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The Spirit in the Book of Acts: No "rules" of men!
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ACTS 2: The first believers

If there is indeed a case that seems to demand two “works of grace”, it must be the case of the 11 disciples, who had received a measure of the Spirit from Jesus breathing on them (John 20:22). They believed in Him. They knew Him.

We could even be reminded that Jesus was the Son of God from birth, but received an outward manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and the empowering for His ministry, at age 30. A separate work. The separate work for the disciples came at Pentecost. The fullness of the Spirit came at that time. “You shall receive power to witness when the Spirit comes on you,” was the promise. Fullness. Power. A baptism.

The twelve we understand. But since Pentecost, what is the pattern? What is to be the reality for our own lives?

The next group we must consider is the other one hundred plus gathered in that room, worshiping and waiting on the Feast Day. It would seem that this was their first encounter with the Spirit of God, except in their direct dealings with Jesus. Believers. Disciples. Very much involved in the things of God. But not sealed by the Spirit of God until now. He baptized all of them in the Spirit and that baptism, that Spirit, has continued unto our day, passed on by laying on by the laying on of hands and personal receptions by saints everywhere.

ACTS 8: The Samaritans

The Samaritans had been baptized in Jesus’ name. They were indeed believers! Surely the Spirit had made them alive, but they were not yet filled with that Spirit, baptized in Him. Some assume the Spirit filled them because they were believers, but no such assumption is made in Scripture. Thus their reception of the Holy Spirit was not a second work of grace, it was the first. Through the laying on of hands, they were sealed, made secure. It was now a “done deal”, as it were.

You will note that nowhere in the passage is the “baptism” referred to, but it is clear that the promise of the Father is once more being fulfilled here. “Receiving the Holy Spirit”, being “filled” with the Holy Spirit, are the same as being “baptized” in the Holy Spirit.

ACTS 9 & 22: Saul/Paul

When persecutor Saul was knocked off his horse, on the way to round up Christians to have them imprisoned and executed, he had an encounter with Jesus. But he was not saved, nor did he receive the Spirit.

When, soon after, he by a miracle had his sight restored to him, he still had no Spirit. And no salvation.

Through the laying on of hands he was filled with the Spirit, but also was told to get baptized in water , and wash away his sins. This was all one big event, and the Spirit sealed it all. He did not have to seek the “baptism of the Spirit” later. It came in connection with his salvation.

No, his experience was not called “the baptism”, but again it is obvious that he had been sealed, and was equipped to begin, after many sessions with Jesus in the desert, his miracle ministry.

ACTS 10. Cornelius & the Gentiles

The Gentile company that gathered in the home of Cornelius certainly believed in and loved the Jews’ God, but they did not know the first thing about the Gospel! When they heard it at Peter’s coming, they believed it and accepted it in their hearts. It was clear that the Word of God was convicting and changing as they listened. But they were not filled with the Spirit until about half way through Peter’s message. Truly this was an outpouring, a “baptism”, though it is not called that here. While they were being saved, the Spirit was filling them. Then came the water.

They were sealed by the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, baptized in the Spirit. One sovereign act. A model for all Gentiles. The model is: no rules! Let God move as he wills. They can be put in the water first, middle or last. Repentance can come when repentance comes. Belief in the articles of the Gospel as God enables them to believe. Step aside, little man, with your plans and steps, and let God work as He wills. You have no idea what each individual man is ready to do, where he is ready to go. Back off!

ACTS 19: The Ephesians

The Ephesians had not received the Spirit when they believed! That’s pretty clear, right? A person can be an absolutely sincere believer in Jesus, which involves conviction (by the Spirit), confession of His Name (prompted by the Spirit), and all the rest, but still not have the Spirit of God! In this case their loyalty was still being directed to John the Baptist, since their teacher, Apollos, only knew about that baptism. But they had heard of Jesus’ work, and accepted it! By our standards they were “saved.” But they needed the Spirit, to lead them into all the truth that was to come. The final sealing. And they received it at the apostles’ hands. Again, no mention of a “baptism”, but clearly the gift was being poured out on them, too.

What think ye? Have our denominations confused things? Have the distinctives of each group locked people in to a particular church, and locked them out from fellowship with the entire Body? Looks like it to me. Consider these two facts once more, the very words of God from an inspired apostle:

“If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.” All true Christians must receive the Holy Spirit.

“By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body.”

Notice that in this latter passage, the “baptism” is indeed mentioned. The one generic statement about our reception of the Spirit calls the experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is not offered as an extra for super-saints. It is the norm for all. These two passages together knock down the elitism of groups today who say that a separate work is needed. It is the first work that is needed! The Holy Spirit showed up in the beginning of the Christian life and filled the believer. Those who are claiming a second work today are usually admitting that there wasn’t much going on in their spiritual life from the start. But now there is. That is what salvation is all about! New life! In the Spirit!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience common to all believers, and it is the filling up of an individual believer with God’s Spirit, until it overflows.

And believers are admonished to be keep being “filled” with the Spirit. Don’t let the supply run dry. It is not a one-time thing but a life process. You can have as much as you need and ask for. God gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask and keep asking.

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