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Jason Cooley | Northfield, Minnesota
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952 -210-2935
Old Paths Baptist Church
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Pastor Jason Cooley
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Northfield, MN 55057
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Billy Graham Dead-Jesuit CoAdjutor In Hell
Series:  Jesuit New World Order  · 3 of 21
2/21/2018 (WED)
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Graham Dead-JesuitCoAdjutor

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Graham Dead-JesuitCoAdjutor

Jesuit New World Order
Old Paths Baptist Church
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Anonymous Name (1/14/2021)
“ A Response To The Death of Billy Graham ”
This is a very helpful sermon in response to the death of Billy Graham (07 November, 1918–21 February, 2018) on 21 February at the age of 99. It is also worth noting Luke 6:26 as well.

Steven (5/1/2020)
from HI
“ John 15:19 ”
John 15:19 "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." Billy Graham preached a "worldly gospel" and he was generally loved for it. He disguised his compromised gospel with much truth in the beginning, but the most dangerous form of false preaching is the one which tries to hide behind the truth. Even Satan sometimes uses the pretense of being an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14) to fool mankind into believing false doctrine. That Billy Graham has been so well received by the world is not a good sign. I have listened to and read many things that Mr Graham said, and I was shocked at how he seemed to often ignore the Bible's warnings and teachings. A preacher may not always get everything right in his understanding of God's Word, but Billy Graham seemed to be deliberate in his mistakes regarding the basic gospel of salvation.

Anonymous Name (9/25/2019)
“ Remembering 2 Peter 2:1-3 ”
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. (2 Peter 2:1-3).

Anonymous Name (1/20/2019)
“ Remembering 1 Kings 18:40 ”
Never forget 1 Kings 18:40 where Elijah executed the prophets of Baal at the brook Kishon.

Anonymous Name (7/12/2018)
“ Billy Graham: Worldly Church Pastor ”
Never forget what Charles Spurgeon would say about the majority of today's churches in the world, including that of America. "That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors." In other words, if the world favors that very church, God abhors it. Indeed, that very church which the world likes best includes parachurch ministries like the BGEA, worldly Contemporary churches like the Willow Creek and Calvary Chapel and so many others.

John Yurich USA (4/13/2018)
from USA
“ False ”
Graham was saved and is not in Hell.

Aaron (4/13/2018)
from MN
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you and God bless you for refusing to compromise the truth and act like a hireling or a dumb dog that can't bark every time some antichrist servant of Rome fake brother drops into hell Why should anyone just to sooth the emotions of their idolators? Billy will definitely be used of the devil even more in death than he was in life. His ministry is proof that Christianity has been all but void of discernment for over 50 years. God have mercy on the lost who receive that false gospel and the saved who can't tell the difference.

Observer (3/18/2018)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
He said Graham was "probably in Hell".

Elaine (3/15/2018)
from Fort Worth, Texas
“ Please consider this ”
I agree with a lot that you say. However, I don't agree with the WAY you say some things. You can sound very heartless, sometimes. And there are some things you say that are downright wrong! Such as someone (and you actually naming that person) burning in hell. It is horrible for you to make a call that only God can make. You can't judge people's motives or their hearts. I wish you would reconsider making calls like that. You are not God! So therefore you do not know someone's heart!

Andrew (3/4/2018)
from UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
Let us be guided not by emotion but by Scripture. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. (Luke 6:26)

Jennifer (2/27/2018)
“ Was God Pleased? ”
I was first of all shocked by the title and was equally appalled at your judgment in condemning Mr. Graham to Hell. An eternal call only God can make. We have read and heard the ecumenical stance and ungodly compromise Mr. Graham took part in. What I don’t undersatand is the callousness of your statements especially during an obvious time of bereavement for the family. How could you’ve been so cruel? Man of God, where is your compassion, where is the love God expects from us towards one another? What are you showing the world? Besides, you don’t know whether that man repented before his demise. We don’t know what God may have done in Mr. Graham’s life, did you pray for him? Instead of berate him? We have all lost the art of praying for one another instead of crucifying one another. There is only One who’ve done that already for all of us and only He has the authority to judge.

Lane (2/23/2018)
from Usa
“ Jerk! ”

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