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Charlie Garrett | Sarasota, Florida
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Matthew 1:2
Posted by: The Superior Word | more..
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Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers. Matthew 1:2

Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here to listen).
You can also read this commentary, scrolling with music, courtesy of our friends at “Discern the Bible” on YouTube. (Click Here to listen), or at Rumble (Click Here to listen).

“Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers” (CG).

After the introductory verse explaining the two key links in Jesus’ genealogy, Matthew now sets forth to more fully detail the genealogy of Jesus, beginning with the first key link, Abraham. Therefore, he first notes, “Abraham begot Isaac.”

Isaac means Laughter. Abraham first bore Ishmael. It was approximately thirteen years later that he bore Isaac. However, Ishmael was not a son of promise, and his genealogy does not lead to Jesus. Therefore, referring to him now would make no sense. As for Isaac, Genesis 17 says –

Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. 16 And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her.”
17 Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?18 And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!”
19 Then God said: “No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year.” 22 Then He finished talking with him, and God went up from Abraham. Genesis 17:15-22

The events of Ishmael’s life that were necessary for us to understand him and his progeny are detailed in Scripture, but he has no genealogical bearing on the coming of Christ. Next, Matthew notes that “Isaac begot Jacob.”

The name Jacob comes from aqev, the heel. Thus, it has various meanings all dealing with the fact that he grabbed his brother’s heel as he was coming from the womb: Heel Grabber, He Who Follows After, Deceiver (because he trips up his opponent), etc.

As with Ishmael, another son was born first to Isaac, Esau. But like Isaac, a prophecy preceded the birth of Jacob –

Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian. 21 Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22 But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.
23 And the Lord said to her:
“Two nations are in your womb,
Two peoples shall be separated from your body;
One people shall be stronger than the other,
And the older shall serve the younger.”
24 So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb. 25 And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau. 26 Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel; so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. Genesis 25:20-26

As with Esau, the events of his life that were needed for us to understand him and his descendants are also recorded in Scripture, but it was Jacob who received the birthright and the blessing, and it is he who would be in the line of Christ Jesus. Next, Matthew notes, “and Jacob begot Judah.”

The genealogy turns to Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. Judah means Praise. The first three sons each did something to displease their father and they were passed over for the honor of being in the line of the Messiah. When pronouncing his blessings upon his sons, Jacob pronounced the messianic blessing upon Judah –

“Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise;
Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies;
Your father’s children shall bow down before you.
9 Judah is a lion’s whelp;
From the prey, my son, you have gone up.
He bows down, he lies down as a lion;
And as a lion, who shall rouse him?
10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah,
Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,
Until Shiloh comes;
And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” Genesis 49:8-10

The words concerning Shiloh are almost unanimously held by scholars to refer to the coming of the Messiah, indicating that Judah would be the prominent tribe. The prophecy later given to David, who was of the tribe of Judah, concerning his rule and the eternal rule of one of his descendants solidified the notion that the Messiah would come through Judah (2 Samuel 7:12-16).

Unlike the genealogy of Isaac and Jacob, however, Matthew also says of Judah, “and his brothers.”

This note is included to show that all of the sons of Jacob were to be included in the messianic blessing. Though not specifically stated, the calling of the tribes of Israel had a particular purpose. The knowledge of the Lord God did not last long after the flood. Eventually, there was little proper knowledge of Him or how to serve Him.

In order to ensure that He was properly understood, God called Israel, meaning Jacob’s descendants, out of Egypt and set up a form of worship under Moses that would retain a right understanding of Him and of the anticipation of the coming Messiah. The law, with its tabernacle, rites, and rituals, was given as a type and pattern of the greater work of the Messiah.

This set form of worship was maintained throughout Israel’s history until the coming of Jesus. Thus, the inclusion of the brothers of Judah is an acknowledgment of that.

Life application: God has been working out a plan of redemption since the first moments of man’s existence. This plan is carefully recorded in Scripture and sets forth types, shadows, and patterns of what He was going to do in the coming of Jesus.

Nothing in Scripture is superfluous, even if it is often difficult to understand. It is constantly discovered that passages that may seem obscure or irrelevant can actually have the most marvelous hidden meaning tucked away in them.

As you read the Bible, be sure to constantly ask yourself how what you are reading points to what God has done in and through Jesus. If you can’t figure it out, then ask Him about it. When something is meant to be revealed, He will reveal it. Even if you don’t get a resolution to your wondering, be certain that the words are there for a reason.

The study of the Bible is something that can fill your whole life with wonder. So be sure to read it and meditate upon it always. You will be rewarded for your effort. This is certain.

Lord God, give us a hunger for Your word. It is there to tell us about You, and we should want to know You more than anything else. You are our Creator, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Hope, and our Joy. May we never cease to search You out from this precious word You have given us that reveals You. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

If you wish to view or download Pastor Charlie's completed commentaries you can access them by Clicking Here. (note- they are PDF files which require adobe software or other PDF reader program to view. PDF reader programs are usually free to download)

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