<!-- KNOWING IN THE MIDST OF TRIALS Ignorance is never bliss, especially in the time of trial. When afflictions and temptations come or friends fail and forsake, only one thing will suffice. That one thing is a heart-knowledge of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PREACHING PREDESTINATION If I am to tell the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ and that salvation that is in Him, I must preach predestination. Predestination is essential to knowing God as He really is and ascribing the glory to Him that He...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if PREACHING ELECTION Some feel the need to make sure all know that “election is not salvation.” God will have all know that there is no salvation apart from it! There is no salvation without election because...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if PREACHING CHRIST CRUCIFIED God sends His servants out to preach the gospel. That gospel is the gospel of Christ and Him crucified. Many claim to do this but have we really preached the gospel of Christ crucified if we hold back...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if When I come before God, I will have no regrets that I studied the Bible too much! As I grow older, my regrets are that I have not studied it more. The Word of God is the one sure commentary on the words of men. There is only one...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if AS THE RECONCILED, BE RECONCILED TO GOD The apostle Paul wrote the second epistle of Corinthians to believers. This letter was addressed to the “church” and “saints” there in Corinth. Also, he reminds...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if ALL YOUR CARE Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1Pe 5:7 The Lord’s believing people in this world are not without cares. Strong’s Greek dictionary says that the world “care” in 1...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if "THOU GAVEST THEM ME" The 17th chapter of the gospel of John is saturated with giving. The Father has given the Son "power over all flesh." That ability and authority is His to "give eternal life." Eternal life is made sure...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if GIFTS FREELY GIVEN TO A PURCHASED PEOPLE It is needful that we understand that the entire eternal inheritance is the gift of God’s grace. Everything from faith to heaven is said to be a gift. God’s elect are blessed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
<!--[if ONLY ONE GOD! “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” Paul’s words to Timothy go out to all the world as an essential part of the Gospel. They are a declaration made to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]