Like Jude, all the prophets, apostles and even Christ Himself, wrote to the Church and not to the world. Jude begins his little epistle saying, "to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:" (Jude 1) An old preacher rightly said that there are some, "who would be supposed to have more mercy than God himself, are willing to overlook, or have not known this distinguishing character, of those holy writings of the Apostles. Let not the reader." The things of holy scripture are written for them that believe says the apostle John: "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name." (John 20:31) Again, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." (1 John 5:13) God has given us His Word and it will not return unto Him void but will accomplish the purpose whereunto He sent it: It will be used of His Spirit to make known to His people the blessings of His grace which He has bestowed upon them in Christ! This word will be "good news" to them. His sheep will hear His voice even though everyone else won't! Some will regard the Bible as an important book among important books. Some as a book of moral lessons or history. But these are to His beloved people the words of eternal life. They are "God-breathed" and are His testimony. By them, He reveals to us who He is, who we are, who Christ is and how He has saved us with an eternal salvation in Him. It is filled with words about sacrifice, blood, righteousness, salvation and death. In the word of truth, the gospel alone, do we find out how a just God can be a Savior. Only in the gospel therein declared do we find the righteousness of God revealed in Christ crucified. Many books will tell men "how to be saved" but only the Bible tells us how God has saved us and calls us. Many will wrest the scriptures to their own destruction but God will make His people wise unto salvation through them. Not interested in the scriptures? Then don't seek to read or hear them preached. You'd probably be reading someone else's mail anyway. Let me be among those who like the Psalmist say, "Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. (Psalms 119:104)
Gary Shepard
"You are all beautiful, My love; there is no spot in you."
Song of Solomon 4:1
There is no spot in the Church, because the blood of Jesus entirely obliterates each stain.
Omniscience may look for sins, but no more can they be found. The absence of defect is the result of her being adorned with His perfect righteousness. In this no blemish can exist. Thus she appears righteous, even as God is righteous.
This blessed truth must be held fast without obliterating the knowledge of our own constant and innumerable transgressions. It cannot be too often repeated, that in ourselves we are deformed and loathsome.
The most saintly of saints will ever breathe the prayer, "God be merciful to me a sinner."
But Jesus says of His people, "You are all beautiful, My love; there is no spot in you."
Henry Law 1879
It is astonishing that I should so be one with Christ, that all that He is becomes mine; and all that I am becomes His!
His glory mine; my humiliation His!
His righteousness mine; my guilt His!
His joy mine; my sorrow His!
His riches mine; my poverty His!
His life mine; my death His!
His heaven mine; my hell His!
The daily walk of faith is a continuous development of the wonders of this wondrous truth. That in traveling to Him empty; I should return from Him full. That in going to Him weak; I should come away from Him strong. That in bending my steps to Him in all darkness, perplexity, and grief; I should retrace them all light, and joy, and gladness.
Octavius Winslow
He that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, be his sins never so many. But he that does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ must be damned, be his sins never so few. Brooks
Ye saints of God, lift up your praise,
And sing of sovereign love;
For lo, our names are written in,
The Book of Life above,
the Book of Life above.
The Father chose a multitude,
In everlasting grace;
And gave us to His precious Son,
Who came and took our place,
Who came and took our place.
What wondrous and amazing love,
To suffer in our stead;
Christ put away our debt of sin,
When on the cross He bled,
When on the cross He bled.
The Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
Gave life and light to see;
‘Tis in the Son of God alone,
We are from sin set free,
We are from sin set free.
So let us lift our praises to
The bless-ed Trinity;
Who chose, redeemed and quickened us,
And saves eternally,
And saves eternally.
Jim Byrd
(Tune: Majestic Sweetness)
"Then they may come to their senses and escape the Devil's trap—having been captured by him to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:26
It is the common misery of all the unsaved—that the devil is their god. His drudges they are, and his lusts they do. However Satan may provide his slaves with various pleasures—yet it is but to draw them into endless perdition. O dreadful case! Thomas Brooks