Some of the highlights included, the Children's Christmas Cantata, our annual Christmas Cantata, and a York Galleria Mall Sing.
The Christmas Cantata was "Ten Thousand Hallelujahs" and 5 adults trusted Christ as their Saviour in response to the message following the music and drama. It was a special evening for our Church after all the hard work and prayer to see adults respond.
MZBC currently has 2 bus routes and a van route that provide transportation to Church. The month of December saw the average attendance rise to the forties with a high day of 68 on December 28. On this Sunday 4 families drove into Church which is the ultimate goal of the bus ministry. We have seen much fruit from this summer's Vacation Bible School. Many of the contacts from that week we have seen return on the Sunday Bus Ministry. It is exciting to be a part of a Church that believes in active evangelism.