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Theo Hikmat | Smyrna, Tennessee
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The Underground Christian Network
93 Weakley Lane po box F61
Smyrna, Tennessee 37167
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Theo Hikmat
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I am FED UP with this !!!
ministers who sold us out
1/5/2007 (FRI)
  |  Bible: 2 Corinthians 6:14-17
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actual audio of Billy Graham, TBN and others who are attempting to merge real Christianity with the Roman catholic church. ths audio exposes the agenda and backs it up with the actual words of the men behind it.
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Theo Hikmat
I am FED UP with this !!!

ministers who sold us out
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Underground Christian Network
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I am FED UP with this !!!

ministers who sold us out
Underground Christian...
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Timothy J LumsdenContact via email (6/8/2011)
from New Zealand
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have enjoyed every word and wish to thank the speaker for all his efforts. I have traveled and lived in both North America and Canada and now reside back in New Zealand. While I have looked high and low for a good Godly KJ Bible believing church, I have found very few. It saddens me that many of the church's today are more concerned about getting bottoms in seats than preaching the true word of God. Many of them resort to distorting the word of God so as not to offend the congregation's. God Bless and may God give you strength and wisdom with your messages. Tim.

Stan Jefferson Jr (7/24/2008)
from Maryland, USA
“ You'll never hear this on Sunday morning! ”
This was a compelling message: I made CDs, but unfortunately most people simply don't want to hear it. While this simply demonstrates what the Bible already teaches (1 Tim 2:1-4), apparently people value personalities over the Word of God. I hate to say this, but today's Christian celebrity preachers seem to be elevated to a level that is - in the minds of the Christian masses - above examination, reproof, or correction. When most people hear the segment where Billy Graham states that people who don't even know Christ's name are His, they shut their ears off. Robert Schuller states that there's a "wideness in God's mercy", although the Bible says wide is the gate that "leadeth to destruction". Not only do we have to stay encouraged in the Word, but we have to have the courage to reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, even if it means naming names. Thanks again, Underground Christian Network and Mystery Minister. Whoever you are, I hope the Lord prospers you to keep preaching!

Kate (1/27/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message. Thank God for the strong men of God out there defending the faith...and clarifiing issues for those who might not fully understand them. I am so grateful for this. Babylon is all around us and closing in at a fast pace now. Stay separate and strong, brethren!

BMoContact via email (1/21/2008)
from Auburn CA
“ Cause to Reflect ”
I knew some preferred the KJV but I never understood why till now. I have to do some research before I am entirely convinced. But I appreciate providing a reason to do the research.

Jon Jo Fe'Contact via email (5/25/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I must say that this has been my most favorite sermon, not because you preached it but because it is the Word of God. In these times there is so much apostasy, sometimes its open othertimes it can be quite sublte, and in trinidad here people are getting carried away with the mega church movement and ther other false movements like, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Word of Faith and these other heretical sects. Let us pray for these tares and these wolves that they may be save by the grace of God and come to the knowledge of the truth, because it is not God's will that any should perish. Let us also make sure that our lives are in check with the Word of God and that we are in tune witht eh Spirit of God and that we bear lasting fruit as well - if we dont we'll be cut off just like these guys. I have done all I can to warn other in my country about this and this thing is an international apostasy - but we must stand as ministers of the Gospel and earnestly contend for the faith, and be committed to preaching God's Word at any cost! Let's carry our crosses and follow!

Noreen MoyerContact via email (5/20/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was raised Catholic and am glad I found my Lord and Savior after leaving the great Whore as spoken in Revelation. It is good that so much of it that was held in secrecy is coming to light!! Keep up the good work and maybe more Catholics will come out and truly be FREE as only Jesus can make you free.

Jeffery SellersContact via email (5/12/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Can you please e-mail me the sound exerpts from this sermon. I give a apostasy update each Sunday and I would like our members to actually hear these sheep growl like the wolves they are. thank you.

Rev. R. VierraContact via email (2/18/2007)
“ Check Mate! ”
As a preacher I can say that nothing is more important than preaching the Word of God with truth and nothing less! We have a responsibility to preach the gospel, and NOT OUR OWN OPINIONS! I was praying one day, and God told me, "Son, preach my word, and nothing else. If you have questions, ask me. I will reveal my truth to you. Don't be preaching your opinions, your point-of-view, your emotions, and what you THINK is the truth. I AM the way, the truth, and the life." In other words, we find too may preachers who preach about the things that matters most to them, such as prosperity. We need to examine what kind of prosperity is God REALLY referring to. I am a very rich man, yet I don't hardly own a thing! I have a wonderful wife, great family and friends, and a roof over my head, and most of all...I've got a God who loves me and cares for me! What more do we really need?

Jay (2/15/2007)
from Rochester, NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
I strongly hate it when christians turn their ears and minds away from things like what this sermon is covering. Why can't christians see the dangers the ecumenical movement? Can't they see that it's all just a stage being set for the One World Government that's prophecied in the Bible? Why do people look at us like we're some whacky conspiracy theory nuts? I guess that's why I feel blessed by these guys, the Underground Christian Network. They're not afraid to get the truth out there. God Bless these guys. This is a must hear for true and SERIOUS Christians.

Roo PalmerContact via email (2/7/2007)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
It's frustrating that when you put your faith in someone's teaching such as Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, etc and you figure they must have it right because they are more learned than you are and they score billions of people to their ministries, it comes as a shock to the system that you find they are warped biblically in some areas. You know the basic salvation truth, but then you get to a point when something has been taught to you is a wrong concept, making christianity very confusing. I thank the recent comment from Ian in Minnesota that the Lord knows who is His, but can His people still be His people even if they teach some basic wrong doctrine along the road while they are trying to save souls for Him. Sometimes, its hard to know who is right and who is wrong as far as listening to ministers preaching goes. Some may have just a personal opinion about a verse that the writer may have a different meaning about, biblically, but its not a major issue as far as your own relationship with the Lord is concerned. So how does one test what is too confusing to test?

Ian (2/5/2007)
from Twin Cities, Minnesota
“ Something to keep in mind ”
Remember that the world also includes the apostate church. I'm finding that just sticking to the Bible helps me to endure and identify stuff like this more than anything else. Warnings like this are necessary, but please don't let them get you down. Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ knows who are his!

AurunodayContact via email (1/28/2007)
from India
“ Essential Info. ”
Underground Christian Network is doing a great job, its my favorite broadcaster. I am glad that there are people who stand by the Truth no matter what the consequences. This message gave me insight as to how Christianity is compromised by various leaders.

Bob (1/12/2007)
from Florida
“ A Must Hear !! ”
Billy Graham audio very informative, wish all christians was aware of these things..well done UCn..

Daniel M LattieriContact via email (1/9/2007)
from Altoona Pa.
“ Great Sermon! ”
According to Billy Graham and Robert Schuler and the like, the muslims that flew those planes into the twin towers on 9/11 are in heaven. These people do not preach the word of God. What's frightening is that they don't even try to conceal their apostasy.

Dave MohanContact via email (1/6/2007)
from Sunshine, Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is very a important sermon. Burn CD's and give them away to your pastors, elders and others, along with other material on New Bible Versions available from the Underground Christian Network. So grateful, thankyou.

The DoctorContact via email (1/6/2007)
from London
“ The Underground Christian Network Are On Fire!!!! ”
My Lord, have mercy! The UCN are back, and with a vengeance! As usual, they have smacked modern Christianity right between the eyes! May God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you all! Halleujah!

Robert (1/6/2007)
from Alabama
“ Awesome !!! ”
Billy Graham has shocked me with his view of salvation, I wish all christians were aware of these things. powerful actual audio of these men! thanks UCn

Lea (1/6/2007)
from Bigfork Montana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for getting this information out to us. Very important message and I greatly appreciate it.

Jerry (1/5/2007)
from California
“ Eye opening sermon! ”
Wow! The ecumenical movement is stronger than many may realize. Alleged "Christian pastors" calling the Pope a good man. Christians endorsing mariolatry, Mormonism and Jehovah's witnesses. Please don't misunderstand! We must love those who are stuck in these cults and bring them the gospel of Christ. The material on Billy Graham is very interesting.

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