Speaker: Dr. John Barnett
12,606 sermons
What is baptism in the Holy Spirit, who were the various groups that spoke in tongues in the book of Acts and what does the Bible say about tongues having ceased
>Are Christians commanded to ti - 11/9/2017 Are Christians supposed to obe - 11/9/2017 A Jet Tour of Church History P - 11/30/2017 Are Christians who don't belie - 11/30/2017 Are fellow believers supposed - 11/30/2017 Are God's sovereignty and man' - 11/30/2017 Are reiki, astrology or psychi - 11/30/2017 Are sign gifts over - 11/30/2017 Are some books of the Bible si - 11/30/2017 Are the covenants of the Bible - 11/30/2017 Are There Recorded Events Abou - 11/30/2017 Are we body and soul or body, - 11/30/2017 Are we body, soul, and spirit - 11/30/2017 At what rate must I read in or - 11/30/2017 Can a believer lose their salv - 11/30/2017 Can a true believer live in si - 11/30/2017 Can anyone be filled with the - 11/30/2017 Can I lose my salvation and wh - 11/30/2017 Can Satan implant evil thought - 11/30/2017 Can Satan read our thoughts - 11/30/2017 Death & Cremation - Does God A - 11/30/2017 Did Bathsheba lure David into - 11/30/2017 Did Jesus have to die on the c - 11/30/2017 Did Jesus teach believer's bap - 11/30/2017 Did Mary understand who Jesus - 11/30/2017 Did Peter understand the doctr - 11/30/2017 Do infants or the mentally cha - 11/30/2017 Do prayers change God's will - 11/30/2017 Do Russia, the Arabs-Muslims a - 11/30/2017 Do we actually have Guardian A - 11/30/2017 Do we have free will and is th - 11/30/2017 Do We Have To Go To Others Who - 11/30/2017 Does Covenant Theology make on - 11/30/2017 Does Galatians 3 Speak Against - 11/30/2017 Does God authorize women to be - 11/30/2017 Does God change His mind and d - 11/30/2017 Does God have a sense of humor - 11/30/2017 Does God have personal opinion - 11/30/2017 Does God tell us why He allows - 11/30/2017 Does God use the terms for pas - 11/30/2017 Does God's Word guide us about - 11/30/2017 Does God's Word say pork eatin - 11/30/2017 Does the Bible Condone Slavery - 11/30/2017 Does the Bible say anything ab - 11/30/2017 Does the Bible talk about Pang - 11/30/2017 Does the New Testament say tha - 11/30/2017 Does the use of the Hebrew wor - 11/30/2017 Does the verse -Blessed is the - 11/30/2017 Has God given everyone a chanc - 11/30/2017 How are Christians to live - 11/30/2017 How are we as church members s - 11/30/2017 How are we to view Bibical Sub - 11/30/2017 How can I balance Bible study - 11/30/2017 How can I defend from the Bibl - 11/30/2017 How can I know and do God's pe - 11/30/2017 How can I respectfully share t - 11/30/2017 How can we distinguish God's a - 11/30/2017 How can we harmonize God's Wil - 11/30/2017 How did Jesus teach us to trea - 11/30/2017 How did Old Testament saints l - 11/30/2017 How did Paul instruct Timothy - 11/30/2017 How Did People See God In Exod - 11/30/2017 How did the Roman Catholic chu - 11/30/2017 How do I encourage the elderly - 11/30/2017 How Do Modern Day Visions Squa - 11/30/2017 How do our lives compare to th - 11/30/2017 How do pre-destiny and limited - 11/30/2017 How do we evaluate the Fruits - 11/30/2017 How Do We Explain the Violence - 11/30/2017 How do we know that the sevent - 11/30/2017 How do we know the Bible is tr - 11/30/2017 How do we know we are a good s - 11/30/2017 How do we know who to share th - 11/30/2017 How do we put into practice 2 - 11/30/2017 How Do We Reconcile Sin With T - 11/30/2017 How do you merge Galatians 5 w - 11/30/2017 How does Deuteronomy 6-2 relat - 11/30/2017 How does God chasten unrepenta - 11/30/2017 How Does God Compute the Cost - 11/30/2017 How does one grieve the Holy S - 11/30/2017 How does one heal their relati - 11/30/2017 How does Paul's term -All thin - 11/30/2017 How does the Bible define the - 11/30/2017 How important are good works a - 11/30/2017 How is it possible to understa - 11/30/2017 How Is What's Happening In Isr - 11/30/2017 How long does it take for thei - 11/30/2017 How long was the period of tim - 11/30/2017 How should I vote - 11/30/2017 How should we as believers res - 11/30/2017 How was the Bible misused duri - 11/30/2017 If God pronounced a curse on J - 11/30/2017 If I have prayed for someone i - 11/30/2017 If most of the Old Testament w - 11/30/2017 In 1 Corinthians 15-51-52, wha - 11/30/2017 In 2 Kings 2, how old are the - 11/30/2017 In Isaiah 6-6-7, how are sins - 11/30/2017 In the future, will Israel sac - 11/30/2017 Is age segregation in the chur - 11/30/2017 Is any sin greater than anothe - 11/30/2017 Is Christmas a pagan holiday, - 11/30/2017 Is crossdressing a sin - 11/30/2017 Is Hell a literal place - 11/30/2017 Is it okay for spies to lie li - 11/30/2017 Is it okay to lie when it is f - 11/30/2017 Is omnipotence in the Bible - 11/30/2017 Is our worship only supposed t - 11/30/2017 Is prophecy currently being fu - 11/30/2017 Is saving money showing a lack - 11/30/2017 Is suicide ever morally justif - 11/30/2017 Is the -Parable of the Unforgi - 11/30/2017 Is the pre-Tribulation view a - 11/30/2017 Is the slow convergence of Chr - 11/30/2017 Is There A Biblical Basis For - 11/30/2017 Is There A Gap Between Genesis - 11/30/2017 Is there any historical eviden - 11/30/2017 Is there any justification in - 11/30/2017 Is there such a thing as an ac - 11/30/2017 Prophets in the Bible - the Go - 11/30/2017 Should Christians drink alcoho - 11/30/2017 Should Christians stand while - 11/30/2017 Should We Capitalize God's Pro - 11/30/2017 Since God is all powerful and - 11/30/2017 Was Jesus born on Christmas da - 11/30/2017 Was Jesus really dead for thre - 11/30/2017 We are told to -rejoice always - 11/30/2017 Were physically disabled peopl - 11/30/2017 Were the Jews who stayed in Ba - 11/30/2017 Were the Old Testament daily s - 11/30/2017 Were The Sons Of God In Genesi - 11/30/2017 What are some good resources t - 11/30/2017 What are the Angels doing that - 11/30/2017 What are the basic themes of R - 11/30/2017 What are the circumstances of - 11/30/2017 What are the differences betwe - 11/30/2017 What are the differences betwe - 11/30/2017 What Are The Five Challenges F - 11/30/2017 What are the gender-specific b - 11/30/2017 What are the signs and consequ - 11/30/2017 What are treasures in Heaven a - 11/30/2017 What did Paul mean in saying - - 11/30/2017 What did Paul mean when he sai - 11/30/2017 What Does 2 Kings 15-36 Say Ab - 11/30/2017 What does evolutionary Christi - 11/30/2017 What does God say about charis - 11/30/2017 What does it mean for the Bibl - 11/30/2017 What does it mean in 1 Timothy - 11/30/2017 What does it mean to be saved - 11/30/2017 What does it mean to give plac - 11/30/2017 What does it mean to hate God' - 11/30/2017 What does it mean to -sing a n - 11/30/2017 What does Romans 11-26 mean in - 11/30/2017 What does the Bible say about - 11/30/2017 What does the Bible say about - 11/30/2017 What does the Bible say about - 11/30/2017 What does the New Heaven and t - 11/30/2017 What does your (Pastor Barnett - 11/30/2017 What good does it do to carry - 11/30/2017 What Happened at the Earthquak - 11/30/2017 What Happened To The Ark Of Th - 11/30/2017 What happens to New Testament - 11/30/2017 What happens to people who nev - 11/30/2017 What happens to the tribe of D - 11/30/2017 What is a good challenge, warn - 11/30/2017 What is a practical applicatio - 11/30/2017 What is a -Sabbath day's journ - 11/30/2017 What is baptism in the Holy Sp - 11/30/2017 What is church discipline - 11/30/2017 What is communion - 11/30/2017 What is Daniel 9 talking about - 11/30/2017 What is Ezekiel 36-39 describi - 11/30/2017 What is Ezekiel 36-39 describi - 11/30/2017 What is Genesis 11's one langu - 11/30/2017 What is God's stated purpose f - 11/30/2017 What is God's view on homosexu - 11/30/2017 What is grieving the Holy Spir - 11/30/2017 What is Lordship salvation - 11/30/2017 What is new about the new comm - 11/30/2017 What is the attribute of God c - 11/30/2017 What is the biblical communion - 11/30/2017 What is the Catholic Church, t - 11/30/2017 What is the connection between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What Is The Difference Between - 11/30/2017 What is the difference between - 11/30/2017 What is the divine perspective - 11/30/2017 What is the history of dispens - 11/30/2017 What is The History of the Chu - 11/30/2017 What is -the Law- as Paul talk - 11/30/2017 What is the main purpose of th - 11/30/2017 What is the most repeated sign - 11/30/2017 What is the place for corporat - 11/30/2017 What is the present role of an - 11/30/2017 What Is The Prophecy Of Every - 11/30/2017 What is the prophetic signific - 11/30/2017 What is the relation between t - 11/30/2017 What is the Shroud of Turin - 11/30/2017 What is the significance of th - 11/30/2017 What is the significance of th - 11/30/2017 What is the temple in Ezekiel - 11/30/2017 What is the white horse in Rev - 11/30/2017 What is your (Pastor Barnett's - 11/30/2017 What is your (Pastor Barnett's - 11/30/2017 What makes me a true believer - 11/30/2017 What sins could keep me from g - 11/30/2017 What was going on with demons - 11/30/2017 What was the mysterious demon - 11/30/2017 What was your time with Franci - 11/30/2017 What will happen to the Holy S - 11/30/2017 What will we do in Heaven - 11/30/2017 What will we do in Heaven, is - 11/30/2017 What's the Great Commission an - 11/30/2017 When do believers receive the - 11/30/2017 When Do OT & NT Saints Go To H - 11/30/2017 When I pray, how can I know I - 11/30/2017 When Jesus comes down, does Go - 11/30/2017 When The Graves Gave Opened In - 11/30/2017 When were angels created and w - 11/30/2017 When were B.C. and A.D. establ - 11/30/2017 Where do babies go when they d - 11/30/2017 Where do we go immediately aft - 11/30/2017 Where does Colossians talk abo - 11/30/2017 Where does the Bible say that - 11/30/2017 Where Does the Last Generation - 11/30/2017 Where in the Old Testament doe - 11/30/2017 Where is the error in the ultr - 11/30/2017 Which Bible translation is the - 11/30/2017 Which child was the -firstborn - 11/30/2017 Who can be saved during the Tr - 11/30/2017 Who goes through the seven yea - 11/30/2017 Who was Melchizedek and why is - 11/30/2017 Who Will Reside On The New Ear - 11/30/2017 Why belief in the Rapture is t - 11/30/2017 Why Did God Bless the Midwives - 11/30/2017 Why did God make Ezekiel do th - 11/30/2017 Why did the Devil want Moses' - 11/30/2017 Why didn't Jesus come right af - 11/30/2017 Why do we stand to read Script - 11/30/2017 Why does the Bible say that Da - 11/30/2017 Why does the Lord's prayer tel - 11/30/2017 Why don't Christians have to k - 11/30/2017 Why don't we speak in tongues - 11/30/2017 Why isn't a week a week in Dan - 11/30/2017 Why isn't the Book of Enoch in - 11/30/2017 Why Were Egypt & Assyria Consi - 11/30/2017 Will there be more people in H - 11/30/2017 Will There Be More People In H - 11/30/2017 Would God have wiped out the H - 11/30/2017 Did Solomon cheat Hiram by giv - 11/30/2017 Does Billy Graham condone Morm - 11/30/2017 Does God guide the details of - 11/30/2017 Does Hebrews 11-12 literally m - 11/30/2017 How can God be doing something - 11/30/2017 How can I be sure that I am no - 11/30/2017 How do the seven acrostic poem - 11/30/2017 Is America In Revelation - 11/30/2017 Was the American Revolution bi - 11/30/2017 What are the different names f - 11/30/2017 What does hearing God's voice - 11/30/2017 What is God's Perspective on P - 11/30/2017 What is the context of confess - 11/30/2017 What's involved in the new nam - 11/30/2017 Why Did God Create The Tree Of - 11/30/2017 Why did Peter have to go to Sa - 11/30/2017 Will Those In Heaven Remember - 11/30/2017 Did God Create Other Life In.. - 12/10/2024 Did Solomon cheat Hiram by g.. - 12/10/2024 WOLFL-2024-01d - Revelation.. - 12/10/2024 What does the Bible say abou.. - 1/8/2025
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