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Jason Cooley | Northfield, Minnesota
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952 -210-2935
Old Paths Baptist Church
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1030 South Highway 3
Northfield, MN 55057
Pastor Jason Cooley
1030 South Highway 3
Northfield, MN 55057
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Prophets of the New Age Church - Billy Graham
Prophets of the New Age Church
3/27/2014 (THU)
  |  Bible: 1 Timothy 4
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This sermon shows who Billy graham really was by his own words from his biography as well as his interviews. He was a wolf in sheeps clothing
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Jason Cooley
Prophets of the New Age Church

Prophets of the New Age Church
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Old Paths Baptist Church
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Jason Cooley
Prophets of the New Age Church

Prophets of the New Age Church
Old Paths Baptist Church
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Anonymous Name (1/23/2019)
“ Billy Graham: Slain By God's Wrath ”
Had Billy Graham been around in the days of Elijah on Mount Carmel, Elijah would have slain Billy Graham with the sword. Well, Elijah did execute the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the grove as shown in 1 Kings 18. The real issue is that theological liberals, like Billy Graham, were and will be slain by God's Wrath. Thank The Lord that He will justly slay every liberal false prophet and Roman Catholic pope. This means that The Lord will destroy the Vatican and the World Council of Churches. However, we must remember that Roman Catholics and theological liberals are without chastisement, while saved believers are chastened of The Lord. It would be wise to remember Hebrews 12.

Anonymous Name (8/30/2018)
“ Billy Graham: Headed for the Lake of Fire ”
Billy Graham (7 November, 1918 - 21 February, 2018), though prestigious, was a false prophet who promoted apostasy from the very beginning. As with all other apostate false prophets, they will be headed for the Lake of Fire. Also, the Lake of Fire is the final destination for every single Roman Catholic pope. Remember Revelation 20:11-15.

Kathy Ore (9/8/2016)
from Alberta Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen. Great message known about what Billy did years ago, people still thinks he was a true man of God, but no, He really did much harm to cause of the Gospel. Not to many Pastors warn the sheep up here anymore at least in my area, cant speak for them all, glad that I can reach out on the Internet and still hear faithfull Bible preaching today, tks for the serman I really enjoy.

Hank, Deerfied Beacj (4/23/2016)
from Florida
“ Revealing Sermon! ”
Outstanding message. The false teachers and evil preachers continues to grow daily. Only those "Christians" who have discernment and strong following of The Holy Scriptures is a necessity in today's evil atmosphere in our world.

Lottie (10/10/2014)
from Ohio
So, about three weeks ago I was asking the Lord, "How did Billy Graham become popular I remember growing up that it seemed like he was preaching the Gospel. How is it that this world, that has so much hate for You and Your Gospel, loves and respects Billy Graham?" (I knew about the Schuller and Larry King interviews and had put that under a man compromising in his old age.) Then I came across this message...and the answer.

heavensbelovedContact via email (9/4/2014)
from New Orleans, LA
“ Great Sermon! ”

heavensbelovedContact via email (9/4/2014)
from New Orleans, LA
“ Great Sermon! ”
I know now, I am nothing is this kingdom, but, Billy LIED TO ME TOO, LORD. TEARS..AND real, violent SOBS.....JUSTICE, King, Lord Jesus Christ of Scripture and VENGEANCE!!!!!!! Amen Am praying so HARD, LORD, that you have something better for me than ROBBERS AND LIARS..........AMEN

heavensbelovedContact via email (9/4/2014)
from New Orleans
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have cried SO MUCH from these elite Masonic Satanists. Dear Greatest God, King Lord Jesus Christ of Scripture. Thank You for Telling me the Truth. Thy Word is Truth. Please forgive me for everything displeasing in Your Sight and help me to be as You Want. I tried to bring You Glory and Honor, Lord, and to Spread Your Biblical Gospel. THE ONLY GOSPEL THAT CAN SAVE, but, was and am met with HIGH RESISTANCE AND CRUELTY. Thank You, King, Lord Jesus for never leaving or forsaking me. THESE WOLVES ARE LEADING TO THE DAMNED. WOE TO ALL OF THEM. Amen, Lord. Dearest, Greatest Jesus of Scripture, Thank You FOREVER for my Only Salvation. Amen again, Lord. Thank You for Your Precious Blood that Cleanses me from ALL unrighteousness. Thank You for Making me Your Child of Light. Amen

Becca (5/28/2014)
from Indy, Indiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
I feel like I have been starving and am now getting meat instead of a watered down gospel that isn't a gospel, my heart breaks because I know I can't be the only one who has been bound by chains and who has been starving for truth, I thank God for setting me free so I can go and tell others and share what He is giving to me. I had no idea of the extent of how deep this dark well goes until the light of the Gospel of Jesus began to shine on it and I am waking up more everyday, Thank You, Jesus!

DLL (4/23/2014)
from SW Oklahoma
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wm. Randolph Hearst, who made Billy Graham a household word, was a brother Mason. Most of his audience and councilors were Catholic! Need I say more? Why haven't preachers for the past 50 years warned us about him? I started researching him after he was on Larry King and at Schuller's church and was shocked at what I found. We need to be Bereans!

Aaron DavidContact via email (4/4/2014)
from Colorado
“ Great Sermon! ”
Exposing Billy Goat angers just about everybody. Most aren't even going to consider the truth unless they hear it from a hundred pulpits. Good Job.

Samantha M (4/1/2014)
from Georgia
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”

Alina (3/28/2014)
from Canda
“ Thank you! ”
I come from a Polish RC church/synagogue of Satan. You are soooo right, but Americans/Canadians have no clue what RC is all about. I thank the Lord for what he did for me. Interesting that RC in Poland never had anything against Billy G... I have determined to never enter a RC church -- not even for a funeral of my parents. So help me Lord.

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