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Heritage Presbyterian Church
Joe Morecraft III  |  Cumming, Georgia
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"God humbles His own people"
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada
Dr. Morecraft quotes from John Calvin's commentary on Psalm 48 that "From this passage we are taught that it is no uncommon...
Joe Morecraft III | Psalms
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Sermon8/27/2023 5:22 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ Swords in God's hands ”
In discussing Psalm 17:13-14 (KJV: "deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: From men which are thy hand, O Lord, from men of the world") Dr. Morecraft explains that the oppressors are swords in God's hand against David and He was using them in David's life to test him. They cannot go beyond God's will and so David was perfectly safe in the midst of his enemies. They are swords in God's hands. God uses armies, He uses swords, He uses oppressors, He uses wicked men to accomplish His purposes. David finds comfort in knowing that a sovereign God is in control of his enemies and yet at the same time he prays to be delivered from them.

Sermon8/27/2023 9:00 AM
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“ Isaiah 3 ”
Thanks preacher Joe, the word of God is in your heart and lips. This sermon could be applied to Europe and Hispanoamérica

Sermon8/13/2023 5:38 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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The Joy of Knowing God, Pt 2 PSM016
Joe Morecraft III
“ Holiness precedes happiness ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that holiness on earth must precede happiness in heaven. If you are going to enjoy God, you must glorify Him. To glorify God means to live for His honor, His praise and His pleasure, not your own. How can we enjoy God when life gets painful and life hurts? In Exodus 20:24 God says, "in every place where I cause My name to be remembered, I will come to you and bless you." God is enjoyed where He has commanded His people to meet with Him. Where are those places where God will meet His people? In the means of grace. That is, those ways and means that God has set in our lives whereby He brings His grace into our lives and makes His presence known to us. Among these are: studying the Bible; meditation on God and His truth; sitting under the preaching of the Word of God; praying; private, family and public worship, etc. God promises to meet His people in all those places and to make Himself known in fullness of joy so we can enjoy Him. As we glorify Him by going to the means of grace we find ourselves enjoying Him.

Sermon7/30/2023 2:18 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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The Joy of Knowing God PSM015
Joe Morecraft III
“ Separate from the world ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that a Christian should not let the world dictate to him his goals, his values, his lifestyle, his dress, or what's important to him. Christians should separate themselves and their families from the ways and superstitions of this unregenerate world. As John Calvin wrote in his commentary on Psalm 16: "We cannot be united into the one body of the Church under God, if we do not break off all the bonds of impiety, separate ourselves from idolaters, and keep ourselves pure and at a distance from all the pollutions which corrupt the holy service of God."

Sermon7/16/2023 5:20 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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The Two Kinds of Human Beings PSM014
Joe Morecraft III
“ Calvinism won't save you from hell ”
In offering words of application for this sermon, Dr. Morecraft quotes from a commentator as follows: "It cannot be too strongly impressed upon the minds of men that principles merely professed, however excellent, which do not sanctify the heart and mould the character, cannot be acceptable with God." In other words, Calvinism won't save you from hell. You may have wonderful Calvinistic principles and doctrines, but how are they affecting your life and character?

Sermon7/9/2023 5:44 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ Depression is caused by unbelief ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that Psalm 13 teaches us how to avoid depression. Depression is caused by unbelief (unless it's caused by poor blood circulation, or by a vitamin deficiency, or some other genuine diagnosable physical condition - which is only a small percentage of reasons for depression). It is caused by a failure to trust God when it's difficult to trust Him, and to be more concerned with ourselves than we are with God and with God's bounty. Christians never have to get depressed (unless it's a diagnosable physical condition). Depression comes upon us because of a failure to trust God. Life hurts, and whatever leads us to prayer is good for us.

Sermon7/9/2023 4:04 PM
John baptist from USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by John baptist
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Women Civil Magistrates? VS0806
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Outstanding sermon...don't care for r.l. dabney(he was a racist)but overall loved the message...wish I could broadcast this message over all the major networks.....

Sermon7/2/2023 5:35 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ The failure of the church ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that the spiritual condition of the church determines the political, economic, social and international condition of the nation in which that church lives. If the president or ruling party changes but the church doesn't change, nothing is going to get any better. Things are going to get worse. What is necessary to get a culture out of decline? A church that is being revived by the Holy Spirit of God, and a culture where God is rooting out and removing the alloy from places of power and influence. The reason the anti-Christians, pro-abortionists, supporters of homosexual marriage, and other leftists are out there controlling the media, politics, education and all the rest, is because of the failure of the church. Because the church has not been what she should be, those are out there harassing us as God's judgment on us. The church needs to repent for being backslidden and disregarding the law of God. When Christians truly repent, God will start changing the church and the nation will be restored.

Sermon6/25/2023 5:53 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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A Remedy for Escapism PSM011
Joe Morecraft III
“ What can the righteous do? ”
The question of Psalm 11:3, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” is asked of David by his cowardly, escapist friends. David's cowardly friends are saying that once the pillars of society have fallen, the righteous can't do anything except run away. But they were wrong. As Dr. Morecraft explains, the biblical answer to the question, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” is "a lot!" During times of national decline, there's much the righteous man can do and must do in the power of God. For America in the early days, those foundations were faith in God, and submission to God's law contained in the Bible. The righteous can stand on God's revelation of Himself and His will for men and nations in the Bible. He can keep on being righteous in life and work to rebuild the foundations until he sees God restore those foundations and frustrate the effort of those warring against Him. A faithful man with God's help can stop evil forces dead in their tracks and recover the day. The righteous man must rebuild the foundations; give all his life, resources, and energy to the restoring of those foundations with the help of God.

Sermon6/18/2023 5:35 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ Prosperity begets presumption ”
In discussing Psalm 10:6, Dr. Morecraft quotes from an eighteenth century commentator as follows: "Prosperity begets presumption, and he who has been long accustomed to see his designs succeed, begins to think it impossible they should ever do otherwise." An unbelieving wealthy man soon develops an attitude of invulnerability.

Sermon6/7/2023 8:51 AM
B Graham from San Diego  Find all comments by B Graham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent teaching

Sermon6/4/2023 5:24 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ God requires blood ”
In preaching on Psalm 9:12, Dr. Morecraft explains that God will avenge the shedding of the innocent blood of His people by their enemies and He will always respond to the cries of His people. No cry of any of God's needy, afflicted people will go unanswered and unavenged. Why? Because our God requires blood. Why is God going to shed the blood of His enemies that persecute His people? Because our God requires blood from those who rebel against Him. Our God requires blood because He is a righteous, holy God. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Why? Because God requires blood. The wages of sin is death. Why? Because God requires blood. Nations that have risen in opposition to the Lord have perished throughout the thousands of years of human history. Why? Because God requires blood. God requires the blood of anyone who has ever sinned against Him, or the blood of a Substitute. Without the shedding of Christ's blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Why? Because God requires blood.

Sermon5/30/2023 2:49 PM
David Gillespie from Greenville SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Gillespie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was such an encouraging sermon and I understood things I never saw before. Such clear delivery and easy to grasp. The Lord be praised for Dr Morecraft

Sermon5/21/2023 5:31 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ God can be rough on us ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that God gave Lot a very strong command to get out of the city, but Lot hesitated. Therefore God had His angels grab Lot and his wife and daughters by the scruff of the neck and pull them out of the city kicking and screaming. God can be rough on us, not because He's mean or unloving. When we don't give heed to God's commands, He knows we are putting ourselves in a dangerous place, so sometimes He has to grab us by the scruff of the neck and pull us out of where we should not be. God deals roughly with people if they don't give heed. He does it not because He is angry but because He is compassionate. He wants to remove them from danger.

Sermon5/14/2023 2:51 PM
John637 from West Virginia  
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Abraham and the Purity of the Church
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great! ”
Thank you for posting Dr Morecrafts sermons they’re a blessing to me!

Sermon5/7/2023 5:31 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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A Prayer for Justice PSM007
Joe Morecraft III
“ How to handle slander ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that slander is a vicious thing, and that was the kind of persecution that David was having to deal with. But when you defend yourself against slander, you sound guilty. Therefore, the proper way to handle slander is to follow David's example: 1) Trust in the name of the Lord; 2) Pray for God's justice. Ask God to bring His justice to bear upon the slanderers.

Sermon4/23/2023 5:22 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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A Prayer for Sovereign Mercy PSM006
Joe Morecraft III
“ God chastens His people ”
In explaining that God chastens His people, Dr. Morecraft quotes from William Plumer's Studies in the Book of Psalms: "Many a man's soul has been saved by the destruction of his body with wasting disease. . . . God loves his people too well to let them wander on in sin, and drop into hell for the want of a little needful and wholesome severity."

Sermon4/9/2023 5:23 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ To love God's name ”
In one part of this sermon, Dr. Morecraft quotes from William Plumer's Studies in the Book of Psalms to explain what it means to love God's name: "To love God's name is to love him and all, by which he has made himself known. All the righteous have this love. All of them think upon God's name, cherish it, glory in it. To hear it lightly spoken of gives them pain. To hear it blasphemed shocks their sensibilities. But when it is honored, extolled, praised, they are happy. They delight in God's name, titles, attributes, works, word, worship, ordinances, and people."

Sermon3/26/2023 5:25 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ The Psalms road to salvation ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that you can lead somebody to Christ from the book of Psalms if you know what you're doing. These are the four spiritual laws of the book of Psalms: First, only God is righteous. Secondly, all human beings are unrighteous. Thirdly, the God of grace and mercy is the only source of salvation for sinners. And fourthly, the God of grace saves sinners by giving them the very righteousness He requires of them.

Sermon3/12/2023 5:16 PM
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada  Find all comments by M. Wagner
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“ Pray like David prayed ”
Dr. Morecraft explains that the most powerful way of praying is to pray like David prayed. First, turn revealed truths about God into loving adoration of God. Adore God, that is, tell God things about Himself that you love. Take what God has revealed about Himself in the Bible and turn that into loving adoration of God. Secondly, take the covenant promises of God and turn them into petitions to God to do what He promised. This kind of praying (of turning revealed truths about God into loving adoration of Him, and turning covenant promises into petitions to Him) only flows out of a life of repentance, faith, covenant faithfulness, life in the Word of God, and hope.

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