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By the Word Baptist Church
Randall Easter  |  Azle, Texas
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By the Word Baptist Church
200 WN Woody Road
Azle, TX 76020
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Fellowship Meal & Dessert Auction
May 4, 2024 12:29PM
Please don’t forget to get the food ready for fellowship tomorrow - no particular theme --concentrate on those delicious desserts for the auction. If you think about it, please label your desserts for the auction! I think it will help Travis when he’s calling it. Last but not least, bring cash (or your checkbook). Let’s send these kids and chaperones to camp again this year!
Work Day!
March 8, 2024 8:51AM
Reminder: work day tomorrow morning at 8AM. Let's get ready for Easter Week.
Easter Week Nursery Signup
March 4, 2024 21:45PM
You can sign up to help in the nursery on Easter week here!
Fellowship meal!
February 3, 2024 10:16AM
Tomorrow is Fellowship meal Sunday. Theme? Mexican! Or Tex mex. Please bring a dish to pass and plan on staying to enjoy one another’s company and fellowship.
Larry Baker Sr. Funeral
January 23, 2024 14:25PM
he visitation and funeral for Larry G. Baker Sr. The funeral is Thursday at 11:00 with visitation Wednesday evening 6-8 at Hawkins Funeral Home in Decatur. If you can make one or the other it would be a great encouragement to the family.
Fellowship Sunday meal
January 19, 2024 19:59PM
The theme for Fellowship Meal is soup and stew! Bring something for a cold day. And be ready to enjoy one another’s company and conversation.
Fellowship Meal Reminder
January 6, 2024 10:50AM
A reminder that tomorrow is Fellowship Meal Sunday. The theme is chili and the fixings. Please bring your best recipe and be ready to share it with your church family. We hope you will join us.
Book for Men's Study
December 18, 2023 21:10PM
The book, The Titus Ten, will be the basis for the men's study starting January 11th. If you are going to participate, please be sure to pick up a copy. You will need to get the study questions from Pastor Randall by Dec. 31. You can order the book here:
Meal train for Danne H. and Family
December 10, 2023 15:9PM
To sign up to help Danne H. and her family with meals please sign up here: Thank you!!
Cookout on Wednesday Night!
December 5, 2023 14:12PM
This Wednesday we will have Scripture reading, a brief devotional from Pastor Jon and then a cookout behind the church! We will meet in the Fellowship Hall to start with. The church will provide hot dogs and rolls. There will also be chili. Please bring chips, condiments, and whatever else goes with hot dogs. Should be a great night of fellowship! 6:30PM.
Pray for Meagan T.
November 22, 2023 13:20PM
Please keep Meagan in your prayers today. She had a miscarriage yesterday. She was 7 weeks. She also still hasn’t passed the baby yet.
Thanksgiving outreach reminder
November 18, 2023 21:40PM
Reminder that tomorrow after church we will take Thanksgiving invites to some neighborhoods near the church. If you want lunch you’ll need to bring a bag lunch. See you there.
Judy Westmoreland funeral
October 25, 2023 16:23PM
Judy Westmoreland’s funeral is at 10am Thursday at The Church of Azle. Calling hours are tonight at 6pm at White’s Funeral Home.
Boyd Raceway Outreach Change
October 20, 2023 19:51PM
Hey everybody! Boyd Raceway has informed me they moved times up by an hour tomorrow night. Gates will open at 5 and races start at 7. If you're planning on being there, please try to be there at 4:30 - 4:45. We've got 1000 bags ready to go out! Thank you in advance! —Tony E.
Funeral announcements
October 10, 2023 11:12AM
The funeral for Fred Dickinson is Thursday at 2pm at Twin Oaks Assembly of God in Bridgeport. They are doing a lunch at noon. Mendi C is helping with some side dishes; if you’d like to contribute please have them at our church at 10:15am-10:30am Thursday. Pray for Cody as he preaches the funeral.
Prayer for the return trip and health
September 13, 2023 16:31PM
Please pray for the team as they travel back from Mexico—they’ve been traveling all day today and have an early flight tomorrow. David M and Mike S are struggling with illness as well so pray for their recovery.
Videos and Pics from Tabasco, Mexico
September 12, 2023 16:44PM
Saints, you can see some video clips from the conference in Mexico and a couple of pictures at these links. Please pray for the conference this evening!
Tabasco Missions Trip
September 11, 2023 20:1PM
Please pray for the mission team. They are now at Pastor Juan Carlos' church in the Tabasco region doing a conference tonight. They have traveled today and Pastor Randall is speaking tonight. Please pray now.
Pray for Pastor Randall now please
September 8, 2023 13:8PM
From Pastor I am going to preach at Penetrating the Darkness at lunch today. I would appreciate prayers for this. It is a very difficult environment to preach in. Thank you
Sting Fling & Mexico Trip
September 8, 2023 11:51AM
Saints, please pray for: 1) Sting Fling outreach. We have about 8 volunteers who will hand out tracts and water at the event tomorrow from 9-3. If you'd like to help, contact Pastor Jon. Pray for divine appointments. 2) The team in Mexico has begun the conference--pray that the churches and pastors will be encouraged and strengthened. Pray for fruit in their evangelistic efforts along the way.
Hannah N. Visiting hours
September 7, 2023 12:31PM
The visiting hours for Hannah N. are tonight at White’s Chapel in Azle, 6-8pm. Please come out and support the family during their loss.
Mexico trip
September 5, 2023 13:1PM
Please pray for the missions team today as they travel to Mexico. They should be flying out very soon. Pastor, Mike S. and David M. Jack and Tonya are already there.
Fellowship Meal & Communion
August 5, 2023 14:2PM
Saints, tomorrow is the fellowship meal after the morning service and Communion tomorrow night. Pastor suggested bringing something "cool" to eat--think salads, fruit, etc. Gonna be hot. Also, please begin preparing to receive the Lord's Table by self examination, confessions of sins to the Lord, and reconciliation with brothers (if needed).
Pray for Tasha J.
July 31, 2023 17:50PM
This came from Mike J, who has been visiting with Tasha… Tasha has been having some concerning symptoms including dizziness and shortness of breath. We plan on going to get her checked out tonight. Please pray for her.
Breakfast Meal for Ms. Sharron's Family on Monday
July 20, 2023 7:32AM
The family of Ms. Sharron asked for a breakfast meal before the viewing. We will do so in the Fellowship Hall at 8AM. Kim and Margaret will coordinate and be there at 7AM. You can either text or call Kim or Margaret or see Margaret on Sunday and she will have a sign up list for what you can bring.
Funeral Info for Sharron A.
July 19, 2023 15:44PM
The viewing hour for Ms.Sharron will be Monday at 9am at the church. The funeral will follow at 10am, at the church. There will be a very brief graveside service. We are waiting on the family to tell us whether or not they want to do a lunch at the church. We will announce their final decision on the lunch as soon as we have the info.
Sharon A. Has Passed Into Glory
July 18, 2023 12:1PM
A very sad announcement: Ms. Sharon A. fell last night and has passed away. She was discovered by her family this morning. There are no details yet to report regarding the funeral arrangements, but when we have them we will share them as soon as we do. Please be in prayer for her family. We know she's home in heaven, but this is a deep loss for the church family.
Featured Sermon (2\2)
July 13, 2023 9:55AM
SA will send it out to their email list as a featured sermon (77k+ subscribers), to all of their social media platforms that day, and feature it on the front page. If you have a Facebook group where this would be appropriate, or a page, please share it there as well.
Featured Sermon from Pastor Randall (1\2)
July 13, 2023 9:53AM
Pastor Randall's sermon, Embracing The Culture is The Root of Self Destruction, will be featured tomorrow on Sermon Audio. This means that the sermon will be displayed prominently at This is his sermon he preached recently about LGBTQ+ and the decline of the society. You can listen here. You can help by promoting the sermon tomorrow morning. Mention it's featured on SA.
Youth Camp
July 7, 2023 13:40PM
Reminder to all parents who have kids going to Youth Camp. 1) Remember to bring camp paperwork on Sunday. 2) There will be a meeting after the worship service for the campers and parents in the fellowship hall. 3) There WILL be a covered trailer for transporting all of the gear. 4) PRAY for all those who are going to camp--for deep spiritual truth to be taught and obedience to it to be immediate.
Tonight’s Outreach
July 4, 2023 12:2PM
anyone who would like to can meet at the church an hour early Tuesday (5:30pm) to make red bags for the 4th of July outreach. We need to just put a tract and bottle of water in each. We will meet in front of the library on Main Street at 6:30pm.
4th of July Outreach
July 1, 2023 18:57PM
There will be a 4th of July outreach in Azle in front of the library near that entrance to Central Park. We will meet at 6:30 at that location. We will pass out tracts and bottles of water in the red outreach bags from the church. About an hour before the fireworks a few of the men will preach the gospel in the open air. It should wrap up a little before 9PM. See you there!
Dessert Auction & Fellowship Meal
June 28, 2023 13:44PM
This coming Sunday is a twofold joy! Fellowship meal & baked goods auction for helping out with expenses for youth campers. Please bring a dish to pass and a dessert/baked good to auction. The theme is: delicious food!
Saturday Reminder to Pray
June 24, 2023 10:42AM
From Pastor Randall: "We had a full church last night which means about 50 people. We are one hour behind you. First session starts at 10:00." Pray for the meetings today.
Friday Mexico Update
June 23, 2023 21:55PM
Update from the Mexico Trip
June 22, 2023 23:15PM
Pray for the Mexico Team Today
June 21, 2023 12:12PM
Today is a rest day for the team in Mexico. Yesterday was a long day of travel. It is hot, no AC, and they're tired. Please pray they get some rest today. There will be a service tonight at Pastor Cristian's church.
Pray for the Missions Team
June 20, 2023 14:56PM
The team heading to Pastor Cristian’s in Mexico is on their way! Pray for Jack and Tonya, David, Tony and Pastor Randall. Please pray for Pastor Jonathan and the others who are traveling in from other churches. It’s a long day today for all.
Father's Day Breakfast
June 15, 2023 9:21AM
Please join us for a Father’s Day Potluck Breakfast on Sunday, June 18th at 9am. Please bring a breakfast dish/items to share.
The Power Is Back On At Church!
June 11, 2023 14:55PM
It’s true. There is light and AC. Hope to see you tonight at Communion.
Shady Grove Picnic Outreach
June 7, 2023 14:25PM
This Saturday in shady grove at Noon, we will have an open air sermon, pass out tracts and evangelize, and have hotdogs to invite people to eat with us and hear the Word. So if you're able to come out, it will be a good opportunity to reach the community. We have like 75 hotdogs at the church to use, so all we need is the following. Please let me know what you are willing to help with. -9 packages of buns -3 cases of coke (12packs) -3 cases of water -5 bags of chips --Cody Torres
Sunday Night cookout
May 27, 2023 20:29PM
Pastor Randall on Wednesday night said that we would do a cookout this Sunday evening. Please bring your own meat and whatever you'd like to have at a cookout.
Scripture Memory Group Now Available Online
May 16, 2023 9:13AM
We have created a group to encourage the memorization of our monthly memory verses on You can go to the group to print memory cards, get the app, and encourage one another in your progress. The website has the Scripture Typer function, which is free to use. The basic app is also free. Please sign up for the program and follow the group here:
Fellowship Meal Theme--Italiano
May 3, 2023 14:6PM
This week is Fellowship Meal Sunday. The theme this week is Italian. Keeping in mind that some are gluten free, let's see what you can cook up from Italy. Plan on coming to church and staying. We minister to one another out of the basis of relationships. Fellowship is important.
Church in the Park Tomorrow Night
April 29, 2023 11:27AM
Church in the Park is tomorrow night. Please bring a dish to share & your own meat. We'll be ready to grill it up for you. ❤ The church will provide all the paper products (plates, napkins, plasticware, cups). Come dressed for the park and ready to pass out a few tracts! Don't forget your comfy lawn chairs.
Scripture Memory Helps
April 23, 2023 14:48PM
Saints, here are the apps I mentioned this morning that can be a big help to Scripture memory. Check out for the app. You can also use the online version. Verse Locker is from Scripture Memory Fellowship, a ministry that has been around for years. They also have a Scripture memory podcast that is helpful and good.
Tex Mex Fellowship!
April 13, 2023 15:24PM
Saints, this Sunday is Fellowship Meal Sunday. Please bring your tastiest Tex Mex concoction to share with everyone. Don't be afraid to make it spicy. See you Sunday!
Easter Week Link
April 5, 2023 10:55AM
Saints, you can track with the Easter Week sermons here: Share the individual sermons with friends who need to hear. Post them on your socials, blog about them, send them out like a farmer scatters seeds. There's no harvest unless you plant.
Easter Week Begins Tonight!!
April 3, 2023 13:10PM
Our Easter Week services start tonight. We have a free dinner beginning at 6:15PM, service begins at 7PM and is followed by a Q&A with the speaker at 8PM. Tonight is Dr. Stephen Yuille, author of many books on the Puritans (esp. John Flavel) and currently a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX.
Saturday Night Outreach
March 31, 2023 7:46AM
Last week we didn't finish the neighborhood we did door-to-door in, so this Saturday night (tomorrow) at 5PM Pastor Jon will meet with whoever can help to do two streets. The church will provide the invitations and the tracts. Hope to see you there!
Outreach Tonight
March 25, 2023 13:2PM
Friendly reminder that we are meeting at the church at 5pm to pass out invitations to the Briar Oaks neighborhood. Hopefully we can send out four teams and cover a lot of ground. Most importantly, this is an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission in our Jerusalem—the church will provide tracts to hand out as well.
April 2nd Fellowship Meal Cancelled
March 23, 2023 16:46PM
The April 2 Fellowship Meal is canceled due to the fact that we will have meals M-F during Easter Week. If you have not signed up yet to bring food for those meals, there are sign up sheets in the hallway outside of the Fellowship hall at church. Thanks!
Easter Week Outreach
March 21, 2023 0:10AM
This Saturday night (5:00PM) we will meet at the church fellowship hall with anyone who can go with us and go door to door in the neighborhoods around the church and invite our neighbors to the meetings. Please come help reach them with the gospel.
Annual Work Day
March 17, 2023 15:11PM
Saints, we have planned a work day tomorrow morning at the church. This annual work day is scheduled so we can get the premises of the church clean before we have Easter Week services. Please plan on arriving between 8-9AM--many hands make light work. There will be plenty to do inside and out to get ready. Thank you.
Fellowship Meal Sunday
March 15, 2023 13:15PM
Saints, since the weather is going to be cold this Sunday, the elders have conferred and have decided that this fellowship meal shall be a chili theme. Bring your best chili recipe (the food, not just the recipe) and be ready to feast and fellowship.
Easter Week registration
March 7, 2023 10:39AM
Saints, please register for Easter Week here. We are creating a Facebook group to advertise the event and it should be done this week. But we need you to register here as well.
Prayer Meeting
February 1, 2023 11:42AM
Your elders want you to know that it is extremely dangerous on the roads today and unsafe. The elders will pray and read Scripture at church tonight, but we do not want anyone to put themselves at risk. If you need anything please let us know and we will do all we can to help. If you have specific prayer requests please send them along.
Meal Train for the Torres Family
January 31, 2023 15:10PM
The Torres family has welcomed little Cameron into the world! Help them celebrate by signing up to bring them a meal at this link:
Fellowship Meals Cancelled
January 27, 2023 22:16PM
Fellowship meals are cancelled until further notice. The fellowship hall is currently serving as storage while we renovate the nursery and a couple of Sunday School rooms. Pray for a quick renovation.
Fellowship Meals Resume January 15
December 29, 2022 12:53PM
Fellowship Meals will resume on January 15th. Let’s kick off the new year with a fiesta! Mexican Theme! Plenty of time to plan something delicious. And plan on getting to know brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pray for Grayson
December 27, 2022 10:14AM
Grayson is on his way to have surgery. He will be in the OR at noon until 3:30PM or so. If all goes well, Lord willing, he will be released to go home today. Please pray for little Grayson, his family and for a successful surgery.
Christmas Day Services
December 24, 2022 19:29PM
Tomorrow is Christmas Day and our Sunday School classes and morning worship service ARE STILL ON. 9:30AM Sunday School and 10:45AM worship. Evening service is cancelled. See you there!
Meal Train opportunity for Brittany & Brent
December 23, 2022 16:41PM
We have an opportunity to serve our new members, Brittany and Brent. Their little girl was welcomed into their family this week and we are doing a Meal Train. You can sign up here:
Christmas Outreach TONIGHT!
December 3, 2022 12:6PM
Tonight we have the privilege and opportunity to go into our own city and call out for people to look unto Jesus Christ and be saved. We will do this by giving out gospel bags (containing a Bible, gospel tract, and church brochure). We will gather around our Christmas parade float about 5:45 and the parade will start at 6:30. Please pray for the outreach. 500 people in our city are about to receive the gospel in written form and many more will hear the gospel preached. Pray that the people will believe God.
Christmas Parade Opportunity this Saturday, 6PM
November 29, 2022 14:49PM
We need all hands on deck for the parade on Saturday. Volunteers have worked hard on the float. We just need people who can smile, hand out gifts, and say something controversial like "Merry Christmas". You can either walk the parade route or ride on the float and hand out bags to those who are running them out to the crowd. We need you to be at the parade staging area (corner of church and Main) by 6:00PM.
Holiday Outreaches
November 12, 2022 13:54PM
1. Thanksgiving Door to Door Outreach: Saturday Nov. 19th, 4:00PM. We will meet at the church and go into surrounding neighborhoods to invite our neighbors to our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. 2. Saturday, December 3rd: Annual Lighted Christmas Parade. Staging begins at 4:30PM (Church Street in front of Azle ISD Administration Building), parade begins at 6:30pm on Main Street. The church will have a float, Pastor Randall will open-air preach and YOU can help by handing out 500 gift bags.
Fellowship Meal
November 5, 2022 18:54PM
Double whammy this weekend. It's fellowship Sunday AND the time change!! Bring something to share and come to Sunday School This is also the last Fellowship Sunday until January 15th! Plan to stay and enjoy each other's company.
Meal Train & Funeral Info for Freddy P.
October 24, 2022 9:2AM
Saints, the funeral information for Freddy P. is: visitation from noon-1PM. The service begins at 1PM. Meal to follow at 2PM. All food needs to be dropped off at the church kitchen between noon-1PM. Please sign up to bring something here: Many slots are still open. Thank you and please continue to pray for the family.
Prayer Request
October 18, 2022 20:2PM
Please pray for Freddie Paul. He has been ill all day but this afternoon he fell out of bed and has bleeding on the brain. He is at the hospital now. Pray for Melba and the whole family.
Barnes' Family Visitation & Funeral
September 29, 2022 13:29PM
Saints, Ronnie Barnes' grandmother passed away. The visitation for Jane Anne King is 10AM on Wednesday October 5. The funeral is at 11AM. Shannon Rose Hill Funeral Home Chapel. 7301 East Lancaster. Fort Worth. 76112. If you can support the Barnes' family by going to either the service or the viewing, please do. Please be in prayer for the family.
Fellowship Meal
September 29, 2022 8:39AM
The theme for this Sunday's Fellowship Meal is "Soups, Salads and Sandwiches." Surprise us! Also, please remember that the funeral for B. Edwards is Saturday. Viewing hours are 1:30-3PM and the funeral starts at 3. Pray for Tony as he preaches the gospel and for the family as they grieve.
Meal Train for the Edwards' Family on Saturday
September 26, 2022 19:1PM
Saints, please sign up for the Meal Train for the funeral on Saturday. The food needs to be at the Fellowship Hall BY 3:00PM. The visitation hours are 1:30-3:00PM and the funeral starts at 3.
Sunday Fellowship Meal Reminder
September 15, 2022 16:8PM
Saints, this Sunday is FELLOWSHIP MEAL SUNDAY!!! The theme is Mexican Fiesta. Please bring food in that theme and we will share a meal, speak of the things of God and enjoy being together. See you there!
Fellowship Meal tomorrow
September 3, 2022 18:36PM
Saints, just a reminder that our new season of Sunday School classes begins tomorrow at 9:30AM AND that we have a fellowship meal tomorrow! Bring a homestyle dish to pass.
Sunday's Fellowship Meal
August 18, 2022 11:21AM
This Sunday, Wade P. and Travis S. will grill hamburgers for the church fellowship meal. You will need to bring buns, condiments, fixin's, potato salads, other salads, chips, coconut cream pie, desserts involving cherries, etc., etc.
Last Day in Mexico
July 19, 2022 12:8PM
Please read this heartfelt update and rejoice over the Lord’s beautiful work in Mexico.
Day 3, Mexico update
July 16, 2022 21:36PM
A short, but great update from Chiapas, Mexico.
Second Day of the Mexico Conference, Update
July 15, 2022 22:31PM
Saints, go check out the update from the second day of the conference. It includes an exciting report on ministry at a rehab.
First Day of the Conference in Mexico, Update
July 14, 2022 22:17PM
Saints, please check out this most recent update on the Conference in Mexico, including pictures. It's very encouraging!
Pray for the Conference in Mexico
July 14, 2022 14:16PM
Be in prayer today for Jack, Tonya, Pastor Randall, and the rest of the team in Mexico. The conference has begun and the Word of God is going forth. Pray for a harvest! Matthew 9:37-38
Sunday Fellowship Meal
July 13, 2022 12:43PM
Church family this week is a fellowship Sunday. Let’s hang out together! Bring your favorite summertime dish!
Update From Mexico, July 12
July 12, 2022 21:56PM
Check out this link to read the latest update from Mexico on the church Facebook page.
We Say Goodbye to Joseph and Ale This Sunday.
July 1, 2022 11:35AM
This Sunday is Joseph and Ale’s last, they leave to move to Mexico on Monday. we will be having lunch and a little cake and would love if everyone would stay to fellowship this Sunday. Contact Mendi C. for more info.
Moving Help Needed
June 29, 2022 14:39PM
"We’re hoping to try and move the rest of our stuff to the house this weekend. Is anyone available Saturday to help us? We’ll probably do it in the morning so the weather is cooler." --Robbie & Emily L.
Fathers Day Breakfast
June 17, 2022 12:0PM
Hey everyone! We’re going to be serving breakfast for the men this Sunday. Please think simple. Bring your contribution of good food in throw away containers so there will not be such clean up. We will begin serving at 9:00 so if everyone could have it there before then - it will be greatly appreciated!
Evangelism Conference
May 28, 2022 17:18PM
If you are coming to the Evangelizing Pro-Life Roman Catholics conference, with Mike Gendron from Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, please register (FREE) using this link. Thank you.
Pray for Fred P.
May 27, 2022 10:56AM
Saints, please pray for Fred P. He is at the ER after a seizure that may have been induced by high blood pressure. They are checking to make sure he didn't break anything. Pray for Melba as well. Thank you.
Church at the Park
May 19, 2022 18:53PM
Reminder that we are meeting at the Central Park in Azle (behind the Library) at 6:00PM on Sunday night. Pastor Randall will bring his grill. The church will provide tea, ice and water as well as the plates, forks and cups. Bring whatever meat you want to grill (burgers or hot dogs) and picnic style dish or snack to share. Also bring lawn chairs, outdoor picnic games (corn hole, frisbees, etc.). After we have eaten we will have church in the park and invite whoever is there to join us.
Graduate Sunday\Fellowship Meal
May 14, 2022 8:35AM
Saints, tomorrow is the day we bless our graduates: Dylan Carlson, Lydia Easter and Charlie Speed. We will do a Mexican themed fellowship meal after the worship service. Please bring a Mexican themed dish to pass.
Evangelizing Roman Catholics
May 5, 2022 12:16PM
Saints, we are beginning the push to advertise Evangelizing Roman Catholics with Mike Gendron on June 3-4. Please help us out by sharing the event on your social media pages and inviting friends who want to learn how to evangelize them. You can share this link: I will update this with a schedule in the next day or so. There will be volunteer opportunities as well.
Tomorrow is Fellowship Meal Sunday
April 30, 2022 15:59PM
Saints, just a reminder that tomorrow is the first Sunday of May and therefore it's Fellowship Meal Sunday. The theme this week is: "Surprise Us." In other words, bring whatever you can because there's no specific theme this week. :-)
Easter Week Sermons
April 16, 2022 13:23PM
Here is a link to the Easter Week Sermons. Tomorrow's message will be uploaded tomorrow. Share this link with your unsaved friends.
Link to Invite Friends on Social Media
April 11, 2022 16:50PM
Saints, here is a link you can use to invite your friends to attend our annual Easter Week services. Private message, email, and Facebook.
Letter Writing Outreach Tonight!
April 1, 2022 12:28PM
Saints, don't forget our letter writing outreach tonight at 6:30PM. Bring a snack to share, Cokes, 2-3 addresses of unsaved friends. We will provide paper, envelopes and the postage. We will pray over the people we are writing to and then we will write evangelistic letters to our friends, family, co-workers...whoever. We will also provide invitations to Easter Week. See you then!
Meal Train for the Battistas
March 27, 2022 8:24AM
Please sign up for the meal train for the Battistas. Congratulations to their family on their new arrival!
Fellowship Meal Theme
March 18, 2022 22:16PM
The theme for this week’s fellowship meal is “Family Favorites “. Make something that’s nostalgic for you and share it with us all. If you don’t usually stay for the fellowship meal, why not give it a try this weekend. It’s a good time to get to know your church family.
CORRECTION on time change
March 12, 2022 11:11AM
Sorry guys. It's spring FORWARD. You have to set your clock forward one hour. I knew that. --Pastor Jon
Time Change
March 12, 2022 11:8AM
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Remember to set your clocks back one hour tonight or else you will be late to church tomorrow.
Answer to Prayer in Mexico
March 8, 2022 13:27PM
Check out the new worship space at Felipe’s church!
David M. Mealtrain
March 3, 2022 22:59PM
Saints, David M. is going in for surgery and we are doing a meal train. You can sign up for it here.
Fellowship Meal this Sunday!
March 3, 2022 14:45PM
Soup and Salad theme this Sunday for our Fellowship meal. Let’s see what you can do with your creative take on this theme. Hope to see you there!
Fellowship Meal Reminder
February 18, 2022 12:9PM
Saints of By the Word, this is your reminder that this Sunday is Fellowship Meal Sunday. The theme idea went so well, we want to try it again. So, this Sunday the theme is ITALIAN food. Let's see your best lasagna, rigatoni, spaghetti creation, meatballs, etc., etc.
Fellowship Meal Reminder\Request
February 4, 2022 11:45AM
Saints, please remember that this Sunday is Fellowship Meal Sunday. Considering the cooler weather, a good old-fashioned Texas chili theme is a good idea. Bring your best chili recipe. And, of course, a coconut themed dessert for someone we know.
Fellowship Meal Reminder
January 14, 2022 12:41PM
Saints, this Sunday is Fellowship Meal Sunday. Please bring a dish to pass and\or a dessert. This is a great opportunity to minister to one another as we deepen our relationships. Hope to see you there!
Meal Train for Amber C. & Waylon
January 2, 2022 16:34PM
If you can help with the meal train please use this link to sign up and help provide this need.
Christmas card project
December 10, 2021 14:53PM
“For the first time in her life, Megan M. will be able to see Christmas in Color this year.  We are encouraging everyone to send her a colorful Christmas Card.  The address is 1900 Ross Lane, Boyd, TX 76023.”
Pray for Rory's dad
December 7, 2021 9:13AM
Saints, please pray for Rory's dad, Randy. He is hospitalized, is on a ventilator in ICU, and is heavily sedated. He may have clotting in his legs. Pray for his healing.
Christmas Parade Outreach TONIGHT
December 4, 2021 9:8AM
TONIGHT – 5:30pm at Azle. By the Word Baptist Church will meet for the annual Christmas parade to pass out gospel bags. Come and be a part of this outreach, which seeks to get the gospel out in our own community. We have a float in the parade with Joseph, Mary, and baby. I will follow the float carrying a cross and proclaiming the ultimate purpose of Christmas. If you cannot attend, please pray that Christ is exalted, people receive the good news, and that the church shines her light clearly.
Thanksgiving meal need
November 20, 2021 15:14PM
We are serving a specific menu for our church Thanksgiving this Tuesday night at 6:30pm. Please sign up to bring a large crock pot of a savory side. People have signed up for desserts but not side dishes. We will have a number of visitors from the community so please help support this evangelistic effort with your cooking skills.
Wednesday Night Cookout
November 16, 2021 10:32AM
Just a reminder that tomorrow night is our cookout. We will have hot dogs to cook over the fire. If you would like to use the charcoal grill, you can bring hamburgers. Please remember to bring lawn chairs. Bring drinks and any sides you would like to share. There will be a brief devotional message. 6:30PM.
Campfire Cookout Cancelled
November 2, 2021 22:8PM
Due to the projected weather tomorrow, we are cancelling the campfire\hot dog cookout Wednesday Night (11-3). We will reschedule for next Wednesday.
Meal Train for John & Anita W.
October 3, 2021 17:44PM
Here is an opportunity to bless a family in our church. Please sign up for the meal train for John and Anita W. Thanks so much!!
Update on Samantha Cox & Elizabeth
August 12, 2021 13:22PM
1. Samantha will probably deliver tomorrow (Friday). Her labor has stopped. She still has some amniotic fluid and Elizabeth is doing very well. 2. The baby shower for Samantha and baby Elizabeth will be rescheduled. More details TBA.
Pray for Samantha and Rory
August 10, 2021 7:49AM
Pray for Samantha and Rory. Samantha's water broke last night and they need to determine how long they can wait until they induce delivery. She's six weeks early. Baby Elizabeth is healthy as is Samantha, but they want to keep the muffin in the oven as long as possible.
Joyce Huffman Funeral
August 6, 2021 20:4PM
Jack’s mother’s (Joyce Huffman) memorial service is scheduled for tomorrow, August 7, 2021, 10:00 AM at North Ft Worth Baptist Church. It is requested that all memorials be made to the Bill & Pinky Gray Student Missions Endowment @ BGCT. Mail to BGCT attn: Bill & Pinky Student Mission Endowment, 7557 Rambler Rd. Ste. 1100 Dallas, TX 75231-2310. Please come support the Huffmans.
Please pray for the Teams in Honduras
August 3, 2021 22:52PM
From Beverly Easter: "According to Dallas Morning News - American Airlines are canceling flights because of the storm Sunday Night. Jonathan group’s flight has already been canceled and they are having a hard time finding another flight. They have purchased tickets on another airline but it has an insane schedule. So far, our group’s flight is still on time. Please pray for Jonathan’s group to be able to get a better flight and that our group’s flight will not be cancelled.
Honduras Trip Arrival Update
August 2, 2021 21:56PM
Honduras Update: Brother Jonathan and his members are leaving 7am Wednesday morning with a short lay over in Miami, they should be in around 5pm. Pastor Randall and the rest of us are on a plane Wednesday at 4:30pm and will be in around 9pm Texas time.
Honduras Trip Return is Delayed
August 2, 2021 12:25PM
Saints, please pray for Pastor Randall and the Honduras team. Their return is delayed because the Hondurans are doing a national strike. The team has been able to pass through roadblocks without any delay, but flights out of Honduras have been canceled. They will be delayed at least a day or two. Pray for this extension of their trip by the Lord of the Harvest, that it will be fruitful (they are handing out tracts at roadblocks), that they will be safe and that they will be able to return soon.
1st Sunday Fellowship Meal
July 31, 2021 20:4PM
Saints, please remember that tomorrow is the first Sunday of the month and that we have our 1st Sunday Fellowship Meal. Please bring a dish to pass. Thanks!
Funeral for Joyce Huffman
July 30, 2021 13:6PM
Please continue to pray for the Huffman Family, Jack’s mother’s (Joyce Huffman) memorial service is scheduled for August 7, 2021, 10:00 AM at North Ft Worth Baptist Church. It is requested that all memorials be made to the Bill & Pinky Gray Student Missions Endowment @ BGCT. Mail to BGCT attn: Bill & Pinky Student Mission Endowment, 7557 Rambler Rd. Ste. 1100 Dallas, TX 75231-2310.
4th of July Outreach
July 4, 2021 17:48PM
Tonight, immediately after the service, we will go out to the local fireworks stand and hand out bottles of water and gospel tracts. Service begins at 6:00PM and Cody Torres will preach on Romans 1:16-17. At about 7:00PM we will pray and go out to the corner of 730 and Knob Hill Rd., set up an EZ Up tent and a few tables and coolers and hand out tracts. Please watch your kids carefully if they are coming.
Please Sign & Share
June 21, 2021 12:20PM
Saints, you can help us a great deal if you will sign and share the Abolition of Abortion Resolution document that we presented to the SBC last week. It will help show the support of our church for the resolution as a whole. Thank you.
Abolition of Abortion Resolution
June 16, 2021 7:55AM
Please pray NOW (and throughout the day) for the Abolition of Abortion Resolution at the SBC Convention. God brought it out of committee yesterday at the last minute. It will be debated on the floor today. Pray for wisdom for those of us speaking, gentleness, and for God's favor on this resolution. Here is video of Pastor Jon reading the resolution for the video the abolitionists released before the convention.
Weekend Evangelism Update
June 10, 2021 23:32PM
Friday night, 7PM: Fort Worth Water Gardens. Tracts, one to one, open air preaching. 1502 Commerce Street in Fort Worth. Contact Cody Torres for more info. Saturday morning, 8AM abortion clinic ministry @ Whole Woman's Health at 3256 Lackland Road in Fort Worth. Gospel tracts, prayer, one to ones, open air preaching. Contact Pastor Jon for more info.
No Raceway Ministry Tonight
June 4, 2021 13:7PM
Correction to the previous message: there is NO Raceway Ministry tonight in Boyd. So that leaves you with Pastor Randall in Azle at 5:00PM or Pastor Jon in Fort Worth (Stockyards) at 7:00PM.
Evangelism Opportunities This Weekend
June 4, 2021 9:25AM
Tonight: Pastor Randall will evangelize at Shady Grove Park in Azle at 5PM. Tony Edwards will be at the Boyd Raceway at 6PM. Pastor Jon will be at the Stockyards in Ft. Worth at 7PM. Saturday: Pastor Jon will be at Whole Woman's Health in Ft. Worth reaching out at the abortion clinic at 8AM. Cody Torres has a team going to Fair Park in Dallas to preach to the homosexuals at their pride event outside of the Park. Contact the leader of the outreach you are interested in. Pray for all of them.
Meal Train for Davis Family
May 31, 2021 23:24PM
You can sign up to bless the Davis Family with Meal Train here:
Meal Train for Margaret McCoy
May 28, 2021 1:17AM
A meal train has been set up for Margaret McCoy. To participate visit
Weekend Evangelism Schedule
May 27, 2021 21:30PM
Proclaiming Christ Ministries Weekend Schedule Friday 28th - Stockyards 6:30pm-8:30pm 109 E Exchange Ave Fort Worth Tx 76164 Open air preaching, pass out tracts, one on one witnessing Saturday 29th - Abortion Clinic Ministry 7am-12pm Whole Woman’s Health 3256 Lackland Rd Fort Worth Tx 76116 Open air preaching, prayer, passing out pamphlet and tracts. Please come join Jeffrey Crago Jr. and Cody Torres as they take the gospel to these places. If you cannot, please pray.
Scripture Memory Tools
April 16, 2021 13:57PM
Here are two helpful tools Pastor Jon mentioned Wednesday night for Scripture memory: The Bible Memory App ( and VerseLocker ( These are both helpful.
Written Testimony for the TX House Committee on Abortion Bills
April 7, 2021 13:20PM
You can testify against the compromised pro-life bills being discussed in committee today, and promote HB 3326 (the only bill that will end it in Texas), using this link. 3,000 word limit. Just pick a bill on abortion and point out that they are not enforceable, do not provide equal protection for life in the womb, and ask them to support TX HB 3326. Please be respectful. Written testimony must be submitted today.
Meeting 2 of Easter Week
March 30, 2021 12:3PM
Tonight Pastor Derek Melton of Grace Life Church of Pryor, OK will be the guest speaker. 6PM, dinner (free), 7PM service. Q&A afterwards in the fellowship hall (with dessert). The theme of the conference is The Glory of Christ. Pastor Melton is a good friend of FBC Briar and has pastored Grace Life since 1999. Randy Buster from Northlake Bible Church will lead the worship again tonight. Please come join us. These are sweet times of worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Easter Week Meeting Tonight!
March 29, 2021 13:53PM
We begin tonight with Pastor Blake Gideon of FBC Edmond (OK). 6PM, dinner (free), 7PM service. Q&A afterwards in the fellowship hall (with dessert). The theme of the conference is The Glory of Christ. Pastor Gideon has been a faithful pastor for many years, started in ministry at FBC Briar, and has recently become an important voice for the abolition of ab()rti()n in Oklahoma. Randy Buster from Northlake Bible Church will lead the worship. Please come join us if you can.
Sermon Audio Event Page for Easter Week
March 23, 2021 9:53AM
For those who do not use Facebook, we have a Sermon Audio event page in development for Easter Week. You can find it here:
Facebook Event Page for Easter Week
March 23, 2021 9:21AM
Saints, we now have a Facebook event page for Easter Week! Please respond, share the event on your page and in your groups, and invite friends using the invite button in the group. The event is still under development, but can be shared now. Thanks!
Easter Week Nursery Sign Up
March 19, 2021 16:12PM
Saints, this is a link to sign up for nursery duty for Easter week. Sign up for Easter week nursery ( ) on @SignUpdotcom today! Thank you for your help.
Pastor Randall's New Commentary on Jonah
October 1, 2020 15:28PM
Pastor Randall's Commentary on Jonah is now available for purchase! It has been published by One Million Tracts and it's only $9.95 (not bad for a commentary). It's also in the new "store" section of our Sermon Audio page (on the SA site). Congratulations, Pastor Randall! We hope it will influence many for the gospel.

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