The current health care debacle has unsettled many Bible believing Christians. What will happen to our society if this plan is implemented? Can our culture survive long under such leadership? The strong temptation is to view all of this from a purely human perspective - as if this were merely the machinations of men. Psalm 9 reminds us of the crucial doctrine of God's sovereignty over all things - including governments who have gone berserk. Many other passages would testify to the same fact - Psalm 2, Psalm 72 and Daniel 4 all come to mind. Believers must not lose sight of the fact that God rules and overrules. He remains enthroned between the cherubim, and He is holy! We will not fear, though the earth shakes and the mountains tremble and fall into the heart of the sea! Our trust is in the Sovereign Lord, who does all things well. Obviously this is not a fatalistic excuse for inactivity, indifference or passivity. Wicked rulers must be held accountable for their actions, and the saints must never cease to pray and to work for justice and righteousness in this world. But we don't do so out of panic and godless fear. We do so with confident faith that our God sees and knows all things, and will bless and prosper His people in their labors. Be wise, O judges of the earth! Kiss the Son, lest He become angry and you be destroyed in the way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment.