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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley | Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
1,385 sermons
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Five Steps to Genuine Revival
3/31/1976 (WED)
  |  Bible: Haggai 1:7-8
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Consider your ways. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
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#34 - Top Played Sermon (48-Hours)  on 2/6/2024
#10 - Top Played Sermon (Week)  week of 2/12/2012
#45 - Top Played Sermon (Month)  month of 2/26/2012

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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Five Steps to Genuine Revival

Haggai 1:7-8
Special Meeting
Sermons of Dr. Ian Paisley
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Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Five Steps to Genuine Revival

Sermons of Dr. Ian Paisley
Special Meeting
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Great Men - Job
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Coronation of Christ

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Cheryl GorrianContact via email (4/26/2020)
from U.S.
“ A sermon we all need to hear!!! ”
I have been yearning and praying for revival for years. I just quit smoking 2 days ago; my last stronghold and idol in the flesh, so I can climb the mountain. I want to be as Holy Ghost filled as possible, and gather a group to pray for revival, and I want to shed any worldliness. I wish every Christian could hear this sermon and take it to heart. Forget our dead churches. The original church was a gathering, ecclesia was a gathering, not a building. Let us consider our lives, climb the mountain, and ask God to step down, and pray for conversions. We had no church in our small town. We have a beautiful white clapboard church on the corner, completely preserved, and empty.I prayed for a minister, and one finally came. He asked me what the town needed most; what were their greatest needs. I told him jobs, food, oil for heat, etc. But I said if you can give them Jesus, He will take care of their other needs. Give them Jesus. Well, he gave them programs, music, everything except Jesus. The pamphlet he passes out talks about community, help for problems, cures for loneliness. Not one mention of Jesus in the whole pamphlet. A church entirely without Jesus. God help us all to consider our ways, and climb the mountain, and pray. Disregard the deadness of others, and Step out in faith

Florin MotiuContact via email (4/9/2020)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Great call. ”
Great and blessed call to be serious in our dealings with God.

jim montgomery (9/22/2015)
from ulster
“ Great Sermon! ”
my goodness nearly forgot how great a preacher

Lee Xhafer (3/21/2015)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the first message I ever heard from Dr Ian Paisley. It is an awesome and life-changing message. Ever since I have been hooked on his sermons. I love them and have downloaded around 40 of them and have nearly listened to all of them twice!!

Robin Magee (11/20/2013)
from Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a Spirit filled word, it set fire to my spirit and caused me to repent of my ways. I realized it doesnt take a full hour of preaching to speak the word of G-D, but 20 minutes! Glory be unto our G-D, for HE has done great things! Let us all "Consider our ways"

LisaContact via email (6/28/2013)
from Wales
“ Great Sermon! ”
A sermon that made me challenge my preconceived ideas about mr paisley. Top class.

Florin MotiuContact via email (12/19/2012)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Great error. ”
The comment made by FounderChurch is very dangerous. America in not God's New Jerusalem! The comment suggests that God has no true church now in the world, but that FounderChurch must create "absolutely a new model Church". It is not true. Christ is the Head of the Church and the King of Universe. He always had true witnesses in the world. There are true churches and true Christians in the world today. Does FounderChurch fight against all denominations?

FounderChurchContact via email (12/18/2012)
from Washington DC Metro Area
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is great to read the great sermons of the great men of God, BUT they are unsuitable to today, not because they are to harsh, but because they are not a harsh as they should be. Sin grows ever more powerful as time goes on, and it requires a stronger dose of God's Word all the time. This is where the Church has fallen down on the job. The Church must be Totally remodeled for today's needs. For every step we go forward we fall back two steps. We cannot go on like this. America, God's New Jerusalem is falling, and the Church is no help as it stands now. We can't put new wine in old wine skins, but must build anew. The old denominations are all worn out, and even to so-called new ones are failing to get the job done. So, we need absolutely a new model Church. Google "FounderChurch" for 7000 hits of new teachings for these times.

David F. (9/16/2012)
from Phoenix, AZ
“ Great Sermon! ”
That was awesome! You could hear the fire of the Holy Spirit in that sermon! Every word was true and just as relevant right here and now as it was then... Praise the Lord!

Erica Ryerse (4/18/2011)
from Ontario, Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! Definitely what I needed to hear this morning. Praise the Lord for the moving of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men like Dr. Paisley.

Allen Keen (4/2/2010)
from Greenville, N.C.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I had the wonderful priveledge of hearing this great man of God many times while I was a student at BJU in the eighties. He is what we all need today. A man genuinely filled with the Spirit and sold out for his Lord!

Jennifer (3/28/2010)
from Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you.

Russ HohneckContact via email (8/7/2009)
from New Zealand
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow I love the passion or this man every time I hear him. Always challenging and and has a very lively use of the scriptures.He is like Haggai,(ch.1:13)a messenger of the Lord who speaks by the commission of the Lord. .. .

Joanne ThibodeauContact via email (7/27/2009)
from U.S.A.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Paisly said it right. God has given us the plan. What we as believers need to now do is focus and find that plan in our own lives, and use it for God's Glory in reaching the "unreachable". I never really believed there were some who were unreachable. Start in our hearts first, and gather those that are serious about Genuine revival. This message did touch my heart, and I pray that people in our church would be touched by it also. The most appropriate song to choose with his message was "Jesus keep me near the cross". Great message!

Scott OwensContact via email (7/26/2009)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am blessed to hear the old time preaching still in existence. It is hard to find messages of this calibur. Great Message, every pastor needs to direct their memebers to heat it.

Pam HanlonContact via email (5/3/2009)
from Pennsylvania
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is what the World needs More Men of God Like this who speak the Truth

Pete MaynardContact via email (2/23/2008)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
I think it is wonderful to have the opportunity to listen and take notes from your sermons and use them to enhance your own sermons. I guess that is what I am able to do? Thanks for all of the ideas that are so readily available. Pete

Jared N. McKinneyContact via email (2/11/2008)
from Chillicothe, Ohio
“ God Bless You!! ”
Thank God for Ol time preaching with Unction and Power!

Don Johnson (7/3/2007)
“ Still a blessing ”
I think I was in the audience when this message was recorded. I was in my first semester of ministerial training and was mightily stirred by the message. I bought a tape at the time and listened to it over and over. It is still a blessing and a real encouragement to me after 22 years in the ministry myself. Regards Don Johnson Jer 33.3

SWH (3/16/2007)
from United States
“ The need of the hour! ”
Revival is the need of the hour, not only in Ulster but everywhere the Name of Christ is named. This revival will only come through the proclamation of the Christ of God from the pulpit, and earnest praying in the pews.

Luc AubeContact via email (2/16/2007)
from Ottawa Canada
“ May God in His mercy raise up more Ian Paisleys ”
Spirit filled Gospel preaching. God grant that His saints pray the way Dr. Paisley describes. Thank God for His servants who through trials and tribulations still raise the standard and preach the Truth!

Deacon Vincent EburuamContact via email (12/30/2006)
from Nigeria
“ Great Sermon! ”
I needed the sermon as the year winds down. Sounded very much like the ones we used to hear in the 80s here in Nigeria. A wake up call for all God's people, a call to arms for soldiers of the cross, a must hear for endtime pilgrims. I recommend it for all who look for for joy in heaven. My steps (or should I say, my fingers) were ordered to this website. A great sermon.

LanaContact via email (11/25/2006)
from Australia
“ Genuine and interesting sermon ”
This preacher shouts. At the begining sounded even aggressive to me, like I couldn't even listen to what he says just because of his voice! Like - man, I have enough stress in my life and now I have to even listen to somebody shouting and being aggressive! He'll probably be condemning everything and everybody - I thought. So I just clicked: 'close' button with relief and said - nope - you aint gonna shout at me tonite. ...but then I looked at the readers comments. And they all said it was a good sermon, powerful sermon, must hear etc. + the number of downloads of this sermon is huge so I thought - no - I'll listen to it, I'll put up with the shouting just to see what he has to say... and now I think it was worth it. It was the Spirit inspired shouting anyway - when you listen to it more, sometimes the Spirit does this, I think, for it takes many different forms of expression to reach many different ears in different moments of receptiveness. I usually like gentle preachers but sometimes the shouting voice gets through to you in a poweful way and conveys some of God's anger, giving us a hint of His power too... This is an interesting and genuine sermon and it is worth listening to.

hobbe (4/13/2006)
from belgium
“ Great Sermon! ”
this is a very powerful sermon! this man has great insights !!!

Armen Thomassian (3/2/2006)
from Ballymoney, Northern Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Without a doubt this is the most soul-stirring and searching message I have ever listened to. I remember the first few times I heard it...I just wept! May we all know what it is to be anointed of the Spirit in these days! "And the people of God said, 'Amen' and shouted, 'HALLELUJAH!'" http://www.b

Rev. Dr. David W. JonesContact via email (1/22/2006)
from Minister - Presbyterian
“ Great Sermon! ”
A fearless and powerfull word!

Michael BuckinghamContact via email (12/9/2005)
from Wantage, Oxfordshire, England
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very searching sermon, there is so much he talks about, that shows us that we shall never start a revival in that way. It was truly blessed to me!

Cody HamiltonContact via email (11/27/2005)
from Central Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
The power and HOLY SPIRIT that is present in this awesome sermon is overwhelming! I LOVE this sermon. Pray that the nations of the world would understand this message from God. Pray that we would long for revival. Pray that humankind would crave Christ's blood and redemption, and that we would receive the salvation and awakening the is offered freely to all!

Michele Owens (11/26/2005)
from Olympia Fields, IL
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wa utterly blessed by this sermon. I have listened to it at least 3 times and each time more is revealled to me. God has stirred a great revival in my life, my home, and my church...I am blessed to have heard and recieved the Word through this message on revival...Thank You and Be Blessed!

Paul ThompsonContact via email (9/12/2005)
from Nebraska
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! What a great sermon, and how much more relevant now than it was then. Praise God, this needs to be preached everywhere!

Jo Baxter (8/15/2005)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”

Chris GowenContact via email (8/6/2005)
from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Paisley has certainly made it so plain what's needed today! We must consider our ways and get back to what God says. Praise God for the blessed truth shared by this dear Brother!

allen kinardContact via email (3/28/2005)
“ Great Sermon! ”
great message. every church denomination needs to consider your ways. we need stop playing church and start having church. The church today is doing it their way. WE need to start doing Gods way. By worshiping him in spirit and in truth. We were all bought with the same blood the blood of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Church consider your ways....From Brother Allen Kinard

Kevin and Monaliza Keleghan (1/18/2005)
from Rep. of Ireland and Taiwan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Mr. Paisley thanks for being the man of God you are. I'm always blessed by your uplifting messages. God bless you and know that you're in our prayers.

Shawn MillerContact via email (1/7/2005)
from Portales, NM
“ Men Of GOD Arise ”
We need a revival in the town of Portales, New Mexico. The men have become too passive and allowed the women to lead. I have called a meeting for January 22 at Portales Public Library to pray for a crusade. Please pray for me. Shawn

aliciaContact via email (12/31/2004)
from Boston,Ma.
“ deep prayers ”
I received a tremindis blessing from Bro. Paisley's lively preaching. I am in a home based church which includes My husband, son, and myself. Praying is the only strand I have to connect with my need to not be isolated. Jesus is there for me everyday . :)

Wayne Allison (12/24/2004)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Consider your ways ... awsome! May we all consider our ways.

Helen SkradeContact via email (11/19/2004)
from Marshfield, wi
“ Great Sermon! ”
I feel badly as we as a church are new in calvinism but find these truths to be sweet but others that prescribe to this doctrine attend churches that are arminian, because we are without a pastor, youth group, etc., but I see the short coming in that we are not fervently praying & putting legs to our convictions. pray for us!

FRANKContact via email (5/27/2003)
“ Great Sermon! ”

Ibitayo AdelajaContact via email (10/11/2002)
from Lagos Nigeria
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message is very very good for all christians as we all need to be continually revived before His glorious coming. Sir thje Holy Spirit did a great job through you through this sermon. May He continually refresh you for His work.

Greg GordonContact via email (9/26/2002)
from Toronto, Canada
“ Powerful Preaching ”
'Consider your ways!' all Christians need to hear this message. The backslidden church needs more activity and progress! Why Revival Tarries -

Bob ClarkeContact via email (6/21/2002)
from Plainville,Ma.
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very powerfull measage

Spannagel FamilyContact via email (3/10/2002)
from New Hampton, New York
“ The Best! ”
Our need for "Holy Ghost" preaching becomes evident in this message. We of the Reformed Faith are often in danger of becoming cold and indifferent. We need the power of prayer in our lives to see sinners saved. I thank God for the encouragement of Dr. Paisley who reminds us we are called to bring down the strong holds of satan. Let the church once again be militant in it's opposition to the evil of the day. May we "Consider our ways".

rich summersContact via email (2/3/2002)
from princeton,indiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Another gracious sermon from a dependable source!

Thomas G Richards JrContact via email (9/26/2001)
from Edison, NJ (USA)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was very happy to hear this message. I felt the Lord very strong while listening to it. It's wonderful to be able to hear this pure doctrine in these times we are in, these perilous times. This wasn't just a message that makes me think a little, this message ministers grace unto the hearers and the fear of the Lord which is the most important gift for a Christian. For it is by the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil. Much more attention needs to be given to Dr.Ian Paisley here in the states. I wish he was the priciple of our schools here. It's fearful to think how rare a man like Dr. Paisley is these days. Lord have mercy, send us powerful ministers filled with the Holy Spirit to rightly divide your holy truth in these last days. Lord God you said you maketh your ministers a flaming fire! Father, where are they all? Lord in heaven, grant unto us this prayer, let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and let us see clearly the works of satan that we may all utterly reject that cursed spirit with authority through the power we receive through faith in thy Word. Praise God. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Ben and Sharon WilkersonContact via email (3/17/2001)
from East Worcester, NY, USA
“ A challenging message! ”
Praise the Lord for Holy Ghost preaching! We have been blessed and challenged.

AngelineContact via email (1/16/2001)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message - very practical for Christians of any age. Very encouraging!

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   Five Steps to Genuine Revival • 3/31/1976 | 47 posts
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   Why I am a Protestant • 3/1/1965 | 15 posts
  Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
Dr. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, the son of a godly Baptist pastor, for many years was a controversial but effective politician and has held electoral seats for many years in the British and European Parliaments, he currently sits as Ian Lord Bannside in the House of Lords in the...

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   1988 Catholicism Radio Debate • 10/1/1988 | 44,300+ downloads


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