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Dr. Richard Bacon | Kaufman County, Texas
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Faith Presbyterian Church Reformed
18857 Acre Lane
Styx, TX 75143
Faith Presbyterian Church Reformed
18857 Acre Lane
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Dear Family and Friends,
I am sorry that these emails are not in order and that some of these emails are before the emails you received in my last email to you. They are not arriving in my inbox in order. There is a problem at his end that makes the wait between when he sends his emails and when I receive them vary greatly, from 2 days to just a few hours.
[Mrs. Bacon]

Email From Dr. Bacon Wednesday PM 22-2-06
I mostly worked on a passage in Job today. I'll likely be preaching from it when I get least until I get back on track with Romans 10 and Obadiah. Speaking of Obadiah, a Karen here walked up to me and asked me if he could get my sermons on "Obadee." So I guess they know about them from someplace.

The revisers were working on the Psalms in the 40s today. It was really fun to watch their reactions to Psalm 44 to Evangel and 46 to Petersham. They almost stood up and began marching around the table....

Well, Suan called and we have something set up for tomorrow evening. He's supposed to come by the hotel to see me. I told him to bring his wife and baby with him and I would take all of us to the Shan Kan 3. I don't think you've ever been there, but Matt has. It is the one over by the Shwe Dagon Pagoda with the lake outside the window. Matt will remember that we saw Yaza Nay Wynn [a TV star from Myanmar] making a commercial there.
All God's blessings,
Richard Bacon
Yangon, Myanmar

Email From Dr. Bacon Thursday Lunch 2/23/06
We are running way behind now -- we've come across some really difficult tunes and passages. Peckham is really giving them grief. The upward going triplet is just plain "funny" to them. They cannot make any words make sense with that triplet, so I think we will simply eliminate it.

Well, I need to get back to my revisers -- lunch is over. We've decided to go an extra hour each day and then work on Saturday as well in hopes of actually finishing the project. Pray for us -- we're hitting snags.

And don't let the "two day delay" [in receiving emails] get you down. Remember that when Judson came here it took a letter two MONTHS to get back to the US.
All God's blessings,
Richard Bacon
Yangon, Myanmar

Email From Dr. Bacon Friday Lunch 2/24/06
It seems that my emails are averaging about 2 days from here to there and about a half hour from there to here. I honestly don't know what the problem is...the messages from here seem to be sitting on a server somewhere for a couple of days before being sent out. But as I said in a previous email, at least it is less than two months. [Another guest at GGI] just got an email from his wife and from what he said his emails are also taking about two days to get to [the states].

We are "back" on schedule, considering that we've changed the schedule. We decided that some of them would come in and work on Saturday in order to finish up. That way we only have to do 25 per day instead of 30 per day and that puts us on schedule as of this AM. We made some good progress during this AM, so I think we are still pretty much on schedule. But I don't think I'll have time to do any teaching. By the time it took three days total to travel to and from Kalemyo, I only have two more (work) days after tomorrow. I won't have the time I need to finish up the course, but I'll teach what I can.

It looks like we can get about 1,000 Psalters made for about 800 lekh kyats. That is something like $750. I'll do the math when I need to.
All God's blessings,
Richard Bacon
Yangon, Myanmar

Email From Dr. Bacon Monday Morning (early)2/27/06
We are having some trouble with the computer this AM. Nothing major, but the explorer is giving a message that keeps popping up no matter how many times we close it. I don't know -- I haven't seen it before on my computer or yours. Anyway, that was using the gmail account and so we had to have the IE open. So now we have decided to use the outlook express and then Nay Yee will simply cut and paste my message into gmail for me. That way you should get it a little faster perhaps. We have basically concluded that my messages (and everyone else's) are sitting on a server at MPT mail until they finally get around to reading them and passing them along.

My cough is much better. I had those samples of cough syrup and I took some more yesterday afternoon since it was the Sabbath and I slept all afternoon and still was able to sleep through the night. I hope I will still be able to get my days and nights turned back around when I get home.
[A Karen man had asked Dr. Bacon for his sermons on Obadiah.] Of course I did not have any copies of Obadiah with me and the internet over here is so slow that downloading sermons is really expensive at 1,200 Kys per hour (about a dollar). But I did have all the Ecclesiastes and Churches of the Revelation series to give him. He seemed happy with that and it came pretty close to filling up a CD. His name is Rev. Moe Lwin. He is one of the men who was helping with the Psalter revision.

Rev. Dr. Thang Bwee called me on the telephone from Brisbane, Queensland yesterday. It was good to hear his voice. He still has about 30 speaking engagements lined up over the next three weeks. He expects to be back in MM around the 19th or 20th March. He will then go over the revisions that we have made to the Psalter, then the group one team will go over them yet again and hopefully by that time we will have a pretty good finished product that is NOT "hillbilly Burmese." [Since the Karen and Chin are from the 'hills' of Myanmar, they speak Burmese with a heavy accent that is very noticeable to others.] First, Dr. Thang Bwee's Burmese is excellent. Brother Simon who did the original translation was able to capture the basic meaning, but I think the Saw brothers have done an excellent job of smoothing out his translations without making them sound "hillbilly." They speak a language much closer to MM [Burmese] than our Chin brothers. Now Dr. Thang Bwee will go over the translations looking for just the sort of thing you are asking about in your previous email -- would somebody really say that or is it just an effect to make the line fit the music? Then the Saw brothers will go over it one final time for the musical cadence, rhythm, and tonal characteristics. I think by summer we will have a "product" that will be ready for publishing.
All God's blessings,
Richard Bacon
Yangon, Myanmar

Email From Dr. Bacon Monday Morning (around 11 am) 2/27/06
Well, I'm over at the Dagon Centre doing a little bit of shopping since I don't have classes today or tomorrow. It turns out that I don't leave Yangon until after lunch on Wednesday. For some reason I had it in my head that I would be leaving on that morning. No matter, the layovers in Bangkok and Taipei are still going to be short.
While I was in the Dagon Centre I stopped by J'Donut (like Dunkin' Donuts) and got a cup of coffee.
This morning I got a phone call from Rev. Sohn (the Korean friend of Dr. Thang Bwee's). He wants to take me out to eat tomorrow night. Then I got a phone call from Dr. Lai Thuama. He is coming by the hotel around 2:00 -- so I need to catch a taxi to get back to the GGI by 2:00 (It is a little after 11:00 AM Monday here). Also, I sent you an email using Nay Yee's G-Mail account, so you should have a couple of emails (Including this one) waiting for you when you wake up Monday AM.
Also, if you want to check it out, I've also added another entry to my fpcr.sermonaudio blog which I can access from here at skynet. I've got some rearranging to do at the hotel. I'm going to leave a bunch of my clothes here so in the future I can just carry books back and forth. Lowering the "carry limit" to 50 lbs. per bag has put a crimp in the number of books and so on that I can carry ... so if I just keep some clean clothes here I can reduce the amount I have to carry that way.
Lord willing I'll see you sometime Thursday AM.

Richard Bacon

Skynet Cafe (Yangon, Myanmar)
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