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Pastor Bartel | Treherne, Manitoba
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Don’t Underestimate God’s Power
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Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

In verses 20-21 we have what is commonly known as a benediction. A benediction is defined as something that gives a blessing especially at the end of a religious service. The book of Hebrews is not a religious service. It is one of 66 books that God directed holy men to write. There are blessings to be found throughout this book. It is a blessing to know that Jesus Christ is my own personal Saviour and Lord. It is a blessing to know that He was willing to come to this earth and die on the cross of Calvary for my sins. He shed His blood on that cross so that I could be forgiven and saved. It was up to me to humble myself and to turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. After being saved, it was then up to me to be obedient to God and follow His Word. He expects obedience of all His children. He will chasten His child because He entrusted His child with the gift of eternal life. That is a precious gift and He wants all people to know that gift. That gift is tied to true Biblical salvation. Salvation is life changing.
In verse 20 we are reminded that the true God is the God of peace. The wars in our world are not God’s will for man. James was told to write and remind us that wars come due to a lack of God’s peace in the heart of man. Israel is at war on several fronts. Ukraine and many other nations are currently at war with Russia. That war is escalating. There is a war taking place in the world for control. There are warnings that there are major changes coming to the financial condition of people. I heard a discussion recently that said that Venezuela is a good picture of what is soon going to affect many other nations. We know that our government is intent on bringing the citizens of this country to their knees. The massive illegal and unjust immigration that is taking place is part of their plan to destabilize us so that they can take greater control of our lives. The government and police forces are tolerating the unrest that is fuelled by the unjust immigration because they intend to use that to crack down on the legitimate citizens of this country. Look at what is happening in England and beware.
In spite of all the trouble in our world, God is still the God of peace. God’s peace is unaffected by the turmoil of the nations. God’s peace is a peace that begins in the heart of those who trust in His gift of salvation.
We are also reminded that the Lord Jesus is not dead in a tomb somewhere. He was raised again from the dead. He rose on the third day. His body did not suffer decay. Our bodies begin to decay from the moment of death. Embalming is supposed to slow that down for a few days, but our bodies decay.
The Lord Jesus is the great shepherd of the sheep. He is the Only Great Shepherd. There are many wolves. There are many people who are foolishly and ignorantly following false shepherds. I say ignorantly, not in a derogatory way but in the sense that they have chosen not to hear the truth. Some years back we attended a funeral of a sister to a person we knew. The funeral was led by a false shepherd. Interestingly, the only person who stood up to speak the truth at that funeral was the sister of the deceased person. She is a born again Christian and she stood up and quoted several Bible verses to that crowd that was gathered. Why her husband did not do so, I do not know. In front of us were some people we knew. They are lost people and as the woman was reading those Scriptures, one of the women in front of us showed surprise on her face. She turned to look at us and she expressed that surprise. We had witnessed to her before, but I guess on that day and at that occasion the verses being read penetrated her mind more. They touched her heart. She did not get saved, but she clearly heard what God had to say. Those who are ignorant are willingly so. They could know the truth, but they refuse to receive it.
Jesus Christ provided the way of the everlasting covenant through His blood. The devil knows this and has developed many lies to seek to cancel the need of Jesus Christ. Most people who believe in heaven think they will get there without God’s salvation. Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Without His shed blood there is no remission of sins.
In verse 21 God tells us His design. It is through the peace of God and the living Lord Jesus that those who have true faith will be made perfect in every good work to do His will. Christians are designed to do good works. We can do all that God requires of us. Christians do not depend on their own virtues. Christians rely on God to do what God requires of them.
We see that God works in the saved person. He works in the Christian to enable the him to do that which is well pleasing in God’s sight. The pressure is really off of the true saint. The true saint is not careless or a robot. However, he or she relies on God to develop the ability to do what God requires of him.
The true saint also knows that he has no bragging rights. The apostle Paul stated:

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

True saints know that they make a mess of things when they try to do it themselves. We have ample evidence of lost people who plan things and then find out they made a major error in their plans. We have buildings that do not last because of some flaw in the plans. We have shingles that are supposed to be better than others but when used, we discover they are worse than what we had before. There are doctors who prescribe drugs that are supposed to help, that have serious side effects. There are psychologists who think they can help people with their mental issues who are clued out. I just heard that they now credit the confusion in gender identity among young people to “depression”. All these philosophies are humanistic and worsen the situation. The key is to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The key is to humble yourself and serve the true God. He is worthy and He changes the lost sinner into a saint in a moment of time. He then works in the heart and mind of the saint to help that person develop the talents that He knows they are capable of. It is an amazing thing to become a true child of God and then to submit to His authority.
Some who are reading this may have discovered this. Others may wonder about it. God does not tell us to try His way and see if it works for us. He knows His way will work for each person and He encourages us to submit to Him and walk by true faith. If you are wondering about God’s way, humble yourself before Him and obey Him. If you are lost, get saved today. If you are saved but still wondering, ask God to forgive you of your sin of unbelief and then seek some godly counsel and do as God says. You will be blessed in doing so. We are praying for God’s will to be accomplished in the heart and life of each person who reads these devotionals.
Pastor Bartel

Category:  Daily Devotion

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