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FORGET NONE OF HIS BENEFITS - Depression in Ministry
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volume 12, number 35, August 29, 2013

Depression in Ministry

Desire fulfilled is a tree of life, Proverbs 13:12.

As we all know depression is a real issue in the church of Jesus, and this includes pastors, other full time ministry workers, and lay people who are deeply involved in church and para-church ministry. Many very helpful books have been written on the topic[1], so I will not focus so much on the why of depression, nor will I get into the physiological issues[2] that sometimes cause depression. Instead I intend to focus on the spiritual reasons for it, and what, practically, we can do to overcome it.

Proverbs 13:12 lays down an important principle, "Desire fulfilled is a tree of life." The first part of the Proverb says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." In other words, if a man does what he is supposed to do, then it gives him a sense of accomplishment. One who lives with a sense of hopelessness, who never accomplishes the tasks he longs to do, will be sick in heart and soul. To put it another way, failing to do what is expected of a man can lead to bigger problems. I remember Jay Adams many years ago giving this example. A married couple which has a dinner party has a sink full of dishes afterwards to wash, but they are so exhausted after the party that they leave the dishes unwashed, telling themselves they will do them first thing in the morning. But when morning comes they must get out the door to work, so the dishes must wait until that evening. But when they get home they both have a meeting that night at church. They promise themselves they will do the dishes when they get home later that night. The longer they put off their responsibility for the dishes, the greater their anxiety. What began as a simple chore has spiraled downward into a big problem, perhaps affecting their emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. When one has a myriad of unmet responsibilities depression is a predictable fruit of them.

I am not suggesting that depression is always easily cured by the things I now mention. Nor am I saying there is never a time where medication temporarily may help.[3] What follows, however, are a few simple things which I have suggested to people deeply engaged in ministry. So here they are. Never sleep past six a.m. Never stay up past midnight. If you are a man, never let your wife beat you out of bed in the morning. Get up and get going. "As a door turns on its hinges, so the sluggard does on his bed," (Proverbs 26:14). Eat well. Get on a regular regimen of exercise. Strenuous exercise relieves stress and helps you think more clearly, work more productively. Keep your weight under control. This is not so much about vanity as it is maximizing the time God gives you to serve Him in His work. I always tell young pastors that while in their twenties or thirties they can get away with very little exercise, but by the time they are in their forties their bodies are much less forgiving. Begin an exercise regimen now. And do the next thing correctly. If you have a difficult action item, like firing someone or rebuking someone, do it first thing in the morning. Don't put off the tough things you must do. Do the most important things in your work first. Don't get bogged down with minor details. Do those things only you can do in your ministry. If you are a preacher, you are to pray and preach. Devote yourself primarily to these things. Staff to your weakness. If you are not a good counselor, train someone who is, and give them the freedom to succeed there. Don't become a slave to the tyranny of the urgent. Set a schedule for your day and week, and stick to it. Many things will call for your attention that can wait. Seldom are there issues (other than an unexpected death or terrible accident of a church member) that require you to drop what you are doing and deal with the issue immediately.

And finally, you knew this was coming-engage regularly, consistently in evangelistic outreach. As a believer bought by the blood of Jesus, as one commissioned by the King of Glory to publish glad tidings of great joy to the world, get out your door and go to the people of your community with the gospel. Jesus told us that if we wished to be His disciples, then we must deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him (Luke 9:23). He said that he who does not take up his cross and follow Him is not worthy of Him (Matthew 10:38). He also said, "Truly, truly I say to you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (John 12:24). You were redeemed to share Jesus. Perhaps your depression is because you are not doing what you should be doing. When you get outside your comfort zone and perhaps even suffer rejection or ridicule, you enter into the sufferings of Christ and thus fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions (Colossians 1:24). Surely this kind of suffering and rejection is what Jesus has in mind in dying to self for the sake of the gospel. While suffering for the gospel does nothing for propitiation (the work of Christ in removing God's wrath, Romans 3:25-26, 1 John 4:10), it contributes mightily to propagation of the gospel (Romans 10:11-17).

Consider this analogy-a salesman is gifted to sell. As my friend William Hatcher once told me, "A company can have a beautiful building, great administrative help, a very capable research and development department, but nothing happens until somebody sells something." A salesman makes things happen, and if he is not selling, not only is the company in trouble and all the other employees, but he will be depressed. He is not accomplishing his God-given ability. The longer he stays in his office, the longer he puts off making those cold calls, the longer he does secondary or tertiary activities which keep him from selling, the more depressed he likely is to become. Selling makes things happen. Likewise, evangelism makes things happen in a church or ministry. This does not mean that the results are always pleasant. People coming to Christ "from the world" often have many, many problems and the church must disciple these people. Elders, counselors, deacons, financial advisors, etc. may be needed. Evangelism, however, drives the ministry and gives everyone something to do. For too long now many of our churches are lethargic, in-grown, myopic, fearful, timid, worldly, and perhaps suffering a sort of corporate, congregational depression because they are not doing what they ought to do-take Jesus to the nations, beginning right there in their own town.

Are you depressed? Is your church or ministry suffering a malaise of depression? Do the next thing correctly. By all means, order your life in a more productive manner, but this will include evangelistic outreach. Evangelism is part and parcel with your sanctification. If you are not sharing Jesus then you are disobeying the Savior. You are in sin, and you must repent. Evangelism makes things happen. So get out the door of your church. Go directly to the people. Engage in evangelistic ministry regularly. You will come alive. You will be accomplishing the work to which God called you. You will find your way by giving away your life to others.

1. For starters I recommend Depression: Its Causes and Cure by

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, A Short Primer on Depression by Lou

Priolo <> and Depression: Looking Up

from the Stubborn Darkness, Ed Welch.

2. We are not merely spiritual, or emotional, or physical beings.

All of these play a part in one struggling with depression. As

one example, I urge men who are in their forties to have

their testosterone levels tested. Low testosterone can

negatively affect a man's emotional well being and energy

levels which may contribute to depression.

3. I wrote a number of articles on depression from July 10

through July 31 in 2008 which you may find helpful. You can find them archived at <> volume 7, numbers


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