Yesterday I celebrated my 47th birthday, which provided an excellent opportunity for me to look back and survey the grace of my gracious God. As I ponder all of the points at which He could have cast me down, or justly thrown me into the deepest pit of hell, I am amazed that He persists in showing kindness, goodness and faithfulness to such an unworthy servant. Lest you think I spend all my time in a brown study, I also remember how very good He has been to bless me in positive ways. The full and complete forgiveness of all sins (past, present and future), the complete obedience and entire righteousness of Christ imputed to my account, unhindered fellowship with Christ, the indwelling and inner working of His Holy Spirit, the washing of regeneration together with repentance unto life and saving faith, a faithful, believing and patient spouse, loving children, gainful employment, food, clothing, shelter, transportation, peace, joy, godliness and contentment - the list just goes on and on. All that for me! Why? Why would He who knows me better than I know myself - why would He lavish all that on me? And that is not to mention the glorious inheritance that awaits in eternity, nor the fullness of joy that is laid out for me, nor the place prepared in the Father's mansions -- why me? Why not leave me to destroy myself (as I am so capable of doing!)? Why not choose to lavish such sovereign, rich, gracious love on some other unworthy sinner? At the end of the day, I have no answer to my own questions. Why? Because He wanted to! But, why me? Because He chose to -- and that is all I can know. Is there any way to pierce through to the rationale of sovereign grace? I think not! Deuteronomy 29:29 indicates that there are secret things that belong to God - things we can never know. Hence it makes no sense to spend precious energies in seeking to know the unknowable. I simply rest in enjoying His unmerited love and favor - to the praise of His glorious grace! And I say, "Thank You, my Lord and my God!" |