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Pablo Cachon | Clovis, California
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Believers Beware: Many False Prophets will Come!
THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011
Posted by: Clovis Evangelical Free Church | more..
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If you have heard any news in recent days, you have heard of Harold Camping’s failed prediction. According to Camping, last Saturday, May 21, Jesus was going to return followed by 3 months of judgment and then the end. Of course, this did not occur, and, of course, Camping offered an explanation of how he was actually right, even though he was wrong!!!!!!!

Previous to the May 21 deadline, there was the usual cynicism and skepticism from all camps, Christian and secular. Once the deadline past, then came the flood of sarcasm, ridicule, and banter, again Christian and secular. Twitterland was abuzz with humorous tweets. The media had a field day, and as expected, used this as another opportunity to indicate how foolish Christianity and Christians are for believing in Jesus, His return, and the world coming to an end according to the Bible’s description.

How did Camping respond? Sadly and tragically, he did not repent. He did not apologize. He did not rescind. He dug his heels in. The end does not come on May 21, but rather October 21! Yeah - May 21 was a “spiritual” judgment. The literal one is just 5 months down the road!

The fallout for some of Camping’s followers has been devastating! Homes, bank accounts, jobs, and lives have been wrecked and destroyed, not to mention the crippling effects on the faith of genuine, misled believers.

So how should the church properly, biblically respond to failed doomsday predictions that produce such harm to the faith? Let Scripture be our guide.

  1. Be on Guard against False Teaching. Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 have particular clarity in regard to this issue. “See that no one leads you astray...many false prophets will arise and lead many astray” (vv4,11). False prophets are coming - MANY false prophets are coming - they WILL lead many astray. Don’t be among those who are led astray!!!!
  2. Protect Yourself against false teaching and false prophets so as not to get swept away from the truth and turned aside to error! First, measure every truth claim against Scripture. “Test everything” (1 Thess 5:21). But what if the teacher claims to use Scripture? You can pretty much expect a false prophet to claim Scripture as his authority. Matthew 7:15 says, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” The question is how are they using Scripture? Are they explaining what is stated in the text or are they claiming to have “special” insight into Scripture and therefore, they see revelation that no one else has seen for 2,000 years? As Paul warned the Galatians, “even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed” (1:8). By implication, if someone claims new revelation on the end of times beyond what has been given us in the inspired Word of God (no code-breaking needed, just read it!), let him be accursed! Second, protect yourself by immersing yourself in a healthy church that preaches, teaches, and practices the Word of God. If the Bible is the standard of faith and practice, get involved. If not, get out! One of the rich graces of Christian fellowship is that it helps keep us centered on the straight and narrow path of truth. If we go at it on our own, as Camping did, we are far more likely to deviate from the path of life!
  3. Identify the False Prophet. This is not rocket science. It’s really easy. It’s just not politically correct. However, when it comes to making shipwreck of the faith of others, we are more concerned with being biblically correct than being politically correct. False prophets are identified in three ways: they attempt to steer people from the Lord (Deut 13:1-5); their predictions fail (Deut 18:20-22); and the fruit of their “ministry” is destruction (Matt 7:15-20). Camping fits all three descriptions. His claim that the Church has come to an end steers people away from the Bridegroom, Christ, who is still preparing and adorning His Bride, the Church. He now has two failed predictions on his record. The fallout from his worldwide doomsday promotion is bad fruit, if it is anything!
  4. Call Out the False Prophet. I know. I know. I have upset some who may have already quit reading this post. How dare I call Harold Camping a false prophet! Shouldn’t I be more understanding? Am I not being judgmental and uncaring and unloving? Let me be clear. I have no ill will toward Mr. Camping, but at the same time, I will not sit idly by and watch him continue to tear down the name of Christ! A man is a man and should be called a man. A false prophet is a false prophet and should be called a false prophet. That’s not being insensitive; that’s being biblical! What about those who argue that Camping is just misled but he is sincere and has the best of intentions? My response would be that he can only be motivated by arrogance and pride, not sincerity and good will. Why? Because Jesus said, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Matt 24:36). To claim knowledge that Jesus states no one knows is nothing short of arrogant pride! Just listen to Titus 1:10-13. “For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers...They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach...rebuke them sharply...”
  5. Share the Truth, Protect the Church. Just before Paul addresses these teachers who must be silenced in Titus, he gives the antidote by calling for elders in the church to be men who “hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it” (1:9). The purpose is to protect the flock by teaching sound doctrine!
  6. Pray and Be Ready. Pray for Camping and his misguided followers. Pray for sound teaching to saturate our churches. And be ready. Be ready to respond to criticism of the faith as a result of the ongoing Camping debacle. Be ready to kindly distinguish between the Bible’s teaching and the “extra-biblical” teachings ascribed to Scripture.
  7. Be Alert and Sober. The end is coming! Jesus will one day return to judge the world and receive His Bride. These things are true. It is not for us to make predictions on exactly when this will occur. However, knowing this will occur, we are to be ready for and long for the return of our glorious Savior! He is our Blessed Hope. And when He returns, we want to be found faithful, not faltering (Titus 1:11-13, 1 Thess 5:1-11).

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