Satan The Dragon: The Original Rebel Scum It is worth noting that Satan the dragon, also known as Lucifer, was and is the original rebel scum. The Galactic Empire in the imaginary Star Wars universe refers to the liberating "heroes" as rebel scum. We as righteous saints of The Lord ought not to be rebel scum since Satan was the first rebel scum. Lucifer's act of rebellion was documented in Isaiah 14:12-15. Of course, the Antichrist beast and the false prophet are also rebel scum as well. The rebel scum called Satan the dragon, the Antichrist beast, and the false prophet as well as their rebel soldiers shall be tormented in The Lake of Fire for all eternity. This sermon clearly shows that Satan the dragon, the Antichrist beast, and the false prophet are rebels against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Worth noting Revelation 19:1-21 and Revelation 20:1-15 in times like these.
Great Sermon! Such a reminder that we are living in dangerous times with false prophets who are leading people to stray from the only saving truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. End times seem to be occuring as we speak. Thank you for speaking the truth.
Revelation Series Thoroughly enjoyed your Revelation series. Your site downloaded the mp3 files extremely fast! It was a pleasure just downloading sermons. May the Lord richly bless your labors - Amen
Bill ..
Great Sermon! To Todd Huffine - I would suggest you read 'The Beautiful Side of Evil' by Johanna Michaelsen as well as the books of Warren Smith. Both came out of this background and can give insight into meditation, etc.
Great Sermon! I always knew there was an explanation for dinosaurs in the bible, but no one I asked ever gave a satisfactory answer to the dinosaur issue before. Thank you for this! I now feel better equipped to give an answer if someone were to ask me, and I'm that much more convinced in biblical truth.
Great Sermon! This was well delivered. The unveiling of the one who is worthy causes the believer to humble themselves in praise and worship. It is efficacious to the reader and hearer who should realize that "It is finished!"
Thank you for the work you put in in studying.
Great Sermon! This was seriously a sermon worth listening to - on the tricks that the adversary plays mostly on Christians or religious people. I think the subject is well worth exploring as knowing this stuff makes a Christian much more resilient to the attacks - as he says and i just have to repeat it - satan is not clever - he's just old - hallelujah !
Great Sermon! This was one of those really amazing sermons that threw such insight into my personal spiritual battles currently. Thank you so much for these reflections.
Great Sermon! I did not like to go to family reunions either. My family was all farmers. I went to a lot of family reunions both Jurgens and Mollenbeck.
Jane Mollenbeck