.

*Pray for them !!!

Survey2/6/07 3:28 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Find all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Survey2/6/07 3:04 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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................................... Mike from New York


*It is just like the parable of The Prodigal Son ---

*The only difference is this ---
ANY man, woman or child that comes to the realization that they are wallowing in the filthy quagmire of THE DARKNESS of the stench of life
and by an act of their own will they *CHOOSE* their evil deeds rather than coming to THE LIGHT that their evil deeds Might Be REVROVED ---
Well, what should be said for such a WILLFUL act of stupidity ???

We Know THE LIGHT is only found *IN* Christ At The Foot Of The Cross Through THE ILLUMINATING LIGHT Of GOD'S WORD...

So we see ---
*The Prodigal Son *Came To Himself* (*Came To His Senses*) And *DETERMINED* In His Heart That *He WOULD* Get Up And Go Where THE LIGHT Of TRUTH And LOVE Was The Way Of LIFE...

And that is the difference ---

Those that *come to their senses*, Unlike The Prodigal Son, they DETERMINE In their Hearts that they like THE FILTH of their lives just fine and they Don't Want To Be Told HOW they ARE TO LIVE...

Sound Familiar ???

With Love *IN* Christ, KK

Survey2/5/07 9:07 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Mike from NY, very impressive. Already condemned-does this mean that we are not condemned until we have no room for repentance or does it mean that we are condemned up to the point when we accept Christ? Why is the condemnation on us in the first place? Adam was condemned, as every one of us is, because of sin. Yes, rejection of Christ is the ultimate sin, but it was disobedience to God's ONE command to our first parents that brought the condemnation. Therefore, we are condemned because of our sin nature, our association with Adam, and also because of our own sinful actions. So, yes, I agree with you. We earned this condemnation, corporately as the human race, and individually, because of our own sin. God didn't condemn anyone just because He wanted to.

Survey2/2/07 6:10 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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"John 3:18,19-already condemned."

And why the condemnation? "..he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

And what is this condemnation? "..light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,.."

And why did they love darkness rather than light? "..because their deeds were evil."

How did they know their deeds were evil, that they should seek darkness to hide in? Because they understood the difference between evil and good.

How do we know they knew the difference? Because (John 3:20) "..every one that doeth evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light,.."

Why do they hate and avoid the light? "..lest his deeds be reproved."

Why does he who does evil not want his deeds reproved? Because he knows they're evil, but he wants to do them anyway.

He hates light, therefore he must recognize that it is light in order to hate it and avoid it.

He loves darkness rather than light in order to hide his sin, which he knows is sin, else he would not hide it.

Love: a choice.

Rather than: a choosing.

His condemnation comes of his own efforts. It is earned, not preordained.

Survey2/2/07 5:46 PM
Jerry | MO  Find all comments by Jerry
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They're an interesting group - but I think the comparison to NT is wrong, if you read what Jeremiah did - they sound like they're going back to the OT...

Survey2/2/07 5:14 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Find all comments by Yamil Luciano
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My pleasure. Thank you for being a good sport.

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